

Gabi fell to the ground exhausted from fighting three special-grade curses in one night. The Kitsune went to sit by him placed his head on her lap and started to play with his long wavy white hair.

" Master, you were so handsome fighting them." The Kitsune compliments her leader.

Gabi slightly chuckled at her, "Yeah? Well, thank you. "

The Kitsune lowered her head and placed a kiss on Gabi's forehead "Rest well. There's no need to stay on guard since you have a special grade curse babysitting you."

Gabi opens one of his eyes and looks at the fox " I'm not worried about the other curses trying to get me. I'm more worried about what you might do to me and put on some clothes" The fox didn't say anything but smirked at him.

( Oh god. Why must I be stuck with this seductive fox?)

Gabi closes his eyes and goes into dreamland feeling relieved because he can finally leave.


The nightmarish skies vanish and the bright sun beaming on the ground. Gabi was sleeping peacefully until he heard raucous going on. He was twisting and turning in his sleep but the noise kept getting louder. Gabimaru groaned out of frustration and decided to wake up, he sat up from the ground and wiped his eyes to see better and the culprits of this noise were no other but Higanbana and Kitsune.

" You are corrupting Gabi's innocent mind by wearing no clothes, having your boobs and vagina exposed! Higanbana scowled at the fox.

( I never saw Higanbana act like a total girl. Eww it's weird)

The Kitsune went close to Higanbana and sniffed her," And I smell jealousy." She sang out loud.

Before Higanbana made a comeback she was cut off by the furious Gabi. " Shut up! I don't like either of you. " Gabi got off the ground and stretched his body to crack his bones.

Kitsune was flabbergasted "What about our moment last night? We shared a kiss."

Higanbana eyes bulge out of their sockets from the surprising news. " you two did what?!"

Gabi scoffed at the two women," Correction, you kissed me."

( Females are a pain in my ass.)

" Can we drop this pointless conversation?" Gabi looked towards Higanbana and said, "I did what I was told to do. Now it's time to leave this shit hole."

Higanbana wipes imaginary tears from her eyes," You don't want to stay a little longer."

" NO!" Gabi was straightforward.

Higanbana sighed " I'm going to miss our time together."

Gabi waved his hand at the woman, "Sorry, the feeling is not mutual." he lied.

Gabi actually enjoys Higanbana company but he will never admit that.

" Whatever. I hope during these years you saw the potential you have but unfortunately you can't use most of your technique because half of your curse energy is sealed. So therefore you can use your special grade curses you collected or use your high technique abilities you learned here." she explained to the boy.

" THAT'S NOT FAIR. HOW CAN I TALK TO MY MASTER?" the Kitsune started to act like a little spoiled child who couldn't understand the concept of 'no'. Gabi sighed at the fox's behavior

( I surely won't miss that)

" When I'm sleeping we can communicate," He told the girl.

The Kitsune jumped on him and started to give him kisses all over his cheek. " you better sleep all day so I can talk to you, master."

Gabi was trying to get the clingy woman off him but she gripped tighter on him trying not to let go "Get off me!" He tries to wiggle out of her grip but it just makes everything worse. The kitsune change her position and now her nice size firm boobs were smothering the poor boy.

" Your chest is killing me you damned fox. " he muffled in her chest and the Kitsune was enjoying how she felt his breath on her sensitive area.

Higanbana just watched the whole thing and didn't help at all since Gabi was rude to her earlier and this was her little payback. Gabi successfully pushed the fox on him and she fell hard on the ground, " Owww. You are so mean. " the fox looked up to glare at Gabi.

" Are you two finished?" Higanbana said with her arms crossed facing the two.

" Yes. Now send me back "

Higanbana walks towards Gabi and grabs both sides of his face to bring it closer to her "You did so well my sweet Gabi." she whispers softly against his face. " Close your eyes." he follows what she says but he doesn't know why. Although most of the time he dislikes Higanbana he still obeys her orders like an obedient pet, even when he doesn't want to, his body still betrays him, and still listens to her.

When he closes his eyes Higanbana places a peck on his lips. " Go back." As soon as she said that he blackout.

