
Jujutsu Kaisen: Vector Space

Originally we were playing, I designed the powerset of my friend if he were to get reincarnated into bleach and he designed mine if I were to be in Jujutsu Kaisen. Who would have thought that the simple wish of my friend for it to become real, became granted by an unknown being? Well, there is nothing I can do about it anymore anyway, let's try to live the best second life possible. Also, I hope my friend is doing the same with the abilities I designed for him (Stillness of an object time) which I took from re: zero, and the (Tenseigan) I took from Naruto. As for mine? The abilities I got? How about reading and finding out? And for those who can understand, rejoice for I am now Accelerator... and some more. ... Notice: This story is purely for my own entertainment, you are neither obligated to read nor like it. Also, I have no obligation to listen to anyone and I can decide to pause the story or end it if I feel like it. Read at your own risk

AllBullshit · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

The 1st years

"Well, Let's go, the others already met so you are the last one." Gojo said as his hand moved with the intention of patting his shoulder and teleporting away quickly.

To his surprise, the moment his hand was about to touch Shirou, he felt a shift in the flow of cursed energy in the boy's body.

"Hm?" But nothing happened, so he stopped minding it and quickly teleported them away, without knowing that he almost got blown away by Shirou's protective field which was always semi-active.

aside from that Shirou didn't overly react, but he had to admit he quite liked the feeling of teleporting... sadly he couldn't do something like that with his cursed technique... yet.

"Finally here. How can you bear to make a pretty lady wait?" Nobara was quick on the offensive.

"Ha? Pretty lady? Where?" Shirou looked left and right, his expression truly showing how oblivious he was.

"Wait? Could it be..." He acted as if he just suddenly understood something and looked at Nobara in disbelief. "Are you talking about yourself?"

"You..." A vein bulged on Nobara's forehead in annoyance. She felt like ripping his head off.

"And who even are you?" In an effort to stop the situation from escalating Megumin chooses to try and change the subject.

"Shirou Yusa, If you need anything don't come to me." Shirou uncaringly said, no longer interested to speak to Nobara.

"That guy is weird." Yuji pointed out with no malice whatsoever.

Shirou walked closer to the guy and looked intensively at him for a good minute before smiling and saying. "You sure are shameless to say that, considering..." He knowingly trailed off as if he had discovered something the others did not. But chooses to keep silent.

"Anyway, it's none of my business." He turned around and observed the others as well, ignoring the reaction of the surprised Megumin and amused Gojo.

"Also you are a 7/10 at most." Of course, he didn't forget to get back at Nobara.

"Okay, that's it. You are dead." Nobara got fired up as she retrieved a hammer from Godknowwhere.

"Wait, weren't we supposed to visit Roppongi?" Yuji was too excited to tour Tokyo to care about Nobara and Shirou's little fight.

"Ho yeah! Let's go! Roppongi!" Just like that Nobara forgot all previous grievances and joined Yuji in his excitement as they circled Gojo happily.

Leaving Megumin and Shirou looking at them and then at each other.

"They are simple guys, don't mind them. Megumin Fujigoro." He took the opportunity to introduce himself. Since they were going to see each other every day from now on, he'd rather get that out of the way.

"I could tell that much." Shirou said as he looked back at them, before continuing. "But I don't hate that."

Some minutes later...

They found themselves standing in front of what seemed like an abandoned building from which emanated highly ominous air.

"There are definitely curses in there." Megumin could easily feel it.

"You liar!! This is not Roppongi!" Yuji held his hand and shouted, devasted.

"Don't toy with country folk!" Nobara felt the same.

"Ho? seems like there is a cemetery not far from here." Shirou pointed out.

"Ding. You are right, because places like cemeteries and hospitals are places full of negative thoughts, it's easier for curses to be created there. And this place is right next to one of those." Gojo explained, trying to fill Yuji in, as he was almost completely new to this side of the world.

"Ho, I see, that seems right." Yuji nodded after thinking about it for a bit.

"Wait, how come this guy doesn't know such a thing." Nobara was perplexed.

"Well, the truth is... this guy ate a special-grade cursed object, which turned out to be a finger of Sukuna and somehow not only managed to survive but also suppress Sukuna." Megumin explained briefly what transpired a few days ago and took a boy that was already abnormal to even more abnormal.

It was quite an understatement to say that she was baffled and degusted...

