

Rhea had to try her best to explain to him that those things were not needed, at least for now. At last, after spending a lot more of her energy, he just told her that he'll think about it. 

Rhea could see that he was agreeing with her since he thought she should rest for the day. Even though she knew the truth, she lay down on the bed again silently since she was indeed very tired. 

Ryan stood there a few seconds, not sure if he should lie down next to her or not. At last, Rhea had to once again sit up and look at him. 

"Are you going to stand there with that tray in your hands and stare at me?" she seriously asked since he looked like he might do that too, 

"I'm not sure if I lay down next to you..."

"You are not sleeping somewhere else today," Rhea cut in angrily. "That's the worst thing you could do to me," she frowned. 

"You don't understand," he tried to reason with her.