
Jujutsu kaisen:RE LIFE

Inzo dies while clutching two manga books in his hands and gets reincarnated in the world of jujutsu kaisen with a twist in his life

Darius_Wing · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

GoodWill..haha ,didn't think so

Finally,the day i have been waiting for is here.

I can already see it,me being lifted off the ground,my name being called out in cheers ,My teachers looking at me with praise and love.

"Oi,wake up dumbo" *smack*

It seems i was just dreaming,

"What was that for sensei?" i question while rubbing my head.

"Listen closely,Gojo has pulled some strings and now we have three students who will fight three students from our sister school kyoto jujutsu high,One of the students is you and the other is Yuji,as for the last one,he is a bit of a rule breaker but he works fine and is said to be a very strong sorcerer,even praised by the higher ups despite his attitude,his name is Kinji Hakari."

Ijichi told as the details as me and Yuta listened very closely.one thing i have learned is that no matter how weak an enemy is ,never underestimate and never give them time.

The other thing i have learned is no matter how strong an enemy,he still needs to breath,meaning that he has his own weakness that i can exploit.

As we were lead to the enternce to great the arrivals,Sensei kept explaining to us about the rules of the tournament.

There are two rounds,one is a team match and the other is Single battle.

Our opponents are Aoi Todo,Momo Nishimiya and Noritoshi Kamo

From what i know about them,only that Kamo and Aoi are a real threat,Momo is just bullshit.Though she can fly so thats a hassle.

"Looks like they are here" Ijichi said

"Oh,yup i can see that"

"Is that the principal"

"Looks old as hell"

"yeah is he even able to fight"

"Shut up both of you"

It seems our senior didn't come to greet the guests

"Remember not to be disrespectful "

Honestly, i would prefer if Gojo-sensei were here,this guy is too much of a chicken and besides i know these guys arent here to 0lay hpuse with us

And just as i thought ,Yuta stepped forward to greet them but all he received was stares and air.

The Principal was the omly one talking,he gave a glance at Yuta and me before going somewhere with Ijichi while me and Yuta were left to our devices

"Hmph,i am gonna roam around for a while" The little girl with a broom said as she stepped on it and flew away,The braids guy also gave a nod and walked away"

That left me with just Aoi and Yuta.Thouh i dont like how this turned out but being alone with This Aoi guy is all i need.He has a really strong body and i am sure that he can make me breakthrough so i decided to challenge him.

"Eh,where did he go"

"What did you say Inzo-san"

"Ah!Where did that scary looking guy go to"

"He left ,Said something about some celebrity coming over"

'Looks like i will have my time with him in the team battle'

With nothing to do ,we decided to go back and prepare for the event that will happen the next day


In the guest rooms of the Tokyo jujutsu High.

"I want all of you to be on your guard,The principal has assigned us a mission and that is to get rid of Yuta Okkotsu" Noritoshi Kamo said as he looked at Momo

"Dont worry i will drive away the other guy while you deal wirh him" said Momo ,she seemed really sure of herself

"Where is Aoi?"

"Idont know"

"Forget it ,we can deal with them ourselves,what we need to worry about is that third year guy who is going to participate,hope Aoi catches him"

"You dont need to worry,Aoi likes strong opponents" said Momo as she twirled the broom

"Sigh,this is a very important mission,Yuta okkotsu must die"


Next day,the day of team Battle

"Alright everyone,Let the Games begin"

With that sound we set off for the fight, and the third year was not around,It seems the guy is even bigger of a rule breaker then i thought possible.

"Yuta, how about we ztay together ,this is a team Battle after all"

"Alright, seriously though,Why do they have three people while we have only two"

"Relax,it just means that we are stronger then them,haha" I said trying to lessen the tension

"Oh,are you sure about that" I looked up and so a guy with pony tail coming at us with his fists raised.

"I will deal with this guy" i said to Yuta.

"Sure,you were interested in him the moment he stepped into the school yesterday" sometimes i feel like Yuta can actually read minds

"You should pay attention to your enemies" Before i knew it Aoi was in front of me ,with his fist aimed at my face,i put my hands forwarf in order to block it.

A sonic boom was released from the shockwaves of his fists.Quite the power he has.Wasting no time i delivered my knee at his stomach knocking him into the air and folowed with punch of my own sending his flying back.

"And you shouldn't underestimate yours" i couldnt help but smirk.

I looked back and saw Yuta dealing with the little girl flying in the air as well as Tye guy that can control blood

'Nah ,he is powerful enough to take care of them'

Besides,its not like i am gonna be free anytime soon.Just as i thought,Aoi came out of the forest,

"Oi oi,you are really strong and here i thought that you were some weak shit"

"Weak shits are not welcomed in our world,right"

It was evident that Aoi was surprised by my power output.With that we sent barrage of fist

and kicks at each other trying to bring each other down.

He is atleast twice as strong as me physically, provided he uses his cursed energy to augment himself.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Darius_Wingcreators' thoughts