
Chapter 1

It was a regular day.I woke at 7 am get ready for my school and their was a regular and a know voice "honey are you ready if so please help me out from this mess" coming mommy. Rachel!!! Did you see my tie. just a second dad."Finally it happened" mommy say this. Ohh let this all be at it's end mommy. I am leaving for my school bye. "Bye honey" take care.

I just then take my bag and start my car. At mid I take Jane. By the way Jane one of my best friend who even can understand me by my expression. He just crack one those of one joke on me "Hi Rachel the bachelor".I just start my regular anger of my previous day on him and suddenly. Their was a sound of snoring I stop the car and look at Jane.seriously he was asleep.I shouted at him with all my anger. He then take his hand to his neck and start scratching it. I said him you suppose to listen my stuff then those of your snoore.He was still half dead in his sweet sleep. I then tell him not to turn back to his sweet dream on night but rather than that take a bit interest in Jonas brother. And Finally we were at the gate of school.I attend my first lecture of equation. And at 2.00 am my last lecture of biology end up. I take the my bag and walk toward   my car and now I was at my job. I am a worker at a store. Suddenly I saw a couple and they walk near to me the girl just come and let me hold a packet . I don't know but I saw a love in her eyes. I just then take the packet start doing billing and ask her about her boy. She then tell me about her love story that how she fall in love with him by only one look. As she said this I don't know how to react but don't believe her. It was 10.00 pm and my work was done I take permission of my owner and took my sort of thing for home. I took a a deep breath and walk to my car suddenly, their was a voice of broken glass as I turn toward the scene I just watch a boy holding a girl who was drunk and saying some shit. I just watch her coming toward me the boy wear a cap and his face was covered with the cap. Then I took a slight look at them and was confused but they just cross me and I then open the door of my car. Suddenly I saw the same boy staring me but can't see him. I just on my car and was in same thought that how can the couple fall in only by first look. I just watch that my home was their so I then take my stuff and was in my room so to get out of the stress and ask Mom for a lemonade I was at kitchen and in same thought of the couple it was just shit of first look love. It was 3.58 am and I was about to sleep but their was a last notification on my insta account.....

This is my first story so i hope you will like