

EP.61 I don't care anymore...

"Heh heh heh... heh heh heh... "

Amelda let out a moan of pain, shaking her whole body.

At this moment, her fingertips were already dyed brown, and her body, eroded by the black magic of demons, was damaged to the point that it was impossible to use normal magic any more.

At the same time, the inexhaustible pain that felt as if it was devouring her whole body was constantly crashing her mind even at this moment.

To accept this irresistible fate as soon as possible.

Stop the meaningless resistance and find peace now.


this moment.

Despite such intense temptation.

Amelda was still doing her best to contain this terrifying aura that constantly devoured her body.

'I… don't give in... no... me... Road… something like that... Like dark elves... Can you see... '

Even if her body is torn to pieces like this, Amelda is determined not to fall.

As she struggled to suppress as much as possible the terrifying sensations that were churning in her mind, Amelda laboredly put her hands together and began to pray her prayers earnestly.

She hopes she can hold out until the very end..

Until the moment of the end of this life, I hope that he will not lose his chastity as an elf.

Amelda to God...

And he prayed with earnest heart to

the hero who was sure he was looking down on him from a high place .

at that time…

-Easy profit


The next moment, the sound of the door opening in her ears.

At this, Amelda once again thought that her, her, her ugly and terrible, her demon, her Elisa, had come to carry on her work of corrupting her.

"ね… You better stop doing useless things now. I am Amelda, the paladin of the Elven Kingdom... You are not the kind of person who will yield to such arrogant demons!"

Her whole body was horribly broken, and Amelda spoke in a resolute voice, even though her mind was already in tatters.

But in the next moment, she realized that Amelda was not Elisa, but

someone she had met for the first time.

A demon warrior covering her whole body with her black armor.

Watching him radiate an ominous aura that she could feel at a glance while holding a gigantic sword,

Amelda began to hold her hopes that maybe that filthy demon bitch had finally given up trying to corrupt her.

'Did you finally decide to kill me like this? Well then... A body that has no reason to live any longer. If only I could face the end cleanly as a noble elf warrior like this.'

Amelda feels relieved to know that she died with the atonement and minimal honor.

at that time…

"Hey, really? Are you really Amelda?"


next moment.

Amelda's face began to harden at the sound of her ears.

A voice from a demon warrior in black armor.


She thought she would never hear it again.

It was that person's voice.

That voice that I had missed even in her dreams, but considering this current situation, I can never feel welcome.

In response to that fact, Amelda, who had her head bowed, automatically began to feel her whole body trembling.

'What… What… hey? This... this voice? west… no way? ah… no… no… It can be... it can't be... it can't be... '

Amelda tries to deny reality, gripped by the shock that hits the back of her head.

However, at this moment...

despite her efforts.

In Amelda's mind, a clear truth that could never be ignored quickly began to settle.

"It's been a while, how have you been?"

The person's greeting with a chilly chill

hitting her ear once again .

At this, Amelda, feeling terrifyingly fearful, began to slowly raise her head as it was.

right after that...

The figure of a man taking off his helmet that began to appear in front of her.

That scene was for


She began to give her a terrible sensation, as if she had been digging into her eyes with a sword.

"yo. this… dragon… sir?"

A warrior emitting evil energy while wearing the dirty armor of demons.

At this moment, in the cold smile on his lips, the noble will of the past was no longer felt as much as his fingernails.


looking at the hero like this.

As Amelda forced her voice to vomit, she desperately began to deny it.


no… It can't be. The hero must have died then! He was struck by the sword of the Demon King and died a noble death!

you… What the hell are you! I won't be deceived even if this little guy pretends to be a lie!"

"ha… "

The hero who sighed deeply at Amelda's words.

Then he said, looking down at Amelda in front of her, with a cold expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, but this is neither a lie nor a deception."

"Oh, no, I can't… I can't… No way… "

"Even if she talks like that… you already know That I am a warrior."

"no! No!!!"

Amelda desperately tries to deny it, with tears in her eyes and tears.

