
Judgement: In Heaven, as on Earth.

"We were so close" "We had him right there!" "Order! Order in the court!" "Let the proceedings go. Now, Omega, if I could ask, who will be leading council today?" "Gamma will be." "Now, if you fools will stop whining, I will let the speaker take over." "Fine." "I, Gamma, shall be leading proceedings of the Council of Heavenly Beings. Today's meeting topics will be over the escape of Sigma and Beta, and the apparent kidnapping of Theta." "A mockery, I say! The lord of traitors, the betrayer of heaven, the killer of God, his own father. And he escapes? We cannot let him return to the lands of Aldea and wreak havoc among the mortals." "While I agree with your words, calm down Epsilon." "I believe I am aware of his plans. He and Beta, are attempting to finish what they started." "But how? Not after He made the ultimate sacrifice, and split himself asunder." "While your shock is noted, I do believe it is true." "I think Sigma is trying to rebuild the seat of God."

swag_lord · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Judgement: Arc 1, Chapter 7 - Burning Phoenix

Michael erupts in fire, as red flames surround and envelop him. The Doctor starts to clap, saying, "How amusing! Always one step ahead." The flames start to clear up, and it'd be apparent that all of the wounds had been patched up by cauterization. Michael would immediately get into a fighting stance. The Doctor say, "Can't we chat a bit? I doubt that he bleeds out that fast." Michael says, "Make it quick, everyone needs last words."

The Doctor replies, "Thank you for your kindness, but, don't worry, I'll be quick. You see, most people could go on a rant, about their own personal ideologies, their faith, but that doesn't matter to me. All that matters to me, is myself, and whatever lets me live well. Anything else is useless trouble." Michael yells, "So, you believe that you have the final say on anything? Are your morals that screwed?" The Doctor laughs, "Our views are opposing, but the same. Isn't your entire motivation to protect people, specifically those who you care for? Certainly, you could consider that things that let you live well. Morality is different across all people, and it's up to those same people if they want to enforce their morals." Michael says, "I'm tired of hearing all of this pseudophilosophy. For someone who talks so much about rants, they sure do a lot of them. Sure, you can be selfish for things, but just pure greed of everything is far too much. Let's end this." The Doctor says, "Gladly."

They would both raise their respective weapons, and suddenly, dash at each other. The Doctor's scythe and Michael's sword start to clash, releasing sparks. They strikes each other in a flurry of blows, each attack getting parried by the other. Michael thinks, "Even though my wounds are sealed, I'm still vulnerable to internal bleeding. The Doctor's actual magic, Death Magic, has the ability to unleash several plagues, so I'll have to be wary of that." The Doctor exclames, "Stop thinking, and fight!" The Doctor then punches Michael in the chest, launching him back. Michael quickly gets up, and says, "Flame Magic: Cross Flame Strike!" Several flames from his hand bursts at The Doctor. They would hit The Doctor, and create searing marks across his armor. "That's what I want to see!" The Doctor says.

The Doctor runs madly at Michael, however, whenever he got close enough, Michael would suddenly launch a surprise punch, the punch hitting The Doctor in the face. Michael rapidly slashes The Doctor, creating many deep cuts in his armor, and drawing some blood. The Doctor quickly says, "Death Magic: Divergence Burst!" A black aura quickly coats The Doctor, and spreads from him. Michael jumps away from him, dodging the attack. Michael says, "Flame Magic: Jetstream!" Small explosions coat Michael, granting him extra velocity. Michael uses this velocity to launch himself into the sky. Michael raises his sword behind him, and says, "Flame Magic: Spiral Flame Strike!" Michael stabs his sword through the air, launching with it a spiral shaped blaze of fire. The Doctor blocks it, but the flames burn through his armor, scorching his skin.

Michael dives down at The Doctor, and plunges his sword into his chest, causing massive bleeding. The Doctor says, "Death Magic: Sacrifice Plunge!" Michael's hand would coated with magic, with disease spreading into it. Michael rips his hand away, but it would be too late. The Doctor slams his scythe into Michael, making a deep gash. Michael grabs his sword, and hits The Doctor away. Michael runs at The Doctor, and starts to raise his sword to slash at him. The Doctor simultaneously slashes with his Scythe. The force from the impact of these two weapons would send both of the blades flying. Michael and The Doctor quickly switches to close-quarters combat. They trade blows, hitting each-other repeatedly, and both hits making deeper wounds. Michael reaches for The Doctor's mask, but The Doctor hits Michael in the chest, launching him back. Michael grabs the ground, and get back up.

The Doctor and Michael each would be heavily injured. The Doctor raises his hand, and says, "Death Magic: Death Spiral!" Michael raises his hand, and says, "Flame Magic: Burning Flame Cannon!" Both combatants beams collide, and appear equal in power. Wisps of golden flames start to coat Michael, and slowly, Michael overpowers The Doctor's magic, and the beam collides with The Doctor, launching him into the ground, and knocking him out. Michael walks over, and confirms that The Doctor was knocked out. However, Michael falls down due to his lack of energy, and lays on the ground, starting to bleed massively. As he was passing out, he saw The Doctor getting dragged away.


Joseph would be on the ground, bleeding out. As he was lying there, he saw what seemed to be The Doctor carried by Aqua and Stol. Joseph says, painfully, "Get back here..." Aqua turns around, and says, "Battle's over." Aqua tosses a metal object to Joseph. When Joseph looked at it, it seemed to be a radio. Joseph asks, "Why..?" Aqua responds, "My boss would be angry if he couldn't get a rematch." Aqua and Stol walks away, dragging The Doctor behind them. Then, Joseph turns on the radio.

"We need a helicopter."