
Keep it in the Family (Secret Class)

Lauded by millions for his rarely-seen talent with the ball, Jair Campinho meets a tragic end at the World Cup. Death, however, is not the last page of his story. Now stranded in a world that doesn't make much sense, he'll find himself coming to terms with his new identity as Dae Ho. He might not have won the World Cup, but will he win the hearts of the women around him? 'Forget the girls; focus on the grind.' Easier said than done. Love blooms in the household, except that it's going off the rails.

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53 Chs

Announcement - Important

Hi everyone,

Sorry, it's not a chapter. At first, I didn't want to make this chapter, but I figured it would better to get some feedback before I do anything. First of all! This has not been dropped. 

In fact, I was thinking of rewriting it - not every single chapter, but I figured I could make it better now that I have some solid foundation to work on. And this is where your input is important. 

Is there anything in this story that you didn't like and want removed, or that you did like and want to see more of? 

Is there anything you'd like me to add? (Please don't ask me do add more p*rnhwas unless it's an overall short one - I've had people ask me to read Circles, but it's damn over 150 chapters long, and I don't have time to read it, make a detailed outline of each girl's personality, and incorporate it in the story.)

Also, I was thinking of giving Jair an OC body instead of Dae Ho's. (For some reason just looking at Dae Ho kind of pisses me off and makes want to punch the air.) But! Doing that would require more groundwork.

Hell, I was even thinking of making Jair an actual blood-related son of the Cha family, just to make some of you incest-lovers grin from ear to ear. Is it something you'd like to see, or should I keep Jari as Dae Ho? 

Also, should I create a separate story for the re-write, or should I replace all the chapters of this one? The problem is that the reviews will be misleading. 

Anything else you have in mind, drop them in a comment. 

I think this is it for the moment.

I'll let this stew for a while before I begin to work in earnest. And before you ask, I don't have an ETA for when the rewrite will be published. It shouldn't take too long since a lot of chapters don't need any touch up - we'll see. I want to take my time. On a positive note, when the re-write is done, I'll most likely post around 5-6 chapters a day until we catch up to the last chapter I've posted. 

For now, my priority will be the other story. 

Hopefully I'll be able to shoehorn in some good and fresh content, and, of course, more football! Yes, football. Checkmate, Americans!

I'll cross-post this chapter on SH as well just to get a wider response.