
chapter 6

The imaginary friends exit out of Kanisha's mind and sees Jana, Den, Jerry, Meria, Mary, Calvon, and Preston, while upside down.

"Is this them?" Mary asks Jana.

"Yup", said Jana.

"Cool", said Calvon, looking at Wolfie.

Let me explain, Mary, Preston, and Calvon are more cousins of Kanisha's and now, I'm going to tell you about their personalities.

Mary has curly brown hair, brown skin, wearing a pink shirt with blue swirls, red skirt, and red shoes. Her personality is that she always likes to offer to help Jana, stays by Meria's side, and doesn't like scaring things; also scares easily.

Calvon has mostly a shaved head, brown skin, wearing a white shirt, blue shorts, and white shoes. His personality is that he likes playing games, sports, sometimes breaking things, and hanging out with his cousins.

Preston has short brown hair, brown skin, wearing a red shirt, black shorts, and white shoes. HIs personality is that he likes to joke around with the kids, enjoys sports, and is active; also he is the dad of Calvon and Mary.

"How long has she been like this?" Mary asks Sciencia.

"Since the day before yesterday, but the doctor said she will recover in two weeks", said Sciencia. "So, don't worry".

"That will be impossible, I mean you should know how important she is", said Mary.

"I do, but I also know that panicking won't do any good", said Sciencia, looking sincere.

"Which imaginary friend are you? Unfortunately I don't remember all of you", Mary asks Sciencia.

"It's okay, I'm Sciencia, pleasure to meet you", said Sciencia, then shakes Mary's hand.

"Nice meet you too, in the flesh", said Mary, then giggles nervously.

"No need to be nervous, all of us are friendly", Sciencia reassures Mary.

"So, you are Wolfie, right?" Calvon asks Wolfie.

"Bingo", Wolfie winks.

"Can we play?" Calvon asks Wolfie.

"Sure", said Wolfie.

Wolfie turns into a dragon, and Calvon gets on his back.

Jack opens the window.

Wolfie goes out of the window.

"Be careful", said Jana.

Sciencia sighs.

"So, where did you all end this time?" Jana asks Sciencia.

"A tower", said Sciencia.

"Anything else, that happened?" Jana asks Sciencia.

"Nope, just walking and finding a secret passage; we also had a lovely dinner", said Sciencia.

"Sciencia?" Jana called.

"Yes", said Sciencia.

"Are you sure, Kanisha wasn't overthinking some things you revealed to me?" Jana asks Sciencia.

"Sometimes I felt like that, especially when she wondered that you would hate her for actually speaking her mind, plus she hates negative energy, just like a certain cousin of hers", said Sciencia.

"I guess maybe I do be a bit harsh with her, don't I?" Jana realized, with her head down.

"Yes, but Kanisha needs a cousin like that, but you also need to know when to do it, and when not to assume things or call things out", said Sciencia, as she lifts Jana's head up.

"Thanks for telling me things, but when Kanisha wakes up, I'm telling her to tell me things, so I don't look like a bad person", said Jana.

"Okay, just don't be too harsh", said Sciencia.

"I won't", said Jana, then smiles gently.

"How adorable, you two are bonding", said Dumbra, with her arms around Sciencia and Jana.

"Can I cut in?" Preston asks Dumbra.

"Sure", said Dumbra.

Preston pulls Dumbra away from Jana and Sciencia.

"So, are you a part of the imaginary friend group, can you explain it?" Preston asks Dumbra.

"Sure, I can explain that", said Dumbra.

After ten minutes Dumbra is done explaining to Preston, and Calvon and Mary are playing with Jack and Ryan.

During those ten minutes, Sciencia and Jana are talking, Meria is dancing with Jordan, Den is still playing with Wolfie, and Jerry is hanging out with Lukas and Hayuki.

Anyway, after ten minutes they leave the hospital, everybody say 'see you later' to Kanisha.

They head to McDonalds, then heads back home.

Once they get home, Preston leaves in his car and says 'Goodbye'.

At home, Den is outside with Wolfie.

Wolfie reveals his hawk wings and flies off in quick speed; then disappears.

Den waits for a second, then Wolfie reappears with chocolate croissants.

"Want some?" Wolfie asks Den, with his hawk wings still visible.

"I don't know", said Den.

Wolfie eats a croissant and says "Trust me it's good".

Den eats a croissant and smiles.

After Den and Wolfie were finished eating, they fly off into the sky.

They reach the clouds.

"I can touch the clouds. Woo!" Den exclaimed.

"I know isn't this fun", said Wolfie.

"Yeah", said Den.

Den and Wolfie fly through the sky with smiles.

In the front yard, Jerry and Ron are playing football with Ryan.

"Go long", Ryan calls Jerry.

Jerry catches the football.

Jerry throws it to Ron.

Ron catches the football.

They keep going back and forth.

Inside the house, Meria and Mary are watching scary videos with Kisa, Max, and Aki.

"How are you able to video this scary?" Mary asks Aki, while shaking.

"Easy, I just scanned all of your worst fears", said Aki, while looking at the TV.

"How fun", said Max.

"Why just us two?" Mary asks Aki.

"Obviously because we have worse, so it wouldn't work for us", said Aki.

"Plus, we are already living our worst nightmare", said Kisa. "So, nothing could scare us".

"All too true", said Max.

"Are you sure you want to hang with us right now?" Meria asks Max.

