
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Rebirth

In a devastated battlefield in the Heian era, Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, wages a final battle against the last remaining sorcerers of his time. Despite his overwhelming power, Sukuna is badly wounded and realizes that defeat is imminent. With fierce determination, he decides to seal his essence to preserve his legacy and await a more opportune moment to return. A thousand years later, in the modern world, a high school student named Itadori Yuji is thrust into a supernatural battle when he consumes a cursed finger containing Sukuna's essence. But instead of awakening the ancient demon, he awakens a new entity: a combination of his own soul and Sukuna's, a soul named Kaede. Sukuna, with his overwhelming power, has dominated Kaede throughout his life, oppressing him within his own body. Now, reborn within Yuji's body, Kaede finally has the chance to fight for his freedom and his own destiny. But Sukuna is not willing to relinquish control easily. As Kaede and Sukuna struggle for dominance within the same body, Itadori is drawn into an internal conflict that could decide the fate of the world. ----------------------------------------------- Hey everyone... Hope there's somebody out there. So, here goes nothing—my first crack at writing a novel. Honestly, no idea how it's gonna turn out. Just gonna wing it, you know? But hey, you already peeped it's gonna be all about the Jujutsu Kaisen world. Crazy, right? But I'll figure it out somehow. Thanks in advance for checking it out!"

SquirrelChan · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Chapter 22: Showdown

The atmosphere around the stream grew increasingly tense as Yuki Tsukumo and Kaede prepared to face off. Yuki, with a calm and confident smile, observed Kaede from a safe distance. Her blonde hair swayed slightly in the breeze, while Kaede remained in a defensive stance, his sharp eyes reflecting determination and caution.

"Ready to see what I can do?" Yuki asked, her playful tone contrasting with the seriousness of the situation.

Kaede didn't respond with words, but his expression said it all. He moved one hand forward, and the space around him began to subtly distort. He was preparing to use his Divine Space technique, but at the crucial moment, he decided not to employ it. The reason was clear: the ritual required extreme concentration and precise control, which he found difficult to maintain at that moment. The interference from Itadori, trying to regain control of his own body, was affecting Kaede's ability to perform exact calculations and execute the technique effectively. Using Divine Space under these conditions would not only be risky but could also unnecessarily drain his cursed energy.

Kaede knew that the Divine Space ritual was his most powerful ability, but it was also energy and concentration-intensive. Using it imprecisely in this state could result in something tragic, something he couldn't afford in the midst of such an intense battle. So, instead of using his ritual technique, he decided to rely on his ability to execute Black Flash, a technique he had mastered and could use more efficiently even under pressure.

Suddenly, reality began to ripple and distort as Kaede invoked his Black Flash technique. Each attack he launched was amplified by this ability, and the blows felt more powerful with each impact. Yuki, on the first strike, felt the force of the impact, and her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the black sparks in Kaede's attack.

"What...?" Yuki murmured, stunned by the power of the first Black Flash that hit her.

Without giving her time to recover, Kaede continued attacking. The second Black Flash hit her before she could fully react, and Yuki felt a sharp pain at the point of impact. The third, fourth, and fifth Black Flash followed in quick succession, each causing a devastating impact. The special grade sorcerer began to feel the increasing pressure and difficulty in maintaining her stance.

Yuki, blocking and dodging the attacks, started to wonder how it was possible for Kaede to use Black Flash so frequently. Her mind raced, trying to understand how Kaede was accomplishing such a feat.

"Why doesn't he stop using Black Flash?" Yuki thought, astonished and frustrated. "This doesn't make sense... Each blow is like it has the power of a maximized cursed technique."

In the midst of the battle, Kaede noticed the growing surprise on Yuki's face and couldn't help but smile slightly with satisfaction. The Black Flash technique, which he had developed, was something other sorcerers hadn't fully perfected. The ability to use it at will set him apart and made him formidable in combat.

"Surprised, Tsukumo?" Kaede said with a mocking smile. "It seems my name isn't as recognized as my skill. This technique is mine, after all."

Yuki, momentarily stunned by the revelation, couldn't help but pause in her offense. The mention that Kaede was the creator of Black Flash surprised and puzzled her. This moment of doubt was enough for Kaede to see an opportunity to strike.

With a quick movement, he used his Divine Space to split the space and appear behind Yuki, drawing his katana that glowed with a dangerous light. Seizing the moment, he delivered a direct attack to Yuki's abdomen, sending her several meters away, staggering as she tried to recover.

