
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

Before the Storm

Looking at his phone Atlas stepped out of the barrier that surrounded Jujutsu High. His energy was no longer going rampant so it was working once more although it was once again blocking phone reception.

Sitting down on a rock he waited as the signal bars grew stronger at the top of his screen, hesitating, he opened his contacts and started a call. Hesitation was replaced with the dull ring as it sounded out once… twice… thrice. Sighing as it rang a fourth time he thought that they wouldn't pick up.

But the click of the call connecting and the feminine voice that came through rid his worries.

"Hey Atlas, how bad is it for you to call me?" The voice chuckled barely being heard over the drone of a motorbike and howling winds.

Smirking Atlas finally said, "Yuki, I would say it was a pleasure to hear your voice if I was calling with different circumstances."

"And I would say it was a joy to hear from you if you weren't calling just because you wanted something." Her tone teased although the tension that hung in Atlas' voice clearly put her on edge. "Well if the high and mighty Atlas called the little old me then something must be really wrong. What's up?"

Sighing Atlas explained the situation about how the curses were appearing and they were about to go and stop the worst one from forming as soon as they had a moment to breathe.

"Fuck… I'm nowhere near Japan, come pick me up as soon as you have a moment. How is everyone's moral?" She started saying trying to figure more out about the situation, her voice becoming clearer as her bike turned off. "Let me just put my bike somewhere out of the sun, ah fuck it that should be the least- 

Looking up at the moon Atlas sighed as he interrupted. "I would teleport over if I could but at my best, I can just teleport between China and Japan, with how unstable I am right now I don't think that I could even do that though…"

Looks like they would be facing the spirits without her.


"I'll get the first flight I can... since you're making me rush to catch a flight you better buy me a drink when I get back," Yuki said trying to hide her worry behind taunting words.

Laughing Atlas couldn't but feel his chest lighten a bit. "Alright, I'll take you out for a few drinks when you get here. It's a shame you can't help clean up but a few rag-tag spirits won't be hard."

Sitting there for a moment neither of them said anything. Finally breaking the silence Atlas said. "I better get going then…"

"I know you would never need it but… good luck Atlas." She said quietly.

Hearing her tone Atlas stopped for a moment as a smile played at his lips. "Thanks, Yuki... I'll cya soon."

Hearing the phone hang up Atlas felt words hanging on the tip of his tongue, now wasn't the time to be distracted though. Getting up he made his way back to the main hall, his smile fading as each step felt heavier. He had to be ready.


Walking into the hall Maki looked around and saw Yuta sitting with the insanely jacked version of shirtless Megumi who had helped Yuta fight the spirits. Blinking for a moment she shook her head in confusion. A hand tapping her shoulder as she was staring.

Jumping a bit she turned to see Toge standing there with a plate of food in his hand, "Kelp." His hand waving as he greeted her.

"Oh Toge, you feeling better? I was just trying to find you." Taking a deep breath as she hardened her expression. At least he had been able to help at the start of the fight… she had been useless. Unable to do anything. It was… humiliating.

"Salmon," Toge affirmed along with a nod. Walking with her over to where the food had been put, laid out spectacularly over one table. Two other large tables were positioned on either side of the hall each with their own group gathered along them.

Looking around almost everyone but Atlas was in the hall. She had heard what was going on but was still finding it hard to wrap her head around it. "Mustard leaf," Toge said with worry.

"I'm alright, just a bit shocked is all." Her normal aggressive nature dulled by the lingering suspense in the air.

Looking towards Yaga who had just moved over to the teacher's table with a grim face. His normally blank expression was furrowed by worry.

As she went to get a plate of food she froze as her eyes widened as they settled on the person Yaga sat next to. His white hair danced around his face and his eyes gleamed an unmatched brilliance over the lenses of his sunglasses. Laughing with his best friend although his mood was just a bit off. Watching him throw his arm around his Geto.

An arm that bore ugly new scars that cruelly carved through flesh… The great Gojo Satoru suffered, although there were no lasting wounds... the scars showed how horrible they had been.

His best friend beside him was paler than normal. Geto Suguru held himself in a way it was clear that he ached, their greatest fighters had been hurt in the recent attack.

