
Jujutsu Kaisen: Stardust

He was happy with everything he had. So when everything was taken, he simply strived to retake them all, not even knowing how pointless it would be, as the objective of his heart had already changed. Follow the life of a person who was unlucky enough to be a Zen'in, without any memories of where or what he just got himself into. *Disclaimer. I own nothing in this fanfic. It follows and uses the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Any images in this fanfic, are also taken from internet or somewhere, and if you are the owner of the image, you can comment and i will take it down.

obero34_ · Komik
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7 Chs

The white parts of life.

'It was fun. Very fun. I could jump in between shadows. That basically gave me freedom to jump around everywhere throughout the entire household. It also served to annoy the ever living shit out of the old douches. It became that much better when i figured out i could make other people travel in shadows too, as long as they are connected to me. This was because while it was possible to pass someone through a shadow, i could no longer control their escape route from outside, and the person within, didn't posses the necessary ability to jump out either. It still wasn't good as an offensive technique, as veil between shadows is very thin, and cursed energy could easily brute force it. For this reason, there were instances at which i would just hold hands with Maki and Mai and we would jump around everywhere. It was hilarious.' Reminiscents a 20 year old man, as he writes a nameless book.

In his mind, he could remember the face of a girl as she screamed in fright while falling in and out of places repetitively, along with the wholehearted laugh of another girl. His own smug look too, as he thought of the future harem he was constructing.

But, just as he was about to continue writing, his face fell a little.

'It was only after a month or so, that some people started to actively berate us. Not that we cared anyway. They were gonna discipline us no matter what. But that was also about the time when the real weight of this familes' spite hit me in the face. Living as a Zen'in has always been like that. A challenge that i was able to overcome due to the blessings i had received along the way. Life wasn't grey, it was a lot of black and a lot white. That period certainly was not a white one though.' The man wrote on his new bookpage.


'This is heavy....'

Walking through the compound has never been an easy exprience. Whether it was a bully, some old man demanding respect, scorned women, or just the mood and scenery of the place, there was always something to make people uncomfortable. Even so, at least the physical body was in no trouble most of the time. But now, even the physical discomfort had to be added into the list.

The training dojo, was a huge place at the right side to the center of the compound. It is so big that even tens of people could spar at the same time and there would still be enough space for spectators. It was supposed to be handled by the Hei unit, since they are the most important combatants of the clan. That said however, this works controversially as, why would the clans' best combat unit clean up the dojo or anything? Thus, that duty was given to the women.

Things further progressed against the Hei unit, as they were only 4 or 5 of them at most times. So the amount of people just wasn't ever enough to take care of the place and do all the other work that they are obliged to. The requirement of being at least a semi-grade 1 sorcerer is a rough standard to live up to. Grade 1 sorcerers are those who pretty much rule the sorcerer society. Of course, there are special grades too, but that is more of a crown than a certification.

This led to this place mostly being used by subdivisions of the Hei, which consisted of Akashi and Kukuru. Mostly Kukuru. 

That group consists of people who didn't awaken an innate technique and refused to leave the clan. They took the dojo for granted and trained day and night in martial arts. This group, is led by someone who still looks better than Jinchi, but that is not saying much.

The same person that has given me my current task, in the name of "training".

"Almost there, but damn it what the fuck did they put in this thing?" I cried out in annoyance, as the pain on my shoulders increased.

The idiots put their training equipment in the warehouse, their training clothes are left with the laundry ladies, and their damn water bottles are left in the kitchen. A bunch of people have to carry these things back and forth to the dojo, before and after the unit enters in for their daily training.

Yep. I am the one carrying them. All three.

The water bottles and the clothes wasn't a problem. But the training equipment has considerably worsened my image of their mothers' purity.

If only all of these were actually useful. Like seriously, they don't even use them most of the time. Weights don't work on sorcerers because they are never heavy enough to pressure a sorcerer with cursed energy. So they are actually worthless anyway. This is the reason why the school trains students by sending them on missions. A sorcerers' body, with cursed energy can only gain the bare minimum returns from training. Even a 5 year old can carry all of them!

It's almost over though, just 6 meters or so. Thankfully there is nobody there. Not that anyone would be. The sun is barely up. 

Reaching the doors, i finally let the equipment box down, and opened the damn door. 

Here, the place is peaceful, warm. Beautifully designed with a wooden floor that is spotlessly cleaned. One wouldn't believe it, but the reflection of the sunlight at this time of the day, on the wooden floor was quite beautiful.

The walls, were decorated at the corners, while the middle parts had drawings and images on them. Figures in old Japanese clothing, held different weapons in different stances and showed different styles. Some of the drawn figures are recognizable from the books in my house. This is to showcase the Zen'in clans' rich history of martial arts mastery. Something they had shown to be proud of.

