
Judgement of Demon God

In the modern world, two realms coexist - the divine Gods from heaven and the Demons from Hell. Long ago, Zeus and Hades signed a peace treaty when there was magic and sword, kings were ruling the land, but as time pass and human became more advance in science and technology they started to forgot about the Gods then Zeus created a plan in secret to gain lost faith of human once again by betraying the King of hell Hades. Disclaimer: This web novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and settings are products of the author's imagination. The story is intended purely for entertainment purposes and does not aim to offend or hurt anyone's feelings. Reader discretion is advised.

Promezus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 3 - Ruin of Calamity Part 2/2

"To bestow upon thee the power of magic, this world requires mana, and such a transformation shall come to pass. Ere long, this world shall be filled with mana, and then thou shall wield thy power," the Artifact replied, its voice laced with malice, sending a chill down the spine.

After saying this, Artifact disappeared and he is sent back to room where he met with his team.

His team consisted of three people: one female and two males.

"Hello... where? You seem lost in your thoughts, what were you thinking?" She asked him.

"Huh, Where was you guys? I was searching for the whole time" He replied to her, his face expressing confusion.

"What are you talking about? Did the artifact cast a some magic on you?" She replied, taunted him with a mocking smile, clearly amused by his confusion.

After hearing Artifact, He remembered what happened to him and the whole conversation between him and artifact.

"Could it have been just a dream?" He thought to himself, trying to make sense of the strange experience.

"It was all true, You do not need to fear, I was simply teleported your soul to different dimension and stopped the time," Ego replied in his mind with heavy and eerie voice.

*Now artifact will be replace by word Ego as it become the part of him*

"Wait, Who is this?" He yelled, frighten with the sudden sound in his head.

"What? You don't recognize me? I am one of your teammates. What happened to you? You seem a little different now," she said, her face showing concern for her friend who appeared little strange now.

"Do not need to worry, You can directly call me in your head, We can communicate directly with me in your mind" Ego replied.

"Ha ha, I am fine. I was just messing with you," he replied, a smug expression on his face.

"Ok! So anyway, what was the result of analysis of this artifact?"

"Ahh! Yes, there is nothing, Every report of analysis of artifact looks normal,"

They were discussing about the artifact for brief moment of period and then they took the artifact to bring it into the lab to further research on it. After an hour they done with exploring the ruin, there was nothing besides the artifact, they collected all the data from the ruins and departed to Korea, they are the experts in archelogy from Korea.

In the airplane, He was talking with the ego all the time, he was trying to get every information from him, One of the information was that world will gradually transform into different world filled with mana and many of human will be awaken with new same power as him capable of using mana to cast magic and now Ego became the part of him, Ego slowly trying to read the memory of him to understand how much world is changed from the past, he changed his dialect as now after reading his memory he started to learn the normal human speech.

Few days later after ruin event -

Suddenly in the middle of the city, a monster appeared without any warning or natural disaster. At first, everyone ignored him, thinking it was someone cosplaying. But then, out of nowhere, a dimensional gate opened in the middle of the city street, and many monsters started to appear, attacking and killing citizens. Panic, fear spread though out the whole city, and people ran for cover, hiding in their homes and closing their windows out of fear.

This phenomenon started to occur in every city, in every country. It was a calamity and end of the world. When everyone had lost hope, a bright light appeared in the sky, Everyone noticed the bright light in the sky. Suddenly, a god emerged and spoke, "My cherished child, we are divine beings from heavens, descended to deliver thee. This wickedness thou witness stems from the malevolent demons, who beset innocent souls at the behest of King Hades of the underworld. These fiends are foes not only to heavens but to all of humankind. Yet, fret not, for we cannot abide such abhorrence. Thy prayer hath reached our divine ears, and we shall bestow upon thee the power to vanquish the demons. Thou, as a human, shall ascend, becoming an Awakened with might.".

Citizens filled with hope and happiness as they received a light of hope in the form of gods. They began to believe that gods and demons do exists and god will save the humanity. God proposed the solution that they had to worship them whose power they desired, and in return, that god had to show interest in their prayers and grant them the power. If a god did not show interest, they had to seek another god.

Meanwhile, In a house of the Archeologist who inherited the Ego in ruin.

"Your time has come now. The world will witness your power, and in this calamity, you shall be the beacon of hope," Ego informed him with a sinister and eerie tone.

"Gods and Monsters, is this all your doing? What have you done to this world?" He replied to Ego, his face filled with shock and fear, his voice faltering.

"Hehe! To make you the noble hero of the world, every human will start to awaken, but none shall be stronger than you, for I have already awakened you as an SS Rank hero. This world was already corrupted, where society valued money more than human life, where the strong preyed on the weak, and the rich became richer while the poor became poorer. Now, my Master, you will be the one and only one who will crumble the week and stand above it, prioritize human life over money, and possess everything in this world, none shall dare to raise a voice against you" Ego answered, his voice filled with a sinister and eerie tone.

"Yes, you are right. Why should I care about this world, this society? What has this society given me? It has only taken from me, my dearest mother. It took everything from me. What was my fault? Is being born poor a crime? Is happiness only allowed for those who are rich? Why does society laugh at you when you are poor? They only laugh with sinister smiles on their faces. No one, no one comes forth to help you. They only like to watch your life crumble like a drama they are watching on TV," After listening to Ego, he started to sink into deep thought.

"Yes, my Master. You only need to follow my command and the path that I will show you. You will soon have your revenge, and you will become the hero of the world. Everyone will follow you as their leader. You will become the king of the whole world," Ego replied, his voice filled with a sinister and eerie tone.