
Just Another Chat Group

Severus Snape could not handle what he said to Lily so he shattered and I took his place. I was panicking when faced with the prospect of killing the Dark Lord when I created something truly marvelous. https://www.patreon.com/IHaveHidden for more chapters

IHaveHidden · Komik
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69 Chs

Potions 101

"You know me?" Petunia asked hesitantly as she fidgeted. I could not exactly blame her for not realizing who I was. My aging and drug abuse had me looking completely different. Usually, those two combined meant that a person would look even worse, not what I was. Magic is glorious and no one could tell you other wise. 

I hummed lightly at her as I contemplated. In this moment she was not looking at the sick bastard that I used to be. Now she was seeing someone that walked off of the cover of a magazine. My sudden good looks would not save this conversation when she discovered who I was. Lying about my identity was out of the question. I was trying to mend bridges, it would be a useless effort if I lied to her from the get go.

So I was going to have to stick to the truth. Even if said truth was not something she wanted to hear.

"You know me Petunia." I spoke quietly, I was having difficulty approaching this subject. I might as well stall for a bit. She gave me a confused look as she tried to figure out who I was. The thoughts in her head might be spinning quickly but she was probably far off from the truth. 

"I don't blame you for trying to forget me. I'm fairly certain you hate my guts." I spoke out with a light teasing smile on my face. The sight of my smile had her blushing up another storm. Then she took in my words. She was red as a tomato but the sheer confusion coming off of her was apparent.

With my hint she should arrive at the inevitable conclusion. She probably did not have a large list of people she despised. On the other hand, she was a teenage girl so maybe that list was larger than I thought.

I could see the moment she reached the only answer. The infatuated glint in her eyes faded replaced with a swirl of emotions. The prominent ones being anger and disgust.

"Great it's the Freak." She spat out with a glare on her face. Hurtful, not that I could blame her reaction here. Her emotions were a swirl of conflicting thoughts and feelings. So she chose to lash out at the person who was never all that kind to her. 

"That it is." I let out with a sad smile on my face. This was the reaction that I was expecting so I was not that thrown off. I would be more surprised if she was happy with my presence. The foundation of our relationship had long since been laid.

She might have thought she was wrong before but now with my confirmation she lashed out more. The anger burning brighter her face contorting in an ugly snarl. She looked like she wanted to hurl as many words as she could at me. Yet, she held herself back. Instead, she turned around and started walking away from me. 

I was not sure what she was feeling but she clearly wanted nothing to do with me. It made sense but it did not feel good.

"Petunia wait," I spoke out as I walked towards her. She was angry but she was not in a rush to leave. I would reach out to stop her if I did not think that would lower her already poor opinion of me.

She ignored my words for a bit but hearing me follow her she spun around. The anger was still clear on her face.

"What!?" She snarled out. She wanted nothing to do with me so I should have taken the hint and fucked off. That was what she wanted but it ignored the root of the issue and it would solve nothing in the long haul. Seeing that hate I let out a deeper sad smile. The emotions dyeing my face must have disturbed her as the anger faded from her eyes slightly.

"I'm sorry," I spoke as sincerely as I could. I really was, I ignored this girl and all her woes because I could not be bothered to even look. She may have been suffering in a completely different manner than I was but she was still in pain. I should have recognized that she was in pain and reached out. 

It's what I wanted when I was hurt, so it should have offered her some comfort. I was just so hopelessly devoted to Lily that anything else was not important. Not my own pain, nor anyone else's.

She took in my apology with confusion on her face. I was apologizing but I was not exactly being clear on my reasons.

"I'm sorry for treating you so poorly," I spoke out softly deflating her anger further. It was still not completely gone but it was fading. My sincerity might have been coming across but my looks probably was a part of why she was taking this well. My tone, words, and looks were enough to have a heart pumping wildly. A fantasy that filled the entirety of a teenager's head.

"I was just so infatuated with Lily that I never bothered to even try to treat you well. I think my feelings were rather clear with me following her around like a lost puppy. It does not excuse my actions but I am sorry that I still did them." I spoke out quickly with a small sad smile on my face. Her eyes started to switch to different emotions. Never sticking to any one emotion for too long.

"It's fine, everyone likes Lily." She spoke out absentmindedly. She no longer wanted to storm off but she also did not want to listen to someone singing her sister more praises. She was already insecure about her sister she did not need to hear her number one fan boy talking.

