
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Queen

It is the story of a girl who wants to live and a ROB who doesn't understand the concept of living, granting the girl her wish to live and reincarnate in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen . . . (A/n): The story is divided into two parts. the first part will be normal power struggle fanfic and the second part will be wish fulfillment

dreaming_dog · Komik
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6 Chs


The dark alley echoed with the voices of uncertainty as the woman, concealed in black garments, confronted her husband with anxious eyes. She cradled her precious baby in her arms, a tiny face peeking out from the tightly wrapped blanket. The baby's silvery white hair caught the dim light, making her appear almost otherworldly, yet utterly adorable. Her striking appearance was further emphasized by her mismatched eyes – a mesmerizing blue right eye with an intricate clock pattern etched into the iris and a normal red left eye, each eye telling a different tale.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" she implored, her voice laden with a mixture of reluctance and desperation.

The man, equally concealed in black, met her gaze, his heart wrenched by the sight of their innocent child. Despite his emotions, he steadied himself, knowing the gravity of their situation. "There is no other way," he replied, his voice firm but filled with a hint of sorrow. "If we want our babies to be safe, we must take this path. You know who is after us, what they will do if they find our children. They will use them for their diabolical experiments."

Tears welled up in the woman's eyes, yet she clung tightly to the child, unable to imagine a life without her. "But can't we trust someone we know to raise them, or perhaps leave them at an orphanage near our home?" she pleaded. "And why must we separate them? Can't they face the trials together, supporting each other? They are twins; their bond can protect them."

The man's resolve was unwavering, though his heart ached at the thought of parting their children. "We cannot afford to trust anyone else, not now," he responded solemnly. "Our enemies lurk in the shadows, and we cannot risk exposing our babies to such danger. Separating them is the only way to ensure their safety. Together, they would be too easily discovered, but apart, they stand a chance."

As they spoke, the baby in the man's arms, with a head of black hair poking out from the blanket, fidgeted in his arms. The baby seemed to sense the tension surrounding them, and yet, there was an air of tranquility about her, as if she understood the importance of their decision.

With a heavy heart, the woman finally nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. She gave her baby a tight hug and reluctantly handed her to the man. The man looked at the baby with a complicated gaze filled with love, reluctance, and decisiveness. He quickly placed the baby gently in a basket and left it carefully at the door of the orphanage, ensuring the child's safety.

The couple, with tear-filled eyes, gave their child a last look and left the place with a heavy heart.

The next day, the child was found by the orphanage's director at their doorstep as he was leaving for his morning walk. The director took the baby in and named her Sawa, which meant "beloved" in a language long forgotten.


(A/n: tell your thoughts about the new prologe)