'There is no point in any of this history if you don't even live up to the very first lessons of martial arts. Discipline and humility.' Those were my thoughts on this clans' history, and they have only been reinforced over the years.

At the corner of the room, white clothes were set next to each other one by one. They were folded beautifully. Atop each of them, was a single watter bottle. It created a great sense of calmness and virtuousness.

I went on and put the box of equipments in a corner of the room before sitting down and closing my eyes. Hoping to get a nap before the idiots rush in here for their very useful training. 

This didn't take long, as i practically lost myself in dreams. It was like...5 in the morning or something.


Outside the dojo, a cute head of black hair peeked inside and saw Akira, before walking away as fast as possible.

This was Mai who had woken up to do her early morning chores, but saw her friend carrying a big box towards the dojo.

She ran towards her house، which was placed at the middle of the compound. Right next to the heads' house.

House itself was designed just like every other house in the compound. Traditional Japanese with mostly a wooden floor and everything. It was spacious, though that was only expanded after Mai and Maki's births.

She didn't dare try and knock on the main door, being too scared of waking up her father. She instead rotated to the back of the house. The window to her and maki's room.

The problem was that she wasn't tall enough to reach the window. But countermeasures had been thought of, years ago. This wasn't the first time she has had to do this after all.

Jumping up and down, she struggled a bit, but eventually managed to line up her hand with the window and clung onto it. Now this was the challenging part. Getting herself up.

'I should really try out those exercises Maki does.' She thought.

Though, her struggles came to an end as she felt someone's hand on her own, before she was pulled inside the room.

"What is with this? I know i said we should think of a plan to make money and leave the clan, but i did not mean it for you to practice thievery." Said a girl with a tomboyish voice.

"But you do it all the time Maki! Besides, this was an emergency. There is no way i am ruining my own day so early on." Mai complained.

"That's a different subject you idiot. You are not made for this kind of thing, so just let me take care of the thievery." Maki said with a confident grin.


"Anyway, i just came here to say that the dojo is open and there is nobody inside, aside from Akira. You wanna go?" Mai asked, clearly excited to meet him again.

Maki also had a smile on her face remembering the stupid pranks they pulled. But then, pulled herself together and asked:

"Why is he there alone anyway? And why are you so excited to spend time with him? Has he grown on you?" Her tone was almost accusing, along with a sly grin on her face, only satan knew what exactly had gone through her mind at that time.

On the other hand, Mai tilted her head, a bit confused.

"Why would it matter. I thought you wanted to use the dojo but you weren't allowed to, so i came here to tell you about it." Mai said, unsure of what her sister meant.

In response, Maki had a look of realization on her face, as her eyes went wide. Then, she proceeded to completely ignore her sister's confusion.

"Lets go then, move out of the window." She said, while grabbing Mai with both hands and almost throwing her out of the window.

"Put me down you brute! This is no way to treat a girl." Shouted Mai, as she desperately clung onto her sisters' shoulder with one hand, while pulling her hair with the other.

"You damn brat! Leave my hair alone."

And so the 'brawl' began.

Some more arguing, and some hair pulling later, they were both outside the room, ready to go on an adventure.

"To the dojo then. Make sure to keep up Mai." Said Maki, before speeding towards her destination. Totally not leaving Mai in dust.

Reaching the place, the green bullet called Maki, didn't even bother knocking and just burst through the door, and crashed into the wall on the other side. Coincidentally also waking up Akira.

Stretching out his arms, he looked to the right to see Maki rubbing her forehead, and to the left was Mai, desperately trying to catch her breath.

He took a moment to process the new information, then let out a sigh.

"Why do i always wake up to questionable situations with you two?" He asked with one eye closed.

"Don't ask unimportant questions. Where are the swords? The staffs, the spears, where are the weapons?" Asked Maki, quite the weapon enthusiast.

Letting out a sigh, Akira simply pointed to the box, before standing up and going outside to see the sun and to make sure nobody else is coming to the dojo.

It is strictly forbidden for girls to enter the dojo, unless for cleaning it. The girls should just be beautiful, obedient and diligent. Thus they are granted the tools to be just that. Anything else is simply unnecessary. They won't receive any formal training, or even the small practice bokkens that are placed in almost every house. So this is like a first hand experience for the 2 of them.

That also means they have make sure they don't get caught, or else they will never hear the end of it.

'Thankfully, it doesn't look like anyone is coming in any time soon.'

Back inside, Maki was trying to get used to a practice staff that was more than twice the size of herself, while Mai was just looking at a practice sword, genuinely confused at what she is supposed to do with it.

