
Katniss' Romance

I almost died because I was betrayed by the people that I stupidly trusted. My boyfriend cheated and stabbed me in the back without remorse. And miraculously, as I'm about to breathe my last, I was saved and revived, I survived from almost dying. This time, I swear I'll do my best to make those cheater and backstabber pay for what they've done to me, and get my revenge. Who knew that amidst this drama, I'm going to have a chance to meet my savior and find out a secret that is tightly kept from public knowledge.

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2 Chs

2 - Betrayal

"What's going on here, Richard? How could you do this to me?!" I shrieked as I marched towards the two people having sex on top of Richard's bed in his room inside my fucking mansion! The fucker was fucking Bliss Smith - the model who became a new actress a few months ago. Richard was the one who introduced us together, telling me that they were both under the same entertainment company. I even welcomed and befriended Bliss and helped her start making friends and connections in the entertainment industry, only for her to stab me in the back like this! "How could you both do this to me?!" I yelled as I grabbed Bliss' disheveled sex hair and yanked on it so hard she came tumbling off the bed and on the floor. I heard her shrieked and I saw Richard scrambling off the bed, the blanket covering his nakedness slipped down his body.

"Honey..." Richard called me with endearment in a placating manner, as if I was a child throwing a fucking tantrum.

The nerve of this guy!

"I thought I'll surprise you when I got home after I win an award, I never thought that I'll be the one who'll be surprise by the two of you. You both have no shame!" I told them both mockingly. Anger rising deep inside of me, since I felt like a fucking fool! They were probably laughing at me behind my back during those time I remained cluless with their secret affair.

"Sweetie!" Richard called me again with his endearment for me that I'm starting to get sick of now that I'm hearing him call me like that after I caught him cheating. "Listen, sweetie, this isn't what you think. It's all a misunderstanding. I can explain!" He said earnestly while he started to frantically putting his clothes on. "At first we're just play acting from the lines that Bliss has to film soon, then, we just ended up on the bed and being carried away, but we didn't really meant anything by it."

My eyes narrowed. "Do you take me for a fool? Who will believe such an obvious bullshit lie?" I laughed mockingly while shaking my head. I can't believe how foolish Richard's reasoning was.

When Richard started to approach me, I took a step back and out of his reach, while I look at him with disgust and disdain in my eyes.

"Katniss, sweetie, please..." Richard said to me in a pleading voice.

"Stop calling me like that!" I admonished him while glaring at him. "And stop looking at me as if I'm the one who betray and hurt you, when you're the ome who cheated behind my back with Bliss!"

"But Katniss, I love you, please... I don't want to loose you..." Richard begged me.

I snorted and narrowed my eyes at him. "If you didn't want to loose me, then you shouldn't have cheated on me. And inside my house, too! Or is it because you didn't want me to cut off your privileges as my boyfriend? Is that it?" I asked him tauntingly.

Since as my boyfriend, Richard get to have all the perks provided and given to me by the well-known brands as gifts and freebies. Complimentary VIP suites at hotels, restaurants and even at social events. Doors and opportunities are opening for Richard because of me. And once I break up with Richard, all those privileges will be also cut off for him.

"But Katniss-" Richard was still trying to reason out to me.

"Don't make anymore lies. I guess this is a good thing that I found about you cheating on me, before out relationship goes even further and more serious. This is like a blessing in disguise." I told Richard.

Richard's eyes widened. He could probably already imagine the shame it will bring him once everyone found out that I broke up with him after catching him cheating on me. My fans, his haters, and the rest of the public would blame him for my broken heart. The public will start to humiliate and shame him, to think that his band still have their concert tours. I wonder how that will turn out once the story about us breaking up spread on every showbiz news and social media.

While staring at Richard, I can see his different emotions on his face and eyes. Remorseful, worry and panicked. He's probably thinking a way to still salvage his blunder of being caught cheating.

Richard really can't afford for his career and reputation to be ruined. His band is famous, and he has a lot of projects and endorsements contracts scheduled and agreed upon. And he didn't want to admit it, but I was more popular than him, that's why being linked to me really brings more opportunity for him.

"You heard her, Rick, don't bother pleading for forgiveness, it will just fall on deaf ears. " Bliss finally spoke up for the first time. She's standing near Richard, the blanket was wrapped around her body.

I looked at Bliss with an arched brow. How dare she speak as if she had the right to get mad? What a thick face she had!

"Shut up, Bliss." Richard admonished her. What she said wasn't helping him with his situation.

