
Jujutsu kaisen:RE LIFE

Inzo dies while clutching two manga books in his hands and gets reincarnated in the world of jujutsu kaisen with a twist in his life

Darius_Wing · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


In the training fields of Jujutsu High tokyo,if a normal person were to look,he would only be able to see two blurs hitting each other but if it were a sorcerer who is grade 2 or above they would be able to make out the appearances of two people fight, A fight between a guy and a panda theme muscular gorilla.

Its been three weeks since i have been trying to create Release vanishing and its under some improvements while the reall hammer on the hot iron is that i have been fighting Panda since day one non stop and have finally caught up to his advanced form,I barely feel his punches now,not true i do feel his punches but now i am his match unlike previously and its not gonna be long before i become the strongest among my current friends,excluding the great Yuta.

"Sorry Panda but i am gonna have to defeat you ,i really wanna attend the goodwill event you know"

"Gruhh,Is that all you git,if so then you are surely just dreaming" Panda said to me as he sent a drumming fist at me.

As his fist connected with my body,i felt nothing.


"Not what,but how?" i replied to him,couldnt hold the smirk back as i looked at him

haha,i finally found a shikigami that i really wanted,its perfect to pull a surprise attack,i found it while doing my usual field tests and subdued it after i captured and threatened it for a whole day.

Its a slimy Curse that has the ability to shape-shift into anyone ,replicate their personality and everything,except for their complete power.

I put my blade near Panda's neck and saud,"Give it up Panda,i know one of your cores is at this location.its not too hard once you master your CE sensing to high enough level"

Panda Grunted in frustation before he tapped out,with that over we shook hands

"You have really grown up,i cant believe this,two months ago you were scared of facing a grade 3 curse and now you can contend with someone who has the ability to take down a grade 2 curse"

"Haha,maybe its just that you have been taking it easy yourself"

Panda started twitching with a bit of anger,i am sure its due to the fact that i am no longer a punching bag.

That said i guess i will have to find someone who can push me to my limits.maybe ask sensei if he can assign me some mission ,maybe fighting the curses might give me the push that i need.

I went to the cafetaria and actually saw Gojo sensei eating at the place,it might seem normal but no one truly sees Gojo sensei around unless there is something important happening


"Oh,its Young Inzo,How are you doing?"

No one knows when he might escape so i might as well tell him ,"I wanted to tell you that i have beaten Panda and would like you to fulfill your end of the bargain,i also want to take on cirses that are physically stronger or have better physical parameters then their grade suggests"

The spoon in Gojo sensei hands fell down,he looked at me and said

"Eh...you beat Panda "

"Yep,in his Gorilla form with him using the drumming fists or whatever"

He kept looking at with a blank expression,kind of making me uneasy,but before i knew it hr was right in front of me,before i could even react he gripped my shoumder with excitement and said

"So sososososossoos"


"Did you do it?!"

"Do what?"



"Forget it" Gojo sensei said as he wnet back to eating his food

I just looked at him for a while,i dont know why but ever since i walked into the gates of this school,i feel like Sensei has been hiding something from me,and i dont think i have it in me to wait any longer

"Sensei,what are you hiding from me"

"Hmm,i am not hiding anything"

"Yeah right,Dont play word games and tell me"

"I really am not hiding anything from you,its just that you are a blind person"


"Exactly!with tour ability,it should have been the same case as your uncle"

"My uncle, what about him "

Now i was more curious then ever,what is Gojo-sensei trying to tell me

"Sensei ,i dont understand"

"Forget about your uncle,tell me this, what is the name of your ability"

"Hmm,that's easy,its name is"

i was about to say when sensei interrupted

"Shrodinger's cat"


"Then what do you think the ability should be,Your powers are closely related to the real life rule of shrodinger's cat"

His words made an explosion go off in my mind,i always knew that my ability was something like this,but i never really admitted to it,i guess i was a little concerned

Though that raises the question about how Gojo-sensei knows about it

Sensei had a peculiar smile on his face as he looked me up and down and said to me

"You ability is the same as the person who defeated me at my strongest"

His words made lightning go through my whole body as i looked at him

"Yup,thats right.Nobody knows about this because i never told anyone,it was a distant relative of yours,though he is dead now...maybe so i dont know how to help you achieve your power but i just hope you reach the same state as him"

Gojo gave me a pat as he walked away,it seems like my own family was the AU component of this world,but what could kill someone who could defeat the strongest sorcerer, and if the strongest was deceated then why is he still alive and which of my ancestor had this ability and if he had this ability then why dont i have it under inherent ability but under innate ability.

So many questions and no answers.

Guess i will have to work hard and study up Shrodinger a bit more to atleast know what my powers will be.


Just like that two weeks passed with me studying and becoming stronger while getting a grip on my powers,i finally got a grasp on Shrodingers cat:Reverse vanishing.

And this technique uses up much more CE then its parent technique ,which brings me to the second theory on the full potential of my technique

I have come up with the theory that the more stronger and larger my CE reserves are,the better abilities i can unlock from my Shrodinger cat technique.

If i can learn two new abilities in just two or three months then maybe in a year or two i can become the strongest