
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasi
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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 21

Chapter 21 Nine-character secret as a gift from an apprentice? All powers are crazy! [One more reque

"What Brother Nangong said is very true."

"As the son of the Su family, you have basically cut off the possibility of joining the Holy Land and the family."


"Even if you do join the Holy Land and the Aristocratic Family, they will never do everything to cultivate you. The Holy Land and the Aristocratic Family are intertwined with various forces."

"You are powerless and powerless by yourself. Even if you really have the resources to shock the world, you will not be able to win the full training of the entire Holy Land or the family."

At this time, Tuoba Jiuxiao, an ancient existence who had lived for nearly 3,200 years, also intervened in the topic.

He watched Su Xuanji quietly, and the more he observed, the more satisfied he became.

Even his supreme existence, who has already reached the level of the king of slaying, was unable to see the mystery of Su Xuanji's suitability for a while.


Known as one of the strongest physiques in the universe, the innate Holy Body Dao Embryo!

This made him very interested in Su Xuanji.

From the beginning to the end, Su Xuanji has always maintained a calm attitude.

as if...

Su Xuanji didn't care at all about the huge movement happening here at this moment, and he didn't even have much emotional ups and downs throughout the whole process.


Seeing Su Xuanji's calm face, Tuoba Jiuxiao continued to speak.

"If you become my Tuoba Jiuxiao's disciple, I can make sure that I will inherit everything I have learned in my life, the secret methods created, and the treasures I have acquired."

"I have accepted several disciples, and they have all passed away. Therefore, I am much better than Brother Nangong in terms of training disciples."

"How is it? Why don't you consider becoming my disciple?"

"If you choose to be my disciple, I can guarantee that I will definitely find one of the nine-character secrets for you! It will allow you to burst out in the same realm, with a combat power far exceeding that of the genius of the same rank!"

"At that time, one of the nine-character secrets, plus one of the strongest physiques in the universe that you have mastered."

"I believe that you will be able to sweep all the geniuses in the world!"

"Overwhelming an era! Achieve invincible posture!"

The words fall.

The atmosphere at the scene is even more shocking!

One of the nine-character secrets? !

This is really a big deal!

In order to accept apprentices, even these conditions are promised?

It's amazing!

All the monks present were frightened by Tuoba Jiuxiao's generosity.

One after another, the younger monks looked at Su Xuanji with more envy and hatred.

First, Nangong Jing, the powerful cultivator, wanted to accept his disciples.


It was the turn of Tuoba Jiuxiao, the ancient and terrifying supreme being!

A terrifying great cultivator at the level of the king of slashing!

There is such an ancient existence who has lived for nearly 3,200 years and carefully taught that, given time, he will be able to become an almighty monk at the fastest speed.

This is definitely an incredible opportunity!

"Nine, nine-character secrets?!"

"It was used as a condition for accepting apprentices!"

"Am I dreaming?"

"Jealousy separates my walls!"

"I hate myself, why is the talent and aptitude so low?"

"Could it be that in this world, people with high qualifications can really do whatever they want?"

"Damn it!"


All the monks of the younger generation present felt it.

This world, against the deep malice they have.

"This is Mr. Tuoba, a terrifying being who has entered the realm of power as early as 2,000 years ago! The current Mr. Tuoba is already a great cultivator of the rank of Dao Slayer!"

"All the powerful cultivators present, even the great masters of the Ji family and Jiang family, are all juniors in front of Mr. Tuoba!"

"An ancient Dao Slayer King who has lived for nearly 3,200 years, actually took out one of the nine-character secrets as a condition for accepting an apprentice."

"Does this keep people alive?"

"According to the rumors."

"Mr. Tuoba personally taught a disciple of a powerful level thousands of years ago. This clearly shows that Mr. Tuoba must have an extremely powerful ability in teaching disciples."

"If I can become Mr. Tuoba's disciple, I'm afraid I'll wake up laughing from a dream!"

"This god son of the Su family is really lucky! The powerful monks are scrambling to accept apprentices, even the supreme existence of the Dao Slayer King series wants to accept apprentices!"

Countless monks were deeply shocked and envied.

All the senior elders of the Su family were also shocked.

"Am I hallucinating?"

"Or am I dreaming?"

"First Nangong Da Neng, and then Mr. Tuoba..."

"These two supreme beings who are high above the rest in normal times, at this moment, they are all scrambling to accept apprentices!"

All the Su family members present looked at Tuoba Jiuxiao dumbfounded, dumbfounded.

One of the nine-character secrets was actually used as a condition for accepting an apprentice?

Is this still an ancient and supreme existence of the slashing king series?

Everything feels like a dream!

once Upon a time.

The supreme existence of the Dao Slashing King series wants to accept apprentices, but still needs to pay such a huge price?

Has the world changed?

"Old Mr. Tuoba, who is the king of slashing the way, actually used one of the extremely precious nine-character secrets as a condition for accepting disciples, and wanted to accept my Su family godson as a disciple!"

"Oh my God!"

"This this..."

Su Yao, the current head of the Su family, looked horrified.

until this moment.

He suddenly woke up.

turn out to be...

The talent and aptitude of my son of the Su family is actually so powerful!

That is the high-ranking Dao Slashing King!


But only for one person, and promised such rich conditions.

If the Su family can be connected and involved with the supreme existence of a series of Dao Slayer Kings because of this, then the Su family's confidence will be even stronger in the future!

Thinking of this, Su Yao's mood suddenly became ecstatic.

"Mr. Tuoba, this is really a big deal!"

"Take one of the nine-character secrets as a condition for accepting an apprentice! It's unbelievable!"

"This is too crazy!"

The hearts of the ancient existences of the holy places and families were greatly shocked.

Nangong Jing was a little dissatisfied.

He looked at Tuoba Jiuxiao resentfully, and couldn't help but complain: "Brother Tuoba, I finally found a suitable disciple, why do you have to fight with me?"

"I also took out the peerless secret method of the Nine-Word Secret as a condition for accepting apprentices! You are not following the routine at all!"

"You're like this, how can I still compete?"

The old monster doesn't talk about martial arts at all!


Tuoba Jiuxiao laughed: "If that's the case, then you simply don't want to compete with me. With your status as a dignified and powerful cultivator, if you want to become your disciple, you can simply line up from the Eastern Wasteland to the Western Desert."

Nangong Jing sneered: "That's not possible, this is one of the most powerful physiques in the universe! It is a rare encounter in the world to have such a world-shattering talent!"

"Since it happened to me now, there is no reason to miss it."

"Although I don't have one of the nine-character secrets, I do have half a scroll of the Emperor's Sutra, which can be used as a condition for accepting disciples."*

Chapter 22 What the hell? Play so big? In terms of ruthlessness, your Ji family is the most ruthless

One of the nine-character secrets!

Remnants of the Divine Scriptures!

Such a shocking treasure was actually used as a gift for the disciples?


All the monks in the audience were crazy and shocked.

Whether it is one of the nine-character secrets or a fragment of the imperial scriptures, they are absolutely precious and cannot be measured by value.


At this moment.

It is this kind of supreme treasure, but it was used as a gift for competition and apprenticeship by an ancient existence of a powerful and a series of slashing kings!

Has the world changed?

The power and the king are scrambling to accept apprentices!

He even took out a rare treasure as a gift for accepting disciples!

To know.

An almighty cultivator, but a supreme existence that is powerful enough to deter thousands of miles of territory!

Not to mention...

A great cultivator of the Dao Slashing King series above the power!

If these two openly accept apprentices, I am afraid that those who want to become their apprentices will be able to line up all the way from the East Desert to the West Desert, which is thousands of miles away.

But right now, in order to compete for the same disciple, a great power competes with a Dao Slayer King, and even takes out the peerless treasure at the bottom of the box.

"Crazy! They're crazy!"

"Am I dreaming?"

"When did the ancient existence of the powerful series want to accept apprentices, and still need to take the initiative to give gifts?"

"First, one of the nine-character secrets! Then there are half volumes of the Emperor's Sutra! Each of these two treasures is enough to cause the entire Eastern Wasteland trillions of cultivators to rush and go crazy."

"In order to compete for the same disciple, the two great powers and kings seem to be almost fighting each other."

"Whether it's Danny Nangong, or Mr. Tuoba, these two are ancient existences that have existed for a very long time, and their strength is extremely tyrannical and unfathomable."

"If you can become a disciple of any of them, you can walk sideways in the entire Eastern Wasteland!"


One after another, the younger monks were jealous.

They stared at Su Xuanji, wishing they could immediately replace Su Xuanji's treatment.

To be accepted as a disciple by two ancient powers and Dao Slayers who have survived for a very long time, what kind of shocking talent does this require?

it goes without saying!

