
Jujutsu Kaisen: Kokketsu

An average young man dies and is reborn in a world of Sorcerers and Curses. Watch as he reaches the top with his meta-knowledge and innate abilities. Author: "Hello, readers. This is the Author speaking. I wanted to inform you that Jujustu Kaisen and all images seen do not belong to me. Also, this story takes place in an AU, meaning there will be changes in the timeline. If any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors occur, then feel free to say it in the comments. Thank you for reading this fanfiction and see you readers later!"

Ash_Grey_858 · Komik
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12 Chs

Volume 1: Chapter 1: The Beginning

Location: Unknown





MC: "... What the..."

I said as I woke up standing in the middle of a white abyss, staring into the endless whiteness.

MC: 'This place is more white than an Arctic Fox in a wedding dress.'

The last thing I recalled is that I was in bed at night, while I was... uhh...

Shaking hands with the one-eyed snake...

If you know what I mean...




MC: "This is so weird. Did I acquire enlightenment after masturbating or something?"

That is when I heard sipping sounds as I turned around and saw a very odd scene.

MC: "Morgan Freeman?"

I saw Morgan Freeman in a white tux sipping on a coffee mug while sitting on a leather recliner.

Morgan Freeman: "Oh! You're finally here. I was wondering when you'll come here. Heh, I'm just kidding. I knew when you'd arrive. And before you ask. No, you are not dreaming, No you are not kidnapped, No this is not a prank, No you are not drugged or intoxicated, and Yes you died in your sleep after ferociously masturbating to Tomboy Hentai, which has happened before once in the past. It may not be much but it's weird for that to happen twice. But I guess there are other dumb ways to die I suppose."

... Wait what?

Did this dude imply that I... jerked myself to death?

MC: "I am so confused."

Morgan Freeman just chuckled as he stood up with a mug in hand and approached me.

Morgan Freeman: "Heh, it seems you are, which is understandable given your unique circumstances. But to ease your confusion and start this conversation, an introduction is in order. Ahem. Hello son, I am God."

As he said that, I blinked as I slowly processed what he just told me.

After a minute, I responded.

MC: "Really? You are God? As in-"

He cut me off from finishing my sentence.

God: "Yup. The Abrahamic God, Supreme Creator, Heavenly Father, Lord Of Heaven, One of The Big Three, etc. But enough about me and my boring life, let's talk about you and what will happen next, son."

I just stared at the Morgan Freeman look-alike and asked.

MC: "Uhh, about that. What exactly did you mean that I died?"

God just sighed as he put his free hand on my shoulder.

God: "Yeah, sorry to tell you this... but you did die in your sleep shortly after 'doing research' as you kids may call it. Your family found you dead in your bed and tried to save you, but failed obviously. They mourned for you for quite a while but eventually, they moved on. They can't mourn forever after all. But your older brother did named his firstborn after you so that's a good thing."

I listened to God's words as everything started to sink in.

My parents...

My siblings...

My friends...

All of them...

Gone... forever...

And I didn't even say goodbye...

I felt wetness on my cheeks as I realized that I was crying.

That was when I couldn't hold it any longer.

At this point, I didn't care if I embarrassed myself.

I cried hard on God's shoulder as he comforted me.

God: "That's it, son. Let it all out. I'll be here next to you waiting. Take all the time you need"

Timeskip: 10 Minutes Later

I finally got a grip on myself as I backed away from God and wiped the tears away from my face.

MC: "*Sniff* Thanks God... Sorry about that."

God shook his head.

God: "No worries son. I was just doing my job as a father. Comforting my son during his time of need. Now, I believe a brief explanation from my part is in order?"

I nodded as I was a bit curious about it now that my mind was somewhat clear.

God: "You see son, the Omniverse, which exists, contains Infinite universes with various timelines. Sometimes, the timelines of those universes get a little too hectic to the point that it gets other neighboring universes involved, which is a bad thing. And many of those worlds require helping. That is where you come in son. Since you are lucky enough to be the first to die and arrive on my doorstep, you get the privilege of reincarnating in a world in need of repair. Of course, I won't just send you into a dangerous universe without help. So I'm granting you 3 wishes, with limitations of course. So, any questions?"

After he explained that, I finally realized that I was gonna be one of those fanfic MCs who traveled to another world to change its plot.