"Oi Akira, wanna spar a bit?" Maki asked, before throwing a bokken at his face.

Akira catched the bokken, but didn't have the time to respond verbally, as Maki had already rushed in.

'What was the point of asking if you were gonna do it anyway, idiot.' He briefly thought.

So anyways they started swinging. 

Maki's swings were amateurish at best, but there was a lot of strength behind each swing, and the staff, due to its' build, naturally reflected that strength.

It has to be mentioned that a sorcerer can easily pile up 20 bodies of normal humans on top of each other with just physical strength alone. So a heavenly restriction, which allows them to have even more strength than an average sorcerer, isn't something to be underestimate at all.

Maki swung her staff in a wide arc, with her feet almost hitting each other and throwing her off her balance, in response to which, Akira tried to block the attack, only to receive a major pain in his arms and being thrown backwards. 

'What is this strength. She is extremely powerful. A technique perhaps? No i didn't feel any of that energy i usually use in my technique. Is this really her natural strength? Muscle girl superiority?' Akira thought, with his face cringing from pain he felt.

Even so, the fight continued.

A swing to his face, a jab to his stomach. A jab to his knees. Not even capable of putting up any real resistance.

Akira fell on his back, his body was quite literally screaming from muscle pain alone.

In their very first spar, he was folded. Very badly.

'Not the best impression on a girl i think i like.' He thought as he could physically see his lovely fantasies being crushed in his head. Comical tears were forming at his eyes.

"Hey are you okay? Sorry i went too far." Maki said as she sat beside him and poked his cheeks.

Snapping out of his lost fantasies, Akira turned to Maki and said:

"I am fine. Just a little pain in my gut. More importantly, how are you so strong? You look as fragile as a flower!"

When she heard that, Maki's eyes trailed down, and she looked away from him. Her thoughts went back to all the times she was made fun of, mocked, or insulted due to her peculiarity. The women, the children, almost all the people in the household.....

"There isn't anything special about it. I was just born a bit stronger than usual. You can get there if you try a bit harder and stop slacking too." She answered, a bit calmer than ever.

At the end, she still didn't want to test her chances. Her hand has been rejected too many times for this. 

At this, Akira tilted his head. He could feel an odd tone and emotion in her voice, but decided not to bring it up. Instead, choosing to try and increase his friendship status. If she doesn't want to tell him, that just means she doesn't consider him trustworthy or close enough, right?

It was at this time that Mai came in rushing through the doors and said:

"The old men with sticks are coming. Let's go back home before we get caught." 

That broke the moment between the 2 others.

"Just hold my hands and i will drop you off at your house." Said Akira, as he stood up.

Though, just that sentence alone, sent shivers down the bodies of both girls. One shivered from sheer excitement, the other was shivering from trauma.

Sadly, the moment Mai tried to make a silent escape and run away, her hand was caught by Maki.

"Yes please send us straight to the household, thank you Akira." Said Maki while tightening her grip on her sister's hand and grinning from ear to ear.

Smiling at the veiw, he welcomed the sisters with both his arms, before they suddenly vanished and reappeared behind the dojo.


"Hahaha this speed is always fun."

Were the voices of the distressed girl, totally not used to high speed traveling, and the voice of a girl clearly amused by it, before they vanished again.

'You know, this doesn't feel so bad. The prospect of living a peaceful and simple life wasn't as good as i thought it would be, but the time i spend with these 2 is actually fun. This might be what i had lacked in my happiness. I might need to step up a bit now.' Akira thought, while looking at the laughing face of Maki, and Mai who had clung into his arm while trying to keep her stomachs' contents inside herself.

The shadow traveling doesn't feel like actual teleportation. For the people within the shadows, it just feels like you are sitting in a car that is moving 100,000 kilometers per hour. Without the air pressure and all the things that suppress it's speed of course. Furthermore, there is an effective maximum range for the technique. So the speed isn't stable either. You are constantly stopping in between your original point and your destination, before speeding up again. Naturally, it felt nauseating at first, and a meek person like Mai, probably wouldn't ever get used to it either.

Dropping the girls in their room, he said his goodbyes before leaving back to the dojo. Just in time before the captain of the Kukuru unit came into the place. A man whose life will be ruined by Akira's hands, even if unintentionally.


A/N: So this was really just a chill chapter. I was originally planning to just start the interactions and the time spent in this new environment and the training regime, but then i just thought, "let's take our time with this relationship instead." And that's why this chapter ended up like this. Also, there are certain limitations for his shadow traveling, which he will explore and learn eventually. It isn't as OP as it might sound.

Nonetheless, hope you enjoyed this chapter🌹.