Faith with out works is dead.So if this is the case.What does it take to even be a god in this day and age.Fame?Fortune?Power?
9 years have passed sense I have learned about the Jeremaih and Samael .I was now 15 years old .
I have trained my body to the brink fighting against Margerat prepare to escape.
At the same tiem I quickly got ahold of my demon powers.This wil let to the point one day when me samael will become one again but sadly not today .
I could circulate demonic ki into my body to increase my speed and strength beyond a humans normal strength and speed
From what I can see I have used only 1 percent of my true power though meaning I still haven't reached my limit.
I back down on my knees and practice running the ki through my body.It was a warm feeling but still wasn't enough .
My body needed real food to act as nutrition to help me produce as energy .
So basically we need to fasten up all the loose ends with our escape plan so we can go
even though I know I'm issuing a important piece of the Puzzle about this piece lay out I know at least I can break out .
The system had record every foot step I have taken but there was no way out normally with out guards knowing.
The only possibility currently was to dig our way out from beneath the slave camp we are currently in.
In all honesty Jeremaih,Samael,and Magaret had made the plan but I didn't even trust it would work for some reason .
Or it was probably more like I didn't trust them that much really.
What I am saying even though I have 3 friends now rather then nobody I still felt alone.
At the end of the margaret and I were going to escape but after that I would be alone again atleast in the Physical world.
But even that will not be forever. One day me nad sameal will mergers and Jeremaih soul would just beerged into mine.
Jeremaih had decided that at the end he was just a sould and without a body he was nothing.
So when my soul energy had gotten strong enough I would just consume along with Sameal.
Since it had been atleast a hour I pressed the system I messaged Jermaih if he has found any connections to the hooded man I saw when I first visited them.
But there was still no luck and when I logged in the second time I was just bought to the lounge.
When I got out a guard been sent to my door to fetch me for a Arena fight.Ever since my fight with Muck my entry had become a regular occurrence.
When I reached the arena in the middle was a gaint man .From his red scales alone I could tell he was from the flame Slamander tribe.
"Hey kiddo how about you you go ahead and be-"(Flame salamander)
"I don't even care for your name ."(Alamesh)
I grabbed the hatchet from behinded my back and dual wielded it with a mallet.
He got up thenFlame Slamander tried to land a punch on me but he was way too slow so I just twisted his hand .
Not taking any chance I hit his gut with the Mallet.
As he grimaced in pain he bowed on his knees .
"Get up."
As I looked him whimpering like a little bitch I couldn't help but be annoyed .He was going to kill me if I was actually weak.
"Can you not here me?".(Alamesh)
I took the hatchet and Slashed it into his stomach causing blood to go all over the battlefield.
I really didn't have time to do this anymore.It was already becoming a bothersome duty.
As I walked over to the Salamnder guy I held a hand to help him up.
But he wouldn't take the bait because he just backed futher away from me .
But instead of running toward him I just continued to take my time.This would actually help me think about the escape.
As the flame salamander Breathed in he launched fire from hi mouth but it was ineffective.
When he was finally against the wall I jist stared at him.I could tell his story from a mile away.
He had family back home where he came from.Probaly a wife and kids.Then he was solod to traders who sold him to the arena because his family is in debt.
"You may have a sad story to tell .You probably lived a good life before you came here but I have always been here so I can't underground that
When I raised the hatchet I sliced his head off.
When it became noon I ate the tail of Flame salamnder.It had salty but sour taste to it.
"You can actually eat that?"(Margaret.)
Margaret had grown taller in the pass 9 years we have known each other..
But her height wasn't the only big difference. Her body it self had grown tremendously in various areas.
Her boobs were as big as melons and I could tell she was still growing .
But the real incredible things were those delicious head smothering thighs she had .
Yes I admit from what I have observed she had a nice round and wide big ass but her power of her attractiveness was in the thighs
Thighs for sure was a man's too love.Thigjs in stocking would be a incredible sight to see Magerat in right now .
Don't get me wrong other features like her blonde hair had gone long enough to reach her butt and her face looked more and more pretty each day I saw her.
[He's a pervert Margaret run.](Jeremaih)
[Ha and I thought you were weird this fool has been monologing to himself all day.What us he supposed to be? A anome protagonist.]
You bastards can laugh it up all you want but I am the guy who has the most control of the system and I am in the control room.
"I know but I don't mind if he looks.I actually want him to."(Margaret)
"Huh Margaret sorry I couldn't hear you."(Alamesh )
"I said how can you eat that garbage."(Margaret)
"It's good I really recommendyou try some they really have out done them selves today"(Alamesh)
"Yeah ut's disgusting. "(Margaret)
"You need to boarden your horizon ."Alamesh
"Says the guy who has never tasted outside food."(Margaret)
As Margaret glared at me I picked up what was obviously grass and ate it like a salad. in front of her.
By now I was just use to the arena food since I have been raised off of it .
As I looked in the inventory I grabbed a jagged tooth and handed it to Margaret.
Margaret but up tonight at midnight. Here take this artificial tooth. It can work as lock picker.
"It's a fake tooth .You have a fight today so act like it from one of you old belies tooth or a tooth from them."(Alamesh)
As I finished Margaret's cooked I left the plates on the table and Talked.After while the guards had come in to announce the next fight.