Ms. Bushdia pov

It has been five years since young master Gabi had lost consciousness. Aiko's routine is to wake up earlier and stay by his side until night. She always communicates with him to make sure he knows she is right here with him. She wipes him down changes his clothes and even brushes his hair out. During these five years, Aiko's behavior has been unhealthy; she doesn't eat as much or even go outside to get fresh air. Kenji tries to help her out but she always shuts him down.

Today was a new day for Aiko but the same old routine. She sat on the chair close to the bed where Gabimaru's body lay still. She rubs the side of his face wishing he would wake up already. While she was sitting there gazing at the boy's sleeping face, Kenji was by the doorframe looking at the two.

" Aiko. It's noon, do you want lunch ?" Kenji asked the woman but she was in her own world and she didn't even hear Kenji or even know that he was there.

Kenji was aware that she didn't hear him so he went closer to the woman and tapped her shoulders. " Aiko? Did you hear me ?" Kenji raised his voice a little.

She still did not respond to him so he went with a different approach. Kenji smacks Aiko across her face. " AIKO. you can't keep doing this to yourself. I know you're distressed about this situation but there's nothing you can do. Believe in Gabimaru and he will come back soon."

The smack Kenji gave her didn't hurt at all but it did break her deep negative thinking. She heard everything that Kenji said to her but it still didn't give her hope to believe Gabi was coming back to her. She blamed herself for the whole thing, if she never left Gabi at the Gojo residence alone he wouldn't be in this situation.

"It's my fault…" she softly said and that was the first time she had spoken to Kenji in a while.

Kenji was taken back by this because he had never seen Aiko in this state so he didn't know what to do to help her but he tried his best to get her out of this funk.

Kenji bends his knees so he can be on the same head level as the woman. Soft eyes gaze into her eyes. " Aiko, this is not your fault. This happened for a reason and you're not responsible for any of this." Kenji holds Aiko's hands and softly caresses it "You were the only good person in Gabi's life, you took care of the boy like he was your own. Do you really think Gabi blames you? He loves you just as much as you love him. He will come back to you but you just need to have some faith in the boy. "

Tears fell from the woman's eyes feeling guilty that she gave up on Gabimaru by thinking he won't come back. She slowly nodded her head at the Kenji, "You're right.."

Kenji didn't want to get hyper because this was the first time Aiko ever said that to him but he didn't care he wanted to gloat a little, " I know I'm right. I'm always right." he smiled at the woman and Aiko quickly regretted what she said.

" Yeah don't get ahead of yourself."

" Aiko, let's eat." Kenji didn't ask her because he knew she would reject his offer so he got a grip on her hand tight and forced her up off the chair, "It's my treat." he guided her out of the room and they went into her kitchen so he can make homemade lunch for the two.

While Kenji was preparing lunch, Aiko sat on the kitchen stool and rested her arms on the island watching Kenji cook to make sure he didn't burn down her house. Aiko was in deep thought again when Kenji was too busy making sure he didn't make a mistake with the food. The two adults didn't feel a presence behind them and the figure was closing in the distance, the figure reached out their hand to touch Aiko's shoulders and she reacted by swinging her hand smacking down the being on the ground.

" Ouch, is that how you greet me Ms. Bushida."

Aiko gasped and joyful tears started coming down heavily on her face. She jumped off the stool and quickly went to the boy that was on the floor and death hugged him.

Kenji turned around to see what the commotion was about and he was welcomed by the pair, seeing Aiko wrapping her arms around the child whom she missed dearly. He smiled at the scene, being happy that the two reunited after all these years.

Gabi slowly taps Ms. Bushida's back signaling her that she was too tight, " loosen….up." he said trying to breathe properly.

Aiko didn't hear the boy so Kenji went closer to her " Aiko you're trying to assassinate him. He can't breathe," Kenji laughed uncontrollably.

Aiko got off Gabimaru and gazed into her face "You're never leaving my sights again. "

Gabi chuckled at the two adults and looked at Ms.Bushida, " That sounds possessive."

Kenji laughed at Gabi's comment, " Come on guys let's eat. "