
Keep on Coming Back to You

Do you believe in "love at first sight"? Your answer may be "no". But for Joseph, a University student, he fell in love with a same aged boy first day of school. His name was Nathan. The two boys were both deeply in love with each other. However, their love was prohibited and others started to spread hate on their love. Somehow, Nathan's heart was shaken by the surroundings and started to question his love to Joseph. Will they get through all the difficult times? Will their love lasts forever? Find out in this book!

Milliliter · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

Part Ten

"Here we are!" Nathan exclaimed.

The two boys arrived at a beach.

"Aww, you bring me to the beach, thank you!" Joseph had a soft smile on his face.

"Ah! I forgot to ask you! Have you eaten yet?" Nathan asked.


"Phew, okay. I reserved a table for our first date."

"Really? Where?"

"Golden Restaurant."

"No way!" Joseph gasped.

Golden restaurant was a popular beachside restaurant for couples. The food there was good but expensive. No one complained though, the scenery was beautiful and breathtaking.

The two boys arrived at the restaurant and they sat at a table for their dinner. Meanwhile, the sun was setting and the orange haze casted over the moving sea, reflecting off every wave. The two boys sat opposite each other and Joseph was entirely amazed by the beautiful beach scenery.

Seeing Joseph happy gave Nathan butterflies in his stomach. A waiter came up to them and placed two plates of spaghetti on the table.

"Nathan, look at the beautiful sunset!" Joseph said with excitement.

"I don't need to look at it when the most beautiful person is right in front of me." Nathan replied, making Joseph blush like a blooming rose. Nathan had an amused smirk and they both started to enjoy their meals.

After a while, Nathan finished his meal and he waited for Joseph to finish his. He took a box out of his pocket and was looking out for a good opportunity to give it to his loved one.

Joseph wiped his mouth gently with a paper towel. Suddenly, Nathan said, "oh no! There's something in your hair!", pointing at Joseph's head.

"What is it?" Joseph asked worriedly as he tried to use his hand to get the thing off.

"Close your eyes! I'll help you get it off!" Nathan said and Joseph closed his eyes right away.

Nathan took the bracelet out of the box and put it on Joseph's wrist.

Joseph felt like something was touching his wrist so he opened his eyes.

"Aww! Thank you Nathan!" he examined the bracelet carefully and noticed a sunflower on it.

"I love it! It's beautiful!"

"Nothing is more beautiful than you Joseph."

Joseph blushed for his words and his heart was racing because of that. Nathan was fond of Joseph's cuteness and enjoyed seeing him blushing.

"But is there anything on my head?" Joseph said while pointing at his head.

"Nah! I just make it up to make you close your eyes."


"Let's leave, shall we?"

Joseph nodded his head and the two boys left the restaurant after paying the bill.

They strolled along the beach at 7 p.m. Although the sun went completely down, darkness had not arrived. The sunset glow was still remaining in the sky, reflecting on the sea.

After a long walk, the two boys found a nice place to sit down to admire the endless sea. They sat side by side, feeling the existence of each other. When Nathan was concentrated on the sky, Joseph plucked up his courage and rested his head on Nathan's shoulder. Not only did Nathan not resist, but he even held Joseph closer with his arm wrapping around him. Now they could feel the warmth of each other completely under the sky with millions of stars.

The boys stayed at the beach until 10 p.m. They decided to leave as it was getting pretty late.

They returned to the streets. Barely anyone was there. Joseph seized the opportunity to intertwine his hand with Nathan's hand. At that moment, their heart beat for each other. Their souls spoke to each other. Everything felt right.

They got back to the park after a while.

"See you next time, beautiful. I need to go now."

"Nathan, can you not leave me?" Joseph said with sparkly eyes.

Nathan hugged Joseph tightly without thinking twice. "I'm not leaving you. My heart is always yours." Nathan whispered to his ear.

Joseph hugged him back even tighter as if it was their last time hugging. "But I don't want to leave you for one second." Joseph became very emotional.

"I promise you. We'll meet up tomorrow again, okay?" Nathan pulled away and said softly.


"Don't cry, baby, don't cry." Nathan gently wiped away his tears with his thumb. Then, they hugged again so tight that they could feel each other's heart beat.

Time passed and they eventually needed to go home. They both had the sweetest dreams ever in their beds. Although they were in different places, their place in each other's heart would never be taken.

The next day came and Joseph woke up from his dream. He looked at the sunflower bracelet on his wrist and his entire face was beamed with happiness.

He jumped out of his bed after he remembered that he could meet Nathan again. This time they met up in the morning and wandered around downtown. Until night, they went back home and hoped to see each other again soon.