
Jujutsu Kaisen FanFic

Gojo has a daughter say what and she loves Megumi please tell me more

NancyRow · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter Three

Gojo looks at her. "I will teach you everything I know," he said. Izumi smiled. "Thank you," she said. Gojo smiles. "I am glad the curse isn't evil, so do say, but I wonder if she knows Sunkna," he asks. "Would you like to speak with her about that?" she asks. Gojo looks at her. "Yes, if you don't mind," he asks. Red flowers appeared on her skin, and her eyes opened, and they were red. "I didn't feel her call me. What is going on" Lilith said and yawned. Gojo looked. "Amazing, I am Gojo Izumi's dad," he said. "Did you hurt her feelings?" she said. Gojo shook his head. "Just had a question for you," he said. Lilith looks at him. "Okay, what is it," she asks. Gojo looks at her. "Do you know a curse named Sukuna?" he asks. She laughs hard and falls over. "That weakling, yeah, what about him," she said. Gojo smiles. "So my daughter is holding a curse stronger than Sukuna," he said. Lilith smiles. "Listen, Gojo was it. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. What was done to her was horrible. I stopped the curse they wanted to take her over; she was so pure and wanted to meet you," she said. Gojo nods. "I understand that, but I was not ready to be a dad then I am now," he said. Lilith smiled, and Izumi shook her head and smiled. "Everything went okay, I hope," she said. Gojo nods. "Yes, thank you," he said. "We will start training tomorrow early, okay, you will be powerful like me soon, and I want you able to use cursed energy like me," he said and stood up. Izumi nodded happily; Gojo tossed her white bandages. "First, cover your eyes. They are family secret, and if unchecked, the power can release from them," he said. She nods and covers her eyes. "I can't see," she said. "How do you do this," she said. Gojo laughs. "I use my sixth eye to see where I am going; it's easy," he said, leaving. She sat there. "Sixth eye," she mumbled, trying to tap into it. She took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and saw the door and her room. She opened the door and smiled, and ran around. Gojo looks. "Got it to work, I see," he said. She smiled. "It is so cool; I feel like I am in a video game," she said and was doing fight moves. Gojo laughs. "Okay, little one, go rest. You had a long day, and doing Sixth Eye, if you're not used to it for long, will tire you out," he said. Izumi nods and walks back to her room. She got in the shower and went to bed. The following day Megumi knocked on her door. "Gojo wants us out in the yard," he said. Izumi nodded. "Okay, be there soon," she said. She got dressed and ran out; her uniform was a short-sleeved dress. She ran out and bumped into Megumi when she tried to stop. "Sorry," she said. Lilith felt her heart flutter. She smiled. "A dream is being seen," Lilith said. Gojo smiles. "Okay, so I would like Yuji and Megumi to train hand to hand, and me and Izumi will practice limitless," he said. She nodded and followed him down the field.