

Haysaka was tired.

Looking after Lady Kaguya was exhausting for her and required a great deal of willpower.

The constant neediness of Lady Kaguya and talk about the president daily would obviously test the sanity of many, but she persevered.

She looked over at Kaguya who was fast asleep on her bed knowing she would have some free time, but most of all she needed to relax.

She changed out of her maid uniform and walked into Tokyo, aimlessly taking in the night sky. Tokyo truly did transform at night, the neon billboards shone brightly blurring together to form a beautiful picture. People could be seen walking to and from clubs smiling and chatting.

Her brief moment of peace was ruined when rain started falling from the ground annoying her, she needed to find some shelter fast.

She scanned the area spotted a quaint coffee shop on the corner of the street with a white sign and darted in.

What welcomed her when she walked in was a dainty little shop that was furnished with shelves mounted to the wall with various things including coffee, books, plants and such.

Tables and chairs were organised neatly like they had been untouched

She looked over at the counter and saw a giant... not literally but the man behind the counter was very tall.

Hearing the chime of door as Hayasaka walked in he stopped drying a cup and looked over flashing her a smile, "Welcome! Please take a seat can I get you something?" he said inviting her over.

Hayasaka nodded and walked over to the counter, as she was walking one word came to mind while she examined this place, 'cosy'. It was relaxing, charming and makes you feel at home.

She sat at the stool and went to look at what they offered, however something was strange.

"What drinks do you serve? You don't have a board or anything?" She was perplexed at the rather unusual arrangement.

The man behind the counter smiled, "Well you see, my regulars usually come in and tell me how they feel. They then ask me to make a drink in accordance to their mood. It could be something like a triple espresso to wake them up and invigorate them or, I reckon in your case, a mellow soothing drink to relax".

This got Hayasaka intrigued, "So then how have you determined I'm stressed?"

The man behind the counter chuckled slightly, "It's written all over your face, in addition to your shoulders that look frozen stiff".

Hayasaka sighed, smiling taking off her wet coat, "Well it would make sense in this weather, I'll have a drink that is warm and will help me relax"

"Any preference of the base of the drink, tea, coffee,milk?"

"Whatever you think is best, you're the barista".

He chuckled, "Sure thing, by the way I didn't catch your name?"

"Ai Hayasaka, what's yours?"

"I'm Hideki"

She looked over at him making her drink, "Butterfly Pea?"

"Yep, I recently had the idea of expanding the amount ingredients I have, so I can cater to more people you know? I ordered butterfly pea as well as hibiscus. The drink I'm gonna make you tastes slightly earthy so hopefully it just brings you more down to earth pun intended".

She just smirked at his attempt at a joke, "How do you even keep the shop open like this? From what I saw the place looks really clean and hardly used".

"Aren't you observant? Not many people come here except my regulars. I don't open my shop up till late at night, it's place for me to relax, do any work I need and talk to my friends. It's nice to enjoy some peace and quiet with people your friends with. Talk about your day, what we've all been up to and I can serve us some drinks".

Ai felt strangely envious of him, sure, she had her friends from school but were they really her friends? Or people she just used? It's not like she could socialise with other girls her age with attending to Lady Kaguya at all times. In addition to her regular reports to her superiors. It made her feel rather melancholy.

Hideki seeing she was feeling a bit down tried cheering her up, "You know, my parents also own a chain of restaurants and patisseries throughout the country".

"Would I know what restaurants they own?"

"Possibly, it's the Bulgari chain, we started of making French inspired sweets and chocolates but have since expanded into some restaurants to try and recreate that authentic French taste".

Hayasaka smiled in recognition, "Me and la- *cough* my friend love them, they taste amazing, after school we go to a little shop similar to this and get some. The restaurants are quite boujee you know?"

He smiled at her comment, "Yeah, we wanted to get the flair of the French and keep the humble and down to earth style of our origin you know?"

She nodded.

"My grandmother got the idea when she went on holiday with my grandfather to the south of France, she saw the sprawling vineyards snaking up and down the hills with their beautiful colours, enrapturing them both. Tasting the local 'herbs de Provence' got them inspired to try and find out about French cuisine. That is why the restaurants feature many recipes from southern France. Oh, you're drink is ready".

