
just love story

At the age of 5 they promise to be each others friends for rest of their lives but at the age of 18 they ditched their promise and roll onto each other. To know What happened to their friendship or to their promise just read Friends or lovers #A scene from chapter 62 Tiya turned around and was about to leave when Sam suddenly hold her hand pulled her close to him and kissed her. Tiya's eyes were wide open, her mind was not able to process what was happening, before she could think about anything she felt short of breath, Sam released her as she gasped some air. Tiya was about to say something but was only able to say, "WHAT" when Sam hugged her again and very passionately placed his lips on her lips for another sweet kiss. ? Tiya was shocked as she thought Sam was not in his true state of mind, so she started pushing him with her full force but her every effort seems to be in vain as the more force she applied to push him away, the more harder he licks her lips. Sam seems to be in full swing as he doesn't want to stop ever. The next moment he released her, She wanted to say something but again the moment she said, "What" Sam placed his palms on her mouth and he blocked her against the wall, he then started kissing on her earlobe then on her neck. Tiya thought that Sam was behaving like a possessed person. (Right Sweety he is possessed by his own emotions and feelings) She started struggling but then Sam leaned by towards her ears, his hands were still covering her lips, he said in a perfectly seductive voice, "I have waited for fifteen years for this moment, for fifteen years I have been keeping it inside me but now please don't stop me, please don't say anything, I love Tiya. Please be with me forever I love you.... I really really love you. " Hearing those words from Sam, Tiya was stunned, she was so stupefied by his words that she forget to say anything.

loll_doll · Fantasi
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178 Chs

Mysterious Jungle

I think this whole place is covered with magnetic fields, that's why my energy is not working properly.We need to move out of this jungle by ourselves as soon as possible.

They all started to move in order to get out of the jungle.

Tiya was bleeding and the pain in her arm was unbearable. Sam asked her that he will pick her up but she denied.

She was following them by holding her arm. Ryan was carrying little Priya and was in the front.

"Priya why your brother wants to kill us? " asked Ryan

"I don't know. brother Makuloves me so much that he can't see me in pain but today his animals attacked on me as well. This is really unbelievable for me. I want to go back and ask him why he is doing all this." Priya said with tears in her eyes.

"After the fire( that was created by Sam ) extinguished, Maku was no where to be seen. Edd searched for him but it seems like he vanished in thin air." Ryan explained.

He coaxed Priya to sleep while walking out of the jungle.

Tiya's wound is in worst condition now. Her pain was in its extreme level. Seeing her in such a situation, Sam just picked her up on his back.

Tiya firstly resist but Sam was not listening to her so she stopped arguing with him.

After walking for about two hours, Joe realised that they were back at the same position from where they have started.

They tried another way but the result was same this time again. They again come back to the same location.

This jungle was like a big meander, whichever way you choose to walk, you will come back to the same location.

After few hours of struggle, everyone started feeling tired. It was dark cold night and it started raining also.

Luckily Edd found a cave nearby while searching for the way. Sam was carrying Tiya on his back all the time, so they suggested Sam to be with Tiya and wait for them in the cave till the time they will find a way to go out of this mysterious jungle.

Priya who was still sleeping in Ryan's arms also sit in the cave with Sam and Tiya.

Ryan injected a green coloured liquid to Tiya and asked her to close her eyes.

"Didn't you said that this injection will work only on us, then why did you give this to Tiya ?" asked Sam

"I know that, but now at this time we don't have any other option. We don't know when we will get out of this jungle and Tiya's condition is getting worse, this is the only thing that I can do now for her. You take care of her."

Ryan was about to leave when Priya got up and started crying, as she wants to be with Ryan.

Ryan was not able to deny her so he carried her again and left the two in the cave.

Sam put Tiya down and went outside. After some time he came back with some dry sticks and leaves. He arranged soft leaves on the ground and formed a soft bed for Tiya, after that he lit up the fire 🔥.

Tiya's wound is now healed because of the injection but she was still unconscious. Sam sat besides her and kept her head on his laps, then he started rubbing her hands to give her some warmth.

Her body was icy cold and she was shivering. Sam touched her head and found that she was in high fever.

Her clothes were still wet because of rain causing her to shiver more.

Sam waited for almost thirty minutes but when he didn't get any hope, he started removing her wet clothes.

Next is the most awaited chapter of this story...... waiting for your messages.

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