"It's not fine. It was callous and rude, You deserve to be treated better not like how I was treating you." I spoke out softly with my tone hiding the steel in it. She may have thrown sharp barbs at me but I was the one who started our dynamic. She was just a girl that I hurt because I was hurting. My treatment of her was in no way justified. She was not like those old geezers who rejected my existence, she was not like my peers who laughed and jeered at me, she was not like Lily who was willing to betray me.

She was a girl that was hurt by the rejection of the fantastic.

Her eyes widened as she looked back at me. That glint of infatuation came back for a moment before the other emotions swallowed it. I may have been laying it a bit thick in my choice of words. It was how I felt but I was not here to seduce the girl, I just wanted to mend the bridge I burned for no good reason.

"Thanks." She mumbled out as she looked at her shoes. The blush returned but not nearly as intense as it was before. I was surprised that I was able to get that reaction from her. I suppose I should not be my words were rather intense even If I did not mean them to be.

"Again I'm sorry about my behaviour. It might not be able to make up for it but I can teach you some magic." I spoke out with all the regret that I could push into those words. It took a moment for her to take in my words. Her head then snapped up and looked at me with an intensity I was unfamiliar with. Her eyes shone in hope but that faded quickly, it was soon replaced with more anger.

Betrayal seemed to overwhelm all the positive emotions that once were in her eyes.

"That's not funny!" She all but snarled out. The fury that was broadcasting from her was clear. She was taking my words in the worst possible way. She was assuming that I was taunting her, that all my words from before were lies meant to bait her. Now that she had bitten the bait I sprung the trap. My actions hurt her pretty badly as she trusted my words for a moment.

She walked towards me as if preparing to get physical with me. She was a rather skinny girl so she was never going to win a fight with someone my size. Yet, she was not going to back down at the threat of my size. I managed to hurt her in a truly special way. There was not exactly an easy way to open up that topic. I could have just kept it as a simple apology but I really did want to help this girl.

"I'm not joking," I spoke out seriously as I tried to placate the irate girl. She was not buying my words which I should have expected. 

"Look how about I prove I'm not lying. I'm not sure if you know about this but it should be pretty obvious what it means." I spoke out quickly as I backed away from her and raised my wand. She froze at seeing the wand, the emotions once more surging at the sight of it. Yet, she backed off as she knew that it was something that could be incredibly threatening.

"I Severus Prince swear by magic that I fully intend to teach Petunia Evans a magic that she can use," I spoke out as my voice reverberated with power at my oath. My wand glowed a bright white as it bound the vow that I made. I could have used the Snape last name but Prince resonated closer to the person I really was. 

Making a binding vow to prove my innocence was probably a bit too far. I was going to follow the vow and I should be able to get out of it soon but it was still something a wizard usually did. We were not willing to lose our magic so easily after all. Worst comes to worse I could break the vow, I was able to negate it due to my eyes after all.

Petunia took in the scene of my vow and stood still for a moment. Lily was a walking talking encyclopedia that liked to hear the sound of her own voice. So she might have blurted out about binding vows at one point. If she did not the words I used should have caused some hesitance in Petunia's anger.

The anger was still there but it warred with hesitancy. What if I was actually telling the truth? She could not risk taking her anger out on me if I was seriously going to teach her magic. The anger was bound to lose, her long-standing wish to be special would not allow her to give up this opportunity.

"You better not be lying to me." She spoke out angrily with a small amount of pain in her voice. She looked straight into my eyes to convey how she would disembowel me if this turned out to be a set up.

"I'm not lying, I just need a little trust," I spoke out softly as I held out a hand towards her. I could not exactly teach her potions in the middle of the fucking park. So I was going to pop to a place more secure.

Again she looked hesitant to take my hand.

"You're not doing this to get into Lily's pants are you? Even if I put in a good word that's never going to happen." She spoke out bitterly with a wary look on her face. I wanted to roll my eyes at the girl for bringing up her sister but I refrained. She had every reason to think poorly of me after all.

"It's not. I promise this is all about making it up to you." I spoke out sincerely. I really did want to make it up to her and it had nothing to do with her sister. 

Hearing my response that light blush returned to her face and she took my hand. Right time to pop off to a safe spot. I wonder if Ashley and Andrew would mind me commandeering a room to teach my new student? Fuck it I paid for the house I could pop in when I wished.