MC: "What are the limitations of my wishes?"

After pondering for a while, he spoke.

God: "It is simple really. First, you cannot wish for extra wishes, Second you cannot wish for equipment and abilities from other realities, and Third is that you cannot inhabit worlds that have reincarnators in them. Anything else?"

I then asked.

MC: "Do I get to keep my memories and which world do I go to?"

God smiled as he said.

God: "Well, you have to use one of your wishes to do so, but since I'm asking you to do this for me, I'll just let you keep it for free. As for the world, well it's... uhhh... try not to freak out okay?"

I looked at the guy with confusion but still nodded anyway.

God: "... Jujutsu Kaisen."




MC: "Excuse me?"

God sighed.

God: "It's... Jujutsu Kaisen... but an AU version which is... even more chaotic than the original."




God: "Are you okay son?"

I nodded.



Well, technically, others like Warhammer and Dragon Ball are way worse than JJK BUT STILL!

And an AU!?

This will make things even more unpredictable for me!

God: "So, are you ready to make a wish son?"

I just took a deep breath to calm my nerves and replied.

MC: "I... guess I'm ready. Let me think for a second."

Timeskip: 1 Hour Later

I thought about what to wish for and after a while, I finally answered.

MC: "My first wish is to be reborn in the same year as Gojo Satoru with this backstory. My father is a Zenin Clan branch member who was born without the Ten Shadows Technique but is related to Michizane Sugawara and my mother is an exiled Kamo Clam member who was born without Blood Manipulation and has little amount of Cursed Energy. The two of them are secretly childhood friends who have no clue of their ancestry when they were little. Time passed, and my grown-up father was out fighting Curses when he met my grown-up mother who was injured. He tends her wounds and then offers her to be his servant as she has told him she has nowhere else to go. As time passed, they both fell in love to the point where my mother told my father about the truth of her origins, to which he did not care. But the other Zenins and Kamos found out about this and plan to forcefully separate them both. My father bought my mother enough time to escape and hide somewhere safe. My father tried to fight them off but was killed in the end. My mother, after hearing the news, grieved for a long time, but she had to stay strong for my sake. You see, the day before the Clans attacked, my father got my mother pregnant, and my mother was about to tell my father, but then the Clans attacked them both. Their forbidden union resulted in my existence. A Special Grade Sorcerer who is related to the Zenin Clan, Kamo Clan, and Sugawara Michizane."

God thought about what I wished for and replied.

God: "That is... quite the backstory you planned, but I guess that is acceptable. So, what next?"

MC: "My second wish is to have the Cursed Techniques: Ten Shadows Technique & Blood Manipulation. But I want to replace some of the Shikigami if it's possible."

God thought about what I said and nodded.

God: "Very well then son. I already know which ones you wanted to change so no need to tell me. Be warned though, that this wish of yours will bring many changes in some people's history. Are you sure you want to continue with this?"

I nodded as I replied.

MC: "It's alright. My existence alone will change the course of Canon anyway. And lastly, for the third wish... we'll... I want you to choose for me on this one God."

As I said this, God raised an eyebrow and asked.

God: "You willingly let someone else choose your wish?"

I just smiled at what he said.

MC: "To be honest, with my two wishes alone, I can try figuring out along the way how to handle this situation of mine. But I want your honest opinion of this, besides, it's not a nobody I'm asking, its God. The only person who knows everything from the amount of times I said cursed words to what I'm searching on my laptop at night. I trust you."

God for a moment was surprised, but soon smiled at my response.

God: "I see... Very well then. I won't disappoint you with this one."


He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Then suddenly my body started to become dust particles as my vision started to become hazy.

MC: "Uhh, God. I don't feel so good."

I heard God chuckle as he then said.

God: "Hehe, I saw that reference coming from a mile away. I wish you good luck on your travels son."

I just nodded happily.

As my vision was about to go black, I managed to say.

MC: "Thank you, Father."

POV: God

As I sent the young man to his destination, I sighed as I said sadly.

God: "You are welcome, my child. But you will soon find that this world I'm sending you is not the same as you saw before. Every choice that you make, even the ones you made just now, will always have great consequences. Whether they may be good or bad, is up to you. I wish you the best, Kokketsu Satoshi."

I sipped from my coffee mug as I sat down on my throne.