
Just Another Reincarnation

A/N: I will be regularly posting (at least once a week) on www.libraryofakasha.com from now on. Reincarnation. The process in which people, after their death, are reborn in a different body. Most people lose their memories and start from zero, with their previous lives deciding their future based on karma. There are, however, some exceptions to that. Those who gathered enough positive karma and those chosen by higher beings have a chance to not only keep their memories but also receive special abilities or even pick the world where they want to reincarnate. Our main character is the latter. After passing a test of the being representing the very concept of reincarnation, Arthur received an offer: "If you agree to deal with the people planning to escape the cycle of reincarnation, I will grant you the means to reach the necessary power. Until then, you can live as you please." With the alternative being losing his memories and getting recycled like other souls, the answer was obvious. This is my first fanfic and i am not a native english speaker, so i am sorry if my story is not up to your standards. Disclaimer: Everything excluding the main character, a few original characters, chapters 1-9 and other made up staff, belongs to their respective creators and owners.

Gutek_YT · Komik
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27 Chs

Chapter 1: How it always begins


When I opened my eyes, I was in a strange square room. It had no doors or windows, and it was impossible to see the ceiling. On every wall, many paintings in beautiful frames depicted people of different ages in all sorts of situations with matching attires. Some seemed ancient, some seemed brand new with cars and modern technologies, but others seemed like scenes from science-fiction movies. After a closer inspection, I realized that these pictures other than humans also depicted other creatures ranging from elves, aliens, and fairies to even dragons and giants. All of them had a certain quality. They seemed alive to the point that I started to think about them as screens playing videos rather than simple pictures. The floor, at first glance, seemed to be made from a highly reflective black stone. What proved that assumption wrong was the fact that all the reflected paintings turned into death scenes.

After having enough of admiring the artwork, I realized that a few meters further from me, behind a massive and finely decorated desk, on a very comfortable-looking leathery armchair, a person was seated. It was hard to discern their gender because their silhouette constantly changed. The changes ranged from the length of their hair, eye color, and height to age and race, leaving me with a feeling of incongruity.

The strange person looked at me and said, "I think you had enough time to gawk at my office". The person behind the desk smiled. "Come and sit here," they added.

Suddenly a chair similar to the one the strange person was sitting on appeared, which startled me a little bit. I had no idea what was happening, so I decided to be obedient, and while still a little astonished, I nodded my head and sat down.

The strange person looked at me curiously, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. "How is it?" they appended.

Not sure what they meant, I nervously looked at them and replied with a slight stutter, "W-What do you mean?"

I am so nervous...

"I am asking what do you think about my office?" they clarified. "You have been scrutinizing it for at least an hour. Did you fall in love with it~?" they asked teasingly. "I am sorry, but I don't plan to hand it over~."

What did he say? One hour?! I felt like it was at most five minutes...

I tried to appear calm, but my face probably showed how anxious and disoriented I felt, and after a while, a gentle light enveloped me. It felt like bathing in the rays of the morning sun, a comfortable experience.

Too bad my wild and perverted imagination interpreted it as a little strange. It felt as if something permeated my body...

Oy, oy! Did I lose some kind of spiritual virginity or something?! The next moment this strange feeling disappeared, but I was calm. Calmer than I could remember ever being.

"Since you have calmed down, let us continue." they nodded in satisfaction. "I will explain everything and reply to your questions, but first you have to answer my previous question. There is a right order for everything. Is it not right~?"

After taking a moment to sort my thoughts, I decided to say, "Your office is breathtakingly beautiful. I have never seen such life-like paintings. Even more amazing is what they depict. As an artist, I can't wrap my head around how a dragon, a creature from legends, can be painted with so much detail. The same applies to the paintings depicting what appears to be science-fiction, but there is something more important that I have to ask." I smiled awkwardly. "What is wrong with your appearance? I am sorry, but it makes me unable to concentrate." I asked.

After pondering for a moment, he turned into a man of Caucasian descent. He had silver hair, seemingly made out of precious metal, black eyes as dark as the abyss, and pale skin. His similarly ever-changing clothes turned into a black suit accompanied by a black shirt and golden colored tie, with some mystical symbols on it.

His features become so perfectly sculpted that he could give any actor or model a run for their money. He was handsome to the point that he seemed ethereal. I felt a little ashamed of myself. Any attempt at describing how good-looking he seemed was an insult. On one hand, I felt stunned, but on the other, I felt envious.