He handed the drink over to Ai who admired the design of the drink, "I call it 'Dreamin' Blue' it is made with butterfly pea, milk and honey. Enjoy~~"


Hayasaka marvelled at the art on top, "That's really cute, the crescent moon with the little stars! You're really good aren't you!"

A slight blush and small smile adorned his face, "Thank you ^_^"

Hayasaka picked the tea up and took a sip. Heaven.

The drink truly felt like it, she felt the tension in her shoulders disappearing gradually.

"The name is really fitting, I feel so much more relaxed now, feel like I could fall asleep here hehe".

Hideki sighed, "I doubt it, if the trio of regulars arrive then you may be in for a rude awakening".

Ai merely raised an eyebrow at his comment, "You don't say? How truly bad are they?"

Hideki could only run his hand through his soft black hair and sigh even deeper, "They proclaim themselves as the 'Los Ingornables' or 'The Ungovernables' and go around being raucous idiots. But you know, they're my bunch of raucous idiots. They settle down once they're seated in here".

Hayasaka chuckled, it reminded her of the student council Kaguya was in and the stories she would tell her, all the hijinks that group would go through and stupid situations she would have to set up.

It made her smile fondly, sure, Kaguya was a massive pain in the backside, she was brash, demanding, childish and often quite bull headed. However it was still Kaguya, her idiot, her loveable idiot.

"I hope you're feeling a bit better, the tea along with jazz music I find is quite relaxing, it makes you feel like when you jump into bed when you're really tired. It almost lull's you in comfort".

Hayasaka nodded, "Who's the artist? It's quite charming".

Hideki smiled fondly, "He's called Andrew Jeremy, I like a lot of his stuff so I decided to just use his music. Funny story I found his stuff by accident on Shuffld".

With that, there was a comfortable silence between the two of them. Ai drank her tea quietly, relieving all the stress that had accumulated over the day. Thinking happily back on her day she's just had, a small smile graced her lips. Hideki simply led back and rested his eyes, embracing the mellow jazz music, a brief reprieve from the stress of daily life. The rain pitter pattered down the windows blurring the outside world granting them a brief solace.

Peaceful, that's how it truly felt.

The bell dinged letting someone had entered, however the crashing and raucous laughter drowned it out.

"We got em real good! Teach em not to mess with us!" drunkingly shouted one of the people entering the shop.

Another with dark circles under his eyes was looking at him annoyed, "Knock it off we're here so calm down now or boss will be angry".

The last of the three, a big guy nearly as tall as Hideki walked in and nodded at him, the drunken man's arm was draped over his shoulder, he was practically carrying him.

Hideki sighed deeply and rubbed his eye groaning a bit, "Settle down Daiki!"

Drunk Daiki looked over frightened and apologised, "Sorry boss".

Hayasaka gave a knowing look towards Hideki.

The three of them sat down and Daiki piped up, "Some beer then boss!"

Hideki gave him a flat look, "We don't sell alcohol asshat and you're drunk enough as it is, you're getting water".

Daiki looked over at him with puppy eyes, "Pretty please~"


"Awwww damn".

"Shin and Hirata do you want the usual? A triple espresso for you Kengo and a STMJ for you Hirata?"


"Sounds good"

While Hideki was making their drinks, Daiki, fuelled by liquid confidence turned to Ai, "So beautiful, what's your name?"

Hayasaka put down her drink and gave him a disgusted look, "Isn't it polite to introduce yourself first?"

Daiki looking rather confident smirked, "Well, you have the pleasure of meeting the three heads of Los Igornables lady, you should feel honoured. You have Hirata, the big man with a shaved head as the muscle of the group, next, you have this man over here, the brains, Kengo and finally me. The esteemed, courageous, handsome leader Daiki. Can I know your name pretty lady".

Hayasaka seriously thought about whether to humour these three, however relented knowing what Hideki said earlier.

"I'm Hayasaka, also stop being so creepy".

Daiki mockingly feigned hurt, "How dare you fair lady, this mans young heart has been broken into a thousand pieces".

Ai sighed shaking her head, remembering how Hideki described them and thought he was bang on, "Whatever Romeo".

Daiki swiftly steering conversation spoke to Hideki, "Boss I've been trying to get famous recently, I started streaming on Kwitch, they have a system where people can send donations in the form of balloons which are worth real money. I'm gonna make it big, I got 30,000¥".

Hayasaka and Hideki both looked over at him in shock, "What you earned that much from one stream?"

