
The Meeting

Its a new week and just like people say ,new year ,new resolution and to the Alainas and white Fords it is new week and resolution everyday.

The white Fords are eager to see who this lucky girl is and the Alainas are waiting to see this lucky boy and his family.

The meeting was held at the most classiest restaurant in the town and the restaurant was called "The mc'lenies " and the two families are very rich but they don't show it .Is this meeting going to end well or not???

The Fords arrived 5minutes earlier and the Alainas came 2minutes after and the meeting began.Mrs Ford started the conversation and said"nice meeting you Kyra ,I've heard a lot about you and you are so beautiful "then she remembered her mum was there and she said" ohh,Mrs Alaina it is good to see you hope you are good?"Mrs Alaina replied "I'm good and you?"," I'm okay" Mrs Ford replied happily and before they knew it Michael and Kyra stood up to take a stroll and the parents were left alone and they continued talking .

Mr ford was on his way and on his way he saw the both of them and said "hey,guys hop in ,I'm going to the restaurant" and they went to the restaurant together

At the restaurant when Mrs Ford saw her husband,she stood up and introduced Mrs alaina to him and they exchange pleasantries and Mrs Ford asked a rhetorical question "where is Kyra's dad" immediately she said it Kyra choked on her juice and her mum started fainting and they started wandering ,what could be the cause?was it the question ???are they answering the question or not???