However, this moment.

Despite the fact that she was shouting injustice with her mouth, she had already accepted this fact in her heart.

Amelda was slowly being eaten by the magic of her demons until recently and even at this moment.

For her in her situation like that.

The image of the fallen warrior standing in front of her was so clear that it had to be touched.

The consequences of her betrayal.

The fact that her hero did not meet her honorable death and fell one step ahead of her.


"me… because of me... to..? because of me… . Did this happen? I… Is it because I betrayed the hero?"

At the same time as she accepts the existence of a warrior who has been defiled by her foolish choices.

Amelda began to feel something breaking in the corner of her heart.

The fact that she was so cruel that her existence could not bear.


Amelda's spirit, which was still breathtaking, began to crumble to pieces.

"ah… iced coffee… "

Amelda vomits a flurry of emotions of emptiness, sadness, and deep regret.

And right after that…

The skin on Amelda's fingertips, which had been dyed dark brown.

As she quickly stretched out all over her body, she began to widen her territory.

Elisa's forcibly suppressed magic quickly engulfed her body, and

then it began to completely twist Amelda's body and her mind.

'now… It doesn't matter... Anymore… No matter what happens to me... '

Amelda can no longer think about her pride as an elf, nor her dislike for dark elves, amid the extreme guilt of not knowing her bottom.

Amelda's skin and her heart, which were shining like a pure white cloud, were dyed black as the soil on the floor.

And as a result…

Amel Dara, a former member of a party of champions and a noble elven paladin, her existence ceased to exist in this world.

Being here is just her brown skin with black hair… She had only one dark elf woman.


So right after all the transformations are over.

The dark elf woman who was once called Amelda.

Her as she is in front of her own eyes..

In her crevice, she walks forward from the back of her hero and towards her master standing in front of her.

She turned to Elisa, and

she said, bowing her head with her sincerity.

"My great master, Elisha… Please accept the girl's petty loyalty."


Amelda the elf paladin of the ex-hero party who has become a dark elf in real time right before her eyes.

Watching her like this,

I began to get caught up in a feeling of rejuvenation similar to when I made Terra her dog the other day.

'It looks good. I never thought I'd see a bitch with a needlessly high nose crawling like this.'

Amelda, a traitor who has always spoken of noble elves by word of mouth, eventually became Torare's dog and slashed the warrior in the back of the head.

She was originally something she would have taken a long time to meet, but she came to receive her own karma much sooner than I thought.

That too… To become the dark elf that she herself considered most disgraceful.

Dark Elves are beings that have been corrupted by elves as slaves of demons.

According to the content of the original work, the elf who became a dark elf is said to have absolute loyalty to the demon who 'created' him instinctively, although he has the complete memories of her past.

Even if the target was a target that was meant to be killed with a sword pointed just a few hours ago, once the Dark Elf transformation is complete, it is guaranteed to be an eternal slave.

And I could know this very clearly through Amelda, who was lying on her face in front of Elisha at this moment.

"What can I say… The feeling is refreshing, but apart from that, it's a little strange. How could that proud Amelda become like this?"

"The Dark Elf is like this. A being who has some intelligence and free will, but absolutely obeys the commands of its master. In that respect, they can be said to be quite useful as reliable slaves."

Amelda, the dark elf, is literally licking her feet at Elisha's command.

At first glance, it looked similar to Terra, who is still playing the role of a dog guarding my room in the corner of the Demon King, but there was a big difference between Terra and the present case.

Terra moves only according to the instincts of the beast, and is basically conscious in a position where it is impossible to intervene somewhere inside.

Unlike her, Amelda's case at this moment was wholly in her mind and at her will, licking her Elisha's feet.

In some ways, compared to Terra, it is a situation that can be seen as a slightly better treatment in that he still feels genuinely 'happy'.

Anyway, that was the time I was looking at her dog-like figure in complete obedience to her master's orders.

"Are you… a warrior? So how about it?... This gift of mine is... Do you like it?"