Yuki, breathing heavily, quickly composed herself, but couldn't hide a brief expression of astonishment at Kaede's revelation.

"How? You're the creator of Black Flash?" Yuki asked, her surprise evident in her tone.

Kaede, slowly approaching, gave her a challenging smile. "You better not fight so physically, Yuki. In that field, I'd crush you effortlessly."

Yuki, breathing heavily and trying to regain her composure. Although clearly affected by the last attack, her expression became more serious and calculated. Kaede's revelation as the creator of Black Flash had changed the dynamics of the battle, and Yuki knew she needed to adapt her strategy quickly.

Kaede, taking advantage of the moment, prepared to continue the fight. His mastery of Black Flash gave him a significant advantage, but he also knew Yuki wasn't an opponent to underestimate.

The battle between Kaede and Yuki was at its peak. Both were giving their all, neither giving an inch. The battleground was an open field surrounded by mountains and trees, the terrain transformed into a war zone by the intensity of their clash.

Kaede moved with surprising agility, his body traversing the battlefield thanks to the continuous use of Black Flash. Each strike he delivered was imbued with cursed energy, the power exponentially increased by the technique he had perfected. Each impact produced a black distortion in the air, a phenomenon that made each of Kaede's physical blows even more devastating.

On the other hand, Yuki didn't fall behind. Her movements were fluid and precise, her strength notably high thanks to her technique, which allowed her to increase her mass without affecting her agility. However, despite her remarkable ability to withstand blows, the constant use of Black Flash was starting to drain even her reserves.

Yuki, aware of the danger, decided to use her Shikigami, Garuda, to create an additional strategy. Garuda, the rather large flying worm, appeared on the battlefield, creating a distraction. Using Garuda, Yuki attempted to apply Star Rage on her Shikigami, but Kaede was prepared for it. Every time Garuda tried to attack, Kaede deflected it with his katana, Kagekiri, or with precise control of Divine Space.

As each second passed, the fight became more demanding for Kaede. His attacks with Black Flash had been impressive, but the energy cost was becoming evident. Yuki's ability to endure had balanced the scales, and now it was Kaede's fatigue that was starting to tilt the balance in favor of the special grade sorcerer.

Despite Kaede's efforts to stay on his feet and keep fighting, his pace slowed noticeably. Each strike required monumental effort, and his ability to use Black Flash with precision was compromised by accumulated fatigue.

Yuki, observing her opponent's weakening, seized the opportunity to intensify her offense. With a combination of swift movements and calculated attacks, she began to wear Kaede down even more. Her Star Rage technique, enhanced by her Shikigami Garuda, gave her a significant advantage. Garuda, the flying worm with spines like wings, created distractions and pressured Kaede from different angles, while Yuki ensured she maintained a solid defensive stance and a calculated offense.

As the battle continued, Kaede began making mistakes. His movements became less precise, and the impact of his attacks felt less powerful. Yuki, with her experience and skill, took advantage of every opportunity to strike.

Finally, with a last, exhausting effort, Yuki launched a decisive attack. Garuda helped distract Kaede while Yuki moved quickly to deliver a blow that left no room for defense. The impact was forceful, and Kaede, unable to resist any longer, fell to the ground with a groan of pain.

Yuki, breathing heavily, approached Kaede. "It seems your energy has run out. You've been a formidable opponent, but in this battle, my endurance has surpassed yours."

Kaede, on the ground and visibly defeated, looked at Yuki with frustration. "Whatever."

With that, he lost consciousness.

At that moment, Satoru Gojo suddenly appeared, his imposing presence and relaxed style contrasting with the tension from just a moment ago. He observed the scene with interest, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses.

"Wow, it seems I arrived just in time to see the conclusion," Gojo said with a smile, looking at Yuki and Kaede on the ground.

Yuki, relieved by the end of the battle, turned to him. "Gojo, I didn't expect you to show up. The fight has been intense, but Kaede was almost at his limit."

Gojo leaned slightly toward Yuki with an approving smile. "Wow, you've done a great job. I never thought we'd encounter the creator of Black Flash. The Kazehaya clan really erased him from the map. It seems the battle has been quite a spectacle."

Yuki rolled her eyes. "Were you watching the whole time?"

Gojo just laughed and went to the body lying on the ground.

Itadori's lifeless body began to lose its color. Seeing this, Gojo sighed, "I'll take the body to headquarters... Good job." With that, he took the body and vanished, leaving Yuki deep in thought.