
Just a stranger

I am Advik! One day me and my friends are went for walk in park after having our dinner . Suddenly we saw a girl lying on the ground of the park we thought that was a death body but she was alive . We went to the hospital for her treatment and we were very afraid about that girl that was a scary moment for us . We thought that it was risky for us but we decided to help her and stay with her until she recover . When she cames to her senses she was very nervous she tried to call her parents but they refused to accept her and if you want to know more about that please read out my story . Thank you !

Ansha_Khan_0412 · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter: 1 ( The beginning )

"Sir, now your patient is out of danger " Doctor said that while coming out from operation theatre.

"Thank you Doctor" I said . Yesterday me and aarav , found a girl , who was lying on the park's ground . Firstly we got scared , we thought there was a corpse (Death body of a human being) . After we realised she is still alive , we took her to the hospital. We have been waiting for her to come to her senses since last time .

"Are you guys crazy ? Do you both care about your life " Noah came towards us and said angrily.

"Brother ! Speak calmly, this is not your home it's a hospital" I said that while putting my hand on his shoulder .

"You both even know what you did , it can be dangerous " Noah whispered in my ears . Noah is one of my closest friend and the famous musicians and dancer , his real name is Nabhya .

"Did you call him? " I said while looking at Aarav .

"Yes brother! " Aarav said .

I stare at Aarav and said "Don't you know that he is sneaky ?"

"I know bro ! But I didn't understand anyth at that time . I was so nervous at that time . " Aarav said nervously.

"Ohhh ! So that's mean If he didn't tell me then you weren't going to tell me about this shit ? " Noah said angrily.

"Do you think, this is the right time to discuss all these things ? I did what I thought was right that time ! " I said while looking at Noah .

"Both of you keep calm ! And comfortably wait for that girl to come to her senses " .

"How can you sit comfortably? In this fucking annoying situation? " Noah said while looking at Aarav

I got fed up and said "Both of you shut up please!"


We waited for a long time for her to come to her senses. Now it's 5o'clock of the evening. We haven't even eaten lunch yet . It's such a weird time . For the first time , i feel bad for helping someone.I feel like something bad will happening.

"Brother! I am hungry! How long will we sit here for an unknown girl ? She is just a stranger for us ! " Noah said and got up from the bench .

"You are right ! Do one thing, you guys go and bring something to eat , I am hungry too ! " I said.

After that both of them got up and went to get some food . They both are also tensed about that girl we don't even when will she came to her sense but still we are waiting for her because we think now she is our responsibility to take care of her , may be God sent us for her help .

"Why did it take so long ? " I said that while looking at them . They are coming towards me with having coffee and a box of food in their hands .

"Brother there was a lot of crowd " Aarav said and gave me the coffee .

"What's in it ?" I said while pointing to the box .

Noah gave me the box in my hands and said "Chicken nuggets from you favourite outlet ."

We sat down and eat the food .