EP.62 Feeling Joa... good there

The 'gift' that Elisa gave me was

at that time, while looking at the fresh dark elf that had just been made, I was thinking for a moment about how I could run the next two years.

"Are you… a warrior? So how about it?… Do you like my present?"

The appearance of Elisa asking a question in a slightly tense voice.

At this moment, her face was slightly recalled,

I could recognize the fact that the face contained a kind of anticipation for something.

She is looking up at me with her red eyes shining brightly..

Elisa's appearance as if reminiscent of a cat expecting to be praised.

For this, I sincerely thanked her for the 'gift' of banging her head in front of me.

"Yes, I really like it. Still, she is a person who has always wanted to give a true education like this someday, but I am so grateful that she caught her in this way and that she took care of her after all."

"Is that… is it

?… I'm glad I was worried that I might not like the gift… I'm talking now, but since he was

a guy who had a bad relationship with the hero, I was a little worried about whether it would be better to let me handle it myself rather than go through my hands."

"No, you did well. Of course, I wanted to inflict pain on myself, but to be honest, no matter what I did, I wouldn't be able to inflict as much pain as Elisha-sama gave me."

"What… I would be grateful if you could say that."

With a smile on her lips and a smile on her lips, Elisa shows a sign of being quite shy and happy at the same time as I say thank you.

The fact that she has the appearance of a little girl and that she looks like this, I automatically began to feel something warm.

'What can I say... It's like seeing a little cousin who likes to get 100 points on a math test and jump to see her mother's praise... '

And, looking at her like that.

I suddenly started to remember the story the Demon King had told me the other day.

To the Demon King, Elisa is considered to be her subordinate and like a younger sister.

Although she usually appears arrogant, she is surprisingly always eager to be admired, and if she treats her well, she said, she can quickly become friends.

In particular, according to the demon king,

Elisa will really like her when she comes back from a mission and strokes her hair.

remembering that fact.

From a position where it can be said that she is now the Demon King's lover, and in a way she has become like her older brother.

I reached out my hand cautiously, following this sensation I was feeling right now.


"ah… "

As I was, I gently stroked Elisha's head.

My act of expressing gratitude and praise by stroking my warm, soft hair.

In my opinion, it was an act that could be considered a little embarrassing, but

To be honest, there was no sense of incongruity about that point, as it was nothing more or less than a picture of an older brother stroking an elementary or middle school younger brother if we only looked at the appearance.

And, crucially, Elisha did not show any resistance to my actions, but rather began to show a clear sense of happiness.

There was a smile that seemed to melt away from her face, which was reddened by her, and the corners of her mouth.

Her body was trembling slightly, as if in a good mood.

It looks like a cat being petted by its owner.

To this, I nodded inwardly and began to feel that my slightly impulsive choice was right.

'When I heard it, I was told that I was unexpectedly lonely a lot because I grew up without a father... From that point of view, isn't it natural to like to receive compliments like this on a regular basis?'

In fact, as Elisa, who always hugs her mother Elias without hesitation and shows her aegyo, began to think that this kind of behavior between her close colleagues was perhaps natural.

So, I

thanked her for stroking her hair pleasantly for a while, and in response to this, Elisha

smiled as if she wanted to keep petting her, and started leaning against me.


Elisha is being harassed by the hero.

At this moment, she felt a deep ecstasy she had never experienced before, and was seized with supreme bliss.

'Ah, the hero is stroking my hair...'

She is receiving an expression of affection from the person she loves.

In fact, for Elisa, who was often treated like this by her close colleagues because of her remarkably young appearance, this kind of behavior could be said to be a simple greeting in a way.

In fact, she said that just a week ago, Elisa was told that she did a good job even with the Demon King.


For Elisha at this moment, the act of the hero doing this tantrum and tantrum touched me with a feeling that was very different from the general case in many ways.

If the normal stroking of the Demon King or her mother was just like water with a spoonful of sugar.

What the hero was doing now felt sweet, like honey, which was dense and sweet.

