
Just Another Vampire

A Vampire, as old as time, perhaps even older. A time before names were needed, and people simple knew who you were, after a strange accident awakes in a place far unfamiliar, so far in the future that it is foreign to the Vampire, he takes up the name 'Akeldama'

SyberisLevoca · Komik
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5 Chs

A name

"So... Let us get formalities out of the way... I am Rias Gremory, Heiress to the Gremory Clan." Rias spoke, waving her hand to the blond boy who had stood behind her.

"This is Yuuto Kiba, my first knight." Kiba gave a soft nod, still watching the man closely.

Moving her hand to wave towards the silver haired girl who sat next to her. ''This is Koneko Toujou, my first Rook." Koneko simply bowed her head softly to the man before sitting straight once more, less intimidated by the man as she watched Gasper be so willing to cling to him.

As Akeno returned with a large tray of tea and snacks, she leaned forward to set it onto the table, serving everyone seated before she moved to join beside Yuuto, standing just behind Rias.

''This, is Akeno Himejima, my Queen." Akeno leaned forward bowing softly to the waist to the man.

"As you know, the one on your lap is Gasper Vladi, my first Bishop."

As she finished introduction she took a sip from her tea, before holding the cup in her hand, letting the warmth warm her fingers as she watched the man.

He watched all of them, his crimson gaze sweeping over them slowly before he spoke, his voice just as soothing as before. ''I am... The Progenitor, some call me the first 'Vampire' but I am more then that, I was the idea such a race was based off of. I am from a time without names, even titles were scarce... But now I can understand how confusing that might be for some, so I will use the name Akeldama, you all may call me Akel."

He shifted, taking the tea cup and taking a sip from it, quietly. His eyes momentarily moved to Akeno but he said nothing. That simple movement of his eyes was enough to make the woman's smile grow only a slight larger as she understood the implications of a gaze.

Giving her respect for the tea without voicing it out, the man was skilled in politics 'Tea Talk'

Rias spoke, her thumb rubbing along the handle of her tea cup. ''You say you're from a time without names... What does that exactly mean?"

"I am, unsure. I was sleeping, others like me, beings as old as I am sleep, for long periods of time simply because it is something to do. When I awoke this time, I was in a place I've never been, in a world I've never been to, in a time I've never seen... I believe somehow, I have traveled into a different... Universe it's called?"

Koneko's face remained impassive to the statement, Rias looked a bit shocked, Kiba's jaw was slack slightly as his mind raced with such information, Akeno's smile faltered a bit but she hid it well.

"So you are not... From here?" It was Rias who finally spoke, that being the best way she could word it.

''Yes, exactly so."

"Then, may I ask why Gasper seems to know you already?"

Akel looked down to the boy in his lap who was consuming one of the many sandwiches offered by Akeno, he never got to finish his after all and he was hungry, even more so now that all this had happened. He felt fidgety, he was doing his best for Papa, but it was still hard, eating was a distraction welcomed.

"Because in a term... I am his Father, I am the very idea the vampire race as a whole is based off of... To him, I am as close as a Father he will get aside from his own Father. But to him, he knows I will do no harm to him, to him.. I am the safest thing, I am a pillar."

Rias watched him, she was trained to be a princess, but she slipped up often, doing things she shouldn't because she was lead by emotion, misunderstanding and concern for her peerage.

"And you do not find his half blood stat-.'' She shivered, genuine fear suddenly exploded in her chest as her heart began to accelerate.

All of them were frozen stiff, unable to move before the sudden over bearing pressure Akel released, his eyes glowing a frightening crimson, the once kind, comforting man who was easy to be around replaced by something terrifying, a tyrant of enough strength to put the fear of death into them.

''How dare y-."


The atmosphere was suddenly gone just as soon as it had appeared, his eyes calming as he looked down to Gasper, his eyes softening.

''She doesn't understand how you feel, how I feel, do not put it against her... Instead you should show her, help her understand."

Akel watched Gasper for a long moment before his gaze lifted to Rias, who flinched under the gaze. She wasn't exactly sure what had happened, but she understood her question was equivalent to having just spit on his face.

The man shifted, raising his left hand to Gasper as he spoke. ''Rias Gremory, I ask for your hand, so I may show you the bond between me and your Bishop Gasper Vladi."

Gasper pulled the glove off his hand, clutching it to his, as if he was afraid of someone attempting to steal it, to others it was strange but to Gasper, it was a personification of Akel's very being, his power. His clothing were all crafted using his small hold over creation, making it so he can create such simple clothing with his sheer power.

To Gasper, and others who might understand, it was akin to his own flesh, an extension to his being.

Akel reached forward, offering his pristine hand to Rias who slowly set the tea cup down before shakily taking the mans hand. Everyone tense to as what might happen. As soon as her hand touched his.

Tears began to blossom from her eyes as her eyes widened.