Ignoring my internal turmoil discernable from my expression, the silver-haired man smirked, "Now I hope you feel more comfortable with how I look. So can we continue, or do you have a problem with something else~?"

Is he teasing me? Great, of all the types of people, I had to get a clown!! Not to mention that with how good-looking he is, my orientation is in danger…

While feeling a little irritated, I decided to answer him calmly, albeit a bit coldly, "Yes. Thank you. Please go on."

Without minding my reaction, he continued, "I think I should start with my name. I have many names, but the one that you can address me with is Matrucksa. To simplify things, I am something similar to a god but at the same time something much greater."

I was a little startled.

God? To meet him means I am dead! Does this mean that he is omnipotent? Can he read my mind? What is he going to do with me?!

Such questions, and more, flooded my mind, once again making me lose my calm.

At that moment, the light from before enveloped me again, and I calmed down.

I should be more respectful. I hate to admit it, but he can do anything to me...

Seeing my actions, he nodded lightly.

"It's good you are aware of your current position. I know what you think and what you want to ask, but the answer is no, I am not omnipotent. I am a god of the endless cycle of life, death, and reincarnation. While I am one of the beings with the most power in existence, I am far from omnipotent." He explained in a calm and reassuring tone. "Also, yes, you died, and we will discuss the terms of your reincarnation. Since you don't possess enough karma to receive a cheat, and you are not lucky enough to get it for free, we will have to make a deal. Also, I promise I won't do anything that will endanger you, so unless you have any other questions, we should get to the main problem."

I felt relieved that he meant no harm and disappointed because of my situation. So many of these perverts and good-for-nothings get cheats and wishes, but I get nothing!!

While reading novels, I always dreamt that maybe one day, I would have a chance to reincarnate, get a powerful cheat and live a happy and fulfilling life. I am aware that many people call it trash, but 'Isekai' is my favorite genre. Unfortunately, I was wrong...

"Now, now, why are you so low-spirited?" Matrucksa asked with a placating smile. "Don't you think that since you are still here talking with me, there is still something good waiting for you?" he asked with a smile. "Since you didn't cause me any problems nor started throwing a tantrum, I have a word of advice for you before I tell you what kind of deal I have for you." He said, and his face gained a sagely expression. "Remember, the only power you can rely on is the one earned through hard work. Most abilities you call 'cheats', can be taken away as easily as given. They may appear without limit, but this is an illusion, and it's only possible thanks to our vast knowledge. If we give someone too much power, he will break like a twig stomped on by an elephant."

What he said made me feel a little better, but also curious about the deal he mentioned.

"Thank you for the advice." I smiled. "So, what is the deal that you have for me?" I asked.

He smiled softly, "I will give you a karmic loan. Normally I would need to use your karma to fulfill your wish and preserve your memories, but I am willing to give you a loan. Remember that depending on what kind of wish you make, the amount of karma will differ. Also, since the deal can't be too good, I will be the one to choose what kind of record you will reincarnate. I will give you a moment, so think about it."

I see. So, I can get a cheat-like power and have a comfortable life. Even if I have a debt to pay, with a strong enough ability, it won't be a big problem. I simply need to help a lot of people.

But... That's not what I want. I enjoyed the stories where the main character was strong and could do anything he wanted. However, I enjoyed more the ones where he was getting stronger and stronger. There is something special about reaching new levels. I love when the ability evolves or a new one appears. If I am the strongest in the world, I will either become a villain or get Saitama syndrome. Not to mention that if what he said is true, I can lose that power and become my old powerless self. The hard-earned meal tastes better than a free one. And he can screw all my plans...

"What happens if I am unwilling or unable to give back the karma I will owe you?" I asked in an attempt to make up my mind.

His face becomes a cold mask at that moment, "I will make sure that you will give it back. I will set it so that your karma can't exceed a certain threshold until we are even. If you deliberately don't pay it back, I will take double the amount, and you can be sure that I have a way to make you accumulate it in less than a pleasing way. However, this is the only restriction I am putting on you, and I am sure it won't take long if you try hard enough."

Hearing that, I swallowed audibly, but he only smiled mischievously at my reaction and added, "Though I hope we won't have to resort to such methods~. I am not a cruel person, but we have to set certain boundaries. Maybe in the future, we can talk on more equal terms."

I nodded. "Can you at least tell me something about the place that I will reincarnate in?" I inquired.

