
Just cultivate

Just cultivate

Phenix_Rox · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 2

"Why do you hide here alone again?"

The gentle voice broke Yue Ling's spiraling thoughts. Looking up with surprise that immediately melted into joy, she saw Elder Wei gazing down, his tall frame casting her in shadow.

"Elder Wei!" Despite lingering melancholy, the sight of his kind eyes and concerned expression made her lips curve up instinctively.

Settling down cross-legged before her, Elder Wei studied her face closely. "What weighs so heavily on your heart then?"

Yue Ling flushed under his steady regard but found words spilling out about strange rumors circulating since the exams, along with associated pressures she neither expected nor desired. His expression darkened at mentions of Huo Lei and gift-giving.

"This Huo Lei seems quite arrogant, pursuing you when his poor character clearly shows no appreciation for your spirit," Elder Wei commented. "As for so-called friends who judge you by another's interest, are they true companions?"

Coming from him, the simple analysis settled her churning emotions. The tranquility of floating clouds high above worldly troubles returned. When she raised grateful eyes to Elder Wei however, an unfamiliar tightness constricted her chest at seeing him frown into the bamboo stalks, as if struggling with some internal decision.

Before she could ask if he felt unwell, Elder Wei refocused on her, resolve firming his jaw. "Yue Ling, would you do me the honor of viewing the swords exhibition tomorrow night with me?"

"The swords exhibition!" Yue Ling couldn't hide her shock. The exclusive event was renowned even beyond their sect borders. As the apex display of skills by Immortal Realm swords masters, only elite disciples and core ranking elders normally received rare invites.

Heart thumping like the wings of a trapped sparrow, Yue Ling whispered shyly, "Elder Wei is too gracious, but yes!" A smile breaking like sunrise lit his handsome face, making her catch her breath.

"Excellent! I will call upon you here tomorrow at dusk. For now, take care." His large hand patted her head gently before Elder Wei took his leave, tall figure disappearing swiftly among the bamboo stalks while she stared after him in wonder.

Did colors look brighter on her walk back, affection warming her face? She tucked away the strange new feelings to examine another time. For now, joyful anticipation filled heart and mind for the special night by Elder Wei's side.

Li Ying's excited squeal nearly shattered Yue Ling's eardrums when she shared news about her invited viewing of the swords exhibition with Elder Wei.

"Elder Wei himself invited you? This is monumental! You must wear that lilac dress I gave you last month," Li Ying insisted enthusiastically. "We can style your hair with silver night lily pins as well. You'll be so beautiful!"

Despite stomach flutters at the prospect of appearing before Elder Wei looking anything other than her ordinary self, Yue Ling nodded obediently under her friend's glow of delight. Li Ying truly took more happiness in the occasion than even she did.

As Li Ying handled cosmetic details the next evening, twisting fine black hair into an elegant knot and smoothing the fine silk lilac dress over her figure, Yue Ling admitted to herself she hardly recognized the graceful maiden gazing back from the water mirror.

Right on time as dusk fell, her name sounded from outside in Elder Wei's familiar mellow voice. Excusing herself hurriedly from Li Ying's dramatic well wishes, Yue Ling stepped out to see him staring as if for the first time. Unspoken sentiments flashed between them. Offering his arm silently, Elder Wei led her off towards the Peak Lord's own swords arena.

The walk felt endless yet instantaneous. Arriving at the open fighting stage, Elder Wei showed her to a small viewing platform for esteemed guests, tucked more intimately along the arena's edge. Despite raised eyebrows from others already seated, no one questioned Elder Wei's privilege to offer a personal guest such a spot.

As the exhibition began, spectacular sword forms and tremendous powers awed spectators. But Yue Ling found herself paying less mind to the displays below than the man beside her. Each moment his arm shifted against hers sent her heart skittering like flower petals in spring winds.