If others want to become disciples of the mighty monks, they have to go through countless hardships and experiences.

But when it came to the Damn it boy in front of him, the ancient existence of the mighty and Dao Slashing King series took the initiative to come to accept his disciples.

This caused the mentality of all the younger monks present to collapse.

"Brother Nangong seems to have made a lot of money. He took out the half-volume Emperor Sutra from the bottom of the box."

Tuoba Jiuxiao smiled.

"If I don't come up with some real materials, I'm afraid I won't be able to compete with you, brother Tuoba."

Nangong Jing showed a smug smile.

the other side.

The elders of the ancient holy places with extremely long heritage are still full of shock at this moment, staring at Tuoba Jiuxiao and Nangong Jing in a daze.

"One of the nine-character secrets! Half-volume Emperor Sutra!"

"These two, it seems that they are bound to win!"

Even for the ancient holy land with a long heritage, whether it is one of the nine-character secrets or the half-volume Emperor Sutra, it is also a rare treasure that can be encountered and cannot be found.

Every emperor scripture was created by the great emperor of the past, and it is the most powerful cultivation method in the world.

Although the half-volume Emperor Sutra is not complete, its value must not be easily measured.

Not to mention the Nine-character Secret.

Any secret method of one of the nine-character secrets is enough to make countless cultivators in the Big Dipper jealous!

"How are the young people thinking?"

Tuoba Jiuxiao looked at Su Xuanji.

Everyone quietly waited for Su Xuanji's reply.

At this time.

A half-step almighty elder who came from a sacred place created by an ancient emperor himself in the early stage of the desolate ancient times, which was inherited hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he interrupted.

"If the little friend is willing to become a disciple of my Holy Land, I can represent the Holy Land and promise to give you all the resources that each realm needs to consume."


"You don't need to leave the Su family, you only need to be a disciple of the Holy Land. At that time, my Holy Land and the Su family will also reach a certain cooperative relationship."

"at last..."

"I know that your Su family's current imperial scriptures are not complete."

"Therefore, as long as you become a disciple of my Holy Land, the Emperor Sutra of our Holy Land will allow you to read it without reservation."

"This is a complete emperor scripture! Cultivation to the extreme end can achieve the complete emperor scripture of the first emperor!"

"Its value can't be compared to the fragmentary emperor scriptures."

The words fall.

The whole place is silent!

Even Nangong Jing and Tuoba Jiuxiao became silent.

A complete scripture!

The attraction is so great!

Even the two of them were heartbroken and jealous.

Since they were not from the Dao Lineage of the Great Emperor, the two of them did not have a complete Emperor Sutra.


They simply cannot give them the same conditions as these ancient holy places.

This alone is enough to make them and the Great Emperor Dao Lineage divide a huge gap and gap.

"My Ji family inherited a complete imperial scripture from the ancient emperor, and I am willing to open it up to little friends. Besides, my Ji family will never be stingy with all the resources you need to cultivate."

"Similarly, there is no need for the little friend to leave the Su family and join my Ji family."

Ji Family Danny suddenly spoke up.

Pairs of eyes came together one after another, and they were all puzzled by the actions of the Ji family.

in full view.

After a pause, the Ji family's almighty stared at Su Xuanji with fiery eyes, and continued: "As long as the little friend is willing, you can marry a woman of my Ji family's generation, and you must give birth to a child and leave it to me. The Ji family is cultivating."

"In my Ji family's younger generation, there are not many female cultivators. All of them are born with beautiful looks. You can let you choose by yourself, little friend."

"I don't know how you feel?"

What the fuck?

Everyone present was shocked.

Play this big?

In terms of ruthlessness, your Ji family is the most ruthless!

Even thought of this way of marriage!


What the Ji family was looking for turned out to be the next generation of the Su family godson!

Not hard to imagine.

With one of the strongest physiques in the universe possessed by the Su family god son, if he can combine with a Ji family female Tianjiao, a child will be born.

This heir is very likely to have a more powerful and terrifying physique.

The Ji family is simply scheming!

It was so far-reaching!

The dignified and top-notch ancient family in the Big Dipper actually wanted to take the initiative to post a arrogant girl to marry?

"Ji's old man, he has simply lost the face of a dignified and ancient aristocratic family!"

"Damn it!"

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"Be the first to bind the Su family god son by marriage, and then seek the next generation of the Su family god son!"

The Jiang family was in a hurry.


He also hurriedly said: "My Jiang family can also promise the same conditions as the Ji family."

In order to compete for Su Xuanji, the ancient monks of various ancient families, ancient holy places, and imperial dynasties began to be anxious.

The atmosphere at the scene was chaotic and seemed extremely crazy!

"Crazy crazy!"

"The supreme existences of the major holy places, aristocratic families, and dynasties are all crazy!"

"It's the first time in my life that I've seen that the ancient noble families and holy land Taoist lineages in the past were so mad that they almost fought for one person!"

"Is the physique of the Son of God really so terrifying? It almost caused a war between the two ancient families!"

Su Jiasu, who has lived for thousands of years, is full of confusion.

The disciples of the Su family were already dumbfounded.

Is this the peerless evildoer of my Su family?

Let the dignified ancient family post a proud daughter of heaven?

Really long experience!

at this time.

The supreme beings from the incomparably ancient and long-standing Taoist traditions all fixed on Su Xuanji's body with their fanatical and full of anticipation eyes. *

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 23 The power of one in a billion quasi-emperors! Shock the King of Dao Slashing! [Three more

Being watched by an ancient and powerful existence did not affect Su Xuanji's emotional changes, and he maintained a calm and indifferent attitude from beginning to end.

This scene fell into the eyes of the four powerful monks.

Make them more amazed and applauded.

As expected of a world-class monster with one of the most powerful physiques in the universe!

This character alone is worthy of the name of the peerless genius!

"How will he choose?"

"No matter what you choose, it is a great opportunity for him!"

"It's really enviable!"

"It can be rushing to accept apprentices by two ancient powers and kings, and it is even more wanted to be accepted by the ancient sacred dynasties and dynasties."

"I was also asked to marry the arrogant daughter of two ancient families!"


All the monks of the younger generation were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

The eyes of Su Yao, the head of the Su family, were also fixed on Su Xuanji.

As the current head of his dignified ancient family, at this moment, he felt a little nervous and uneasy.

in the eyes of the crowd.


Su Xuanji's face was calm, and he said slowly, "I'm sorry, but I have no intention of becoming anyone's disciple, and I have no intention of joining any holy place, let alone marrying someone."

Become someone else's disciple?

What a joke!

Who is there to teach him this quasi-emperor?

If it wasn't for his low-key concept, he could easily suppress all the mighty and Dao Slayer Kings in the audience with just a wisp of the prestige of a quasi-emperor.

Not to mention the mere almighty cultivator, even the Dao Slayer King is not qualified to teach him.

As for joining the Holy Land?

This can be considered a little bit.


If he really wants to join the Holy Land, it is definitely not for the Holy Land's Emperor Sutra, but purely to be able to sign in at different locations, that's all.

But if you hook yourself up to the Holy Land for most of your life just to be able to sign in at the Holy Land, then it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, he still chose to refuse the solicitation of the Holy Land.

The last marriage with the ancient family? And give birth to offspring?

He has no such plans yet.

Even if he really wanted to marry someone to give birth to an offspring, he would never choose a woman without any emotional communication, no matter how good the woman was.

to sum it up.

Su Xuanji decisively rejected all forces on the spot.

Falling with his voice.

The whole place was dead silent!


All the monks were stunned by this.


actually refused?

Not only did he reject Nangong Daneng and Mr. Tuoba...

Even the holy places and ancient families of all parties refused at the same time?


Simply unbelievable!

All the monks present were dumbfounded.

All the senior Su family members were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

What is the plan?

Why refuse?

For any monk, this is definitely the greatest opportunity in this life!

But was it rejected like that?

Too sloppy!

Simply confused!

"Rejected, rejected everyone?"

Nangong Jing was stunned for a moment.

And Tuoba Jiuxiao, who was beside him, quickly reacted after a brief period of daze.

quite a while.

He couldn't help but ask, "Can you tell me the reason?"

He really couldn't figure it out.

Why would anyone be able to refuse the solicitation of major holy places and ancient dynasties?

All are curious.

What is the reason for Su Xuanji to refuse all power in the audience?

"The opportunity that we couldn't even imagine in our dreams was decisively rejected by others?"

"Oh my God!"

"Does this keep people alive?"

"You can leave it to us!"

One after another, the younger monks wailed in their hearts.

A supreme being from an ancient Taoism with a long tradition, frowned, looked at Su Xuanji in a puzzled way, and quietly waited for the latter's answer.

The Ji family's great power and the Jiang family's great power are also completely incomprehensible.

"I already have a master."

