
Kairos Janus

Entry for #webnovelspirityawards2021 Kairos is a Satyr who have a goat-like appearance in the past, he is the protector of the forest and everything in it. But one day he was sentenced to death due to the reason of a sin that angered the citizens and the royal family, he was completely aware for that sin that made him accept the punishment but wishing to save her mother that is innocent but got involved because Cephalus, the leader of the army that killed his mother before his eyes made him anger to fight back but only made him get killed even sooner. The anger and vengeance in him leaves all the people worried for the revenge he warned about to all of them. Janus is the reincarnation of Kairos living in the modern world that killed the CEO of the highest-grossing company, Synergy, to attain him great wealth that will be used for the upcoming plans and missions. He was an Invincible thug that leaves his allies speechless for planning and executing the strategies flawlessly as he wants to reach a certain goal he was chasing since a long time ago. It was until he met a woman that will change the invincibility and cold-hearted Janus slowly while the memories of his past life haunting him one by one due to the reason because not all of those memories were remembered by him. When he was reincarnated, the only thing that inform him about his powers, purpose and information about his powers was someone who transfered him in the current timeline as a youngster. When that someone was gone, it only informed him through sleeping when a voice from his dream was talking to him. When Kairos was given a new life as Janus, he was the only person in this world that can transform to become a Satyr but only one time in his lifetime which can be used only to protect someone important to him or anything he wants to do with that power. The only thing to make his transformation grow stronger is to kill people. What's his goal in this modern world? What is he truly wanted to do? What will he do to achieve those goals? These are just some questions to be answered if you keep reading this book.

JaniusV · Fantasi
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Ruler of the World

In Aretha, A city in the country of Lois where Janus, Jeremy and Angelus were currently at, there is a private hospital with a 250 beds and 50 private rooms for VIPs. One of those private rooms was occupied by Janus who is lying down, unconscious, wearing a johnny gown (hospital gown) and resting there until he would be completely healed.

Janus was guarded by Jeremy and Angelus on his side as they watch over him while thinking that there is something wrong in Janus's body that usually was healed just by after a few hours but in this case, it took him 2 days and he was still unconscious. It was until the doctor from the said hospital that was assigned to take care of Janus has knocked the door and opened it.

"He will still be unconscious until next week as the check up from yesterday concluded; you said that he fell down from the cliff right? He was lucky enough to be alive now."

Said by the doctor to tell them that their friend, Janus, will be just fine but will still be unconscious until next week but little did the doctor know what Janus is made of, with what the doctor said, they had breathe with such a relief as they know that their friend will get healed faster than an ordinary person can do. They talked about relaxing for a moment, a break time from watching over Janus, as Angelus telling to Jeremy to smoke a cigarette with him at the rooftop of the hospital.

They exited the room as Janus was resting, they walked through the hallway and used an elevator until they get into the rooftop that only the people that was using the private room can only go to for resting, the sun was bright but the weather is not as hot that can irritate their skin, they walk towards the wall where the scenery of the city can be seen.

Angelus brought out a pack of cigarettes as he shaken it to give a stick of cigar to Jeremy and get one right after him, the lighter that Jeremy has got from his pocket lighted the end of the stick as he inhaled the filter and exhaled a smoke while both of their arms was sitting on top of the wall holding the stick of cigarette as the fumes at the end of it was in the air. Their eyes were staring at the city as Angelus talked about Janus and the gold they got.

"Janus will be fine, right? I was just worried because this is the first time I saw him resting this long from the injury, do you remember the time he was messed up by the thugs in the past? His wounds that time even shocked us as it was already healed just a few hours later but now he made us worried for taking this long from recovering."

Told by Angelus as he calmly smoking and his eyes were mesmerized by the city scenery. Jeremy replied that it was strange because he saw a bright light under the cliff that time but didn't know where it came from because he was calling Angelus that moment but when he looked over to Janus, the light was already gone and Janus was crying telling that it was also the first time he saw Janus looked like that. They deeply breathe as they didn't know what's going on to him but Angelus was suddenly asked about the gold and money.

"What will we do with that huge amount of gold? They are still inside the van."

- Angelus asked to Jeremy.

"I don't know, only Janus will tell us, we can't betray him okay? But hiding the gold and whatever we have to do with those is all up to Janus."

-As Jeremy answered to the question.

They continuously smoking as they are thinking about those things.

The image of the director was seen walking through the hallway, she was totally fine and beautiful, wearing formal attire, pink suit unbuttoned, white shirt was inside and an oxford-blue trousers. She finally reached the room where Janus is and carefully knocked the door 3 times but no one was answering, she slowly opened the door as she saw Janus unconsciously resting on the bed. She was looking at the surroundings and stared down at Janus's bruised face asking herself something.

"Why? Why did you do that?"

- She quietly asking herself but suddenly Janus starts to move his eyes and body slowly, the director shocked a little bit as Janus wakes up and opened his eyes tardily. He saw the woman they saved earlier without saying anything, just looking at her while confused as he saw the necklace found at her neck because it must be in his possession, thinking about when did she get it. The director's eyebrows start to form at a shape of V while looking at Janus's eyes asking something.

"You, who are you really? Do you know who I am?"

She asked but Janus didn't answer, he just slightly closed his eyes staring at her as he was not sure what she really meant for asking that.

"Why did you save me and even risked your life just to get this necklace. Okay you hit the jackpot, now how much are you going to charge me for that?"

