
Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna's Family History

"So what I am making is a fan fiction about Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen. I will try to keep most elements related to the main story, but some parts will be from my imagination, so don't take everything seriously. The main focus will be on two characters: Sukuna and Kenjaku."

Shuvo_Sen · Komik
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4 Chs

Into the Forest

The morning sun cast a gentle light over the village as Kenjaku and Tengen prepared for their mission. The air was crisp, and a sense of purpose hung between them. Master Satoru had given them their first major assignment: to defeat a special grade cursed spirit named Hanami, who had been terrorizing a nearby forest.

Kenjaku tightened his belt, adjusting the pouch of blood manipulation tools he carried. "Ready, Tengen?"

Tengen nodded, securing her weapon, Playful Cloud, at her side. The special grade weapon shimmered with an ethereal glow, a testament to its formidable power. "I'm ready, Kenjaku. Let's put an end to Hanami's terror."

They set out, the path to the forest familiar yet filled with a new sense of urgency. As they walked, the trees grew denser, their canopy thickening overhead. The forest was alive with the sounds of nature, birds chirping and leaves rustling in the breeze.

Kenjaku glanced at Tengen, a playful glint in his eye. "Remember that time we got lost during training? Let's try not to repeat that."

Tengen laughed, her blue eyes sparkling. "As long as you don't insist on leading the way again, we'll be fine."

Their banter continued, lightening the mood as they ventured deeper into the forest. Hours passed, and the sun climbed higher, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. But as they progressed, an unsettling realization dawned on them.

"Kenjaku, does this place look familiar to you?" Tengen asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Kenjaku frowned, scanning their surroundings. "It does, but... it's like we're going in circles."

They paused, the atmosphere growing tense. Kenjaku closed his eyes, reaching out with his cursed energy. "There's something wrong here. The energy feels distorted."

Tengen's grip tightened on Playful Cloud. "Could it be Hanami's doing?"

Kenjaku nodded, his expression serious. "It has to be. We're trapped in a domain expansion."

The realization hit them hard. Domain expansions were advanced cursed techniques that created a separate space controlled by the user. Breaking out of one was no small feat.

"We need to find the barrier's weak point," Tengen said, determination in her voice.

They continued their search, the forest seeming to twist and turn around them. Hours passed, the oppressive energy weighing heavily on their spirits. Finally, Tengen's eyes lit up.

"There," she pointed to a spot where the energy felt different, weaker.

Kenjaku nodded, his blood manipulation tools at the ready. "Let's break it."

As Tengen prepared to strike the barrier, a sudden shift in the air stopped them. A figure emerged from the shadows, tall and imposing, with bark-like skin and a malevolent presence. Hanami.

"Welcome, intruders," Hanami's voice was deep and resonant, filled with ancient malice. "You have wandered into my domain."

Kenjaku and Tengen stood their ground, ready for the confrontation. "We're here to end your terror, Hanami," Kenjaku declared, his voice steady.

Hanami chuckled, a sound like creaking wood. "You think you can defeat me? The forest itself is my ally."

Without warning, Hanami raised his arm, and the ground around them erupted with a tangle of roots and vines, surging towards them with deadly intent.

Kenjaku reacted swiftly, his hands moving in a practiced motion. "Blood Manipulation: Convergence!" A concentrated stream of blood energy shot out, slicing through the advancing roots.

Tengen swung Playful Cloud, the weapon's energy cutting through the vines with ease. "Let's do this, Kenjaku."

They charged at Hanami, their combined attacks creating a whirlwind of cursed energy. But Hanami was unfazed, his control over the forest giving him a seemingly endless supply of weapons.

Roots and branches twisted and turned, blocking their attacks and countering with relentless force. Kenjaku and Tengen fought with all their might, their teamwork seamless yet constantly tested by Hanami's overwhelming power.

"We need to find a way to break his connection to the forest," Kenjaku shouted, dodging a particularly vicious strike.

Tengen nodded, her eyes scanning for an opening. "There must be a core, something that's anchoring his power."

Hanami laughed, his voice echoing through the forest. "You will never find it. This forest is my domain, my body, my soul."

Despite the odds, Kenjaku and Tengen pressed on, their determination unwavering. They fought with precision and strength, each strike a testament to their training and resolve.

As the battle raged, Kenjaku noticed something—a subtle change in the pattern of the roots' movements. "Tengen, I think I've found it," he called out. "There's a focal point in the center of his attacks."

Tengen's eyes narrowed, following Kenjaku's gaze. "Got it. Let's hit it together."

They combined their attacks, focusing their energy on the center of Hanami's defenses. With a powerful surge, they broke through, revealing a glowing, pulsating core.

Hanami's eyes widened in shock. "No! You cannot!"

Kenjaku and Tengen didn't hesitate. They channeled all their cursed energy into a final, devastating strike, shattering the core and severing Hanami's connection to the forest.

A deafening roar filled the air as Hanami's form began to crumble, the roots and vines withering away. "This... cannot be..." he gasped, his voice fading into nothingness.

As the domain dissolved, the forest returned to its natural state, the oppressive energy lifting. Kenjaku and Tengen stood victorious, their bodies exhausted but their spirits triumphant.

"We did it," Tengen said, her voice filled with relief.

Kenjaku nodded, a smile breaking through his fatigue. "Together."

As they made their way back to the village, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape. The mission had tested them in ways they hadn't anticipated, but it had also proven their strength and unity.

When they arrived, Master Satoru was waiting for them, his expression one of quiet pride. "Welcome back, Kenjaku, Tengen."

Kenjaku and Tengen bowed deeply. "We have completed the mission, Master," Kenjaku reported.

Satoru nodded. "I knew you would. You have shown great courage and skill. Hanami was a formidable foe, but you proved yourselves worthy."

Tengen smiled, a sense of accomplishment washing over her. "Thank you, Master. We couldn't have done it without your training."

Satoru's eyes softened. "The true strength of a sorcerer lies not just in their power, but in their heart and their bond with others. You have both demonstrated that today."

Kenjaku and Tengen felt a deep sense of gratitude and pride. They had faced a great challenge and emerged victorious, their bond stronger than ever.

As the village settled into the evening, Kenjaku and Tengen sat together, reflecting on their journey.

"Today was tough, but we did it," Kenjaku said, his voice filled with contentment.

Tengen nodded, her blue eyes gazing at the stars. "We've come so far, Kenjaku. And there's still so much ahead of us."

Kenjaku smiled, a sense of anticipation filling him. "Whatever comes next, we'll face it together."

Under the starlit sky, they felt a profound sense of unity and purpose. The journey was far from over, but with each other, they knew they could overcome any challenge.

[why I think Kenjaku know blood manipulation even he isn't from kamo clan?

= cuz when he was inside Noritoshi Kamo body he know as worst sorcerer in history. So I think he had good knowledge of blood like soul. and if he had knowledge mean he may had the technique before he was in Noritoshi body. plus another reason is it will make it more actionable.(uncanny)]

in jjk, you can see many similar things between all Kenjaku body which is the way they have unseen evil smile.

Shuvo_Sencreators' thoughts