
Just the Six of Us

This is a Story revolving around Mike and his four sisters, along with a voice that lives in his head. join me as we explore mike's life one chapter at a time. Don't forget to rate and leave a comment. [Disclaimer: You might get addicted reading this story.]

Spyder_234 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter Seven

"Why are you masturbating to your sisters? I'm only assuming you were since you were at the window."

"I don't really know," he answered. It just kind of happened. I was jerking off in the shower this morning and she just kind of popped in my head and wouldn't leave. It was very, intense."

"Who is she? Beth?"

Mike slowly shook his head. "Danni," he admitted, his face burning.

"Danni? Really?"

Mike looked up and saw that she had a puzzled look on her face.

"What's wrong with Danni? She's hot," he couldn't believe he was defending her.

"Nothing, it's just I figured..."


"Well, Beth's just got much bigger boobs than the rest of us, and she's so beautiful when she lets herself be. I don't know, I just figured if you were gonna jerk off to one of your sisters, it'd be her, or Emma maybe."

"I don't do this, I've never done this," Mike said, feeling exasperated. He looked down at his cock again. It was still at full mast and demanding someone pay attention to it. "I was showering this morning and trying to get rid of some frustration or hormones or whatever, and I... when I finished... Danni just wouldn't get out of my head," he confessed, leaving out the screaming "Oh Danni" part and Emma witnessing the event.

"Sweetie, everyone has weird shit pop into their head when they masturbate. It's natural, nothing to feel bad about." She was trying to look him in the eyes, but he was desperately looking anywhere but at her face. Her gaze kept drifting back down to his painful looking erection.


"What," Mike said, flustered.

"How are you still erect? It's been like that since you came inside, and that was like ten minutes ago. Is it gonna, you know, go away? It's starting to look a little painful. I mean, can't you just, I dunno, not think about sex?"

He looked at her, briefly amused. Her eyes were travelling from his penis back up to his face, though they kept drifting back down to his crotch. He felt like a pervert, seeing his sweet, older sister staring at his crotch. "I doubt it, it's like it has a mind of its own," he grumbled, no longer amused.

"Why don't you look at something on the computer to um, well, you know..."

"To help me get rid of this damn thing," he finished for her.

"Yeah," she said, offering a smile.

"It won't help, I tried, obviously," he said pointing at his computer screen.

He felt dirtier than he already did as she leaned over and clicked on a few pictures. "Wow," she said. "I like that one," she said, indicating a picture of two beautiful lesbians locked in a sixty-nine.

"Sarah!" Mike said, surprised.

"Sorry sweetie, it's just a little, um... hard, to concentrate."

He rolled his eyes and looked away.

"How about fantasizing about something?"

He looked at her like she was growing a horn out of her face. "I'd just have Danni pop back into my head."

"Why Danni?" she asked, suddenly very inquisitive. "Is Beth in there anywhere? Emma?"

Mike groaned and rolled to the side. "This is the worst day I've had in a long time."

"I'm sorry sweetie, I was just curious. I'm only trying to help."

"You're all in there somewhere. It's happened before," he finally admitted. "I think I've got an evil subconscious, or something. It causes this shit to pop into my head at the last moment, right before I ejaculate."

"All of us?" Sarah asked, a curious little grin on her face.

Mike started turning red again. "Yes."

"So, you..."

Mike saved her the pain of saying it.

"Yes, you pop in there too, more than the others, in fact."

"I do?" she said, shocked.

Mike nodded.


He shrugged weakly, "I don't really know why any of my sisters pop in there."

"But, I'm not gorgeous like Beth, or sexy like Danni, or have Emma's cute little ass."

Mike looked at her incredulously. "Emma's cute little ass?"

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed her ass."

"Well, of course I've noticed, but I didn't think..."

"What, that I'd know that one of my sisters had a nice ass?"

Mike was beginning to wonder if he knew Sarah at all. She was looking at him again.

"Yes, they are all very sexy." he said, but then added, "But you just seem so perfect, and you are sexy too, and pretty, and so kind."

"You really think I'm pretty?" She looked shocked.

Mike nodded again, then looked up and stared directly at her. He looked a little ridiculous at that moment he was sure, pecker hard as steel and his oldest sister trying to comfort him. "I'm sorry."

"For thinking about me when you masturbate?"

