At some point during Zhen Liu's fusion with Nepherage and subsequent bumrush against Grand Fisher,Logos and Pathos finally started advising him again.
<To be frank milord, that abomination doesn't actually know who you are, it's more like...he can sense your vibe? < p>
'Please stop using my world's vernacular.'
<Never. >
=The seal on your hand, remember? He's probably picking up the energy being released by that seal and is acting appropriately, i.e., recalling a whole lot of repressed memories. He might assume that you stole that power from whichever lord he served back when he was a kaijin.=
<So expect this guy to starting lashing out due dark and twisted memories~>
'Oh...well that can't be I going to have as much trouble fighting this guy as I did with Grub?'
<Probably not, this guy is like...ten times smaller?>