'The hand of a warrior... feel good... You're good there... '

The hero's strokes give you the feeling of having all the joys of the world with just this.

In fact, his petting skill was surprisingly superior to anyone she had ever experienced, including her mother.

Without too much force, soft and flexibly following the texture of the hair, it stimulates the acupuncture points, and the stroke of the hero gives a feeling of extreme stability and tranquility.

In addition to that, the crush of her hero, which she usually has, was added. This was a situation that was approaching her with a very intense happiness.

'It's the first time I've been stroked so happy... I think I'm addicted... iced coffee… After all, the warrior is the best... I don't want anyone to take it away... '

Elisa begins to develop her obsession with the hero while feeling the joy of the hero's 'thanks' for giving her happiness beyond imagination.

And after a while.

It was quite long, but to Elisa, after the time of stroking that seemed too short.

Elisa struggled to suppress her feelings of regret and excitement that had filled her face for a moment, and she said as she looked at her hero.

"Hmm… Hmm… Well then, goodbye is like this... I'm going to do it. Now, the question is what to do with this guy."

With those words, the dark elf Amelda, who was still quietly lying on the floor, looked at Elisa.

Then she looked into the hero's eyes and asked carefully.

She said, "I used to make it a dark elf, but… What does the hero want to do with this guy? He is now my subordinate for as long as he has just been brainwashed, but he can hand it over to you right away if you want."

Although the main version was a high-ranking elf with so much power, it consumed quite a lot of mana, but frankly, at this point, Elisa didn't really care what happened to these years.

Considering her power, she is quite usable, but the most important thing for her is to get even a little more favor from the hero.

Of course she could transfer her ownership to him right away if the warrior wanted it.

If necessary, they could immediately pluck her limbs off, dig out her eyeballs, and blow off her hair.

However, the hero thought about this for a while, then slowly shook his head and said:

"I am fine. As a dark elf in the first place, this year is by far the worst experience he's ever had, so I don't really care."

"Huh? is it? but… Certainly not so."

Most elves value honor more than their lives, and accept the loss of honor as the greatest and most terrible suffering.

And, for them, the corruption of the Dark Elves was an act that completely wiped out this honor and was the worst insult.

A Dark Elf who is considered blasphemy against God not only for himself, but for his existence alone.

As he experienced it for several days and finally experienced his last will break and fall while watching the figure of a hero, the physical and mental pain that two years must have suffered in the process could be said to be the worst.

Taking that fact into account, the hero expressed his intention not to do anything to this bitch any further by getting his hands dirty any longer.

"Well, even though it looks like this, I think it would be good if Elisa-sama would take care of it and roll it well, as he is quite a capable guy. You have worked hard, but you should be rewarded for that."

"… The reward is… I've already had enough... "


"No, nothing… Anyway, if that's the hero's will, I'd appreciate it. Obviously, he has strong fighting power, and as a high-ranking elf, he has a lot of useful information."

Through such a short conversation, the two decide the fate of Amelda.


the dark elf Amelda, who was bowing her head on the floor as she listened to their conversation, thought to herself.

He said, 'Once

you've lived... Well, if it's Elisha-sama's order, he'd be willing to die... I'm happy though.

In any case, this gave me an opportunity to continue to be loyal to Elisha ... I also got a chance to apologize to the hero...'

EP.63 Serious worries that determine the fate of a nation

Rob is a major port base connecting the continent and the Demon Kingdom.

Cassandra, who is currently in charge of this place and who is guarding the position of the 3rd Knights of the Empire,

I was feeling a bit relieved that the work that had been going on for the past few weeks had finally come to an end.

'You're leaving like this in the end... To be honest, when I started, I was going to send all those people away, but how did it turn out?'

Although she experienced the disgrace of having suffered a fatal blow to the munitions due to a surprise attack by demons the other day,

Cassandra was able to barely maintain her position by using the general Glenn, who lost her life in the battle, along with the power of the family.