"Slave 105 vs Sun warrior."
Magerat looled at me but all I could do was give a fake smile .I already decided I was going to lose the fight.
"If you dare to fluke it I will take you out the control chair."(Jeremaih)
When I mention the plan to Jeremaih and Samael both disagreed with me .
"If you do we die as well.This isn't just a I only go down situation. This includes us so no selfless sacrifices."(Samael)
As Samael refilled his tea cup I could feel a big lump grow in my thoat.
"I understand how you feel but I don't think we can find a way to stop it this time. So it can't be helped"(Jeremaih)
That Afternoon all I could do was dread my time untill it was tonight I tried my best to not think about ti by doing my daily routine .
The system give me sign in now everything I completed a certian training regimen. To day was 1000 squats,2000 push ups ,7000 pull ups and high knees for two hours.
After I had finished I heard a knock on my door.From the outside I could see a guard with a black sword in hand.
As he walked in he stuck the sword and the ground.
"Slave 105 your mission is to kill Margaret Rose.The Master himself has ordered this."
As he said that he had a.seal in his hand showing the Arena masters marking. For the pass four years no matter who I beat I have never seen the Arena master and now he wants me to do this.
As I crawled up in a ball I wanted to sob but I was sadly un ble to do so .
Maybe it was my instinct as a demon but I could feel a part if me was actually was excited .I wanted to see how long I could last against Margaret with out holding back.
As I got up from the floor I grabbed the black blade .As the guard looked at me he thought I was going to draw it on him.
"What does it do."(Alamesh .
It took me time to process for what I had to do andI was still unprepared
What was victory with out heartaches.I know I wanted to protect her but at the end we are enemies .
From across the arena stadium I could see a full body Armoured Margaret. Her Armour it self has crimson symbols on.
From the look alone I could tell it was high level light amrour.
When Margaret came out from the gate I walked forward as well meeting her in the Middle .
"Today I Margaret from the sun clan will slay you."(Margaret)
Why won't he talk back to me
.It's annoying if he just stands there lots some kind of puppet .
.But I don't want to hear him say he is going to murder me.
As I looked at the Mascular black hair boy I waited for him to make the first move. But he wouldn't even budge .
Afraid he might reach his hatchet and mallet like usaul I jumped back .But still there was no movement.
Infront of me he threw his hatchet and mallet back into the gate and walked forward.
"Say something. Why did you throw down your weapons .?"(Margare)"If your so confident then come and face me ."
No don't do this with that expression please don't .
"So you want me too make the first move?"
As Alamesh walked forward from his side he drew a a slick black katana from it sheathed.
'I need to stay away from that sword.'
Before I could even see him move Alamesh had come down from the sky slash down at me.
I dodge just in time but it was still abke to cut me on my cheek and that was just from barely being grazed by it.
Seeing Alamesh rushing towards me I quickly used my sun guardian abilities to their full capacity.
Right now I was in overload mode. Taking my fist I focused power into my gauntlets .Using this force I used my foot to launch my self forward and punch Alamesh in the gut.
I actually thought he has a plan but I guess he really does not.
I thought for a minute we were family but he is actually aiming for my head now and I still have alot to do .
As I punched at Alamesh the slippery bastard dodge each assault with amazing speed. His grace and techniques surprised but I knew there was no time to be impressed.
I stomped the ground making it uneven so it would be harder from him move but he had just become more nibble.
"Your getting repulsive. "(Margaret)
Finally able to see where he would appear next I had punched the ground forcing him to fall over.
As I walked over I wanted to tell him something but I couldn't. I really really couldn't say it especially with the current of events.
I aimed a punch for his face buy he threw me over to a nearby wall smashing me into it.
When I saw Alamesh his fangs and devill horns had come out but he I could tell he had full controll of this form now.
""Flame Type 1:Burst mode""(Alamesh)
As Alamesh casted a spell 4 Flaming balls of fire began to surround his body .
"So you want to play that Way.".
I ran.forward him as he targeted me with the out balls.
I deflected each one of them but Alamesh came running forward slashing his sword against my gauntlets but it seemed unable to break though I felt like my energy was being drained.
I kicked Alamesh away from me and put distance between us .I was angry but also fearful of whatever that weapon was.
Soon the floor of the stadium beneath my feet felt like it was getting hotter and hotter .
No fair. If your going to use magic I will to.As I circulated energy from the sun through my veins thunder cracked from up above and rain clouds formed .
I formed a tiny ball of lighting bal and my hand prepared to threw it at Alamesh
"Your too slow ." (Amalesh.)
As Amalesh looked in front me he took his sword and stabbed me in the gut.Even though the Armour the arena master give me was atleast b rank .I still lost.
You really are stronger then me.I don't know if it is kiddy love or not but Alamesh.
I love you.When we planned to leave I didn't want to return to my clan I just wanted to be with you
As my conscious faded to darkness I felt something moist and soft kiss me lips.
"I love you to but I hope you realize no matter what I'm holdingyou to that.."(Alamesh)
This is my first original series andI am actually pretty bad at writing so please help me improve along the way If possible..If you like this series Please consider adding to your reading list and sharing with others.If I made nay grammar mistakes Please tell me.Please tell me What I need to improve on.Also comment your thoughts please.
Thanks for reading this chapter