


Kakashi stood panting in the empty Training Ground. His clothes were shredded, and his body had numerous bruises on it. His shook for a moment before falling to his knees. Sweat dripped slowly down his forehead before splashing on the dirt.

The Training Grounds around him were ruined by a combination of craters, explosion marks, and huge puddles. Some trees were uprooted while others had marks of Jutsu on them. With a huff, Kakashi fell on his back and looked up at the cloudy evening sky.

Soon a tapping sound reverberated throughout the clearing, as Hiruzen Sarutobi appeared above Kakashi. The old Hokage had a smirk on his face as he saw the tired Kakashi.

"Kakashi-kun, I see you're practicing the art of... laying down? I don't know how this will help you in your mission, but what would I know? It's not like I'm the Hokage... right?" Hiruzen asked rhetorically.

Kakashi gave him a tired glare. Hiruzen chuckled, before pulling out a small ration pill out of his pocket. He gave it to Kakashi, as the Copy-Ninja ate it. Energy surged through him as he suddenly stood up with new vigor. He stood up quickly. Hiruzen looked at him.

"Kakashi-kun, you've had a month to prepare. Do you think you can beat... no, destroy Danzo?" Hiruzen demanded.

Kakashi looked at his hands.

'This is the first thing I have to do.... to save them all.' he thought to himself.

He gripped his hands.

"Hokage-sama, I will not fail. Right now, Danzo-sama is nothing to me."

Hiruzen nodded before taking something out of his pocket. He handed it to the intrigued Kakashi.

"Kakashi-kun, it took me the whole month of studying Mito-sama notes to replicate this. This an advanced paralysis seal. I want you to place it on that bastard after you defeat him and bring him to me. That's an order."

Kakashi nodded.

"Now, go and change. Once you are done with the mission..... meet me at the place I've assigned to you. Preferably start the attack at nightfall."

Kakashi nodded and body-flickered out of the grounds, as Hiruzen disabled the chakra suppressants in seals.


Kakashi reappeared in front of his door in a crouch. He opened the door and locked it behind him before throwing off his clothes. He took a quick 2-minute shower before drying himself. He put on the standard Ninja pants and boots, before putting on a sleeveless blue shirt and over that his old sleeveless light blue ANBU flak jacket. After putting on his Ninja belt with pouches attached, Kakashi strapped on his arm guards before putting on his gloves and gripping them.

He went over to his scroll and unsealed them, which resulted in a bundle of ninja wire, kunai, shuriken, and smoke bombs to seen. He then put them in his pouches, before turning to the mirror and looking at himself.

'I haven't been in this getup for a long time. I guess this is my last ANBU mission, huh?' Kakashi thought in retrospect.

Turning around, Kakashi went to his closet to retrieve something. Rummaging through the boxes, Kakashi finally found what he was looking for. Pulling out a medium-sized sword with a sheath, Kakashi walked out of the closet and sat on his bed. Removing the sheath, Kakashi examined the shining white blade.


He remembered the words of a dear friend of his.

'Those that break the rules and regulations are scum. But those who abandon their friends are even worse than scum. If I'm going to be called scum, either way, I'd rather break the rules! And if that's not being a proper shinobi, then I'll destroy that idea! I believe the 'White Fang' is a true hero!'

Kakashi's eyes trailed on the sharp edges of the blade of the White Fang. Standing up, Kakashi practiced the motions in his hands. He twirled the blade in his hand as the sword gleamed in the dying evening light. Swinging it, he attacked the air in a flurry, before sheathing the blade. He swung the strap on his back with the sword, before walking out of the room.

Taking a red scarf from the hanger, Kakashi wrapped it around his neck loosely. Walking up to the cabinets under his desk, he bent down and pulled open a drawer. Inside was a blank white ANBU mask. He strapped it onto his face before looking at the window. Moonlight reflected off his mask giving it a white glow. Putting his hands in a hand seal, he teleported out of his apartment.


Kakashi landed on the side of a nearby building, using chakra to stick to the wall. Not staying still, he immediately jumped off the wall onto a nearby building, before his hand sprung back to his feet and began to run across to the rooftops. His mind raced while he ran.

'If I remember correctly when I went to free Tenzo, Root was about.... northeast from my position!'

Kakashi swerved, as he jumped up and ran on the wall. He jumps off, before body-flickering in quick succession. He finally lands on an alone building. Looking up, Kakashi noticed a series of abandoned steel buildings, hidden under the cover of darkness.

'They've used these abandoned buildings ever since the Kyuubi attack... gotta say, that's pretty smart. No organization or business wants to buy that place.'

Using one last body flicker, Kakashi moved to the top of a metal spire. It was overlooking a huge tunnel that was deep in the ground. Pushing chakra to his legs, Kakashi leaped off the spire before diving down into the hole.