General Glenn was sponsored by the Duke of Menelaos, who was the Duke of the Empire and one of the emperor's main aides.

Even though Cassandra was aware of his corruption in advance, he was just accumulating evidence related to it, and pretending not to know about the incident itself.

And, right after Glenn died.

Cassandra released these evidences in the context of asking who is responsible for this attack, and at the

same time, she took most of the responsibility by putting together the false evidence that Director Glenn was communicating with the demons, which she had fabricated. He succeeded in putting it back on Glenn, who had left.

Nevertheless, Cassandra, who had no choice but to ask for some responsibility as the general manager of this place, was able to at least avoid taking a big blow such as giving up her seat.

In addition, that

In the process, she and her family were able to proceed with the attack on the Duke of Menelaus, who had always been a competitor, so she was

able to end the situation in an overall profit.

Of course, her mistake effectively turned into a butterfly effect, which ended the racial union like this, but Cassandra didn't really care about that.

From her point of view, who eluded her political blow anyway, the situation in which she was not a part-timer, such as the war with the Demon Kingdom that started with her only fake cause.

The important thing now was that, as the head of this village, I was able to finish tidying up according to the perishing flow.

"What happened to the eastern section?"

"Yeah, we've all cleaned up."

"All the troops from Ammaus have finished boarding. Now it will be just us boarding."

"Okay, everyone worked hard. Then, as soon as we boarded, we departed immediately."

"Yes, General."

"All right."

After completing the final inspection, Cassandra and her men board the ship.

At this moment,

behind them, the entire port town of Rob, which had served as an outpost for the Tribal Union for years, was burning.

A place where numerous supplies and soldiers landed for quite some time.


As the conflict between the Falcon Empire and the Elf Alliance, the core forces of the coalition, became severe, the tribal coalition, which had been gathered

under the motto of 'kill the demons, the evil forces,'

was actually disbanded.

As a result. Rob, who had become the best place to leave after destroying the port no longer meant much to them, was now engulfed in ashes, engulfed in flames by the movies of the past.


Cassandra, who had completed Rob's incineration work and the imperial retreat mission that had been completed before him, was feeling a bit of disappointment in her heart and

was feeling complicated in many ways due to worries about the future.

'The motto of the coalition, which is to virtually drive out the forces of evil with this, has failed... But, the real war must start now.'

The Demon Kingdom lost its power as the land was devastated by the war.

Instead of this demon kingdom, it was clear that from now on, the main enemy that she and her Falcon Empire should pay attention to would be the Elf Kingdom.

Right now, the Falcon Empire and the Elf Kingdom were holding hands for a while for the common purpose of retreating the Allied Forces.


everyone in the know knew what their situation would be right after this temporary cooperation was over.

As a result of a dispute over the hero's work, the two forces crossed a river of no return.

At the same time, the emperor was clearly showing his will to organize the elven kingdom in this opportunity when the imperial power reached its peak.

'Of course, once the

atmosphere has been put on the brakes, you will have to watch the season to some extent. Surely there will be war soon. Now that the façade of the racial union has

been cut, there will be no more harshness for the emperor...'

Cassandra climbs the deck and looks at Rob's final appearance while thinking about the never-ending war.

However, apart from the place that I don't think I'll ever see anymore.

At this moment, in Cassandra's head, there was a word she heard...

The one word she had spoken to her by her demon king, whom she had encountered by chance, was still not forgotten.

'I'm not an enemy... '

In fact, the words of the Demon King felt like a devil's temptation, which could not be done without penetrating the essence of Cassandra and her family.

In this regard, Cassandra automatically began to put a smile on her lips.

It won't be of any use right now.

Thinking that depending on her circumstances, this demonic touch might be her trump card that could turn her around...


The capital of the Demon Kingdom, Jerusalem.

At this moment, on the street there, many demons came out and were cheering.

"hurray! hurray!"

"Long live His Majesty! Long live the Demon Kingdom!"

"The eternal glory of the Demon Kingdom!"

Over the years...