We popped into one of the many rooms of the mansion. It was decorated rather lavishly which was to be expected. I was not going to buy a completely empty mansion for the siblings to live in. Sure, with the modest sum of wealth I left them they could buy whatever they wanted but it was easier to buy a pre-furnished home. The mansion screamed opulence but it looked rather strange to me. I was used to seeing a certain style of architecture that would not become popular for a long while.

In this day and age opulence had a completely different definition to what I was used to. It was not just the style, the technological gap was far more jarring to me. I was used to a home being equipped with a variety of gadgets. Not just the rich ones either technology was so wide spread that it would look bizarre by today's standards.

So the room I traveled to was filled with paintings, statues, and furniture that looked like it was worth more than anything I had previously owned. The room was not exactly prepped for making potions but it could work. I would have to open all the windows to ensure proper ventilation but it should work.

I looked over at my new found student and she was looking around in shock. She knew that magic was a thing but suddenly being teleported to a richly decorated room had to be jarring. Not something you could prepare for even knowing that magic was a possibility. Her world was only partially dyed in the colors of the magical world. She still had a rational mindset, she was going to have to get rid of that if she wanted to excel.

Magic could be learned with that mindset you could even beat out the common rift raft with it. The thing is if you wanted to challenge heights beyond reason you had to be fairly unreasonable to start off with. Logic had its place but Magic fell under the domain of whimsy and the unreal. You had to be willing to accept all the strangeness that such a thing could bring.

She was gathering her bearings quickly so I will give her props for the quick response. I had one thing I had to do before we started.

[Overdramatic Fool: I commandeered a room to teach my new found student potions. Come up and introduce yourself. I imagine you are going to see them often.]

[NTR Victim: Huh, the magical castle wasn't good enough for you guys?]

[Overdramatic Fool: I needed a private place to teach them and I wanted to introduce you to them. Come up already.]

[NTR Victim: Alright coming up, I was feeling kind of bored anyway. Which room is it? This place is fucking massive.]

[Overdramatic Fool: No take backs this is what you wanted. We are on the second floor, third room on the right.]

There I gave Ashley a heads up, I was going to be operating in their home. It was the wise action to give her a heads up. If she wandered around and caught me teaching Petunia without me saying a word it would end badly. She was feeling more secure about our relationship but there was no reason not to tell her.

Petunia may not be a beauty that wars were fought over but she was still a girl. One that I was going to be spending a rather long time with. So I might as well cover my bases to avoid misunderstandings. Worse comes to worse Ashley hangs around as I teach Petunia. 

"So what magic are you going to teach me?" Petunia questioned with a hopeful glint in her eyes. There was a hint of worry but I assumed she was still waiting for me to pull the rug out from under her. I smiled mildly at her.

"I'll start teaching you in a moment, I'm waiting for someone to show up first. I got to introduce you to them." I spoke out softly as I started to get the room ready. Petunia looked even more nervous now but she held back any more questions. She just aimed a focused look at what I was doing.

I was almost finished when I heard foot steps coming down the hall. After that, the door opened up with the familiar sight of my girlfriend. She wore a rather happy smile on her face as she entered the room then she saw Petunia. Her smile stiffened slightly but she was still smiling.

She looked over at me with a questioning look on her face. Petunia took one look at Ashley and froze up. Not in fear or anything but she just looked stunned. She kept looking back and forth between the two of us with a massive blush appearing on her face.

"Petunia, this is my girlfriend Ashley. Ashley this is Petunina I am going to be teaching her some tricks." I spoke out with a small smile on my face. Petunia seemed to look between us even faster. I was sure that she was absolutely baffled at me having a girlfriend who was not her sister. Ashley perked up and shot Petunia a smug smile. Ashley then walked towards me and placed a rather urgent kiss on my lips. It was a long hot thing that had my heart pumping.

Even with our enhanced bodies we eventually had to come up for breath. So we parted panting away from each other. Ashley turned around to face Petunia whose blush seemed to reach new levels.

"Ashley Graves, nice to meet you," Ashley spoke out with a now genuine smile on her face. I looked at the interaction and decided to wash my hands of it. Ashley was always going to have a reaction to me teaching a female student. As long as things remained civil between them I had no issues. I was not going to complain about Ashley marking her territory, that kiss was something I enjoyed as well.

