
Chapter 20: A look at the bigger picture(II)

[Gonna have these type of chaps every once in a while to give u guys a glimpse of what's to come]

[POV Nick Fury]

Nick Fury stared out the window of his office, the celestial display lingering in his mind. He had seen many strange things in his time as the director of SHIELD, but this was something else entirely. The sky had been lit up with auroras and stardust, a phenomenon that had been picked up by every satellite and sensor in the region.

"What the hell was that?" he muttered, still watching the sky as if expecting another show. He turned to the tablet on his desk, which was filled with data and analysis from the event. The energy readings were off the charts, unlike anything SHIELD had encountered before.

"Another day, another strange event," he said to himself, tapping a button to call in his team. "I want everything we have on this phenomenon. Origins, possible causes, and any unusual activity in the region. Let's see what we're dealing with here."

He glanced at the reports coming in, showing global reactions and news coverage. "Get me a direct line to Lana Kane. She might know something about this. And someone get Stark on the line; he'll want to see this."

Fury's mind raced with possibilities. If this phenomenon was a threat, he needed to know how to neutralize it. If it was a sign of something new, then Fury wanted to ensure SHIELD was prepared. Either way, he wasn't going to be caught off guard.

"This is going to be a long night," he muttered, already planning the next steps to get ahead of the situation.



Lana Kane, deep undercover in Wakanda, had been preparing for another day of intelligence gathering when the celestial display lit up the sky. The brilliance of the event had caught her completely off guard. She stood on a balcony, her eyes wide with astonishment as the auroras and stardust danced overhead.

"What the hell?" she whispered, instinctively reaching for her communicator to record the event. The energy readings from her portable device were unprecedented, spiking in ways she had never seen before.

"This changes everything," she muttered, her mind racing. As an experienced spy, she knew that such a display wasn't random. It had to be a signal or a demonstration of power. But from whom or what?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing in her earpiece. It was her handler. "Lana, do you see this? What's going on out there?"

"I see it," she replied, still staring at the sky. "I don't know what caused it, but whatever it is, it's big. I'll need to dig deeper, find out if the Wakandans know anything about this."

"Be careful," her handler warned. "If this is a new threat or a powerful ally, we need to know everything we can."

Lana nodded, determination setting in. "Understood. I'll report back with anything I find."

As the display slowly faded, Lana turned her attention back to her mission. She had a lot of work to do. If Wakanda was involved, or if they had any knowledge of what caused the display, she needed to uncover it. This event had the potential to shift the balance of power, and she intended to be at the forefront of that discovery.

Slipping back into her undercover persona, Lana made her way through the streets of Wakanda, her senses heightened and her mind focused. The celestial display was just the beginning, and she was determined to uncover the truth behind it.



[POV Tony Stark]

Tony Stark lounged in his lab, eyes glued to the screen displaying footage of the celestial display. He raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his coffee. The energy readings were through the roof, and the visual spectacle was nothing short of breathtaking.

"Well, that's new," he quipped, setting his coffee down and tapping a few keys to bring up more data. "JARVIS, analyze the energy signature of that light show and cross-reference it with known sources. Let's see what we're dealing with."

"Already compiling data, sir," JARVIS replied smoothly. "The energy readings are unlike any known sources. This could be a significant new discovery."

Tony leaned back in his chair, smirking. "A new player in town, huh? Let's see if he likes parties."

He reviewed the data, noticing the distinct patterns and unique signatures. "This is something else," he muttered. "Could be alien tech, could be magic. Maybe a mix of both." [A/N Still before Iron Man 1]

[POV Doctor Strange]

[Too lazy to follow the correct order of events, pretty sure Doctor Strange was after Iron man] 

In the Sanctum Sanctorum, Doctor Strange observed the phenomenon through a magical portal. The celestial energies were unlike anything he had seen before. He traced the patterns in the air, sensing their source and complexity.

"This is no ordinary magic," he murmured. "Wong, prepare the library. We need to consult the ancient texts. This event could be a precursor to something significant."

Wong nodded, already gathering the necessary tomes. "I'll begin the search immediately. This could take some time."

Strange continued to study the energies, his mind racing with possibilities. "Whatever caused this, it holds immense power. We need to be ready for whatever may come."



[POV Professor X]

Charles Xavier felt a disturbance in the astral plane, a ripple of immense power. He closed his eyes, reaching out with his mind to sense the source. Images of the celestial display flashed before him.

"Extraordinary," he whispered. "This could change everything."

He summoned the X-Men, his tone urgent. "We must learn more about this event. Its source could signal a shift in the balance of mutant and human relations."

Xavier's mind raced with possibilities. This power could be a threat, or it could be an opportunity. Either way, they needed to be prepared.



