
Keep on Coming Back to You

Do you believe in "love at first sight"? Your answer may be "no". But for Joseph, a University student, he fell in love with a same aged boy first day of school. His name was Nathan. The two boys were both deeply in love with each other. However, their love was prohibited and others started to spread hate on their love. Somehow, Nathan's heart was shaken by the surroundings and started to question his love to Joseph. Will they get through all the difficult times? Will their love lasts forever? Find out in this book!

Milliliter · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

Part Nineteen

When Nathan reached Joseph's room, he saw Joseph setting up something in the middle of the room without any lights on.

"Let me turn on the lights for you." Nathan said before he reached his hand to the light switch.

"No! Don't turn on the lights." Joseph continued, "I want to show you something."

"Okay." Nathan leaned on the doorframe, looking at Joseph.

"It's done now! Come in and close the door!" Joseph said to Nathan after a couple of seconds.

Right after Nathan closed the door and the room was filled with darkness, Joseph turned on the starry star night lamp. The walls and ceiling of the room were covered with beautiful glowing stars.

"It's beautiful!" Nathan exclaimed.

"You like it?" Joseph asked with a smile.

"Of course! It's beautiful!" Nathan exclaimed, "It also reminds me of our first date, when we look at the stars on a beach."

"Come here. Let's look at the stars together." Joseph sat on his bed, motioning Nathan to sit next to him.

Without saying anything, Nathan went to sit next to Joseph and admired the stars projected all over the room together.

"Look! That's the Cancer, and that's the Ursa Minor." Joseph pointed at the ceiling.

"Wow! You know a lot about constellation!" Nathan was a bit surprised.

"Not really. I just know a couple of them." Joseph continued, "Ah! Do you know the summer triangle? It forms by the Altair, the Vega and the Deneb. And the brightest of them all is the Vega."

"You really love stars, don't you?"

"Yeah, a bit!" Joseph chuckled.

After that, the room was in silence. Joseph felt like he talked too much so he decided to stop talking and just look at the stars.

"Hey, why don't you tell me more about it?" Nathan used his elbow to tap Joseph.

"You want to know more?" Joseph's eyes sparkled.

"Of course." Nathan smiled.

"Okay!" Joseph became so excited that he had a big grin on his face. "So, that's the Scorpio, and that's its tail..."

Nathan could clearly tell that his boyfriend was very enthusiastic about stars as he had never seen Joseph become this excited about something before. Although Nathan himself was not really into stars, he would like to know more about constellation for Joseph. Also, he found Joseph really cute when he talked about stars passionately.

"...and that's all that I remember." Joseph finally finished introducing all the constellation that he remembered.

"Hmm... You missed one of them." Nathan said.

"Which one?" Joseph crooked his eyebrows.

"You are the brightest star in my sky." Nathan said while looking at Joseph.

Joseph chuckled and blushed.

"Actually no, you are my whole galaxy."

"Aww..." Joseph smiled, "I'm really happy to hear that."

Then, Nathan's blue eyes met with Joseph's green eyes. Without any hesitation, Nathan pecked Joseph gently on the lips. After Nathan pulled away, Joseph quickly leaned towards Nathan, pushing him to the bed, and kissed him passionately. One of his hand ran through Nathan's hair while the other hand worked his way down Nathan's body. They both felt like they were on fire after the kiss.

"Are you okay with it?" Joseph said.

Nathan nodded.

After seeking others' consent, the two boys made out in the bed under the starry night.

The intimate night passed and the next day came. The sun rose and it brightened the sky. Its bright light ray went through the window and reached Joseph's eyes. Waking up, Joseph noticed that he was in Nathan's arms.

Right after that, Nathan woke up too. He opened his eyes and all he saw was his baby looking at him in his arms.

"Good morning." Joseph said.

"Good morning, my princess." Nathan replied with a smile, "And Merry Christmas too."

"Oh yeah... I nearly forgot today is Christmas. Merry Christmas!" Joseph grinned.

"Let's get up and grab something to eat. I'm starving." Nathan said.

"Sure!" Joseph replied before they got out of bed.

Nathan sat at the kitchen table, waiting for Joseph to make breakfast for both of them. He watched Joseph, in a red apron, taking things out of the fridge and the cabinet across the room. He could not help but adored his boyfriend. But seriously, how could anyone resist a man who could cook?

After a while, Joseph came out of the kitchen with a plate of pancakes and a bowl of cereal.

"Would you like the bowl of cereal or this delicious plate of pancakes?" Joseph asked Nathan.

"It's hard to choose. I love cereal but the pancakes look really tasty." Nathan furrowed his eyebrows, "Fine, I'll have the pancakes."

"Okay, sir. Here is your pancakes." Joseph put the plate of pancakes in front of Nathan.

"Just kidding. You can have both of them actually. I just haven't taken mine out." Joseph smiled.

"Oh okay!" Nathan exclaimed, "Take yours out and we can eat together."

"Sure!" Joseph replied before heading back to the kitchen to get his food.

Then, the two boys had their breakfast together at the kitchen table. They fed each other and laughed at different things. They had some happy time until the breakfast ended.

Joseph took all the bowls and plates to the kitchen to wash them while Nathan was leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen, keeping Joseph company.

"By the way Nathan, do you remember what you have promised to do today?" Joseph asked while washing dishes.

"I didn't forget. I will tell my mom about my relationship." Nathan replied.

"When are you going to do it?"

"At night. My mom told me she would be at home at night."

"Cool!" Joseph exclaimed, "Then let's go around the shopping center before that! I want to go there with you. But let me finish cleaning up the dishes first now."

"Okay!" Nathan said.

"I'm done now." after a few minutes, Joseph was done washing the dishes.

"Let's go then!" Nathan exclaimed before they both headed to the shopping center near Joseph's house.