"Petunia." Petunia stuttered out as she looked even more stunned at this situation. She looked like she wanted to ask a hundred questions but she had no idea which question she should start with. I decided to throw her a bone so her brain could reset.

"Now that the introductions are over we are going to get into what I am going to teach. I'm sure you are looking forward to what that is Petunia." I announced with a flourish. Petunia took in my words and looked over with excited expectant eyes. Ashley looked over in mild curiosity. I then took out all the things needed to brew from my inventory. 

It might have made me a hoarder but inventories are the fucking best. The items appeared neatly before me and I gestured to Petunia and Ashley to come closer. Ashley did not look like she was in any hurry to leave so she might as well learn something. Petunia was looking at the tools and ingredients in confusion.


"I will be teaching you the greatest craft that a Wizard or Witch could learn. Potions!" I spoke out with a wide smile on my face. Ashley was giving me an indulgent smile but Petunia was not looking too happy. She looked incredibly disappointed with this outcome, the Potion Master in me felt insulted that she would be disappointed in my field. I gave her a tight smile.

"Petunia," I spoke out quietly to get her attention from her disappointment. She looked up at me with those sad eyes and I wanted to smack some sense into her. I know potions may not seem that impressive but they were the greatest gift I could possibly give someone.

"I know that it does not seem that magical Petunia. In comparison to flashy displays of magic like teleportation or summoning the elements, potions can look rather dull." I spoke out slowly to the upset girl. It irked me that she could not see the beauty in potions but I would let it slide. Ashley was taking all of this in as if she was deciding if she was going to get involved. Petunia nodded disappointedly.

"While it might look dull make no mistake it is magic." I gave her a stern and serious look that knocked some of that disappointment off of her face.

"I'll tell you something else as well. If I had a choice between those flashy displays of magic or potions I would pick potions one hundred percent of the time." I spoke once more in a serious tone. Ashley was giving me an amused look as she knew I was underplaying my love of potions. Petunia finally looked like she was getting interested in what I had to teach.

Good, I was starting to regret even offering to teach her. God, the Severus Snape who had to teach hundreds of brats that held no actual respect for his craft had my respect. I was having difficulty going through one conversation. I could not imagine dealing with hundreds of brats.

"Why? I would rather be able to teleport." Petunia asked hesitantly. I felt my already stiff smile stiffen further. Ashley was quietly laughing at what was happening. Calm down Severus, she was a squib who knew nothing about true magic.

" I'm a firm believer that anything can be over come with Potions Petunia." I smiled blandly at her.

"Someone is dying from cancer there is a potion for that. You want to turn someone into a wooden statue, potion. You want to kill a dragon, potion. You want to be invisible, potion. You want to bend the whims of fate itself, POTION!" I spoke out with increasing fervor. Potions could solve all of the issues the magical world was facing. My creation of Fortuna told me that the ceiling of my craft was so far up it might as well be the moon.

Sure I was teaching Petunia potions because she did not have a Mana core that could hold Mana. Still, even if that was one of the reasons that did not stop potions from being literally the best. She should be begging on her knees for the opportunity to learn Potions from someone like me. It was the rational thing to do, honestly.

The disappointed look in her eyes faded. That desperate hope for magic was back in her eyes. I gave her a bright smile at the better attitude.

"Beyond that. Potions are one of the only fields that does not need Mana to use. So it's a perfect thing for you to learn Petunia." I spoke to her with bright fevered eyes. She seemed to be infected with my fervor as her own light was increasing.

The higher levels of Potions certainly needed Mana but that was not something a beginner would touch for a long while. I looked over at my new found student, I might as well give her a present as well. I created a contract between the both of us. The contract would give her a very small amount of mana, enough that she could touch that threshold.

It was an insignificant amount for me and it meant that my student would be able to reach for the stars. She might even be able to fix her squib status given enough creativity and drive.

"How about you Ashley, interested in learning potions?" She rolled her eyes at me but nodded her head. She may not have been in the original plan but I was happy she was taking an interest in my favorite subject.

"Good, now are you two ready to bottle the very skies themselves?" I questioned with a smug smile on my face. Sure that was never going to happen with my current skill set but I felt like saying it. Petunia gave me an excited nod and Ashley just flipped me off.