Daiki smiled arrogantly, "Of course, we did a mukbang, the women clearly fell for my roguish, boyish charm, they can't enough of me".

Kengo looked at him like he was a moron, "Yeah right they weren't paying to see your ugly mug they were looking at me and Hirata because our bodies don't look like a spaghetti noodle".

This caused Hideki to keel over laughing at his comment, Hayasaka giggled at his comment.

The look of betrayal on Daiki was truly a sight to see, "Oi Kengo ya little shit get here" he said before grabbing Kengo, putting him in a headlock and giving him a playful nuggy.

"You're embarrassing me infront of the pretty girl, what happened to bro code?".

Hideki chuckled handing Daiki some water, "It's because you're being too loud, this is supposed to be a chill place where we can relax, not a circus".

"Huhhhh fine, could you at least pass me an ash tray over".

"Absolutely not, you're underage, I have half the mind to kick you out of the shop for being drunk let alone wanting to have a smoke. Sit there and drink your water in peace while I finish fixing up Kengo and Hirata's drinks".

Hayasaka, obviously quite shocked at his statement couldn't help but ask, "How old are all of you? You came in drunk so I assumed you were adults?".

Kengo looked over at her, "You're not going to snitch on us are you?"

Hayasaka just scoffed, "No, why would I?"

Kengo decided to trust her, "Well, all of us including Hideki are 17. Second Year in Highschool".

Hayasaka was now very shocked, "I mean, I understand Kengo as he looks quite young but seriously? No offence but Hirata with your bald head and I thought you were in your thirties".

Hideki for second time laughed hard, "Yeah Hirata ain't you got the wife and kids at home? Bills due soon eh?"

All of them laughed jovially at Hideki's comments.

"Ain't the timing perfect, both of your drinks are ready, a triple espresso for you Kengo and an STMJ for you Hirata".

Hirata looked over at him, "You're the best boss"

Kengo smiled appreciatively "Cheers I need this, midterms are coming up and I need to revise, gotta keep on top of my school".

Daiki sneered, "Yeah whatever nerd. Grades are overated anyway".

Hirata looked over at him quizzically, "You're only saying that because your grades quite frankly suck ass".

Daiki simply stuck his tongue out flipped the bird at him playfully, "Whatever you posh twats".

Kengo simply replied, "It's not that out schools are posh it's just yours is a shithole full of delinquents like you".

Daiki snorted "Who you calling a delinquent huh? You carney shit".

Hayasaka was curious, "I'm guessing you go to different schools then?"

Hirata smiled fondly, "Yeah each of us go to a different school in an adjacent ward, I go to Tōko High in Arakawa, Kengo goes to Sakuragata High in Taitō and Daiki goes to some shithole in Sumida".

Daiki feeling offended lightly jabbed him in the side which did relatively nothing to the big man, "Boss tell them to stop bullying me I don't like it".

Hideki looked over mockingly, "Huh I think I just heard a fly just now what was that?"

Daiki betrayed for the second time coughed, "So anyway, what school do you go to Hayasaka?".

"You seem like the unsavoury type so I don't think I will tell you".

"Whaaaaat? Noooo surely we don't look that bad right guys?" Daiki's plea was met with silence.

Hirata looked at him pitifully, "It's not like you gave a great first impression, drunkingly hollering out in Boss' shop and hitting on her. I'm surprised she didn't immediately slap you and leave".

"Psssh whatever, I'm a great guy, oh yeah Boss you go to a school in Chuo-ku right? I don't remember it's name".

Hideki started smiling, "Well you see, my mother has decided I can't just do the bare minimum in school and inherit the business and wants me to go to a big university so she can show me off to the family, as a result I'm transferring to a new school in the Minato ward".

The three were certainly surprised, "You rich people are the worst, I thought you were one of us man, salt of the earth type of guy not a pompous git like Kengo over here".

He didn't even bother retorting.

"Well you don't have to worry, the shop will still be open even with all the extra homework I'll probably have to, I'm dreading it".

Daiki laughed, "By the end you'll be Kengo's doppelgänger".

Kengo just flicked his ear, "ouchies".

Hayasaka felt an urge to investigate, "Why do you call Hideki boss?"

Hirata smiled, "He's the toughest man in Tokyo thats why, I've never seen him lose a fight, he's also someone reliable who will look after you and be there for you".

Hideki felt rather embarrassed from his praise.