She really was powerless to do anything…

At least they were laughing.

Tearing her eyes away she moved over to the table that the students sat at with the adult Megumi. His face was a bored mix of tiredness and tension as he stared forward as Yuta talked about something.

Putting her plate down she slid onto the bench making room for Toge who came up behind her. Yuta paused what he was saying to offer her a smile as he said, "Hey Maki, where did you go?" He said with concern.

"Nowhere interesting. After I dropped Toge at the infirmary I tried to find Shoko since she wasn't there." Her gaze glanced at the woman who was sitting with the teachers. She must have found Toge and come back before Maki had stopped searching.

Nodding Yuta turned back to the man and was about to speak again but she interrupted him as she said to the man, "So who actually are you?" She said with aggression coming back to her voice as she continued. "Why don't you go drink with the adults." Her gaze darted to his whiskey. The glass was half full… but she assumed it hadn't started that way.

Smirking Toji leaned back in the seat as he twirled the glass. It was amusing, he actually had never drunk before he met Atlas, but the boy had gotten him into the habit.

When he was with the Zenin family he hated alcohol and didn't want to do anything that could lower his senses and make him vulnerable, but that was a needless worry as he couldn't even get tipsy.

"Ah, t-this is Toji he's Megumi's dad!" Yuta started to say, wanting to stop any aggression towards his new 'friend,' after all he was going to help them in the fight.

However, before he could continue Toji spoke up as he finished thinking. "So you're the girl Atlas talked to me about, the one that could be as strong as me one day. I don't see any potential though." His words biting as his gaze was... disappointed.

Feeling her rage build Yuta tried to say something and defuse the situation as Panda held his hands up in an attempt to pacify Maki but no one had time to say anything as she suddenly was shooting a fist towards Toji's face.

She was already in a terrible mood, she already couldn't help. Now she was being told that she didn't even have potential!

Moving his head slightly Toji dodged the attack like it was nothing, not even bothering with a counter as she got ready to leap out of her seat and go for another blow but Yuta was faster.

"MAKI CALM DOWN!" His voice was desperate as he already moved over the table and grabbed her by the shoulders stopping her from leaving her seat.

With the hall suddenly falling into silence the teachers looked over at the scene. Geto and Gojo's faces grew ferm as the former spoke up and his cursed energy seeped into the air opening a few dark portals. "Toji, we'll tolerate you but if you threaten our students…" His threat was clear.

"Relax buttercup. I didn't start anything. It seems she has a problem with me sitting here too." His gaze turned to look at Geto as his head rolled on his shoulders fully relaxed.

"Then you can go sit outside," Geto said with no emotion.

Standing up Toji grabbed his food and drink and walked towards the door, leaving the hall without complaint although the agitation on his face was barely masked. Seeing his dad leave Megumi sighed and was about to follow but Yuta already was following him out. Clearly worried that they would lose a helping hand.

Seeing the man leave Maki glared in his direction, her eyes stung… how had he been so strong? She just assumed that he was hiding his cursed energy because she couldn't see any with her glasses or feel any. But he had moved far faster than she could follow to just dodge.

He didn't have any.

She never thought the rumours about the Ghost of the Zenin had been true. Atlas always used to go on about them amused by the name for some reason, 'because they were invisible.' That was his reasoning, clearly, she had misunderstood. But she now knew what he had meant.

Megumi's father… the man that the clan had feared and respected when he came past to pick his son up.


Standing up suddenly shocking everyone with the scraping of the bench she marched out of the hall. 

Seeing Toji sitting down on a rock as Yuta went to sit beside him only for Toji to say, "Don't eat out here kid. Go have a meal inside, talk to your friends before you leave, trust me. I'm not going to run off because a few kids complain about me." His monotone as he tried to shoo Yuta off.

He couldn't help but see Yuta as his son's friend… and that softened him a bit.

Nodding Yuta said, "Alright… Although can I ask, why do they want you to sit outside?" His unable to hold back the question.

Sighing Toji said. "It doesn't matter. I'm just here to help fight the spirits."

Nodding Yuta left smiling at Maki as he walked past her, stopping as worry showed on his face but before he could say anything she started marching towards Toji once more.