Too soon, the event ended. Turning to her with warmth glowing in his eyes reflecting torch lights, Elder Wei said softly "I will walk you back." Strange reluctant neediness swelled in Yue Ling but she managed to nod in acquiesce.

Neither spoke on the return stroll to her Simple Abode quarters as if by mutual accord. When her doorway finally appeared, Elder Wei clasped her hands gently, rue twisting his features. "Sleep well and take care, dear one."

Before she could react, he lifted her hands with agonizing slowness to press lips against her knuckles. Then he was gone, his tall outline disappearing rapidly beyond the buildings while she stood frozen, fingertips burning.

Elder Wei avoided her after that night. Whenever she hurried to the bamboo forest or even lingered purposefully after lessons ended, hoping to encounter him, only rustling stalks and solitude greeted Yue Ling instead. Her heart clenched painfully at his absence even as cheeks flushed recalling his parting gesture.

Had she somehow angered Elder Wei? But his final words and touch conveyed anything but displeasure. Yue Ling's mind spun uselessly as she agonized over what she did wrong. Emotions boiled within her like a pressure pot without release.

Cultivation practice and lectures passed in a blur. The annual Peak Trials approached where disciples demonstrated comprehension of techniques from the past year, vying for rankings as they entered the next level. Wins meant opportunities to formally become inner sect disciples. Losses jeopardized their path.

Yue Ling knew she should devote full attention to prepare her best array and illusion skills. But visions of Elder Wei's sharp yet gentle gaze, the warmth of his hand covering hers, haunted her constantly.

In this distracted state, she hardly registered Huo Lei intercepting her path after class one day with an intricately carved jade pendant. "Yue Ling, please accept my heart! I, Huo Lei, only recognize you as my cultivation partner." His brash declaration echoed loudly, drawing astonished looks and excited murmurs from surrounding disciples.

Mind still filled with Elder Wei, Yue Ling stared blankly, not understanding why Huo Lei addressed her this way or why other disciples began smiling ingratiatingly, rushing over with congratulatory exclamations. She instinctively disliked his presumptuous posture and badly concealed arrogance in assuming her acceptance.

Opening her mouth, she intended polite refusal. Sudden fury blazing in normally gentle green eyes behind Huo Lei however shocked her speechless. Heart lurching, she could only watch silently as Elder Wei strode forward, powerful aura enfolding her protectively while pinning Huo Lei with killing intent.

"Elder Wei!" Huo Lei's cocky expression shattered as he whirled around hastily, nearly tripping over his own feet before bowing frantically, along with now panicking disciples who backed away warily. No one dared believe an esteemed elder showed killing intent towards the sect genius!

Ignoring them, Elder Wei declared coldly, "Yue Ling is under my personal protection. No one may impose undesired attention upon her." Then clasping her hand tightly, he pulled her away swiftly, leaving chaos in their wake.

Her heart pounded wildly. His large hand holding hers so possessively kept all other thoughts at bay. Reaching an empty courtyard garden, he finally stopped, turning to pierce her with the look of a starving wolf.

"Have you missed me, little one?" His unexpected yearning question sent delight and ache swirling through her. "Come with me tonight to watch the lunar blossoms, please," Elder Wei coaxed gently. And Yue Ling's breathless nod set their fates irrevocably.

Watching lunar blossoms under moonlight with Elder Wei felt like entering a dream. Everything glowed ethereal yet hyper real. Each glance discovered new depths in his eyes drawing her further in.

When Yue Ling shivered slightly in the late night chill, Elder Wei wrapped her in his outer robe without hesitation before guiding them to sit along the pavilion railings, shoulder to shoulder cocooned in lingering sandalwood warmth.

"I should not monopolize your time like this. You need rest before the Peak Trials," Elder Wei murmured regretfully.

Yue Ling immediately shook her head. "Being here gives me energy and motivation to do well! I just...wondered why Elder Wei avoided me lately..." She lowered her eyes shyly even as she moved infinitesimally closer until no sliver of space remained between them.