
Juvenile Fantasy

After finishing off the cigarette in the corridor, Daniel took out the keys to open his house main door. Coincidentally his mother-in-law happens to come out of the bathroom at the same time. Donning a revealing black bareback satin sleep dress.

periberi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 3

Words came up to Mother-In-Law lips before she hesitated for several moments, finally to gathering up the courage to continue the conversation. With a hint of embarrassment she gave Daniel a few glances: "I just wanted to explain, that underwear. The shop assistant gave me the wrong item and I can't return it due to the non return policy. I can only bring it back to wear. Please don't ever think that I am that ...".

Daniel chuckled: "Aunt, you are thinking a bit too much. Even if you buy that kind of style it's also very normal isn't it? Woman no matter the age, should doll up themselves. Don't even mention that you're still so young. I absolutely support you!".

Mother-In-Law still felt embarrassed, biting her lower lips with her front teeth.

Daniel understood that something needs to be done with self restraint, after bidding goodbye, he went over to have a look at his daughter in the other room before returning to his own room.

Lying on his bed, tossing around unable to sleep. The only thing in Daniel's head is the image of Mother-In-Law voracious figure. Such a wonderful woman, but does not get to enjoy any nourishment, this is truly a waste of precious resources. Since Mother-In-Law is interested in him, he definitely has to make good use of this opportunity and it just happens that Jessica is away for two weeks on business trip. Wherever that Jessica is unable to satisfy his desires, then let her sexy tempting mother make up for it.

Being woke up in the morning, Daniel opened his eyes to find Mother-In-Law standing by the side of his bed, wear a white colour T-shirt, her imposing huge boobs looks as if it's gonna burst her T-shirt. Her lower half is matched with a black leathery short skirt. Her long slender legs is almost fully expose matched with light make-up.

In the past, Mother-In-Law is quite causal at home, only when going out then she would put on make-up.

"You're going out?" Daniel rubbed his eyes while trying to sit up.

"I was intending to go out, but ended up they didn't want to go anymore". Mother-In-Law said: "I've already sent Tracy to the kindergarten, wake up and come eat, I will go and change out of these and remove the make-up".

"Don't!" Daniel intentionally assess Mother-In-Law from head to toe: "I feel that it's fine the way you're now, in fact you should doll up yourself more even at home. I feel that your attire and make-up today, is really nice".

"Really?" Mother-In-Law asked delightedly. Spreading out her arms: "Actually the shirt is still fine, albeit the skirt is a bit short".

"It really look nice, when I just opened my eyes, I thought Jane is back". Jane is Mother-In-Law's youngest daughter, still studying in University.

Daniel's intention mainly is to sound out Mother-In-Law's reaction. To test whether she is just satisfied with just fantasising or she wants something more.

Mother-In-Law ponder for a moment, nodding her head: "Alright then, since there isn't any outsiders at home. Actually I also like to doll up and make myself pretty and attractive. Jane that bad lass doesn't allow me to dress myself up, saying that I'm somebody already with a grandchild and still want to dress up like a young lady, others will gossip behind in the back".

"Don't listen to her nonsense, what others wants to say is their business, most important is that you yourself is happy".

"That's true". Mother-In-Law nod her head in agreement.

Daniel is elated! Mother-In-Law is willing to doll herself up for him to enjoy, this go to show that her heart is the same as his, hidden beneath there deeps intentions.

To the point that he even suspect last night Mother-In-Law masturbating at that timing and this morning's dress up is no coincidence!

"Today is your rest day, are you going out later?" Mother-In-Law inquire.

Daniel shake his head: "Staying at home to accompany you".

Mother-In-Law smile: "When did you become so sensible, you have never volunteer before in the past".

Daniel laughed, but didn't rebuke, because he is plotting in his heart on the critical move in this plot, there's only two weeks time, he can't afford to waste precious time.

After eating breakfast, Mother-In-Law came out of the kitchen after finishing with the dishes, she came to the sofa and sat down next Daniel. Their eyes met, Daniel was able to open his mouth to say something but Mother-In-Law managed to speak out before him.

"Daniel, there is something that I have been holding back for sometime, it's really embarrassing, but I can only turn to you for help".

Seeing that Mother-In-Law flushing red with embarrassment, Daniel can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. Could it be that Mother-In-Law want to do it directly.

Daniel nodded his head, but at the same time dares not to be too sudden: "What is it?"

Mother-In-law curl the ends of her black hair around her fingertips while biting her lower lips "recently my below feels a bit uncomfortable, but the hospital has male gynaecologist doctors like you, therefore I don't want to go. It so happens you're a doctor and on top of that my Son-In-Law. I want you to help me take a look.

Daniel can't help but be a little disappointed. He thought Mother-In-Law wants to come on directly. End up she is like himself advancing cautiously. But even so, he has to go along with the flow. If he advance too hastily, there's a chance it might backfire. Nonetheless because of their relationship as Mother & Son-In-Law, there's no guarantee that either of them might become clear headed all of a sudden. Only by taking one step at a time, then the situation Daniel envision would come to fruition.

Daniel stood up and nodded his head: "This matter you should have told me earlier, I am an expert in this field. Let's do it on this sofa then, it's easier with the armrest to examine".

Mother-In-Law gave out a soft "orh" sound, obviously tensing up, her hands uncontrollably grab onto her skirt.

"Aunt, just relax don't be nervous. Now our relationship is Doctor and Patient". Daniel said with a straight face. Pointing to Mother-In-Law's and said: Take it off, let me examine for you".

"Is there a need to take it off? I'm wearing a short skirt". Mother-In-Law said awkwardly, small little beads of sweat started forming on her forehead.

"Err ... alright then" Daniel endured the urge to rub his hands in anticipation, he felt that happiness came about a bit too sudden, just now while eating he was still at a lost. Now he can finally let loose.