Kakashi channeled Chakra to his eyes, as they shined with a red glow. He is tomoe in his Sharingan spun, as he searched for Chakra signatures. Noticing two at the bottom of the tunnel, he pulled out a kunai. Stabbing it in the wall, he gripped onto the tool as his descent slowed to a stop. Jumping off, he landed in a roll behind the two Root agents.

Kakashi's fists flew as he rhythmically tapped the ninja's pressure points making him fall to the ground. The noise alerted the nearby Root ninja who started shifting through hand seals.

'Shit, he's probably going for a flare!'

In a burst of speed, he appeared in front of the ninja and grabbed his wrist. His Sharingan shined as he placed the Ninja underneath a Genjutsu. The ninja slumped in his grip as he fell to the ground. Kakashi moved their bodies to the side of the tunnel and hid them under the cover of darkness.

Looking around, he noticed well-hidden doors with his Sharingan. Channeling his hand with Chakra, he slammed it into the wall, as the door suddenly slid open. Kakashi slowly prowled in the hallway before coming up to an open door.

In the room in front of him, there was about..... 8 Root ninjas training, with 4 medics on the side of the wall. The Root ninjas were brutally training with medics on the side. The ground was littered with holes and bloodstains. Kakashi noticed all of the ninja and medics had a.... dead look in their eyes. It sickened him.

Flashing through hand seals, Kakashi finished his last one before softly saying the name of his Jutsu. His Sharingan deactivated.

"Sokudo: Extreme Speed Jutsu!"

Time slowed in Kakashi's vision as he felt energized. Yellow lightning sparked around Kakashi's body as he disappeared in a flash. He reappeared next to the first pair of Root ninjas and chopped them each in the back of the neck.

Jumping over to a medic he slammed the man's head into a wall. He then uppercut a ninja and side kicked his partner into the wall. Sweeping another ninja by his legs, Kakashi lightly punched a nearby medic and then pulled out a kunai. He slammed the blunt end on the other two ninjas skulls, before kicking the last two in the face. Hitting the last two medics as well, Kakashi canceled his Jutsu.

He let out a sigh as time suddenly flowed in his perception, as the medics and ninja went flying across the room and were knocked unconscious. His Chakra reserves dipped a bit, making Kakashi frown.

'As it is right now... I can only use this Jutsu at least... one more time.'

He put his hands into a cross symbol while channeling his Chakra, and suddenly 5 puffs of smoke appeared next to him. 5 solid copies of him were seen. Kakashi turned around to the clones and addressed them.

"Okay, fan out. I want you to disable any Root shinobi or medic you see, non lethally. I'll handle the big shots."

The clones nodded and quickly body-flickered away. Kakashi ran out of the door, wasting no time. Running ahead, Kakashi passed several rooms and saw his clones fighting several Root shinobi. By now, the organization knew that they were under attack and began to fight back.

Contrary to the common belief, there weren't that many Root shinobi in total. All in all, there were about 200 Root shinobi. Kakashi had knocked out 8 right now and his clones were doing the rest of the forces. Seeing an open door in front of him, Kakashi ran to it.

Kakashi barged into a huge room, about the size of the Chunin exams arena. It was mostly made out of stone with a wooden floor. There were 4 huge stone pillars on each side of the room. Looking up, Kakashi saw three individuals. Two of them were standing beside a third, who was sitting on a wooden throne. The room was dark, with the only points of light being two torches on either side of the room.

One was a young man with auburn colored hair and amber eyes. He was wearing a short, black jacket with red straps on the shoulders and a red short kimono under the jacket with a black sash, a pair of black gloves, dark-colored pants, and regular shinobi boots. This was Fu Yamanaka.

The other was a fairly tall and lean-built man, with fair skin and short spiky dull black hair. He was wearing a mask with two lenses built-in. He also wore a short black jacket with red straps over the shoulders and a high collared, all-black outfit with a red sash around his waist and what appeared to be an apron over his pants. He also carried several pouches with him and wore a pair of black gloves. This was Torune Aburame.

The final person was a frail, old man with black, shaggy hair, an x-shaped scar on his chin, and his right eye was bandaged. He wore a white shirt, with a black robe over the top of it covering from his feet, to just over his right shoulder. In his right hand, there was a wooden cane with a gold tip. He was Danzo Shimura, the leader of Root.

Danzo slowly turned his head as his one eye narrowed at Kakashi.

"A dog mask? That could only mean... Kakashi.... what the hell do you think you are doing? Attacking fellow leaf shinobi as well as a high ranking official... I could have you killed for treason!"

Kakashi took off his mask with a chuckle and shook his head.

"Sharp as ever... Danzo-sama."

"Kakashi! Why are you attacking your comrades?!"

Kakashi continued chuckling, before devolving into full-blown laughter.