"No way, no way, no way... how unsanitary... you better not contaminate me." She took her distance as she hid behind Gojo.

"What did you say?" Yuji asked as a vein bulged on his head.

"I think the same." Megumin added his piece as well.

"Okay, guys," Gojo demanded their attention and kept speaking. "I want to know how y'all can go. Consider it a practical test."

"Nobara, Yuji, Shirou. Go and exorcise the curses inside." He said before remembering something.

"Take this Yuji." He took out a dagger and gave it to Yuji. "Although you can be considered a half curse and have a decent reserve of cursed energy, since you don't know how to use it, you will have to rely on that for now."

"Woooow." Yuji's eyes couldn't help but shine a little. It was kinda cool.

"It's called Slaughter Demon, and it's infused with cursed energy, meaning you can use it to slay cursed spirits. Also, Yuji cares to mind and suppress Sukuna or all surrounding cursed spirits will instantly be killed."

Gojo's tone turned slightly grave. "Not only that, people nearby will also get dragged into it." He briefly looked at Nobara and Shirou to give a hint.

"Understood." Yuji was certainly going to do his best so such a thing doesn't happen.

"Don't worry about me, I would be fine." Shirou just brushed it off without giving it much thought. From what he know the current Sukuna couldn't possibly give him much of a challenge.

Then Megumin proposed to accompany them to keep an eye on them but Gojo refused, this was a test after all. He wanted to see how Nobara and Shirou would perform in this kind of situation.

"So bothersome, why do we have to exorcise curses first thing in Tokyo?" Nobara complained.

"..." Yuji wanted to interject but was wise enough to not do so, Shirou though... was another matter altogether.

"If you don't want to do it just go back where you come from." Shirou off-handedly said before starting to walk in another direction by himself.

"Do you really want to fight?" Nobara asked with menacing eyes, but she was promptly ignored.

"Where are you going Shirou?" Yuji asked seeing him walking further and further from them.

"I am doing it my own way, do what you want." Shirou waved without even looking back. He would have personally preferred just uprooting the whole building but that wouldn't be right.

Shirou made his way around when he felt the presence of a cursed spirit slowly creeping behind him. Not caring about an enemy with such a low amount of cursed energy, he didn't even turn around and kept walking.

The cursed spirit in question didn't have intelligence, it was just a mindless beast following its base instinct, to kill the living and devour, thus he followed through and attacked.

Towering over a normal human being and with claws sharp enough to dent concrete walls, the cursed spirit pounced on its target, Shirou, aiming to lacerate him from side to side.

The odds seemed to be in its favor as its prey didn't notice it, this was going to be an easy hunt... Its thoughts.

But something rather bizarre happened, just when he was about to touch the white-haired boy, merely centimeters away from him, its hand stopped, it seemed impossible to move no matter the amount of force or cursed energy he put into it. The vectors behind its attack were simply voided.

The cursed spirit was shocked, its instincts flared like nothing before, he had to run, quickly, he had to hide, deeply.

"Ho? So you finally attacked." Shirou's head snapped sideways a little above and eyed the stopped hand mid-air.

"Not that it really matters." Shirou stomped on the ground creating a mini localized earthquake that destroyed the ground around him and sent the cursed spirit hurling back. That was not all, with another light tap of his foot, the debris flew toward the cursed spirit with incredible velocity, ripping through its body without any resistance and exorcising it instantly.

"I can't feel any more cursed spirits in the building... Then Yuji and Nobara should be done as well." He resumed his walk as if nothing happened at all, only leaving behind the proof of his earlier fight... or more like bullying.

Somewhere else.

"What just happened?" Megumin couldn't tell, no, he could, he saw it with his own eyes after all. What he couldn't tell was Shirou's cursed technique. He couldn't figure it out with just the information he himself collected.

"Hm..." Gojo himself was seemingly lost in his thought for a moment, only coming back to reality when Megumin spoke once more.

"Also what he did earlier resembled very much to your cursed technique, didn't it? Adding his white hair to the equation..." Megumin looked at Gojo and started clearly judging him.

"Hey, no, he is not my son or anything, nor is he a member of my clan." Gojo waved him away with one hand, but still, he added. "Though, his cursed technique sure is interesting... this year students sure are peculiars."

But with his words, he couldn't hide the smirk on his face.


"Creepy as fuck." Megumin commented.