"Hmm... The price of your choice will affect how ordinary your life will be. If you decide on something worth more than 100,000 Karma then you will become part of the 'plot' like it or not. Once you become 15, you will need quite a lot of power. Unless you want to be the one rescued, I suggest you start your training as fast as possible. There may be some minor events until then, but nothing dangerous for your life, so no worries. I am not going to reincarnate you only to have you die again soon after." Matrucksa said to reassure me.

I looked at him with a resolute expression. "I accept your offer. I wish for something that will aid me in becoming stronger, will make me free, and will evolve in response to my desires. Is that possible?"

"But of course~. I am truly happy to hear that. You see, I have a very troublesome matter that I need to be taken care of. Every being will, or already went through the reincarnation cycle at some point." Matrucks said.

"Even beings like you?" I asked, prompted by my curiosity.

"Yes. Eternity will wear down anyone, even us Concepts. Once in a while, we need a reset, but we are fated to reach the same position again. You could say we are the ultimate forms of cheats." he laughed.

"I see," I said in understanding.

"As I was saying, everyone goes through the cycle. However, not everyone is lucky enough to talk with me. You either need to believe in reincarnation, be familiar with the concept and have no other faith, or gather a great amount of karma. Then, you can divide these people into three more categories. First are the ones willing to listen and know their place like you. The second group is the people full of arrogance and entitlement, who outright demand an ability without paying the price. The third and the last group consists of people that go through a mental breakdown upon realizing their situation. Even the light that helped you calm down can't help them. As a result, I have to wipe out their memories and reincarnate them at random. This means that the number of people I can entrust with this matter is even lower." Matrucksa explained.

"Does it mean you can trust me with an important mission? Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not as good as you think." I said with a sad smile. "Excluding my ability to draw I was always average in everything. Even then, I knew people much better than me." I added.

"There is nothing wrong with that. I will provide you with what you need to become exceptional. I gave the same advice to everyone patient enough to listen. I have already talked with thousands. Sadly, they preferred a quick power-up. Do you still think you are average?" Matrucksa asked.

I smiled lightly. "No. I no longer think so. Please tell me more about that mission." I replied with a resolute expression.

"Great. Your karma was nothing exceptional, but I can say you lived without causing harm to others. I don't hope for much more excluding the mission. You see, some reincarnators receive VERY special items, provided by other concepts. I am obligated to give them out due to my role, whether I agree with that concepts choice or not. These reincarnators created a community outside the worlds. A city housing millions of them and people they brought from other worlds, willing or otherwise. They are attempting to create a new reincarnation cycle outside my jurisdiction to prevent me from stripping them of their power and memories once they die. I want you to stop them. I will leave the method up to you." Matrucks explained.

"How much time do I have?" I inquired.

"Time isn't an issue. You will understand it once you become stronger, but time is simply an illusion. What you need to do is becoming a level 6 existence." replied Matrucksa.

"What is a level 6 existence?" I asked, puzzled hearing the term for the first time.

"Beings below only us, the concepts, and the cumulative will of all existence. It's too early for you to worry about it. You are only level 1 at the moment. Here, take this." he said extending his hand.

At that moment, something similar to a black ball appeared. The sphere in his hands wasn't that big, and the whole surface of the ball was covered in mysterious runes that gave off a rainbow hue.

Seeing the curiosity on my face, he proceeded to explain, "The thing in my hands is The Orb of Desires. It will help you in reaching whatever you desire but only if you put in enough effort. I made sure that the 'starter pack' will please you. It will also effectively turn you into a singularity. That means you are the worst enemy of people with time-traveling abilities. The only ones that would even work need to reverse the entropy. Any questions?"

"Actually? Yes, how can I locate that city once I am ready?" I asked.

"The Orb will take you there at that time. I can't go into detail about how I acquired it, but the energy it releases is even purer than mine. If I could, I would use it myself."

"I think I understand," I said while extending my hand towards the black ball. The moment I touched the orb, it disappeared, and my body started dissipating into light particles. Startled by this sudden development, I looked at Matrucksa and exclaimed, "What is happening?!"

"Your time here is over, and you are going to reincarnate. Farewell, boy," he replied.

At that moment, I disappeared from his office.

"I wonder if he will like the surprise I prepared~." Matrucksa mused to himself, now alone. Then he took a sip of coffee that magically appeared in his hand, awaiting the next soul.