Looking up Toji saw Maki and said, "What? Come for round two?" His voice amused as he took a bite of his food his eyes lingering on hers as his gaze narrowed.

Not even acknowledging the joke she started to say. "You're Toji Zenin aren't-"

"I have no relation with that clan." He interrupted her as he turned to look out over the mountains seemingly done if this was where the conversation was going.

Well, it was clear that she shouldn't question him about that… but that wasn't what she really wanted to know. Walking forward she said. "You don't have any cursed energy do you?" Asking despite knowing the answer… her anger 

at him simmering into something else. 

"Yep, I have none," Toji replied simply as he kept on eating, clearly trying to put an end to talking. However, as she hung around, her mind brimming with questions and her glare growing stronger he sighed and let the talk continue. "What? Wanting to know how a monkey like me could fight like that?"

"You must be able to tell that I don't have much either. Is that why you say I have no potential." She accused as she crossed her arms.

Chuckling under his breath Toji responded. "You really think I care about the amount of cursed energy someone has? I have none, not a little like you. I have none." Driving the point home. "You don't have potential because you have some." He clarified as she looked even more confused.

"What?!" She responded her face furrowing in confusion and anger. "How does that make any sense? Are you saying that because I'm not as special as you I have nothing at all? How would I even get rid of it!"

"We are stronger because we don't have cursed energy, despite what your family says. I beat the Jujutsu world. I almost killed Gojo when he was a runt. A man without cursed energy beat the six-eyes." Toji said, clearly seeing that she needed some guidance. While he didn't know the full picture Atlas had clearly seen something so he would go with what he said.

"You don't need to prove that you can become a sorcerer. You're not meant to be one. You don't have cursed energy, so stop holding onto it." He finished as he stood up turning to leave. His eyes focused on Atlas who was approaching.

Seeing Atlas as well her anger only seemed to boil more. What was she meant to do!? How was she meant to get rid of it? Why couldn't she win with her own strength as he could? What did he mean she was clinging to it!? Why was she so useless... why was she so angry...


Seeing Toji walk towards him Atlas stopped as he saw Maki turn and enter the hall again, clearly filled with rage that was no longer directed at Toji but herself. "What do you think?"

"She's too desperate to prove herself, she never will be able to become strong unless he is willing to let go of her dream or it is taken from her," Toji said as he walked past Atlas, he didn't feel the need to talk nor did he want to. It was time for him to enjoy some fresh air without bothersome flies.

Letting Toji pass him he followed the man with his gaze for a moment, surprised that Toji had seen what needed to happen for her to become strong. After all, he only knew because of the knowledge he had.

Walking into the hall Atlas saw Gojo look up at him straight away, the question clear on the man's mind, 'Is she coming?'

Shaking his head he saw a bit of disappointment as he said something to the rest of the people at the table but straight after he was back to making fun of something. Keeping the heavy mood at bay.

"So Geto? Are you going to actually use your cursed technique reversal this time?" Gojo asked poking his friend's arm. Shoko tuning in as the subject was brought up. Gojo was the only one who actually knew what it was.

"You think I didn't use it before because I didn't want to? It takes time and I was well... dead… if I could've I would've." Geto said with annoyance as he stood up and walked over to Atlas.

Ignoring the questions that followed behind him he said, "Can we talk for a moment?" His gaze was unwavering. Nodding Atlas let Geto walk past him and out of the hall, following behind as he ignored the curious looks of everyone else in the hall.

Seeing Geto glaring at Toji's glass that had been left behind on a rock Atlas thought he knew what this was about.

"What's up? How are you feeling?" Atlas asked breaking Geto's glare at the glass as he turned to face him.

Sighing Geto responds. "I'm alright… well actually, I'm not. But-" Stopping himself Geto started again. "My heart is beating again so that is a good thing. But one of the spirits can hinder people based on their self-doubt and probably do something more. So I wanted to talk to someone to try and clear my head before we went and fought so I wouldn't… hinder everyone." His unwillingness to even bring this up was as clear as the hesitation between his words.

Nodding Atlas took a few steps until he was standing beside him and looking at the same view. The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon painting the sky in wonderful warm washes.

"Why not Gojo?" Atlas asked as he wanted to make sure that everything was okay between the two.