Su Xuanji spoke.

"Little friend, you may not know that choosing a suitable master can make you do more with less in your practice, and can also save you from taking a lot of detours."

"I, Tuoba Jiuxiao, have reached the level of the Dao Slayer King!"

"Your master should have a strong enough cultivation base and experience. Not everyone is qualified to be your World Honored One."

Tuoba Jiuxiao persuaded.

In his opinion.

With his supreme cultivation as the Dao Slayer King, almost no one in the world can compare with him!

"Who is your master?"

Nangong Jing asked.

At this time.

Su Yao, the head of the Su family, and his group of senior elders of the Su family already had some guesses in their hearts.

"Could it be..."

"At that time, there was a ray of coercion in my Su Family Ancestor Monument Temple, so let me wait and count the supreme being who is kneeling on the ground?"

Su Yao had a guess in his heart.

Recalling the coercion of the breath at that time, he still feels trembling and heart palpitations to this day.


Facing the curious eyes of everyone, Su Xuanji took out a common Originium commonly used by monks, and poured a ray of quasi-emperor aura from his body into it.

The weird thing is...

All the ancient and powerful monks present were unaware of his actions.

Even Tuoba Jiuxiao, an ancient existence who has lived for 3,200 years, has reached the level of the Dao Slayer King, but he is also unable to detect Su Xuanji's movements.

after all.

A dignified quasi emperor wants to do something, how can he be seen by the mere king of beheading?

at the same time.

A wisp of quasi-emperor power that was one in a billion was successfully poured into the Originium by Su Xuanji.

"Master once said that his name should not be mentioned to the outside world."

"This is an item left by my master as my amulet."

"He said that this object contains the power of his full blow. Once activated, it can kill the supreme cultivator of the Dao King series."

Su Xuanji took out the source stone.

The words fell short.

The whole place became extraordinarily silent again!

"Can you kill the Daoist King?!"

"Did I hear it wrong? Or am I dreaming?"

"My God! Really?"

"Isn't the supreme cultivator of the Dao Slaying King series already approaching the realm of the ancient saints infinitely? How could such a terrifying existence be beheaded by others?"


A group of monks were shocked.

Can you kill the Daoist King?

What level of terror is this?

The powerful monks from the ancient family, the ancient holy land, and the imperial line of Taoism changed their colors one after another.

They stared at the Originium in Su Xuanji's hand, their eyes filled with suspicion, fear, and caution.

If this thing can really kill the Daoist King.

That also means.

This son's master, I am afraid that he has already reached an extremely terrifying realm!

Let them, the monks who inherited from the ancient holy land, feel the deep heart palpitations.

"Can you show me this thing?"

Tuoba Jiuxiao looked surprised.

Is there such a terrifying existence in the world?

Can you kill the Daoist King?

Why had he never heard of it before?

He has lived for an extremely long three thousand years, but he has never heard of such a terrifying existence.

Could it be that he was really ignorant?


Su Xuanji handed the Originium.

next second.

The source stone showed a parabola, and finally, it fell between the palms of Tuoba Jiuxiao.

Holding this ordinary Origin Stone in his hand, Tuoba Jiuxiao, without hesitation, immediately poured a wisp of Qi into the Origin Stone, a terrifying Qi that belongs to the Dao Slashing King series.

With the Qi of Dao Slashing King, it was poured into the source stone.


The power within the Originium is triggered.


Accompanied by a loud roar.

The surrounding space hummed and collapsed!

at the same time.

Tuoba Jiuxiao's head seemed to burst open on the spot.

In between...

His turbid eyes seemed to have seen a terrifying phantom that swept across the ages, looking down from the sky with those deep eyes.

For a brief moment.

Tuoba Jiuxiao was shocked on the spot.

Then his body became extraordinarily rigid, as if he had turned into a statue, unable to move at all.

He couldn't imagine.

What kind of terrifying figure was that?


Great shore!


Do not look directly!

It is like a taboo existence that is above all living beings!

For a time, Tuoba Jiuxiao, the king of Dao Slashing, turned pale in shock, and his whole body began to tremble faintly. *

Chapter 24 Ancient taboos exist! Don't call him by name! [Four more flowers]

It was an unspeakable horror!

Heartbreaking horror!

Looking down from the eyes above the sky, Tuoba Jiuxiao, the supreme existence who has reached the cultivation base of the Dao Slashing King, felt his own fragility, insignificance, and humbleness.

Insignificant as ants!

What kind of terrifying existence is that?

Tuoba Jiuxiao's face was pale, almost bloodless, and his turbid eyes were full of emotions such as heart palpitations, panic, horror, and fear.



He constantly adjusted his breathing rhythm, forcing himself to calm down.

But his weak trembling body showed the panic in his heart.

It was naturally difficult for Tuoba Jiuxiao's abnormal movements to escape the eyes and ears of the powerful cultivators present from the various holy places.

When he saw Tuoba Jiuxiao's trembling body, Nangong Jing was shocked, and his eyes were full of horror.

what's the situation?

Brother Tuoba is trembling?

What did he sense from the Originium?

What kind of existence can make Brother Tuoba tremble?

To know.

Brother Tuoba is the supreme existence of the Dao Slashing King series!

Even if you look at the entire Beidou, they belong to the supreme top cultivator!


At this moment.

Is such a powerful existence trembling?


"This this!"

Nangong Jing's throat was dry and her heart was shaking.

at the same time.

The expressions of the Ji family and Jiang family changed dramatically, and they looked at each other, and they could capture the deep horror from the depths of their respective eyes.

"To make Tuoba Jiuxiao, a powerful cultivator who has already reached the level of the king of slashing, feels a lot of panic about it..."

"The mysterious master of the Su family god son, I'm afraid he is really a supreme existence!"

Because they were born in a desolate and ancient family, Da Neng Ji and Da Neng Jiang can naturally understand the secrets that many ordinary monks can never reach.

The deeper they understand, the more they understand the horror of the Big Dipper Continent!

Although the king of slashing is enough to crush the Big Dipper.

But, that's only on the surface.

As the powerful monks of the ancient family, the Ji family and the Jiang family are very clear in their hearts, and many ancient existences are only rarely introduced.

Those ancient existences have touched a lot of forbidden secrets!

Can't get into it!


Don't even try to offend!

"Could it be that..."

"The master of the Su family god son, is such an ancient and terrifying taboo existence?"

The two great powers from the ancient family were shocked.

Their pupils shrank, and their gazes towards Su Xuanji became much more cautious.

Just relying on the Qi machine contained in an Originium...

It is enough to intimidate a supreme cultivator of the Dao Slashing King series.

This alone shows that the master of the Su family god son must be an extremely terrifying taboo existence!

Tuoba Jiuxiao is not an ordinary Dao Slayer King, but an ancient Dao Slayer King who has lived for more than 3,000 years, and his survival time is very long.

But even so.

Tuoba Jiuxiao, however, was still strongly deterred by the opportunity contained within that Origin Stone.

what does that mean?

"Behind the Su family godson..."

"There is an extremely ancient and terrifying taboo being standing!"

One by one, the ancient holy places and the imperial dynasties suddenly became clear in their hearts.

After seeing Tuoba Jiuxiao's pale face, they immediately thought of the key point.

The face of the half-step great-skilled elder in the Holy Land of Fluctuation changed slightly, and his eyes became a little dignified when he looked at Su Xuanji.

The elders of the Holy Land of Four Elephants, the Holy Land of Daoyi, and even King Zhennan of the Zhenwu Dynasty all looked at Su Xuanji more cautiously and cautiously than before.

Even Tuoba Jiuxiao, who was at the level of the King of Slashing Dao, was shocked and turned pale...

This can be imagined.

What a powerful ancient monk is the mysterious master standing behind the Su family godson!

the other side.

The countless cultivators of the younger generation present did not know why.

They can only feel it.

The atmosphere in the air suddenly became a little weird and oppressive.

"The master of the Su family's god son may be an extremely terrifying existence!"

"Otherwise, it won't make the ancient monks of the major holy places change their colors."

"Did you see it? Even Mr. Tuoba suddenly became silent."

"Also, Nangong Da-song doesn't dare to make any more remarks at all."


A group of monks were shocked.

The senior Su family elders who were present seemed to have expected this. Although they were still shocked, they were far from the gaffes of outsiders.

"Never thought..."

"My master of the Su family's god son is so terrifying that Mr. Tuoba panicked."

"That is the supreme cultivator of the Dao Slashing King series!"

Including Su Yao, the head of the Su family, their moods were not only shocking, but also full of excitement and excitement, almost ecstatic.

at last.

Tuoba Jiuxiao suppressed the abnormal emotional fluctuations in his heart, his body still trembled slightly, and returned the Originium in his hand to Su Xuanji.

quite a while.