If you look at the longer term, including the truce between them, the war against the Tribal Union that has lasted for nearly several decades has finally come to an end with the victory of the Demon Kingdom.

At this moment, the demons were shouting with joy from the heart.

"Hey… A day like this will come in my life."

"To drive out all those filthy humans and elves, you are the Demon King!"

"there… So can we go back to our hometown now? It's been over ten years since I left my hometown of Emmaus... "

"That's right. The Allied Tribes have also run away from this war, so there is nothing to worry about now."

"Even if they attack again, what is there to be afraid of? We have His Majesty the Demon King who wiped out all those filthy humans and elves!"

In that way, the demons are happy to be able to return to their hometown, which they have long missed, and are praising the demon king.

Of course, the place of their hometown might be difficult to find as they have been trampled under the feet of the tribal union for at least one or two years and at most several decades.


as it is, it could be a good motivation for them to start over, and at this moment

, the joy of victory and the will to rebuild their hometown were burning strongly in the hearts of the demons.


With the people who rejoice in victory.

Soldiers sharing joy among them.

On the other hand, at this moment, it is a being that is being praised by these people.

The Demon King, the great monarch who led this war to victory,

was engulfed in deep anxieties to the extent that he could see the depth of his face.

"Ummm… "

The Demon King, in his casual clothes, is sitting on the bed with a serious expression on his face.

Seeing her like this, Belze Beauty, who was beside her, asked her her question with a little bit of her concern.

"Your Majesty, is there anything that makes you uncomfortable?"

At first glance, his master exudes a serious atmosphere.

Contemplating whether there are any concerns related to the post-war or tribal union under the circumstances, Belzebeauty began to feel concerned about what the worries were.

'If you see that His Majesty the Majesty is taking such a serious thought... Maybe there is something like a big danger?...'

Belze Beauty, who is prepared in her own way with such thoughts.

And, towards her like that, her demon lord spoke her words in a voice that felt her calm.

"Yeah, personally… I have one concern, Belze Beauty. It may seem insignificant to others, but... It is a very important concern for Jim."

"It's insignificant… Don't say things like that. No matter what your Majesty's concerns are, each and every one of them is precious and important to you. Please, let your convictions help, at least a little."

Belze Beauty speaks in a very polite voice.

About this, the Demon King thought about it for a while, then looked at Belzebeauty's face and said.

"… That... Then, don't laugh and listen carefully. It's really not trivial, but... "

Yes, please tell me, Your Majesty."

In that way, Belze Beauty speaks with a voice full of resolute loyalty.

Looking at that figure, the Demon King still had a slightly hardened expression on his face. She opened her mouth to her, who was her prime minister of the country and the wisest man she knew.

And, the content of that 'question' in question...

"Belze Beauty… Maybe you… Can you tell me how Jim can go on a date?"

"… yes?"

The question of the Demon King , which feels so ordinary that it far exceeds what I had imagined, but in a

way, it can be seen as very important in relation to marriage.


the moment she heard this unexpected question, Belze Beauty

had no choice but to make a blank expression for a moment, as she was still a mosul like the Demon King.

EP.64 How to stably win the heart of a hero?

A demon king who asks questions about dating.

Seeing this, Belzebeauty, although she had no practical experience, began to work with a serious attitude in order to respond to the wishes of the owner.

"If it's a date…

What specifically do you want? As before, the hero and the two of us dine alone, or the two of us went for a walk… Or something like that...

does that mean? that… A man and a woman mix in the bedroom alone... "

Beljebeauty uses all the knowledge she knows and gives examples.

In the process, she automatically started to feel her face getting hot, but once she tried to get the context of her master's words, she suppressed those feelings as much as possible and continued her speech.

However, the Demon King, who heard such Belze Beauty's words, made a surprisingly casual expression and slowly shook his head.

"What… In a way, it can be said that it is a story similar to those things, but strictly speaking, it is a little different."

"yes? If so... Belze

Beauty, who thinks that she is a bit surprised by her reaction, which is more calm than expected.