"Comrades! After what you've done to them, I could just call them slaves! And don't you talk to me about attacking comrades after what you did to Shisui... right, Danzo-sama?"

Torune and Fu stiffened as Danzo's face twisted into a scowl.

"You... how do you know that?!" Danzo barked in fury.

Kakashi slowly stopped laughing.

"Oh... I know a lot of things... Danzo-sama..."

His head whipped up, both of his Sharingan's shining in the darkroom.

"... And you'll never find out how!"

For the first time in the conversation, Danzo's eyes widened in utter shock. His cane fell to the floor as he stood up, with speed defying his old age. His mouth sputtered as he tried to form words with no avail. The Old Warhawk's mind raced as he thought of this newfound information.

'How?! I thought he had only one Sharingan, not two! The eyes are fully matured too... I must add them to my collection!'

"Torune, Fu," Danzo ordered, "Kill him! But do not damage his eyes! Use your full power... this will be the hardest fight of your lives."

Kakashi's eyes narrowed as an explosion of chakra erupted from both of them. Torune took off his cloak and jacket as his skin turned a sickening shade of purple as violet bugs swirled around him. Fu's eyes shimmered with yellow energy as around his body a wavy aura erupted around him.

Fu rushed towards him as his yellow aura began to shape itself. It expanded before forming itself into a huge yellow fist. With a quick mental command, Fu sent the fist rocketing towards Kakashi. Kakashi's eyes widened as he observed the construct.

'How.... of course! He's shaping his Chakra with a mental command! But to take that much mental focus... it's insane. The Yamanaka clan's only been able to theorize about this ability... the "Rantankonsutorakuto".'

Jumping backward, Kakashi flashed through hand seals. Placing his hands in a gun-like hand seal, Water began to swirl around his hands.

"Ranton: Sparking Wave!"

Water flew out of his hands before blue lightning flowed into the water, making the water wave glow and speed into the Chakra construct. Fu's eyes widened as the yellow Chakra fist shimmered before morphing into a yellow shield. The Storm powered wave hit the shield, staving the attack off. Cracks began to form on the shield before it shattered, shocking Fu. The orange-haired man was sent backward.

Kakashi stopped powering Chakra into the attack as he landed on the ground. His eyes widened, as a buzzing noise sounded behind him. Whipping his head to the side, his tomoe spun as a violet bug cloud formed behind him. A purple hand shot out of the bug cloud reaching for his head.

Jumping away, Kakashi began flashing through hand seals, before slamming his hands on the ground. The ground began to rumble, before sharp earth spikes erupted from the wood floor.

"Doton: Sharp Earth Eruption Jutsu!"

They raced towards Torune, who smirked in response. Weaving through his own hand seals, the bug user finished charging his attack.

"Dokuton: Acid Wave Jutsu!"

'Did he say... Dokuton?' Kakashi wondered.

A bright green wave of acid spewed out of Torune's mouth, melting through the earth spikes, and racing towards Kakashi. The Copy Ninja began weaving through one last set of hand seals, before stopping on one.

"Katon: Hellfire Jutsu!"

Red fire shot out of Kakashi's mask, meeting the poison attack head on. They impacted each other, causing a dark green smog to form, obscuring Kakashi's Sharingan. The copy ninja put his guard up, his eyes flickering around. Seeing a flicker of movement in his peripheral vision, Kakashi quickly turned around. A purple hand reached for his arm.

Pulling a kunai out, Kakashi batted the hand away. To his surprise, purple insects crawled over his kunai, melting it. Dropping his kunai, Kakashi began bobbing and weaving as Torune started to battle him in Taijutsu.

'So... this must be the power of the Aburame clan's Rinkaichu beetle's! Said to be so poisonous, only a select few can use them, or else they would be melted alive by the beetles. For this boy to use them... he must be exceptionally powerful. Fortunately... I've also found the perfect way to deal with them.'

Torune seeing Kakashi 'distracted', attempted to hit him with a jab. Ducking, Kakashi gathered Chakra in his arms, as his hands flew through seals in rapid succession. He held his hands out as Chakra began to gather in his palms.

"Fuuton: Micro-Hurricane!"

A vortex of Wind Chakra swirled into existence, as Kakashi slammed it into Torune's chest. Torune gritted his teeth but smirked. His smirk was wiped off his face when he was blown backward by the gale-force winds. Kakashi smirked, letting his guard down..

'The extremely powerful winds of this Jutsu halt any attempt for the beetles to poison me. In fact, they hate the wind making it so that Torune was completely defenseless. He must have taken a lot of damage-'

Kakashi's thoughts were cut off, as he was slashed by a Wind Bullet in his side, leg, and arm. Blood began to stain his clothes. Biting back a groan, he back flipped away from the dozen of Wind Bullets, his hand gripping his side to apply pressure on the wound.