He exhaled heavily, his old face looked very complicated, and his tone was a little lonely and emotional: "I have been sitting in the well and watching the sky for a long time."

"We will know today."

"There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky."

"For the past three thousand years, it seems that I have lived in a cage, and I have never been able to jump out of the cage and see a more exciting world."

A monk who can make a slasher king express that he is sitting in the well and watching the sky.

Just ask.

What is this concept?

This is taboo!

"Your master is an extremely terrifying supreme being, and you can't call him by name!"

Tuoba Jiuxiao looked at the Origin Stone in Su Xuanji's hand with a strong sense of awe in his eyes.

The words fall.

The whole place shook!

Can be called the supreme existence by the king of slashing...

How terrible is this existence?

"That must be a taboo!"

"A taboo that has existed for a very long time!"

The powerful monk from the holy land was deeply horrified.

As a monk with a very long tradition of Taoism, they know a lot of secrets about ancient taboos.


When they heard Tuoba Jiuxiao's remarks, they all had a strong shock and fear.

until this moment.

They were completely cut off, and they wanted to recruit Su Xuanji.

An incomparably ancient taboo exists, even if it is the ancient family or the Holy Land Dao Lineage left by the Great Emperor, they will definitely not dare to provoke it. *

Chapter 25 Martial Dao Tianyan Peeks into the Origin! A glimpse of the vicissitudes of life! [One mo

What kind of terrifying existence can make the look of the Dao Slayer King change drastically?

Ancient saints?

All the monks present were shocked.

Nangong Jing, an ancient existence that has survived for more than 2,000 years, does not dare to mention the matter of accepting disciples at this moment.

All the powerful cultivators in the holy places were silent.

In the face of such ancient and mysterious taboo existences, even the ancient families would not dare to act rashly.

"Can you use your martial arts eyes to trace the origin of his physique?"

This ancient existence from Daoyi Holy Land, who had lived for two thousand years, suddenly asked a young monk beside him in a low voice.

Daoyi Holy Land, inherited in the early days of the ancient times 100,000 years ago.

In the early days of the ancient era, all kinds of arrogances emerged one after another, and it was an extremely prosperous and splendid era for monks.

Daoyi Holy Land has risen from that era and stood in the Eastern Wasteland!

Although no great emperor has ever been born, the Daoyi Holy Land has a very strong background, which is only inferior to that of the great emperors such as the ancient family.

Compared with the Su family, which is now in poverty, it is obviously much stronger.

"Elder Qi, this disciple can give it a try."

Standing next to the elders of Daoyi Holy Land, the young monk, who was about thirty years old, flashed his eyes, and immediately spoke with great interest.

He is the most outstanding Tianjiao in Daoyi Holy Land, and his name is Daoxuan.

Looking at the entire Eastern Wilderness, Daoxuan is also a proud and prestigious son of heaven. Although he can't be on par with the Ji family's god-king body, he is only inferior.


The most outstanding thing about Daoxuan is not that he has some kind of strong physique.


He cultivated into the legendary Martial Dao Heavenly Eye!

The Martial Dao Heavenly Eye that can peek into all the roots!

According to rumors.

After the Martial Dao Tianyan has been cultivated to the point of completion, he can penetrate the causal laws of other people's martial arts at a glance, trace the origin of his martial arts, and even deduce thousands of martial arts.

It is terrifying!

After cultivating into the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, even if Daoxuan is only a mortal body, the talent and aptitude are still above the ordinary divine body!

It is for this reason.

Daoxuan became the contemporary son of Daoyi Holy Land, and was trained as the future Holy Master of Daoyi Holy Land.

With a pair of martial arts eyes, Daoxuan was not inferior in the countless Tianjiao battles in Donghuang.

at this time.

According to the instructions of the elders of Daoyi Holy Land, Daoxuan prepared to use the martial arts eyes that he had always been proud of, trying to peek into the root of Su Xuanji's physique in front of him.

Doxuan has always believed with confidence.

In the whole world, there is no physique that can escape the insight of his martial arts eye!

All the secrets will be clearly penetrated by his martial arts eyes!

Although now he has only cultivated the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye to a small level, even so, some of the powerful physiques that appeared in Donghuang basically cannot escape the insight of his eyes.

With a confident attitude, Daoxuan's eyes flashed and he stared at Su Xuanji intently.

for a while.

The martial arts eye is activated!

A mysterious and mysterious Dao rhyme entangled in Daoxuan's eyes, and the law of the Dao between heaven and earth seemed to turn into a warm current, pouring into his eyes and pupils.


Daoxuan saw some of the rules of the Great Dao that existed in this world.

Although it can only vaguely capture the ambiguous lines, it is enough to show the horror of the martial arts eye.

Immediately after.

Daoxuan's eyes seemed to emerge from a sea of ​​stars, the light in his eyes changed from the original color, the pupils changed from pitch black to colorful, and countless colors gathered in his pupils.

After using the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, Daoxuan seemed to have fallen into the ocean of the Dao Law, almost forgetting it, and subconsciously ignored the surrounding environmental factors.

at the same time.

After Daoxuan used the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, it was only a few breaths before and after, and the ancient beings present quickly noticed the movement here.

For the powerful monks from the ancient holy land and the imperial lineage, it is natural that Daoxuan's every move cannot escape their eyes and ears.

Representing the holy places and dynasties who came this time, the weakest are all powerful beings with half-step high energy levels!

Of course, Daoxuan's movements could not be hidden from their observations.


"Is this the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye?"

An ancient existence that had lived for 1,800 years exclaimed.

The cultivation of Martial Dao Tianyan is extremely difficult!

Even if there is really a secret method to cultivate the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, the one who can finally cultivate the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye is only an example of tens of billions of monks.

The probability is too low!


When they saw Daoxuan's Martial Dao Heavenly Eyes, every one of the great masters present was very surprised.

Being able to successfully cultivate the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye is enough to show this child's talent and aptitude!

"This is the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, which has been cultivated to a small degree. It can initially peek into the laws of the Dao between heaven and earth."


"After the cultivation of the Martial Dao's Heavenly Eyes has reached its zenith, one can see the sky above and the ground below, and the eyes can penetrate the sky and penetrate the nine secluded yellow springs."

"Compared to the Divine King body after Dacheng, it is not much less."

The Ji family's powerful voice was amazed again and again.

"Is he the holy son of this generation of Daoyi Holy Land? I have heard before that this son has defeated countless Tianjiao in the Eastern Wilderness with a pair of martial arts eyes."

"I didn't expect to see it today, this Holy Son of Daoyi Holy Land is really different!"

"At such a young age, he has already cultivated the martial arts to the realm of Xiaocheng. This kind of talent is really extraordinary."

"There are people who have successors in Daoyi Holy Land!"

The great power from the ancient holy land and the imperial lineage, without hesitation in the admiration of words.


They are starting to realize.

The rope of the Daoyi Holy Land seems to be using this pair of Martial Dao Heavenly Eyes, trying to peek at the physical origin of the Su family godson!

"Want to use the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye to peep at one of the most powerful physiques in the universe?"

"Will this work?"

Even Tuoba Jiuxiao, Nangong Jing and other ancient beings are deeply curious and looking forward to it.

One is the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, which is known as the eye that can spy on all the laws of the Dao in the world!

One is one of the most powerful physiques in the universe, the Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo!


Can the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye peep into the strongest physique in the universe?

Everyone doesn't know.

at this time.

Doxuan entered a state of forgetting himself. His eyes, which could be used to capture the law of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, were used by him to try to trace the mystery and origin of Su Xuanji's physique.

The lines of law between heaven and earth floated past his eyes.

"It is known as one of the most powerful constitutions in the universe?"

"But when facing my Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, it must not be able to hide any secrets!"

Daoxuan's face was full of confidence.


Use all the power to gather in the eyes, and push the martial arts eye to the extreme.


These eyes broke through the fog.

"I saw!"

The corners of Daoxuan's mouth twitched slightly.

Broken fog...

A map of the stars appeared!

The incomparably bright and dazzling stars flicker, and the painting forms a vast sea of ​​stars, which is extremely ancient and distant, giving people a sense of seeing everything in the vicissitudes of life.




"This, this is..."

The smile on Daoxuan's face stopped abruptly, and his throat seemed a little dry.

When he saw this vast star sea, he felt an unprecedented sense of insignificance in his heart.

Ever since he cultivated into the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, he has never experienced this incomparably humble taste.

It was clearly visible in his eyes.

The vast star sea composed of stars in the sky gradually formed a phantom of a person.

That is a stalwart phantom standing above the nine heavens!

Holding the stars!

Pedal for nine days!

This is the real horror!

All the laws of the Great Dao between heaven and earth are resonating with this stalwart figure, dancing and floating recklessly around this figure.

