
Skill: Banishment to the endless void

"Sure, but…" Mike started to say his usual "it'll cost you" line, then remembered he was talking to Apollo.

Besides, Apollo had already given him a major upgrade to his Money Tree. That counted as payment, right?

"Okay," Mike agreed. Then, curiosity got the better of him. "According to the deal, the Supreme Demon God sent Afterskin into the Abyss, and two shadowy figures into the Tower of Truth. But there was no mention of giving them floors 31 through 49, right?"

Apollo nodded. "Correct."

"Then why let them take those floors?" Mike asked, puzzled. It didn't make sense.

Why not just ambush and eliminate the shadowy figures once they were inside the Tower of Truth?

"It's not my tower," Apollo replied matter-of-factly.

If it wasn't his tower, why should he care if a few floors were occupied by the Supreme Demon God's minions?