Mike nodded again. "That and..." he gazed down at his hard-on

"I," she started. "I think it's flattering. I don't know, I suppose if you have to think of something, I don't mind it being me."

"You don't?" It was Mike's turn to look surprised.

"No," she shook her head, "but you have to tell me something."

"Okay...," he said looking at her curiously.

"What do you find sexy about me?" She was biting her lip nervously, and he suddenly became afraid that he'd say the wrong thing.

"Complement her breasts"

"Well, um," he began, trying to figure out what it was that turned him on so much whenever she popped into his head. He sat back a second and tried to figure out what she was doing whenever she appeared the last time, he'd achieved orgasm, and then remembered about Captain Super Dong in his lap and quickly leaned forward.

"I've got a thing for shorter girls, I suppose. I really like the way your breasts look in your apron, and when you are wearing shirts like that one," he nodded at her chest. She glanced down and grinned back up at him. She was obviously enjoying this.

"What else?"

"Well, I like the way, you wash dishes."

She looked at him like he said he liked it when she took a dump.

"When I wash dishes?"

"You are just so concentrated on your work; sometimes I just sit and watch you. You move around and your boobs wiggle beneath the apron; it seems like you never want to wear a bra. Not that I mind," he added quickly and lowering his gaze to hide his smile. He glanced back up at her a second later; she was smiling like someone had just given her flowers.

"Go on," she said softly.

"What else do you wanna know?" he asked, starting to get embarrassed again. "I like the way your butt looks when you fold clothes and the way you curl your toes when you are reading on the sofa or watching tv. I like the way you brush your hair from your face whenever you're concentrating on something. You are just so, damned..." he searched for the right word, "delectable!"

"Delectable?" she couldn't contain her smile. "That's so very sweet, Mike."

"So how do I look when you, you know..." she said, hoping he'd finish her thought for her. He wasn't going to make it easy on her though, and sat looking at her.

"...when you masturbate. How do I look when you masturbate," she said finally leaving her tentative shyness behind.

He giggled at her for a second. "The last time it happened and you popped in my head, you were standing at the sink, wearing nothing but an apron and doing dishes. You were turned around and you had one finger dipping sexily into your mouth."

"Wow, and that worked for you?"

"Ohhhh yeah." Mike said, "I get that one a lot."

"A lot? How often do you jerk off?"

Mike blushed. "Somewhere around 5 or 6 times a day, maybe more."

"Holy shit Mike!" She was taken aback. He felt like a freak, a crazy meat slapping perverted freak.

"Jeez, that's a lot." she exclaimed, "Sweetie, how can you handle it that much?"

"I have to! Sex is all I think about, and I do mean ALL I ever think about! If I don't, I can't even think straight. Especially around this house, with Beth's beautiful tits staring at me all the time, or Danni shaking her rump around the house, or your sweet face and perfect breasts poking me in the chest whenever I'm hugging you, and Emma's luscious curves and ass."

"Yeah, you sure do seem to like those hugs a lot, and it's easy to see why now." she said, with a wry grin.

He smiled, blushing slightly. "I can't help it. You girls are driving me insane. I know you are my sisters and its wrong, but that's why it's so damn exciting. You have no idea the effect you have on me and my... situation."

"Wow," she repeated, "I'm flattered now that I know how attractive you find me."

"Really, you aren't repulsed by all of... this?" he said, gesturing to himself.

She smiled and shook her head. "So um, how are you going to get rid of that... monster?" she asked quietly, giggling at her choice of words.

"I don't know if it's a monster, but thanks anyways. I'm hoping it will just go away eventually, on its own." but the look on his face didn't convey very much faith in that idea.

"Well you can always..."

He looked at her, she looked nervous. She was probably afraid that his dick would suddenly try to eat her.

"Nom nom nom"

"Do you want..."

He looked at her curiously again. She was biting her lip nervously and fiddling with her nails.

"Um, do you want some... help?"


"What? You are my brother and I love you! I don't like to see you so uncomfortable. If you are really jerking off that much, then you are obviously overwhelmed with all these hormones!" She had her hands on her hips now and looked like she was trying to scold him, "I take care of you in every other way, what's wrong with taking care of you in that way."


"Mike, come on, I was just asking if I could help you, I didn't say that we'd drop to the floor and I'd let you fuck my brains out."

"Jeez Sarah!" He'd never heard her talk like that, and it was definitely not helping to diminish his erection."

"Calm down Mike," she replied laughing.