Raise your hands...


at the same time.

Facing Daoxuan's peeping and probing with Martial Eyes, Su Xuanji opened his eyes calmly and glanced at him very casually.


Corresponding to the extremely terrifying and majestic phantom in Daoxuan's eyes at this moment, he also slowly opened his eyes.

That look...

The moment will run through the ages!

And pull the law of the avenue, and derive an infinite cosmic space.

Dropped at a glance...

All things in the world are vicissitudes!

All things have fallen into the vicissitudes of life!

The stars are shattered!

Three thousand worlds are rotten and shattered!

The law of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth has collapsed!




Everything seems to return to the most primitive chaotic void.


It exploded with a roar of forehead.


Daoxuan suddenly screamed.

Immediately after.

Two extremely strange and dazzling blood flowed down from his eyes slowly.



(PS: For the first update, ask for flowers! Ask for an evaluation ticket! Ask for a monthly ticket!)*

Chapter 26 Martial Dao Heavenly Eyes vs Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo? [Second Update]


The unprecedented tingling sensation caused Daoxuan to hold his head in his hands, clutching his head tightly and screaming uncontrollably, laying on the ground in pain, rolling and wailing.

With just one glance, his head almost burst on the spot.

at the same time.

Daoxuan's most proud Martial Dao Tianyan was also severely traumatized.

The red bloodstains slowly flowed down from his eyes, stained on his pale and almost bloodless face at the moment, looking particularly ferocious and terrifying.

The legendary Martial Dao Tianyan traces the origin of the method...

Was smashed by Su Xuanji at a random glance!


Su Xuanji did not use the quasi-imperial air machine at all.

Just a pure look can seriously damage Daoxuan's Martial Dao Heavenly Eye.

"Martial Heaven Eyes?"

"But so."

Su Xuanji shook his head.

have to say.

The Holy Son of this Holy Land is really bold.

How dare you try to use the martial arts eye to trace the origin of your own quasi emperor?

Isn't this courting death?

The prestige of the quasi-emperor cannot be seen!

Not to be offended!

Don't say that Xuan is only a small achievement in the martial arts, even if the martial arts are cultivated to the highest level, it is absolutely impossible to spy on a quasi emperor!


Daoxuan suffered a painful backlash.

"Dao Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

The elders of Daoyi Holy Land were shocked and hurriedly helped Daoxuan who was lying on the ground screaming and wailing.


He used the surging cultivation in his body, poured pure power into Daoxuan's body, and repaired Daoxuan's bloody eyes.

If there is a problem with Daoxuan's eyes, it will be a huge loss and trauma to Daoyi Holy Land!

To know.

Daoxuan has been cultivated by Daoyi Holy Land as the future Holy Master.

At this moment, if there is an accident in Daoxuan, the countless resources consumed by the cultivation of Daoxuan in the early days of Daoyi Holy Land will be equivalent to a waste of water.

How could Daoyi Holy Land accept this result?

"It was my fault."

"I shouldn't let you spy on that Su family godson!"

The ancient existence of Daoyi Holy Land panicked.

He couldn't imagine.

If Daoxuan couldn't be beaten because of this, would he face severe punishment from the Holy Master of Daoyi Holy Land!

after all.

It was he who took the initiative to speak and let Daoxuan peep at the origin of the so-called strongest constitution in the universe!

The results are obvious.

Although the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye is very strong, it still cannot peek into the origin of the strongest constitution in the universe!


In the end, it suffered a serious backlash!

"The strongest physique in the universe is indeed the strongest physique in the universe!"

"Even if the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye is powerful, it cannot be compared with the Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo."

"The Holy Son of Daoyi Holy Land has suffered enough this time."

"I hope this holy son of Daoyi Holy Land can keep these eyes. Otherwise, his life will be completely ruined."


A powerful monk from an ancient holy place, aristocratic family, and dynasty was full of emotion.

Even the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye has suffered such a serious backlash, which shows that the Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo, one of the strongest physiques in the universe, is not a mere name.

"Elder, my eyes can't see!"

"I'm not blind, am I?"

"No! It's not true!"

Daoxuan screamed in fear.

The proudest thing in his life is his eyes.


He couldn't even imagine it himself.

If he loses this pair of eyes, what kind of situation will he face next.


Daoyi Holy Land Elder's expression changed dramatically.

The most outstanding thing about Daoxuan is this pair of eyes!

If there is nothing wrong with this pair of eyes, Daoxuan's talent and aptitude will instantly drop to the bottom and become an ordinary cultivator.

The consequences could be disastrous!

"Patriarch Su, I won't bother you too much here, so I'll leave first."

The Taoist Holy Land elder quickly said something to Su Yao.


Not waiting for everyone's reaction.

He immediately grabbed the Dao Xuan whose eyes were severely damaged, and immediately burst into a powerful cultivation base of half a step, and his figure turned into a rainbow light and disappeared into the sky.

Even Daoxuan was taken away by him at an extremely terrifying speed.


He is going to return to the Holy Land with the Holy Son Daoxuan as fast as possible to treat these eyes!

Watching the departure of the Daoyi Holy Land Elder and the Holy Son, the ancient Dao Lineages, which have been inherited for a long time, also announced their departure one after another.

Although he knew the terrifying physique of the Su family godson, considering that behind him stood an ancient and terrifying taboo existence, everyone here dared not act rashly.

Since it is impossible to recruit the other party, it is better to retreat.

With this thought in mind, more than half of the ancient existences of the major holy places and imperial dynasties have left.

Of course.

Before leaving, every ancient Taoist would have a few words with Su Yao, the Patriarch of the Su Family, to establish a good relationship in advance.

"I should go too."

Nangong Jing sighed helplessly.

He first glanced at Su Xuanji, turned around to talk to Su Yao, and then drove the rainbow light to hundreds of thousands of miles away, and disappeared in the Su family's residence in an instant.


The ancient existence of the Holy Land of Fluctlight also left.

The elders of the Sixiang Holy Land also left.

The powerful existences such as the Zhennan King of the Zhenwu Dynasty, the great power of the Jiang family of the ancient family, and so on, left the Su family's residence one after another.

Before the Ji family left, he still left a sentence for Su Xuanji: "If other little friends are interested, you might as well come to my Ji family as a guest, and let my Ji family enjoy the friendship of the landlord."

"at the same time."

"You can also drop by and communicate with the younger disciples of my Ji family."

"Among the younger cultivators of my Ji family, there are quite a few arrogant daughters who have the beauty of the country. Don't forget, little friend, you must come to my Ji family as a guest when you have time."

Finished talking.

Ji Family Great Master turned into a rainbow light and fled away.

"The drunkard's intention is not the wine..."

"Are you sure you just want me to go to Ji's house to communicate?"

Watching the great power of the Ji family leave, Su Xuanji was speechless.


If there is a chance, he doesn't mind going to the Ji family of the ancient family.

after all.

As the Ji family of the dignified and ancient family, there must be a place full of Taoism that he can use to sign in.

So, why not do it?

If there is really time, not only the Ji family of the ancient family, but also the Jiang family, the Holy Land of Yaoguang, etc., Su Xuanji will personally visit them one by one.

Whenever the Dao Lineage of the Great Emperor has appeared, it is an excellent place to sign in!

Su Xuanji certainly does not allow himself to miss these places.

"Little friend, can you introduce your master to me?"

After the cultivators from all the cults left, the only remaining Tuoba Jiuxiao looked at Su Xuanji with a look of anticipation.

The dignified, ancient and supreme existence of the Daoist King series, when facing Su Xuanji at this moment, he is full of restraint and hope.

"I'm really sorry, my master has left Donghuang."

Su Xuanji refused outright.

"That's really a pity, I thought I would be able to see this taboo existence!"

Tuoba Jiuxiao left in disappointment.

So far.

As the ancient beings from holy places, dynasties, and aristocratic families left the Su family one after another, this great turmoil that swept the entire Eastern Wasteland gradually came to an end. *

Chapter 27 Great ability to vomit blood! There is great terror on this child! [Three more]

The Su family's residence is three million miles to the east.

The old man in white clothes flickered, standing on the top of the mountain, his eyes looking in the direction of the distant Su family's residence, he was silent for a long time, and his expression was intriguing.

He was bathed in splendid light all over his body, and his figure was particularly eye-catching, like an otherworldly god, untainted by the mundane world.

Take a closer look.

He was actually the one from the Fluctuating Light Holy Land, an ancient existence whose cultivation base reached the half-step power level!

The Holy Land of Fluctuating Light has deterred the Eastern Desolation for thousands of years, and was founded in the early days of the Desolate Ancient.

Although there has never been a great emperor in the Holy Land Dao Lineage, but the Holy Land does exist, a peerless emperor who is known to the outside world as brewing the laws of the emperor's way.

