
Just Another Sybby Adventure

Ah, yes. Sybby, it is I. The author of the 'Just Another' fanfics. The ''ROB'' that helped the 'Marauders.' Well, funny enough? I got fucking reincarnated. This is purely for my own enjoyment, and how I would interact in a situation that most MC's find themselves in.

SyberisLevoca · Komik
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8 Chs

I lost my 'Homework' folder in the weeb war of '99

As Seth walked, he didn't run into much, though he did get to meet someone heading the opposite way, an old guy with cat ears and a short tail, they only waved as they passed, the old guy riding a cart in the opposite direction full of something in the back when he watched the person leave since he had to step to the side to let him pass, he saw a small child waving frantically from the back with a smile on their face, raising a hand Seth waved back.

The child threw its hands into the air and seemed to shout triumph to an older woman who was smiling, Seth could even hear the gentle chuckle.

'Weird, my senses are a lot better now.'

/Maybe it's because you've been given a better body to help accommodate your growth?\

'Perhaps, either way, it's useful.'

Continuing to walk, he saw what you'd expect a city in this time to look like, large thick strong walls, guards walking along the walls and standing in towers, and a small line of people in front of a group of guards, mostly just their carts being inspected for anything.

Soon it became Seth's turn and he was stopped, a guard asking. ''Identification?''

Seth pulled out his 'Guild' card from thin air, surprising the guards but they took it. Seeing his class they got confused, one of the guards asking. ''How does a swordsman have storage magic?''

''Family trait, my whole family has some talent in storage magic for some reason we never cared to check why though.''

Some of the guards nodded, why look into it if it was useful? They handed his card back and Seth was let in easily. The first thing Seth did was go sample the food stalls. Getting a few things from the ones he took interest in, he was trying to find his favorite as he ate. He continued to explore the town throughout the day, finding key places he'd visit often, such as the smiths, the market area, the slums, the Adventurer guild, there were even other guilds such as crafter ones, more specified ones such as dungeon exploring and the like. He learned that the Adventurer guild was more a 'Catch all.' that would then help people find their specialization and then help them join the other guilds, and or let those guilds know they had another person they could work with.

Seth would choose to be a freelancer that worked in the Adventurer's Guild, as his name would grow, more people would put more specialized quests in targeted for his skill set.

He found an inn that he'd like after asking around, turns out shits pretty cheap, even just a night in a room was five coppers, and it included breakfast. He learned the currency pretty easily since it acted just like DnD, minus electrum.

100 Copper = 1 Silver

10 Silver = 1 Gold

1000 Gold = 1 Platinum

In a town like this, silver was seen rather often, but gold was rare, even he only had a few silver pieces himself. A family of five could live on two silvers for a month, basic meals but still filling. This also included other fees, like washing, clothing, and other things.

He browsed a bit, simply looking over prices, in a top of the line smithy that wasn't all fancied up for royals, and a proper place with pieces of quality, it'd run you up to anything from five silvers a dagger, all the way up to 40 gold for a great quality greatsword.

He continued, the equipment he had was actually pretty good, he got his sword and shield appraised and they said for a starting adventure, he's got some good equipment. He actually learned there are ranks below F, which was what his sword, shield, and his potions were, but they were simply called useless in combat, and plan waste of space.

Useless being things such as wooden swords, and waste of space being rusted weapons that were brittle, the type skeletons used.

At least a wooden sword could kill if used properly, but a rusted brittle sword could kill, sure. But it'd be messy, and it'd take too long.

Glad he got some decent equipment to started with, he decided to wait to buy a bow and arrows, they'd be useful for sure, especially once he had the class, but he just didn't have the funds to go spending them.

He visited the guild, dropping off some of the useless drops he had, as well as some of the skill books he found, turns out skill books, even just starter flame ones were actually rather rare, they could be learned manually, but skill book quickened the process by a lot. So rich people would rather buy skill books than focus on higher-tier stuff.

Getting a gold piece and fifty-something copper it all went into his inventory. He stayed near the counter before he decided to head to the attached inn in the guild. Getting a room he unequipped his armor and went to lay down. Just as he got comfortable, he chose to sleep here, while waking up in the real world once more.

(Pa-treon and Discord link.)