"We will be fine, don't worry", said Max, while touching Meria's face.

"Okay, if you say", said Meria.

Anyway, in the boy's room, Lukas is making ice sculptures, while Hayuki is revealing all kinds of different candy and snacks.

There is also Flynnfield playing a melody on a banjo, while sitting on a rocking chair.

"Oh, he's about to sing, you better sit down", said Hayuki, then sits Calvon beside him on Jerry's bed.

"Oh okay, let's hear it", said Calvon.

Flynnfield gets up, while playing the banjo and starts singing:

The way I remember my father working down in the woods

And bringing up the fresh cut hay. The things he taught us to grow. No family ever pulled apart

With your fine family and your great big heart

You said,? You want someone who can lift you up

And times can change my friendship to a bad romance

But thats what makes true legends of our family

Family on the run

Family on the run

It can be done with a yard of love

To raise a family here

Funny old dad how he figured our family size

A golden cradle, two star wars toys, and a beautiful girl

But our daddy really gave us all he had

I pray for God, when everything runs dry

So forget about your family

And leave your baby and your old car

Family on the run

Family on the run

It can be done with a yard of love

To raise a family here

I had a beautiful childhood

I used to dream of marriage

Family on the run

Family on the run

It can be done with a yard of love

To raise a family here

Flynnfield does a banjo solo and stops.

Calvon, Hayuki, and Lukas clap for Flynnfield.

"Thank you very much", said Flynnfield.

Flynnfield's watch beeps.

"It seems it is time for my date, so bye", said Flynnfield, then disappears.

"So, what do you want to do next?" Calvon asks Lukas and Hayuki.

Lukas and Hayuki smile.

In the living room, Jana is painting Daisy's nails and talks about how she loves watching alien videos.

Daisy also talks about how she wonders what else apart of Kanisha's imagination will become real.

"What else does she imagine?" Jana asks Daisy.

"Her having powers, a whole magical world for imaginary friends like me, and many unrealistic circumstances", Daisy explained.

"Then what's wrong with that?" Jenz asks Daisy, while walks into the living room and sits on a couch.

"Kanisha has a dark mind too, which I can't tell you about, it's a very big secret", said Daisy.

"Oh, can't I get a glimpse?" Jana asks Daisy.

"I'm so sorry, but I can't tell you, and please respect my wishes", said Daisy.

"It's okay", Jana sighed.

Anyway, Betty is sitting on the roof, while eating fruits.

"I miss you so much", said Betty, while looking at the night sky, with tears in her eyes.

Betty wipes in her eyes.

"I wonder if", said Betty.

Betty flies off and teleports away.

Betty ends up in the hospital bed and sees Kanisha in her sleep state, then kisses her on the forehead.

"I shouldn't worry if the others can't go in, if I'm in there", said Betty.

"It's okay", said Sciencia.

Betty jumps.

"We were going to cast a spell, so we can enter the dreamworld as well, even if you are in there", said Sciencia.

"How did you know I was here?" Betty asks Sciencia, while on the ceiling.

"Please we are psychically linked, so the fact you thought you could sneak off that wouldn't work", said Sciencia.

"So, it's okay", said Betty.

"Go, I understand", said Sciencia.

Betty hugs Sciencia, and says "I love you".

"I love you too", said Sciencia.

Betty touches Kanisha's head, then her eyes glow, and gets sucked into Kanisha's dreamworld.

Betty realizes she is on top of a building and screams.

Fast as a bullet a person grabs Betty and is put on the sidewalk.

Betty opens her eyes and sees a teenage girl who has a brown curly ponytail, wearing a red jumpsuit which covers her body except her face.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" The girl asks Betty.

"Yes, I am", said Betty.

"Good, I'm Star Sentinel", said the girl. "And".

Star's body shakes and says "I'm sorry, I have to go".

Star runs fast.

Betty gets up and looks around.

"Interesting", said Betty.

An explosion is heard.

Betty turns around and sees a building on fire.

"Oh no, that building is on fire", said Betty, then runs towards it.

In the building, there are people screaming.

"Wait, I don't have any powers or weapons. What will I do?" Betty wondered.

A bag appears by Betty.

"Hello, what is this?" Betty asks herself, then grabs the bag and hears something.

Betty runs away.

A person who has blue skin, short red hair, wearing a brown suit and shoes named Aqua Spirit.

Aqua Spirit heads into the building and summons a strong amount of water and puts out the fire, but the fire comes back.

Betty looks up and says "That doesn't look good".

Betty is revealed to be wearing a mouse-like outfit and heads into the building.

"I can move as fast as a cheetah", said Betty, with a smile.

Betty grabs a bunch of people and takes each of them out of the building.

Finally, Aqua Spirit extinguishes the fire and Everybody is out of the building.

"Who saved us?" asked a mysterious woman.

"I didn't see his or her face", said A man.

"Awww", said the child, while holding her mother's hand.

Betty is looking at the people she saved with her mouse outfit on and smiles.

"So, you are the person that helped me", said Aqua Spirit.

"Eek!" Betty jumped.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to thank you for saving those civilians, while I was trying to put out that fire", said Aqua Spirit.

"You are welcome, I couldn't let those civilians suffer", said Betty.

"Hope we meet again", said Aqua Spirit, then turns into a water bird and flies away.

"Whoa!" Betty smiled.

Betty runs at top speed and looks for people to help.