The Fluctuating Light Holy Land is the only ancient force in the entire Beidou that has an extremely long heritage.

Other holy places have had great emperors before, so they will leave emperor soldiers to sit in the holy places.

As for this imperial soldier in the Holy Land of Fluctuation, it was heard that he had brewed the laws of the imperial way by himself, and was not an imperial soldier that was personally refined by the great emperors of the past.

Although the Yaoguang Holy Land in charge of the imperial army did not inherit the Dao line of the emperor, it was still able to compete with the Ji and Jiang families of the ancient aristocratic family, and it was not inferior at all.

"There is a huge change in the Su family!"


"It will also have a huge impact on subsequent plans!"

The old man's eyebrows were full of gloomy and cold colors.

No one knows the details of the Fluctuating Light Holy Land.

This is an ancient holy place that has existed for a very long time and is still very mysterious for hundreds of thousands of years.

Even the ancient family has very limited understanding of the Fluctuating Light Holy Land.

No one will know.

Fluctuating Light Holy Land is secretly planning a great conspiracy!

"Let me try it out initially."

"The so-called congenital holy body, one of the strongest constitutions in the universe, how much secret is hidden in it."

"And Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family..."

"I always feel that this child has a big secret!"

"In order to allow the follow-up plan to be implemented as scheduled and prevent accidents from happening in the plan, let me use the Tianyan Secret Technique to investigate the details of this child!"

The old man immediately began to cast a mysterious secret technique.

Tianyan Secret Technique, this is an extremely ancient and powerful secret technique!

According to rumors.

The secret technique of Tianyan was created by an ancient sage, who was named Tianyan Great Sage!

This is an extremely ancient being!

It is older than the creation of the Holy Land of Fluctlight.

In that extremely splendid splendid era, the Tianyan Secret Technique created by the Great Sage Tianyan could even be vaguely compared to the secret technique created by the Great Emperor.


The secret technique of Tianyan, the prestige of that year shocked the entire Beidou!

After hundreds of thousands of years, this extremely powerful secret technique has long been lost, lost in the long river of time, and reduced to a secret technique that does not exist in the world.

never thought.

This secret method actually appeared on the body of the Half-step Great Power from the Holy Land of Fluctuation.

The secret method is mainly used to deduce the qi mechanism of heaven and earth, and it can briefly peek into the future of others.

As the saying goes.

The secret cannot be leaked.

As for the secret technique of Tianyan, it plunders a wisp of qi from the law of the Great Dao between heaven and earth to peep into the future of others.

The prerequisite for using the Tianyan Secret Technique is not only to have an extremely powerful cultivation base, but also to have an understanding of cause and effect such as 'past' and 'future'.

And most importantly...

To cast this secret technique, you need to consume at least a hundred years of life as the price!

Any secret technique that involves time is very expensive.

And the secret technique of Tianyan is a taboo secret technique that requires self-destruction of lifespan!

Once this secret technique is used, it can lead to resonance with the law of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, so as to briefly peek into the future of others, and make arrangements and plans in advance.

all in all.

The cost of performing this secret technique is high.

Unless it is a last resort, under normal circumstances, very few people will perform this kind of secret art that destroys their lifespan.

"At the cost of my own hundred years of life..."

"Let me peek into the future of Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family!"

The old man screamed loudly.


He immediately activated the secret technique of Tianyan, and the halo all over his body rose sharply.

at the same time.

He can see very acutely.

His own vitality is beginning to weaken crazily at an extremely terrifying speed.

"here we go!"

The old man was shocked, gritted his teeth and suppressed the fear in his heart.


He concentrated his attention and began to focus on investigating the ambiguous and fuzzy pictures formed by the countless Dao laws between heaven and earth...

Pulled by the secret technique of Tianyan, the law of the Great Dao between Heaven and Earth resonated.


The old man's eyes seemed to pierce through the void, traversing millions of miles away, and he could clearly see Su Xuanji, who was at the Su family's residence at the moment.

Around his body, the space was vibrating violently.



The space is cracked and shattered, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

The lines of the laws of heaven and earth, painted in the void, formed ancient and rhythmic patterns, which were extremely vague, as if they were born in the mist.

Just as the old man opened his eyes to capture a corner of the future.

That moment...

Three million miles away.

Su Xuanji, captured by the old man traversing a million miles of space, suddenly turned around and looked into the distance.

next second.


There was a roar of the law of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

The avenues of this side of the world were affected by the extremely terrifying force of Qi, and suddenly became extremely chaotic, as if the calm lake suddenly became turbulent.

The picture that the old man could see clearly became very chaotic.

The lines of the avenues are intertwined, and at this moment, they are cracking inch by inch.

Space warped!

The void collapses and collapses!

All the pictures...

All are being annihilated and broken!

"This, this is..."

The old man's pupils shrank, and his expression changed dramatically.

Haven't waited for his response.

The Law of Heaven and Earth suddenly collapsed.


Backlash is coming!

A terrifying force of energy rushed directly to the old man's body.


The old man suddenly vomited blood, his face became very pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his eyes were full of emotions such as shock, shock, fear, and disbelief.

at the same time.

The violent force from this backlash was sweeping through the internal organs of his body, making the aura in his body very chaotic and weak.

Lost, failed?

The Tianyan Secret Technique has failed!

how can that be? !

At this moment.

The old man, whose cultivation base had already reached half-step power, felt boundless panic.

So far, he has lived for nearly two thousand years.

But it was the first time that I failed when I used the Tianyan Secret Technique!

The scariest thing is...

This is still the result of his miserable failure when he used the powerful cultivation of half a step to perform the Tianyan Secret Technique against Tianjiao in a weak crown year!

"I'm afraid there is a big terror on this child!"

"This matter must be reported as soon as possible!"*

Chapter 28 Sign in to the Gongfa Pavilion! Reward a complete Emperor Sutra! [Four more flowers]

Su Xuanji's eyes flashed.

Just now, he sensed the taste of being watched.

This is not an illusion!

As a genuine quasi-emperor, it is impossible that even the feeling of being watched by others will go wrong.


When the eyes penetrate the void!

Eyes spanning a million miles away...

Su Xuanji smoothly saw a more familiar figure.

"Half-step almighty elder from Fluctuating Light Holy Land?"

He whispered to himself.


The feeling of being watched by others comes from this person!

Why should the half-step powerful monk in the dignified Fluctuating Light Holy Land deliberately spy on himself?

Su Xuanji couldn't understand for a while.

"The Holy Land of Fluctuating Light..."

With a whisper, Su Xuanji secretly had a deep impression of this sacred place with an extremely ancient heritage.

After telling Su Yao, the head of the Su family, and a group of high-level senior residents of the Su family, Su Xuanji simply returned to his residence.


the next day.

The sun is rising, and the sun shines on the sky.

early morning.

Su Xuanji is about to rush to the attic of Su's house, which is dedicated to recording exercises and secret techniques.

This way, no elder Su dared to stop it!

Due to what happened yesterday, all the disciples and elders of the entire Su family have deeply understood.

The Su family gave birth to a son of God with an incomparably noble status!

Or a peerless monster with one of the strongest physiques in the universe!

It represents the future of the entire Su family!

So far.

Su Xuanji's status has changed, and the entire Su family is second only to Su Yao, the head of the Su family.

All the resources of the entire Su family are naturally fully open to him!

Including the Su family's kung fu pavilion that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, it will not stop his footsteps.

Wherever he goes...

All the disciples of the Su family offered their greetings respectfully!

"Son of God!"

"Son of God!"


Even most of the elders of the outer sect of the Su family were particularly cautious and uneasy when facing Su Xuanji.

After a while.

When I came to the Gongfa Pavilion of the Su family, as soon as Su Xuanji stepped into it, he came on the head and smelled the quaint smell floating in the air.

The Su Family Kungfu Pavilion has been inherited for a very long time. From the very beginning of the Su Family's establishment, it has existed in the Su Family's residence, serving as the core of the Su Family's injury for thousands of years!

There are about 100,000 years of time.


Looking at the huge Su family, except for the ancestral temple of the Su family.

Su Xuanji can't think of any other place that can contain a stronger Taoism than Su's Gongfa Pavilion.

The first time I signed in at the Temple of Ancestral Monument triggered the Dao Rhyme of the Great Emperor, which triggered billions of times the reward crit and exhausted all the Dao Rhyme of the Temple of Ancestral Monument.

Naturally, this also lost the qualification to sign in at the Zubei Temple for the second time.


Su Xuanji can still choose to sign in at the Zubei Temple, but the rewards he can get for signing in will become extremely ordinary!

Signing in at a place where Dao Yun has been lost is naturally impossible to get too rich rewards.