Great, I really hoped that Petunia had some potential with potions. I wanted her to be happy with her choices.

I may have brought out the equipment to brew out but Petunia or Ashley were not any where close to being able to use them. I had to go over safety issues first. I had to beat the fact that a potion that is made poorly could be incredibly volatile into their heads. Even a simple potion that just removes boils could end up in a state that would dissolve flesh. So they had to follow instructions perfectly otherwise things would go poorly for them. Potions are an incredibly versatile field but it was certainly equally dangerous.

It was far easier to fuck up in potions, even if the task is something relatively simple. Transfiguration would not offer the same level of lethality unless human transfiguration was on the table. Charms either worked or they did not, so again you would not find your face melted off with a poor charm. The only subjects that rivaled potions in danger were equally versatile.

The first is spell creation. A lot of spell creation was intricate calculations to get the result you sought. Those calculations would provide the words that bound meaning into Mana, as well as the necessary movements. Fucking up a single calculation could lead to the caster doing something far removed from what they wanted. Like removing all of your internal organs when you wanted to make a form of magical travel.

The second field was Alchemy. Which was to be expected, Alchemy was potions if potions took drugs and grinded twenty four seven. In Alchemy several studies of magic melded together to create something unreal. Transfiguration on the substances you produced to instill a certain amount of Mana into the creation. Potions to get the start of the substance into something moldable. Rituals to bind the meaning and thoughts that you wish to instill into the object. Alchemy was far too complicated to ever be safe.

So if I was going to teach someone the very first thing they had to know was the danger. Potions offered you the world in the palms of your hands so it was definitely worth the danger.

Ashley did not look like she particularly cared about my lecture. Petunia on the other hand seemed to understand the weight of what I was teaching to her. It did not stop the eager light in her eyes. She has been longing for the unreal for a rather long time. She was not going to give up on the possibilities of magic because of danger. She would have never followed me here if that was the case.

Now that I am thinking about it I had kidnapped her. She was probably on her way home from school when I accosted her. So her parents were going to be fretting and upset if we spent too long here. Petunia was far too desperate to learn magic if she was willing to follow a pretty face that she knew personally did not like her. I may have apologized for my behaviour but she had experienced my cold fury for a rather long time.

Once we got over the safety issue I brought up the first potion we were going to brew. It was a minor thing, a potion that would clear out the pores of your face. I figured Petunia would like to know how to make a potion like that. It was a rather simple brew so it made a perfect starting potion.

That might be a bit sexist now that I am thinking about it but she was a teenage girl so maybe not. Whatever, I brought up the recipe and went over what we were going to do.

I explained what each ingredient represented and what use they would have in this particular brew. I explained why we had to stir the potions in a certain way. Why we diced those ingredients instead of slicing. I was not going to teach a student to regurgitate recipes for the rest of their life. If I was going to do this then I was going to teach the both of them properly.

Petunia was staring at me with an intense focus that reminded me far too much of her sister. Even the way she was taking notes was far too close for comfort. I'll just have to learn to deal with those sights. Ashley on the other hand was not a good student. She seemed interested but looked like she hated the notion of studying. Her will to memorize thousands of tiny little things to make something so simple was not something she was up for.

"You good Ashley?" I questioned lightly. I did not want it to come across as an accusation. She knew that I loved potions so I did not want to pressure her into studying when she clearly did not like it. She blinked at my question and gave me a wry smile.

"This is more than I was expecting." She let out quietly as Petunia continued to take notes at a fevered pace. She was already on her second page of notes and I was not even done explaining things. 

She then looked over at me with a teasing smile on her face.

"I don't think this is for me. I'll just have to rely on you to make cool shit." Ashley let out with a teasing smile aimed at me. I gave her an understanding look. Potions was not for everyone and I could accept that. I would have been happy to have long discussions about potions with her but it was not in the cards.

"I get it, not everyone can be a genius like me," I spoke out with a smug smile on my face. Of course, Ashley immediately flipped me off. I laughed at her actions. Petunia stopped taking notes as our interaction was going on. She was looking at me like I was some strange beast that was only talked about in legends. I got it, I was a love sick puppy in her eyes. To see me not pining after Lily must have come as a shock to her.

She clearly wanted to ask more questions but she was holding her self back. I was offering to teach her magic and she did not want to step on my toes when her goal was so close. I was not going to change her mind on her silence. I did not want to field those questions right now. I would rather just teach her potions for now. 