Chuckling Geto responded, "He will always be there for me but he can't understand some things. You know his personality, his confidence and arrogance is his greatest strength but a hindrance that he can never get over."

Smiling at that Atlas couldn't help but look at Geto, a man smiling as he thought of his friend, his face pale yet with no scar on his forehead. His loose black clothes hung from his shoulder and a light still shone in his eyes. Someone who was willing to see the flaws in his friend and didn't have to remember how perfect he was.

It was a blessing to have changed that.

Although the price seemed to be how much things had changed... 

"I think you can understand though, despite your strength surpassing his you never really… it never changed who you were. All you seem to want to do is help others and guide the future in a proper direction. You've seemed even aimless over the last few years without that…" Geto said.

Nodding Atlas accepted that, he could understand what Geto was saying. Letting Geto continue he just listened.

"How do you do it? Give everything to a world that isn't perfect? Do you ever feel powerless?" Geto questioned as his expression grew grim.

"In the end I can't do anything. You and Gojo are so strong that exist in a shadow, unable to move forward or make a change that I can be happy with. I have a dream, but I can't follow it… and now curses that are so much stronger are being born." Geto started to say.

"Who is Suguru?" Geto asked as he turned to look at Atlas. "Gojo wants to help the next generation become something greater than he is. To let Jujutsu flourish. I want to just stop innocent people from getting hurt... but that will never happen while curses exist. I am the only one who can know how terrible they truly are." Geto finished as he looked down at his ring, the worn Talisman frayed at the edges. The ink bleeding from the once clear kanji.

Taking a moment to think Atlas responds. "Nobody knows me, nobody knows how many times I've cried, how many sleepless nights I've been haunted by my inaction. Nobody really knows me. But I know myself, and I value myself. Nobody knows how many times I've been let down or the moments that I feel I don't belong. Either here or where I was before. It's okay, Geto… to doubt, to envy, to hate."

Looking at Atlas, Geto felt his heartache, Atlas was strong. Someone who was able to stand at the peak and still make it feel like there was room for others. Someone whose only goal seemed to be making sure that tomorrow would be better.

"I'm not who people think I am nor do I do what I do because of the reasons people think I do. I do what I do because from the start I thought it was the right thing to do." Atlas said, knowing Geto wouldn't really know what he meant... he couldn't understand but he hoped it could help.

"People might never know who Suguru is, but as long as you know yourself and your value. Then you can act on it. You can follow your dream despite how different it is from others. If you want to rid the world of curses then others will follow you. My best friend once said to me, 'If you have doubts that you're right then others will too. And as soon as that happens no one will follow you.'"

Seeing Geto nod slightly he couldn't help but smile, Geto had changed so much he had no worry that he would do something extreme like he did in canon. "I've doubted what I was doing before. But I still did it and things turned out alright. It's okay to doubt, to envy, to hate." Atlas repeated. "But just make sure that it doesn't cloud your mind. You have a friend that will always support you, so let him." Atlas continued.

Hoshi had helped him when he needed it, and now he was hoping that Gojo could help Geto. The man was different than he was in canon but despite that, he still bore a lot of weight on his shoulders.

"Your hands aren't big enough to carry the world alone Geto, mine weren't either. So I relied on these two runty juniors of mine. I just wanted to see them smile in the future, to be honest. Kenjaku was ruining lives, I knew that he would fill theirs with tragedy. So I made a choice, getting you and Gojo to help me was the first time that I did something I felt I wasn't 'meant' to. But without you two I could have never cornered him." Atlas said feeling that the talk was almost over, he had said his piece so he shouldn't drag it on.

"I felt that I couldn't do anything during so many points in my life where I hit bottom after bottom but in the end I did. I changed things because I felt they were right. You can too, your dreams are no weaker than Gojo's or mine. So don't act like they are."

Seeing Geto nod Atlas joked "I've always felt more like you than Gojo… he's too arrogant to have normal human worries. Being the honoured one and all that." As he turned and started to walk away.

Seeing the sun fully over the horizon as he walked inside saw everyone look at him. A single nod got those who were fighting to stand and start gathering their weapons.

No words were needed.

It was time to fight once more.