Just like choosing a regular location to check in.


Only then did Su Xuanji have to move his target to the ancient and ancient Su family, which has been passed down for a hundred thousand years. This is a very long-standing kung fu pavilion.

The Su Family Gongfa Pavilion has existed for about 100,000 years, and there must be a very strong Taoism in it, which Su Xuanji can absolutely affirm.

Since there is a strong Taoist rhyme, the rewards you can get from signing in here will not be too bad.

"If you can sign a Divine Body or a Holy Body..."

"Then I'll be satisfied."

What Su Xuanji lacks now is a strong physique.

As for cultivation?

His cultivation is already high enough!

At least for now.

With his quasi-emperor's cultivation, he can completely swept all the fighting power on the bright side of the Big Dipper!


While possessing a powerful cultivation base, it is also accompanied by a looming world-destroying thunder calamity above the sky!

Countless thunderstorms surged at the end of the sky, which reminded Su Xuanji all the time, not to be too lax and careless.

He still needs to face a huge crisis of extinction!

If with his current strength, he would rashly pull the world-destroying thunder tribulation above the sky to the world, then the result would be obvious, he would definitely die.

In this situation.

He desperately needs a strong physique!

Only with a strong physique can he be used as the capital for his survival from the world-destroying thunder calamity.


If he can get several powerful physiques all in one, it will greatly increase the probability that Su Xuanji will survive this world-destroying thunder calamity.

Immediately after.

With a strong sense of anticipation in his heart, Su Xuanji's thoughts moved.

"System, choose to sign in at the Gongfa Pavilion."

[The host successfully signed in to the 'Gongfa Pavilion' and was rewarded with a complete imperial classic "Yanhuangjing"! ]

[Do you want to withdraw this sign-in reward immediately? ]

"Not a physique?"

After listening to the system prompt, Su Xuanji looked slightly disappointed.

But on second thought.

Being able to sign in to get a complete imperial scripture, such a reward is not too bad.

A complete imperial scripture, if it is placed in the outside world, it must be enough to set off a bloody storm, and let the ancient family and the ancient holy land break their heads to compete for the treasure!

Let trillions of monks go crazy!

Even the ancient existence of the powerful series, the supreme cultivator of the Daoist King, will fight to the death for a complete Emperor Sutra.

Imperial soldiers, imperial scriptures!

These two are the reason why the Dao Lineage of the Great Emperor has been able to stand in the Big Dipper for hundreds of thousands of years, and has always maintained the largest capital belonging to the peak forces.

A complete Emperor Sutra can also greatly enhance Su Xuanji's overall strength.

And increase the probability of his successful tribulation!


Nine-character secret!

At least a strong physique!

These are his goals and pursuits!

If you want to successfully survive that world-destroying thunder calamity, the above three conditions are indispensable!


After calming down a bit, Su Xuanji began to observe this complete imperial scripture, "Yanhuangjing"!

Now he has a certain degree of understanding of the Su family.

He understands.

The Su family, who is an ancient family, once gave birth to that great emperor who overwhelmed the ages and was amazingly talented.

Its name is...

Emperor Yan!

That is to say.

At this time, Su Xuanji signed the Yanhuangjing, an ancient and powerful complete imperial scripture.

In fact, it was the Emperor Sutra created by the great emperor of the Su family ancestor himself!


For some reason.

The ancient Emperor Sutra, which the Su family had always inherited, suddenly lost the second half of the book 6,000 years ago.

So far.

The Su family only had a fragment of the first half of the Emperor Sutra.

It is for this reason.

It will cause the Su family, which was originally an extremely powerful ancient family, to gradually go downhill, and finally become a desolate ancient family.

From the ancient aristocratic family that once strongly intimidated the entire Donghuang to the middle-upper-class family in the current Donghuang, it can no longer be compared with other ancient aristocratic families.

And now.

The Su family lost the Emperor Sutra thousands of years ago, and it was supplemented directly by Su Xuanji's one sign-in.

"System, extract the Emperor Sutra "Yanhuang Sutra"!"



(PS: For the fourth update, ask for flowers! Ask for an evaluation ticket! Ask for a monthly ticket!)*

Chapter 29 "Yanhuang Sutra"! Ancient Great Emperor Yanhuang! [One more request for flowers

Emperor Yan, an ancient emperor who appeared in the ancestors of the Su family!

Unparalleled strength!

Overwhelm eternity!

Shocked the universe and Xinghai for an era!

All things in the world and all flames need to obey the orders of the Emperor Yan.

Prove it with fire!

Burn the Eight Wastes!

Annihilate Hengyu!

Suppress all enemies!

Even if you look at the dozens of great emperors of the human race from ancient times to the present, Emperor Yan is definitely one of the most powerful emperors!

Not inferior to the great emperors of the Ji family and Jiang family ancestors!

Maybe Yan Huang is not the strongest, but he definitely doesn't belong to the bottom of the Great Emperor.

The ancient emperor's scripture, the Yanhuang scripture, was created by the Emperor Yan. With the core of controlling the flames of the world, it has terrifying power and can burn everything in the world.

Even the space of heaven and earth will be burned into a chaotic void.

The laws of the Great Dao between heaven and earth will all be destroyed by the ashes of burning!

This is the hegemony of the Yanhuang Sutra.

On the road to success, with the 3,000 flames in charge, the Emperor Yan will look down on the world, swept all the arrogances of the contemporary era, and finally achieve the throne of the first emperor, coercing the Big Dipper for 10,000 years!

at last...

In the later years of Emperor Yan, in order to seek the opportunity to become an immortal, he turned his body into a Tao, turned into a fire of chaos, and wanted to penetrate the space fortress and enter the legendary fairyland.

No one knows what the final result will be.

But so far.

The Emperor Yan disappeared from the world, leaving behind countless ancient legends.

someone said.

Yan Huang succeeded, successfully penetrated the space fortress and entered the fairyland.

It was also said.

Emperor Yan failed.

Die dead!

All annihilation vanishes into nothingness.

all in all.

Various theories emerge in an endless stream, but all of them naturally cannot be verified.

Even the Su family has no way of knowing.

Did the Yan Huang really succeed in breaking into the fairyland that only existed in legends?

Everything is a mystery!

Regardless of the final result of the Emperor Yan, in a word, the Emperor Sutra created by the Emperor Yan himself is naturally one of the top Emperor Sutras!

"Extract the "Yanhuang Sutra"!"

With the thought of Su Xuanji fell.


The system responds accordingly.

next second.

Everything about the "Yanhuangjing" was poured into Su Xuanji's mind.

Countless unfamiliar memories flooded into his forehead like a trend.

This is a complete scripture!

After systematic perfusion, Su Xuanji's comprehension of the Yanhuang Sutra reached the pinnacle in an instant.

vaguely in between.

In Su Xuanji's head, there seemed to be an incomparably ancient and majestic phantom.

It was a terrifying phantom with the sky above its head and the sun and moon on its feet!

With just a few words, it is completely impossible to describe the horror of this figure!

The phantom is tall and majestic, standing at the end of the vast sea of ​​stars.

Move, the void collapses!

The heavens and stars collapsed!

Flick the planet to shatter!

Simply terrifying!

The laws of the Great Dao of the Heavens are all lingering around this figure...

He seems to be the root of this great avenue of heaven and earth!


Even the incomparably huge cosmic void appears incomparably small in front of this phantom.

The vast sea of ​​stars seems unable to accommodate this terrifying figure!

He is too scary!

Just when Su Xuanji was dazed.

The stalwart phantom opened his eyes.

The golden flames were burning in his eyes, as if the golden magma was rolling and surging, exuding an incomparably sacred aura.

when he opened his eyes.

The heavens and the stars are completely shattered and annihilated...

The entire vast sea of ​​stars is trembling for it!

The void of the universe is constantly collapsing and collapsing.

The space around him was trembling crazily.

The Dao Law of the universe revolves around him, revolving around him.

this moment.

He is the center of the universe!

The place where he is located is the core source of the Universal Dao Law.

Such terrifying power is unbelievable.

So powerful that the laws of heaven and earth between the universe have to revolve around him alone!

Just ask!

What is this concept? !

Totally unimaginable!

This stalwart phantom is surrounded by golden flames rising, and wisps of flames of different colors are lingering, making the phantom even more terrifying and aloof.

These flames are terrifying!

In the flames surrounding this phantom, even if it was just a faint flame, it contained a terrifying power that was enough to burn everything in the world.

Enough to burn everything down!

Together with the thousands of Dao laws contained in the universe, it will not be an exception!

at the same time.

The phantom's pair of eyes that flickered with golden flames ran through the ages to the present.

Immediately, Su Xuanji felt a terrifying pressure coming towards him.

That is...


A real ray of imperial power released by the ancient emperor!