So I went back to teaching her. I did not take too long to go over all the tiny aspects of the potion. It was a fairly simple one so it did not have a whole lot to explain even if I was being thorough.

"You good to start Petunia?" I spoke out softly as she was examining her notes. She did not need to know all the meanings to make the potion but it would be helpful later on. For now, the simple recipe was good enough to get the potion started.

"I think so." Petunia stuttered out. Her tone came out like she was questioning her own statement. She was clearly nervous about doing something magical for the first time. This had been a dream of hers for a long time so it was expected to have nerves. I was also rather clear about how badly things could go for her.

"Look Petunia. You got this, it's a simple potion and you are a smart girl. I am here to make sure nothing dangerous will happen but I am confident that I won't be needed." I smiled at her lightly. She was a smart girl I could see that in the way she took her notes. Even if she was not the recipe was simple and her earnest effort was enough to push her along. Petunia blushed at my comment and broke eye contact.

Before I could react to that Ashley smacked the back of my head. Not very hard as I knew she was capable of far more force but enough to get her point across.

"No seducing innocent girls." She announced with a pout on her face. I smiled wryly at her. I was not trying to seduce Petunia but her bright blush told me I failed at that. Petunia's head snapped up at Ashley's comment her face draining of that color.

"I'm not seduced!" Petunia shouted out in denial. The way she said that I could not believe that she believed in what she said. Ashley rolled her eyes but that was all she did. I was surprised that Ashley did not have a more negative reaction to Petunia.

"I get it kid but he's mine," Ashley spoke out slowly to get her point across. Petunia just started to blush again.

"Can we just get back to the potion." Petunia stuttered out. She was clearly trying to get out of the conversation but I could not blame her. I did not want this conversation to continue either.

Ashley just rolled her eyes and motioned to Petunia to get started.

Petunia sighed in relief. She then started gathering the ingredients that she needed for the potion from my case of ingredients. It took her a while to identify which ingredients were the ones she needed but she got all of them. She was not as nervous as she was before, that conversation broke some of the tension that was hovering over her. 

So I guess that ended up well even if I now had to cuddle with Ashley to get her to stop pouting. Our intimate situation had Petunia blushing harder but she ignored us and continued making the potion.

She prepped the ingredients. Some of them could be cut in advance while some had to be done later. Her knife work could use some work as she was not as quick as she needed to be. Still, even if she was slow she managed to get the ingredients prepped how they were supposed to.

The cauldron was already set up and heated by magic. She could not change the levels of heat yet nor should she try this early. For this potion the current heat was fine any lower or higher could be disastrous. It was a good thing that magical flames were so easy to regulate.

She then started to add the ingredients one after the other. She was doing okay, there was clearly room for improvement but I was a nit picker. I would only be satisfied if someone was doing everything perfectly. It was a lot to expect from someone who only learned to brew an hour ago. Still, while I thought she could improve her current actions would be more than fine in completing the potion.

My thoughts turned out to be true as she finished brewing and the liquid like state of the potion turned into a balm. The color was a little off but it would certainly work. She just needed to jar her creation and she could use it on her skin to clean out pores.

She was looking over her creation in worry. I got out of the cuddle session with Ashley and walked over to my student. She was fretting over her potion as it was not quite the color I said it would be. She looked over at me with worried eyes. She looked like she was going to have a break down.

She was worried that this was a failure and that she would never be able to learn anything magical. I patted her head which caused her to look over at me in confusion. She did stop panicking so the problem was solved.

"You did it." I smiled brightly at her. She looked stunned at my announcement. Then she took in my words and the nervous look completely left her face. It was replaced by wonder and fascination. 

"I'm proud of you Petunia, you did better than some of my classmates." Again I smiled lightly at her. I was being truthful as well. Some of the fools that I had to deal with in potions were fucking morons. I could not imagine how they managed to fuck up a simple recipe so badly.

Petunia once again blushed and looked away. I took that in for a moment before I regretted saying the last line. I felt another smack at the back of my head as I expected. I could have dodged it as I saw it coming but they did not really hurt.

I looked back at Ashley who was once again pouting. I gave her a wry smile. Petunia was far too easy to seduce she had to work on that. Or I had to change how I talked to her.

