The day after Zhen Liu's date with Bellona, Zhen Xing was now forced to go after missing the day he was supposed to have gone. A hangover as an excuse to not do anything is only good the one time.
Needless to say though, it didn't go well.
Zhen Xing came back from the date after a whopping... thirty two minutes and five seconds, and proceeded to lay on the ground like a dying trout for what should have been the third time in a row. (Un) surprisingly, Zhen Xing's cousins were there to provide emotional support.
When asked about what went wrong, Zhen Xing regaled that, ahem, "that woman has a tongue like an acid spitting Cobra Dragon. I'm not sure how Zhen Liu managed to get along with her, but he must have the patience of a saint or the aloofness of a demonic warlord."
This was a pretty standard term and turn of events, but then Zhen Xing said something that made Zhen Liu's skin crawl.