When Kakashi looked up, he was greeted to the ugly sight of Danzo showing his right arm. Three big gold braces fell to the ground, as Branches grew on his arm. 10 eye sockets on his arm opened their lids and 10 fully matured Sharingans swirled in his arm. They glowed red in the dim room.

Giving Kakashi no reprieve, Danzo rushed towards Kakashi and engaged him in a Taijutsu battle. Kakashi tried to weave his way through any of Danzo's hits, but the War hawk was becoming faster as his fist flew.

'Okay.. there's only thing I think I could do now without using the Mangekyou. Too bad I haven't tested it out yet.'

Back flipping away from Danzo, Kakashi went through 3 hand seals before pointing his clawed hand towards the ground. Yellow lightning began to spark around his body, before concentrating at his palm, enveloping it in golden lightning.

Much to Danzo's shock, Kakashi flashed away from his vision and appeared in front of him, midair. Danzo was reminded of someone.


Bringing his hand down, Kakashi screamed the name of his Jutsu. Danzo brought his right arm above him, as branches began to form into something. As Kakashi impacted Danzo, the old man formed a wooden dome around his form.

The ground cracked around them as Yellow lightning shone through the cracks. Fu flashed in front of Torune and summoned his strongest shield. In a matter of a few seconds the area was filled a bright light.

When the light cleared, Kakashi was seen panting next to a broken wooden dome, inside a huge crater. He fell to his knees as he took big gulps of the air, his Sharingan temporarily deactivating as he regained his Chakra.

'That was not... a good... idea.'

Unknown to Kakashi, behind him Danzo slowly crawled out of the broken ground, before standing up. Looking at Kakashi's form, Danzo gained a sick smirk on his face.

Seeing his opportunity, Danzo kicked Kakashi up, before swiftly back handing him away. Before Kakashi could land on the ground, he was batted to the side by a giant yellow staff construct. Fu was seen, yellow energy flowing off him like a river.

Kakashi crashed into one of the pillars, shattering it. A huge cloud of dust picked up, obscuring Kakashi from his enemies. Danzo, taking no chances called out to Torune.

"Torune! Use your most powerful poison attack!"

Torune nodded, before concentrating. The bugs around him began to buzz frantically, as a purple and green aura erupted around him. Poison was sucked from the bugs and himself, as Torune's skin turned normal and the bugs fell to the ground, dead. The poison congregated above Torune, into a huge green and purple ball. Turning to Fu and Danzo, he shouted.

"Get back now!"

The two jumped back as the poison ball burst. Fu put a gigantic yellow shield construct in front of him and Danzo.

"Dokuton: Veno-Shock Jutsu!"

The ball burst above Torune, as the poison flew at Kakashi's hidden position. Just as the spikes were about to impact Kakashi, a burst of Chakra emanated from the smoke, making the poison spikes evaporate. Torune looked shocked, before shielding his eyes as a bright white light shone through the smoke.

A second later, a huge white skeletal fist shot at Torune, hitting him with the force of a freight train. The Aburame flew back, crashing through the shield and hitting Fu. The yellow shield dissipated, as Fu and Torune crashed into the fall and slumped, both knocked out. Danzo looked shocked.

"What the..."

The smoke finally dissipated, revealing a shocking sight. The upper half of a huge white skeleton was seen, it's glowing red eyes lightning up the room. Kakashi was seen to be in the middle of the Chakra construct, his Mangekyou Sharingan swirling in his pupils.

Danzo stared speechless at the sight in front of his eyes.

'Kakashi... not only does he have two Sharingans.... but the Mangekyou Sharingan as well! And that white thing.... it must be the same thing that Shisui had summoned!'

White Flesh slowly grew over the white skeleton, as human-like features were molded onto the body and face of the skeleton. Two more arms sprouted out of the back of the creature, as clothing and armor manifested onto the being. In the right arms of the being two sets of pure black Shuriken were held in each hand. They seemed to have their own gravitational pull, pulling the smaller debris toward them. In his left hand a white cylinder was seen. It seemed to radiate power, with electricity sparking around it.

'I-it looks just like S-shisui's.' Danzo thought in horror.

Kakashi smirked, noticing Danzo's expression.

"Look familiar, Danzo? Normally I wouldn't have to resort to using this.... but this isn't a normal situation. This... is the Susanoo!"

Kakashi's Armored Susanoo looks like Shisui's Armored Susanoo, but white with red eyes. Also every Susanoo will be a different color.

I wanted to give Fu an ability that would make him and the Yamanaka powerful, so gave them the ability to make constructs, like the Green lanterns except no where near as powerful.

Also Torune has been given a new nature: Poison or Doka release. It's a Kekkei Tota that only the Aburame could use because of the assistance of the insects. It's made of earth, water, and fire. Only certain Aburame could use it though, so not everyone in the clan will have it.

Arashicreators' thoughts