"he is the one..."

"The Emperor Yan?"

Su Xuanji opened his mouth, his eyes lost for a moment.

In front of this ancient and majestic phantom, even if he has the cultivation of a quasi-emperor, he still looks extremely fragile and insignificant, even insignificant.

This is a real phantom of the Great Emperor!

The phantom of the Su family ancestor Yan Huang!


Right under Su Xuanji's gaze.

The illusory shadow of the Yan Emperor suddenly raised his hand and pointed in the air.

Under one finger, the void collapses!

Space is collapsing!

The universe is collapsing!

An unparalleled terrifying force almost wants to burn the laws of the universe.

at the same time.

This wisp of golden flames approached in an instant, sprinting towards Su Xuanji's consciousness.

The golden flame is ancient, sacred, and terrifying.

Wherever it goes...

The cosmic space was all burned into a chaotic void.

All matter is annihilated!

All things perish!



This ray of golden flame hit Su Xuanji's forehead on the spot, and turned into an endless amount of information, pouring into his head like a tide.

This is...

The emperor's classic "Yanhuangjing" personally taught by the ancient emperor Yanhuang!



(PS: For the first update, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets! Thank you!)*

Chapter 30 The Prestige Is Emerging! Donghuang ushered in a shock again! [Second Update]

The Great Emperor Xuying personally taught an Emperor Sutra!

Immediately on the spot, Su Xuanji had a lot of insights about the emperor's classic "Yanhuangjing" in his head.

Countless unfamiliar memories flooded into my mind like a trend.

All the information and detailed introduction about the "Yanhuangjing" will linger in Su Xuanji's head, and he will be digested and integrated into the body like a sponge sucking seawater.


That ancient and stalwart Yanhuang phantom disappeared into the vast sea of ​​​​stars.

With the disappearance of the phantom standing on the star of the galaxy, Su Xuanji was able to break free from his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Open your eyes.

A golden flame flickered in his eyes, and Su Xuanji exhaled softly.

After absorbing the complete imperial scripture, the "Yanhuangjing", his understanding of this imperial scripture has reached an extremely advanced level.

With just a few gestures, you can easily perform the secret techniques contained in the Emperor Sutra!

"The Emperor's Sutra..."

"The Great Handprint of the Emperor Yan!"

"The Emperor Yan Burns Nine Heavens!"

"Flame Emperor Fire Territory!"

One by one, ancient and terrifying secret techniques were integrated into Su Xuanji's body, allowing him to easily perform this extremely powerful secret technique.

A completely unfamiliar imperial scripture, it took only a moment for Su Xuanji to control it to the state of perfection.

All of this is naturally the magic of the system!

In a daigo-inspired way, a complete imperial scripture was poured into Su Xuanji's head and body, so that the latter could successfully grasp the imperial scripture on the spot.

Fall in thought...


A golden flame floated from Su Xuanji's palm.

The golden flame is about to form liquid magma, with extremely high temperature, it is about to collapse and collapse the surrounding space.

The madness and violence contained within it, even the ancient sages would feel boundless panic.

This flame has a very terrifying destructive power!

The law of the great road between heaven and earth, since the golden flame was born in the hands of Su Xuanji, there has been a faint resonance and change.

Originally, the lines of the Dao Law were floating around Su Xuanji's body, but with the birth of the golden flame, the Dao Law seems to have deliberately bypassed his body.

This obviously sensed the horror of the golden flame floating in his hand.

Even the laws of the Great Dao between heaven and earth have to be avoided!

After taking control of the Yanhuangjing, Su Xuanji also had a feeling.

Suddenly, to all the flames between heaven and earth, I felt a sense of intimacy that came from the depths of my soul.

It's just like...

All the flames in the world come from the same source as him.

As long as he thought about it, he could easily command all the flames in the world!

Ten thousand fires burn the sky!

Burn the Eight Wastes!

This is the terrifying power of the Emperor Sutra of the Yanhuang Sutra.

"This move falls..."

"I'm afraid it can burn thousands of miles of territory!"

Looking at the golden flames floating in his hands, Su Xuanji felt something in his heart.

This is just a trivial trick that he used to motivate the Flame Emperor Sutra.

But it still possesses extremely terrifying killing and destructive power.

With a thought, the golden flame floating in the palm returned to the body introverted.

Su Xuanji can feel it.

Under the strengthening of the Emperor Sutra, his body has become much stronger than before!

After cultivating the Emperor Sutra, and before cultivating the Emperor Sutra...

The change in strength is simply earth-shaking!

A wisp of flame overflowed from Su Xuanji's body, and the golden sacred flame floated around his body, making his body seem to form a sacred source of flame.

Holy and flawless!

Incomparably stalwart!

Holy and noble!

In a single thought, you can divide thousands of holy fires and destroy everything!

"After cultivating this imperial scripture, the "Yanhuang Jing", it has increased significantly, and the probability of me being able to successfully survive the world-annihilating thunder calamity."

Su Xuanji suppressed the flames all over his body with a single thought.

Although he can only contact this complete Emperor Sutra at present, he can still be sure.

The "Yanhuang Sutra" created by the ancestor of the Su family, Yan Huang, will definitely not be lower than the top ten even if it is included in all the emperor's classics!

This is a very old and powerful imperial scripture.


6,000 years ago, the Su family lost this extremely powerful imperial scripture, causing the extremely powerful Su family to go downhill.

If not.

Even if the Su family does not have the extremist soldiers left by the Great Emperor, the Su family will definitely not be inferior to other ancient aristocratic families based on the complete Emperor Sutra of the "Yanhuang Jing".

After cultivating the "Yanhuang Jing", Su Xuanji's foundation was transformed by this emperor scripture, which made it much more solid and solid.

Without the Emperor Sutra, the foundation he laid was simply fragile.

If it weren't for this, the countless cultivators of the Big Dipper wouldn't be rushing to it, and they would break their heads and want to seek an imperial scripture for cultivation.

Now with the transformation of the Emperor Sutra, Su Xuanji has been reborn and strengthened countless times from the secret realm of Lunhai all the way to the foundation of Zhundi's cultivation base!

The foundation laid by the Emperor Sutra is naturally flawless and without any flaws.

From the opening of the sea of ​​bitterness in the secret realm of Lunhai, to the condensed Taoist palace in the secret realm of the Taoist Palace...

The foundation of each realm has been greatly transformed by the "Yanhuang Jing".


Su Xuanji's current overall combat power will also get a huge leap and sublimation!

"We have to find a suitable opportunity to reveal this complete imperial scripture to the senior officials of the Su family."

"In the final analysis..."

"The "Yanhuang Jing" is the emperor's scripture belonging to the Su family!"

Su Xuanji thought so.

Once the Su family has the "Yanhuang Jing", it will take a while to rise again and stand at the top of the Eastern Wilderness!

With this thought in mind, Su Xuanji left the Gongfa Pavilion.

the next few days.

Su Xuanji has been walking around to check in at the Gongfa Pavilion at Su's house.


After signing in for the first time, a complete imperial scripture, "Yanhuangjing", the rewards that can be obtained by signing in next time seem to be relatively ordinary.

It may be the first time to sign in, which consumes most of the Dao rhyme contained in the Gongfa Pavilion, which leads to the poorer rewards for subsequent sign-in.

In the past few days, I have chosen to sign in at the Su family's Gongfa Pavilion, allowing Su Xuanji to harvest several 3,000-year-old herbs one after another.

Although the big medicine that has reached thousands of years of age is no longer a commodity, it is not a rare treasure.

In general.

The sign-in reward is so-so, not too bad.


For Su Xuanji, who has reached the quasi-emperor level.

The effect of the three thousand-year-old big medicine is dispensable, and its value to him will not be too high.

He's still young and doesn't need to take big pills to increase his lifespan.

on the contrary.

Three thousand years of great medicine, for some old antique monks who have entered the age of rarity, it is a treasure that cannot be found.

Any big medicine that can prolong their own lifespan is the best treasure in their eyes! Even if it is better than the Emperor Sutra, it is not much better!

If there is a suitable time, it is possible to send these 3,000-year-old herbs to auction. I believe that those old antiques whose lifespans are approaching the end of their lives will be extremely eager.

A big medicine that has reached 3,000 years can probably be an ancient cultivator who has never swallowed a big medicine to prolong his life.

Naturally its value cannot be easily estimated!


at the same time.

When Su Xuanji was quiet and low-key in the Su family to sign in.

When a piece of news came out from a sacred place with an extremely long and ancient heritage.

Donghuang, once again ushered in an unprecedented shock!

From this moment on, the name of Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family, officially began to resound throughout the entire Eastern Wilderness!

Let the hundreds of millions of cultivators in the Eastern Wilderness feel like thunder! *