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Prince you said you were willing to curse someone to make it up to me. Turns out I do have someone I want to suffer. Their name is Salem.]

Well, I guess Ozpin spilled the beans.

It was only a matter of time before the information got out anyway. Pyrra was firmly in Ozipin's grasp so explaining the big bad of the season was reasonable. I was just surprised that Ozipin caved so early, sure I expected it to happen but not this fast. I suppose he was not willing to wait when faced with an opportunity to hurt Salem. Ozpin has been working on the back foot for a long while so it made sense.

I helped Petunia pack her balm and popped her back home. I made sure to ask her about her schedule so I could teach her when she was free. I was not going to drag her away from her regular life to learn potions from me. It was not an urgent task, I was only doing this to make her happy so I did not need to ruin other aspects of her life.

Even if she was charging into learning potions with a fervor that reminded me far too much of myself. Once I no longer had to worry about Petunia I popped back to the mansion and sent over another message.

[Overdramatic Fool: I would ask what they did to earn your ire but it does not really matter too much. Is Salem their full name? If it is I might need a little more details to narrow down the curse.]

Obviously I did not need any more information but I wanted to drag more information from her. I wanted to test how much Ozipin actually trusted her and I wanted the chat group involved. Izumi and Argo would not be all that helpful but I wanted them to feel included. I wanted us to be more involved with each other. We were a group and we should be acting the part.

That did bring into question if I should tell members what I knew about their respective worlds. The information would certainly be helpful to them but it would be hard to explain where that information came from. Not to mention I did not actually know all too much about them. Pyrra's world was the one I knew the most about but it was not a whole lot of information.

Curse my lack of interest in the later seasons of RWBY. The only thing that I recalled from the later seasons was Yang was gay for Blake and I was not even sure if that was true or not. It might just be the fandom shipping really fucking hard. I had been baited plenty of times by fandoms shipping two people. I was not interested enough in the topic to check back in on the show. So my knowledge of RWBY remained spotty.

Rias was in a similar boat, I knew enough about her to get the gist of her situation but she could already handle what I knew. A anime about a guy screaming about tits did not really appeal to me. So I skipped out on it, I did read a good amount of fanfictions about it but most of them cut off at the same point.

I still had no idea where Izumi came from, the only clue I got was he was likely to be the bottom in a relationship. Not exactly something that screamed easy to identify. I also held no information in Ashley's world, the fact that demons were wandering around scared the shit out of me. Then we had Argo, again my knowledge of the series was regulated to the abridged series so she was shit out of luck for future knowledge.

I guess I was not as all knowing as I thought I was. So I guess there was no need to show my hand just yet. Argo lived in a modern Japan so she should have access to anime, she might be able to get her hands on DXD or whatever anime Izumi is from. It was a long shot but her world apparently had One Piece so maybe it was not too much of a long shot. I would just have to nudge her in the proper direction. Hell, I could head back to her world and search for the information myself. I did say I wanted to watch some anime with Ashley, so I had an excuse.

I was being rather secretive but I felt like it was appropriate. I did not want to have all of their expectation placed on my shoulders when my knowledge already proved to be spotty. I was a weeb but I did not have an encyclopedia of all known pop culture. I was only human and I was limited by other aspects of life.

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Oh are we back to cursing people? I still want a quota! I really want to mess with someone please!]

[Grade A Bottom: #Scared.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Don't worry Izumi-chan you are not the one I'm after.]

[Grade A Bottom: I would hope so. It's just whenever this topic comes up I have flash backs.]

[Overdramatic Fool: I would offer to remove that memory from your mind but that seems like an overreaction.]

[Grade A Bottom: You can do that!? You get scarier and scarier every day Prince-san]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I can do it as well if you want those memories gone Izumi-chan.]

[Grade A Bottom: I might shudder every time I think about what happened but I think I would rather know.]

[NTR Victim: Respect.]

Perhaps offering to remove memories that traumatized a person was not the best offer. It was just an easy solution even if I was sure no one would take that offer. Izumi was clearly over reacting but he was a mundane person before so he could feel how ever he wanted. Clearly, this emotional damage was the worst thing that ever happened to him. I could not relate to that in the slightest. 

The fact that the trap in our group was the most mentally sound person was disturbing. I suppose him looking particularly girly had no correlation to his mental state so I should not be too surprised.