"Don't act as if I'm the only one who did something regretful. Stop being righteous since you're the cheater here. Admit that you just fall for my charm, Richard." Bliss said in a sweet and gloating tone.

She was looking at me triumphantly, as if what she did with Richard was something to be proud of. Foolish woman.

I knew that Bliss has an attitude but I couldn't believe she'd do something this spiteful.

"Congratulations Bliss, Richard is all yours. After all, it seems you're always panting over the things that I already threw away." I told her mockingly.

Bliss narrowed her eyes at me. "You're always so high and mighty Katniss, never even stepping out on that righteous pedestal of yours. If you just pay attention more to Richard, then he won't easily be seduce by me." She said snidely to me.

I couldn't help but laugh as I shake my head. "And now you're pointing fingers at me because of both your actions. How ridiculous!" I couldn't believe that Bliss had the face to tell me that I'm the one to blame for what happened and what they did! Unbelievable!

I already wasted precious minutes talking to them, I didn't want to waste more. It's time to get this over with.

I looked at Richard. "In case your brain still can't understand, we're over, Richard." Then I looked at Bliss. "Goodluck. Since you love to cling to everything I threw away, he's all yours." Then I started walking out of the door.

Bliss narrowed her eyes at me.

While Richard started calling me. "Kate! Sweetie! Wait-!"

"Rick!" while Bliss yelled out Richard's name as she followed him.

I took a deep breath and sigh. Then I frown when I heard Richard calling after me, and then Bliss came calling after Richard.

I walked faster towards the staircase going to the first floor of my mansion. I want to be as far away as I can from them. I also need to go back to my guests. I won't let those two cheaters and backstabbers fully ruined my party celebration.

I finally reached the staircase when Richard caught up to me and he pulled on my arm, I was yanked towards him.

"Katniss, wait, please!" he begged me.

"Let go of me, Richard! There's nothing for us to talk about! " I hissed at him as I tried to pry my arms off his tight grip. I won't be surprise If I'll get some bruises from how tight his grip on my arm.

"I'm sorry, I'll make things right. Give me a chance, please."

"No. Like I said, we're over." I told him with finality.

"Listen to her Rick and stop begging for her forgiveness. She won't change her mind no matter what you say. There's a reason why she's also called as The Ice Princess. Once she made up her mind, she won't change it." Bliss told Richard after she also made it to them at the top of the staircase.

"Oh yeah?" I raised my brow at Bliss challengingly. "And what do they call you, Bliss? I also heard that you really like seducing married and commited men, since it's a rumour at first then I didn't bother to believe it, but seeing how you seduce my ex-boyfriend, now I'm not surprise. So, it's not really surprising when some people said that the only reason why you got some acting jobs for minor roles was because of your 'connections' with those men. So,what do they call you again?" I tauntingly asked Bliss, baitingly then I looked at Richard, "Careful Richard, if I were you I'd visit your doctor as soon as possible."

Richard looked dumbfounded. Now, besides his ruined relationship, and possible ruining of his career and reputation, he has to concern himself regarding his health,too? All because of Bliss!

I lifted the side of my lips as I smirk. Seeing Richard got shocked and scared at what I told him. It seems he's clueless about it. Hah!

While Bliss' face darkened with hate and contempt while she looked at me.

"Damn you, Katniss!" then she slapped my face with so much anger and hate.

I was stunned, and then I retaliated. I slapped Bliss' face hard in retaliation with my free hand. Richard still wouldn't let his grip loose on my arm.

I started exchanging slaps and scratches with Bliss, I even kicked her and she ended up on the floor, the blanket covering her nakedness loosened. Bliss glared at me, I smirked at her.

Richard started to seperate us so he ended up being the recipient of some of those slaps and hair pulling.

But then, when Bliss kicked my foot, I got off balance and I started to fall backwards, behind me is the staircase. Instead of pulling me up, stupid and panicked Richard, who also started to fall with me since he's holding my arm, let my fucking arm go suddenly! The ass!

And then it was too late, I was airborne before I descended and fell down the steps of the long staircase.

While I was shocked as I felt myself flew down the stairs, because of the two person who betrayed me, I ended up like this. I refused to accept this. Especially when I looked at Bliss who looked rather pleased with herself and Richard who was full of remorse and yet a little relieved. Why? because if something happened to me, he'll end up being a 'berieve' boyfriend instead of a cheater ex-boyfriend, and it'll save his reputation.

I can't forgive them. I will never forgive them!

My head and body struck the cold floor of the landing.

I heard people screaming and calling my name.

And then everything went dark.