[ Location: Themyscira]

Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman, stood on the cliffs of Themyscira, her homeland. The celestial display had captured the attention of every Amazon on the island. The sky above had been painted with brilliant colors and shimmering stardust, a spectacle that seemed to rival even the beauty of their paradise.

"This is extraordinary," Diana whispered, her eyes wide with wonder. The light show had an almost magical quality to it, yet it felt different from anything she had encountered before.

Queen Hippolyta, her mother, approached her, also gazing at the sky with a mix of awe and concern. "Diana, what do you make of this?"

"I do not know, Mother," Diana replied, her voice thoughtful. "But it is unlike anything I have ever seen. It feels powerful and ancient."

Hippolyta nodded, her expression serious. "It could be a sign, a message, or even a warning. We must be cautious."

Diana turned to her mother, determination in her eyes. "I must investigate this. If there is a new power at play, we need to understand it. If it poses a threat, Themyscira must be prepared."

Hippolyta placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Go, Diana. But be careful. The world beyond our shores is filled with dangers."

Diana nodded, already preparing for her journey. "I will. And I will return with answers."

[A/N No shipwrecked plane this time, she leaves on her own accord]

As she gathered her gear and prepared to leave Themyscira, Diana's mind raced with possibilities. She had encountered many powerful beings and artifacts in her time, but this display was unlike any she had seen. It had an ethereal quality, yet it also hinted at immense strength.

Taking one last look at the now tranquil sky, Diana mounted her horse and rode to the hidden docks where a boat awaited her. She would sail to the mainland and seek out the source of the celestial phenomenon. Whatever it was, she would uncover the truth and ensure the safety of her people.

As she left the shores of Themyscira, Diana felt a mix of excitement and caution. The world was full of mysteries, and this new phenomenon was just the latest in a long line of challenges she was ready to face.



[Location: Metropolis]

Clark Kent hovered above Metropolis, his super hearing having picked up the commotion about the celestial display. His keen eyes had caught the light show from miles away.

"Lois, I'll be back," he said, already flying towards the source. "Something big just happened, and I need to make sure it's not a threat."

As he soared through the sky, he scanned the ground below, looking for any signs of the cause of the display.

[Location: Wayne Manner]

Bruce Wayne reviewed the footage in the Batcave, his analytical mind dissecting every frame of the celestial display. He paused the video, zooming in on the energy readings.

"Alfred, cross-reference this with any known extraterrestrial or supernatural events," he ordered, his voice grim. "This could be a new player, and we need to be prepared for anything."

Alfred nodded, already working on the task. "Very good, Master Wayne."

Bruce leaned back in his chair, eyes narrowing. "If this is a threat, we'll deal with it. But if it's not, perhaps it could be an ally. Either way, we need more information."

[Location: Atlantic Ocean]

Arthur Curry stood on the shores of Atlantis, having witnessed the celestial display from the depths of the ocean. The underwater kingdom had been bathed in the ethereal light.

"Interesting," he muttered, his eyes fixed on the surface. "Whatever caused this has power that rivals the gods of Atlantis."

He turned to his advisors. "Send out scouts. We need to learn more about this event. If it threatens the sea, it'll answer to me."

[Location: Unknown]

Hal Jordan, patrolling the sector from space, witnessed the celestial display with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He activated his communicator, contacting the Guardians of the Universe.

"Guardians, this is Green Lantern. I've just witnessed a massive energy display on Earth. Requesting guidance."

The Guardians' response was swift. "Proceed with caution, Lantern. Monitor the situation and report back. This event may pose a threat to the stability of the universe."

Hal nodded, his ring glowing brightly. "Understood. I'll keep an eye on it."

[Location: Asgard, Royal training room]

Loki, observing from a hidden vantage point, smirked as he watched the celestial display. The trickster god appreciated the beauty and power of the phenomenon.

"Well, well," he murmured. "It seems Midgard has a new mystery."

He considered his next move, eyes gleaming with mischief. "This could be interesting. Perhaps it's time for a visit."



As Darius continued his journey through Wakanda, unaware of the many eyes now watching the aftermath of his display, the ripples of his actions spread across both the Marvel and DC universes. Each character, whether friend or foe, prepared to uncover the source of the celestial phenomenon. The stage was set for new alliances, conflicts, and adventures, with Darius at the centre of it all.


[How was it? Just to clarify, the DC Heroes like Superman and Batman have already come out in the world doing justice. The marvel heroes however have yet to surface, still waiting for Iron Man 1.

Major events DC events have yet to happen as Supes and Batsy are still relatively new to the game. Keep in mind that events will not follow the order they were made to be, I'll change them to how I see fit]

[Anx for reading]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kojo_Supremecreators' thoughts