She annoyingly asked Janus but he just answered immediately with an irritation in his feeling.

"Is that how your parents raised you? Instead of saying sorry or being grateful, you even thought of me as a poor man asking for money for saving you?"

- Irritably said by Janus

"What did you say?! Look, I'm-"

- Said by the woman but before even the director finished talking, Janus interrupted.

"And one more thing, it's not your fault, it was my own choice and don't worry, I will not ask and expect anything from you, you don't owe me anything to be specific, now, go leave. I want to rest."

Janus hostility said to the lady like he's not even interested to know the name of the woman or who is she exactly for her to say those words. All that Janus wants was to rest as his body was strangely weak and even took time to heal. The director even gets mad but can't speak anything, she was just irritated by what she heard and in her mind, even though Janus disregarded her indebtedness, she can't do it to herself. But the only thing that she did was to walk away and look at the paper stuck from the glass at the right of the door telling the name of the patient and his address.

"Name: Janus Nephus."

"Contact No: 020-1124-4211"

"Address: Milos Palawi City in Ithaca."

"That poor city huh, how did he came here, well I don't care just as expected, he was not rich, he was just from the city of slums."

She said as she went outside the room and walking at the hallway going to exit the building.

At the rooftop where Jeremy and Angelus were done smoking, they were fighting over something as Angelus blaming Jeremy about why did he neglected Janus, he was angry telling it to him but Jeremy's eyes were just looking at the right side while making a teasing face, tongues out, saying voiceless words just to disrespect and poke Angelus until Angelus starts to punch him and choked Jeremy on his neck because of his anger.

Jeremy was struggling to break Angelus's hands to let his neck go but they still continued to fight begging Angelus to stop the choking.

The director exited the building as she walks towards the parking lot finding her car.

Angelus saw the director as he let Jeremy go, he was watching over that lady walking towards her car as he said something to Jeremy who was coughing because of the choke.

"Jeremy, that's the lady who owned the beautiful necklace right? Did she visited-"

Before he even finished talking, Jeremy punched him in the face that's strong enough to make him lie down as Jeremy shakes off his black polo shirt. He looked at the parking lot as he saw the lady getting in the car and drove.

"Oh she visited Janus huh? I wonder what she did to him."

-Jeremy said.

"Hey! What are you doing midget? Stand up let's go inside already!"

Jeremy told to Angelus as he grabs his friend's collar because Angelus cannot get up from pain. Jeremy drags Angelus inside the elevator and to the private room where Janus is.

They got inside the room as they saw Janus was already awake looking at the window, the light in Janus face as he stared at the scenery of the city makes him much more handsome as even Jeremy and Angelus adored his beautiful appearance, making their mouth open from being amazed as they wish something.

"I wish I was that handsome too, Jeremy."

- Angelus said.

"You think you're the only wishing that? I want to be that attractive too, he might even attracted the beautiful woman we saw outside the building."

-Jeremy replied to Angelus.

As Janus looked at them slowly making smug face showing he knew something and need to interrogate them. Janus called them as he asked about how the lady know his location, the personal information about him was shown at that paper and also about how the lady got his necklace back. He was undoubtedly confident that these two was the culprit for all these carelessness about their data.

Jeremy and Angelus started to stutter, they didn't even know what to reason and what to say to Janus, they know that they will get punished as they got home in Ithaca.

"Ah- eh... I am sorry sir."

As they both apologizing to him as they are bowing down having a disappointment to themselves.

Janus forgave them as he was just making fun to both of them. It was fine for him but he ordered something to those two.

"Where's the gold and money?"

- He asked.

"They are still inside the van sir."

- They both said.

As Janus ordered them that this money should not stay at this country so long as the media, military and guards from the Synergy will start doing something to locate it and collect those. The command was implemented as Janus said.

"Buy a Jet and rent a pilot, they can be bought at the eastern side of this city and you should go home already bringing all those treasure, are we clear?"

- Janus ordered

"But sir, how about you?"

-As Jeremy asked.

"Do not worry about me, I have enough money here to get home, I will follow you there but what's important was the treasure okay? And one more thing, as for the next mission, make an appointment for the rest of the members of our group, I need to tell them something about my past for them to stop to bug me out."

Janus said to those two as Jeremy and Angelus immediately followed the order of Janus as they go outside and drive the white-van.

Just one day later that they already bought a grey jet in the private airport, they have already transferred all the wealth inside the storage of the jet the night before as they rented a man with Brown Jacket and bleached jeans getting inside the air vehicle as he invited both of them to get in already. As they get in, the jet starts to float until it was high enough to go to fly going to Itheca.

Janus was already healed up just after a day; the situation of him now was just a moment after he took a bath, naked, only a towel in his lower body. A few minutes have passed as he wore the scarlet colored expensive suit, black vest inside, brown necktie and white polo wearing at the first layer. He was also wearing a scarlet slack pants and a black-formal shoes as he was looking at his face in the mirror.

The image of a brushed up styled formally black hair, pale-white but healthy face skin, thin-almond eyes, roman type of nose and bow-shaped lips inside the round face was seen. He was styling himself as he was readying to get out of the private room of the hospital and preparing to travel to go to his hometown.

He looked outside the window again and dozed off for a moment at the beauty of the scenery. He was telling something to himself while his appearance was completely calm and a melancholic vibe was over him saying.

"Just a few steps away, just only few and someday...."

"Someday, I will become the Ruler of this World."

Janus said as he slightly smiled.