
Jujutsu Kaisen: The End

The most powerful shikigami also known as the Divine General Mahoraga has been reincarnated in the flesh! The world of Jujutsu Kaisen may soon be in shambles... (I'm not too caught up on the manga so please don't expect much.)

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4 Chs

Shadow Master

???: "Did you really think I'd be sleeping peacefully while you guys are trying to murder my son!? PISS OFF!"

"Ten Shadows Technique: Nue!"

A giant bird shikigami would be summoned as the woman did the shadowgraphic handsign symbolizing that of a bird. This bird would quickly latch onto both of Mahoragas shoulders and fly away with him off into the sky.

Ze'nin Clan Head: "Do you possibly think that will be enough to save him Mikasa! The moment you did that, a few members have already begun tracking him down heh heh heh"

The clan head would say as he prepared to fight the mother of Mahoraga also known as Mikasa Ze'nin!

Mikasa: "Didn't my six year old son defeat a special grade? Do you think I'm really worried"

The lady would say with a smirk on her face. Simultaneously her and the clean head would rush at each other. The clan head would swing his blade upwards and diagonally, attempting to take off her head in one fell swoop but Mikasa tucked just enough, only a few strands of her hair getting grazed by the sword.

Instead of doing a regular counter to the body or face, Mikasa would hit the old man in his knee and then quickly spin 360 into a full leg sweep.

(Meanwhile with Mahoraga)

As he was being flewn away, Mahoraga could see members of the Ze'nin family rushing after him although not comparable to the speed of his mother's shikigami. Mahoraga would smirk and start doing his own shadowgraphic handsign. Usually one would have to do a ritual to tame their shikigami, but Mahoraga was a special case. Upon using Ten Shadows for the first time, all of the shikigami instantly respected Mahoraga and tamed themselves.

"Ten Shadows Technique: Nue!"

As Mahoraga was still being carried by his mother's Nue, he would use Ten Shadows Cursed Technique to summon his own Nue which would fly at the men chasing at him. Skillfully using the Shadow Cursed Technique, Mahoraga would create a clone of his Nue from its own shadow!

Two Nue's flew at the men, assaulting them from above and striking them with electrical attacks from different angles.

Mahoraga: "Tch. Go back to mommy, I'll be ok from here"

Mahoraga would command to his mother's Nue which didn't have a doubt in its mind for Mahoraga abilities and would drop him mid air and returned back to Mikasa.

(Back to Mikasa vs Clan Head)

Ze'nin Clan Head: "Domain Expansion-"

As the Clan Head was about to open a domain, in a nick of time Nue would assualt the old man from behind, striking him with an electrical attack. Instantly Mikasa would run towards the old man taking advantage of the time he was stunned and started doing another shadowgraphic handsign.

"Ten Shadows Technique: Great Serpent!"

A large snake was summoned and wasted no time lunging at the Clan Head and capturing them in its fangs, whilst the snake was biting down into the old man, Nue would continue assaulting the man from the sky whilst Mikasa approached closer and closer. She made a large jump and enforced her fist with cursed energy. Mikasa was feeling amazing, she was completely in the zone and feeling overbearingly confident.

Unexpectedly, A woman from the Ze'nin family finally decided to rush in during a critical moment. She rushed in front of the clan head, a mirror summoned in the direction towards Mikasa. It was too late for Mikasa to try to change her line of fire but just like her son, the moment her fist became a split second of a second away from the mirror, a black and red spark came from Mikasa fist as she managed to pull off a Black Flash!

The attack actually put a crack in the mirror and made the woman fly back but Mikasa could be seen standing still...eyes rolled back as she falls on her knees and then took her face. Her shikigami would go back to the shadows and the clan head would chuckle weakly.

Ze'nin Clan Head: "Good Job, if not for your mirror reflection cursed technique, we'd be out of luck"

The old man would say, bleeding from various areas but he would get healed by the same woman with the mirror who seemed to have know Reverse Cursed Technique as well.

Unfortunately, Mikasa would only be chained up and enslaved by her family. They forced her to abide by certain and specific binding vows and unfortunately, they would continuously force breed her in attempts to make a Mahoraga 2.0 if that makes sense.

(What happened with Mahoraga?)

Mahoraga had easily handled the sorcerers and he was still being carried away by his Nue. Mahoraga was contemplating many things, what could a mere six year old be thinking after going through so much? Would Mahoraga stay loyal to the Jujutsu Society or Will he go rogue!?

For those wondering why Mahoraga chose to flee, he had full trust in his mother's strength and her decision to make him escape while she stayed back and fight. (Also I need this for the plot)

_SOLcreators' thoughts