Rias wanted to curse somebody I could only assume that it was her husband to be. I did not mind cursing the guy, it would have Rias warming up to me for a relatively minor thing. I was fairly certain Rias should be capable of taking care of her problems by herself. Even if she has been wasting points in a doomed effort to get a respectable username. 

She should have plenty of time before her marriage and the Chat Group would provide her endless amounts of power. She also had a newbie gift that she claimed was S rank so she should be good.

Then again she might be able to solve her current marriage issue with raw strength but it did not solve the root cause of that situation. 

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Salem is her full name. She is an immortal witch who rules over a group of monsters called Grim.]

[NTR Victim: She sounds like a bad bitch, are you sure she needs smiting? Sounds kind of cool to me.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: She is a monster who is responsible for the death of millions!]

[Overdramatic Fool: Noted.]

I winced as Pyrrha's rebuttal would not have convinced Ashley Salem was not in fact a bad bitch. I looked over at Ashley who was lounging on the bed looking at her own interface. 

"Can you not prod her Ashley?" I was still on bad terms with Pyrrha I would rather not have things worse between us. Ashley looked away from her interface and looked at me. Seeing the awkward smile on my face she rolled her eyes and huffed. Still, it looked like she was not going to push it with Pyrrha.

[Grade A Bottom: I'm really glad I don't live in any of the worlds that you guys belong to.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: I would be hurt by that statement but my world really blew chunks for a long while.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: My world is not too bad Izumi-chan.]

[NTR Victim: Didn't you say your world had Demons and conceptual deities?]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Yes?]

[Grade A Bottom: Scary.]

[NTR Victim: For regular people that sounds insane Magic Tits. My world was apparently fucked up too, my neighbor was going to summon a demon before Prince iced the guy.]

[Grade A Bottom:... Prince-san murdered someone!?]

I winced again. I was not exactly ashamed of my actions but I did not want to advertise how willing I was to murder someone. Then again it would only earn me negative points with Izumi, Pyrrha, and maybe Argo. Rias would understand the need to kill someone some times. 

Ashley looked up and gave me an apologetic look, she was just joining the conversation. She wanted to brag about my actions and she did not feel like I did anything wrong when I killed the guy. Then again she would not think I did anything wrong if I murdered some random dipshit.

I waved her off as I knew what she was thinking. I could not really blame her all too much for her releasing that little tidbit.

Whatever it was bound to come up eventually. I was not going to hide from those actions. I would kill that dumb ass a thousand times and not even blink at the action. Someone who dabbled in such dark fields did not deserve the option of mercy. 

[Overdramatic Fool: I would like to say that the guy was literally summoning a demon that would have gone on a rampage killing thousands.]

I was making a guess there but summoning a demon would only end in tragedy. Nothing else would have fit the sheer wrongness I felt in the air that night.

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: I get it. Sometimes you have to make the hard choices when push comes to shove.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: I may be a devil but even I would look at someone summoning a demon poorly. ]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: What else would you do with a criminal?]

[NTR Victim: I would rather not have a demon coming for my soul. God knows what it would do with it.]

[Grade A Bottom: ….]

[Overdramatic Fool: Right, I get the moral point you are saying Izumi but I don't regret what I did. Some times mercy is just not on the table.]

[Overdramatic Fool: Anyways, that information should be enough I will curse this Salem. She is probably going to have a long series of terrible days from now on. She probably won't die as she is an immortal but what ever she is plotting should be running into problems.]

The ultimate move to use when you don't want to talk about something. Shift the topic into something you are willing to discuss. I did not want to have Izumi lecturing me on morals for however long he wanted. He would not convince me that my actions were wrong and he was not the type of person who was interesting to listen to.

I would much rather talk to Pyrrha about Salem being handicapped for a very long time. 

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Thank you Prince, Hopefully this will mean that the Grim will be taking fewer lives.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Oh, me too! Come on Prince he really deserves it I promise!]

[Overdramatic Fool: Alright I get it, I'll curse someone for you as well Rias-san. Just send me their name.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Sweet! Their name is Riser Phenex. I can't wait to see that arrogant asshole suffering. ]

[Overdramatic Fool: Noted, he will wish he never even looked at you Rias-san]

I asked Fortuna to mess around with Salem and Riser. She agreed but she seemed moody that I was sending her on this particular errand.


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