Hayasaka was surprised at his thoughtful word but was now even more intrigued, "You're the "toughest" man in Tokyo then?" smirking at him teasingly.

Hideki was a bit peeved that Hirata gave him talents away, "Ah it's nothing much you know, most of them see my size and are scared shitless shaking in their boots. The rumours then spiralled way too out of control. I wonder who had a part in that".

Hirata simply feigned ignorance at Hideki's words.

Hideki felt like curling up in a ball right now from embarrassment.

Hayasaka giggled at his embarrassment but was also majorly surprised, she would have to research more about him, such an intriguing person.

Hideki lent back and rested his arms, "Changing the subject, are any of you good with tech? I'm thinking about upgrading my PC and I ain't exactly the savviest when it comes to this stuff so I thought I would ask for help".

The three morons didn't react, however Hayasaka felt up to it, "Do you know what you want to upgrade, what are you current specs? How much money can you spend on it?"

Hideki replied, "Err, I don't actually know, I got it as a present from my parents a couple years ago and decided it needed to be upgraded. I can pretty much spend as much as I want on it. How should I communicate with you? Do you have line?"

The three nitwits gave him silent thumbs up.

Hayasaka however...

'Is he... simply dense and not understanding what he's implying... no stop it's just to talk about upgrading his PC that's all it is'

"Yeah, have you got your phone on you. I'll add you through your QR code".

Sensing the atmosphere Daiki decided to follow through on bro code, "Well, I'm feeling sobered up so I think we should head of aint that right? Kengo, Hirata".

"Yep" "Sounds good"

"See you two later, moneys on the side there keep the change. Toodaloo!" he said walking out the door.

Now in the coffee shop it was just the two of them again.

"Do you now understand what I meant about them?"

Hayasaka just chuckled, "Yes I see what you meant haha. Have you got any more regulars coming in tonight?"

Hideki shook his head, usually they send me a text letting me know they're dropping by so probably not. Can I get you another drink instead?"

Hayasaka smiled, "Something without coffee, maybe a little sweetness".

Hideki smiled, however internally was nervous 'This drink I have in mind is... she may get the wrong idea... oh well'

"Alright one drink coming up, it's got a hibiscus base with some milk and honey sound good?

Hayasaka smiled "Sounds great to me".

Hayasaka probed, "Why did you open this coffee shop? I assumed most guys our age would be gaming, going out with friends, playing sports, you know something of that ilk".

Hideki half-smiled, "Well, my parents are very busy with running the business so they don't often have time for me, we call and text pretty much everyday but rarely in person. So I decided to run this cafe so people can have someone to talk to, I can meet new people, hear some interesting stories and also practice making drinks. Three birds with one stone".

This hit Hayasaka quite hard, growing up she wasn't able to make many, if any friends being Kaguya's valet. In addition, because of the fact that both of her parents were valet's of Kaguya's brothers she couldn't see them, only message and talk to them through her phone. Maybe... she might come here more often.

Both sat silence in a melancholy mood until...

"Here's your drink, enjoy ^_^"


Hayasaka was slightly giddy "So what's this drink called?"

A blush was rather evident on Hideki's face "ehem it's a uh, sweetheart latte. Enjoy".

This caused a similar blush to appear on Hayasaka's face, "Why... why's it called a s-sweetheart latte then?"

"We-well... it's both sweet and a sour, it has milk so it's creamy and comforting... you know... like a sweetheart".

This caused a silence between the two as they both didn't know what to say, both embarrassed at what was being implied so she drank the her latte in silence.

Hideki was mentally berating himself, 'real smooth mate, way to creep her out, she's definitely not gonna comeback. Let's just apologise'

"How much is it in total?"

"Ah it's on the house don't worry about, the rains clearing up so you should be alright, get home safe!"

'You couldn't even apologise you moron'

"Yeah... bye"

Unlike what Hideki thought, Ai was feeling rather happy about what he said and was still blushing.

With his final customer gone he decided to close up shop for the day... hopefully tomorrow would be better...

[Hello! I'm not expecting many people to find and read this story so those that do, welcome! I hope you will enjoy it, any grammatical mistakes just point them out. Till next time ^_^. Also for reference, mc looks like Samuel Seo from Lookism, if you don't know... he's hot. There will be no upload schedule as I don't wanna rush things so maybe every few days. We'll see.]

Englishman1creators' thoughts