Meanwhile, at the end of those words, the Demon King slowly began to look out the window as it was.

At this moment, she could see her people and soldiers celebrating victory outside the window.

To her, to her, her most precious beings, and those with whom she has a duty to protect.

However, at this moment, they were in the process of becoming the root cause of the current troubles for the Demon King.

"The reason Jim is

struggling right now is because he thinks that, no matter how much he thinks about it, it would be impossible for him to openly date the hero in many ways

. Considering Jim's identity... Wouldn't it be controversial at this point?"

"ah… "

At the words of the Demon King that contained feelings of anxiety, Belze Beauty was able to clearly recognize what her owner was worried about.

The monarch of the Demon Kingdom and the strongest demon, the Demon King.

However, no matter how much power she possessed or greater than that, her hero was clearly a human being.

Although it is true that he made a great contribution to the demons and the demon kingdom, it was all done in such a short time that this was not known to the public.

In this situation, if the Demon King and the Hero publicly announced their relationship and started dating, there was a risk of causing controversy and strife among the people of the Demon Kingdom or high-ranking Demons.

This is especially true if, like now, the demon's aversion to humans is at its peak right after the war is over.

"Then, from that point of view, I think it might be good to keep some distance from the hero at least for a while... "

I can't do that, so Jim is worried. If Jim stays away from the hero in the same situation now, wouldn't he feel betrayed?"

Starting with the victory commemorative banquet, which will be soon, the Demon King was supposed to participate in various official events from then on.

If he intentionally avoids or distances himself from the hero in the process, the hero who made the greatest achievement in this war was more likely to feel betrayed than before.

Of course, by talking about this in advance, you can calm it down to some extent. She was also well aware that the human heart is not that simple, and she said,

In particular, if the target was a hero with a wound in his heart, it could be even more problematic.

"From the point of view of a warrior, you will think that you are about to give up on yourself now that you have won the war. If we were in the same position, Jim would definitely feel the same way."

"ha… Of course, he must be like that..."

Belze Beauty sighed and nodded at the demon king's resolutely speaking words.

Subsequently, she began to take her thoughts on this matter more seriously.

'exactly… At this

point, it is not easy for His Majesty to neglect the hero or to treat him close in many ways

. Also, rumors are bound to spread in one way or another... '

After thinking of her for a moment like that, Belze Beauty began to seriously struggle to come up with her solution to this problem.

A way to not disturb the people and at the same time not hurt the warrior.

A way for the Demon King to spend time stably capturing the heart of a hero without having to look around.

And after a while, her brain, which was so superior to others, was soon able to come up with a way that was considered not bad in many ways in this regard.

"I… your majesty. If so."



A large banquet hall located inside the Demon King's Castle.

There, it wasn't like the celebration of liver transplants until now.

A banquet was being held to formally pray for victory in the war.

Gorgeous decorations filled the spacious hall, and musicians performing.

And the rich and luxurious food prepared enough to break your legs, and the dignitaries of the Demon Kingdom filling the banquet hall.

Among them, dressed in a specially prepared robe, I stayed among the generals of the Demon Kingdom and raised a cup with them.

"For the glory of the Demon Kingdom!"


Demons who stand up from the throne and raise the glass toast together with the Demon King's declaration.

In line with them, I drank the cup I had in my hand.

The sweet and mellow aroma of wine felt immediately afterward.

As it was from a royal banquet

, the taste was superior to any alcohol I had ever drank, and the meal that followed immediately gave me

a taste and flavor that was higher than any other food I had ever eaten.

'Really the royal banquet... It's also a victory banquet, so it's different no matter what.'

In retrospect, such a banquet venue can be said to be a place to show the national power and dignity of a country, so it was natural to present the best.

Historically, the reason that various leaders enjoyed splendid banquets was not simply because they liked to play, but also because of this political purpose.

In any case, thanks to this, I was enjoying the luxury I had never thought of in my previous life, and my gaze began to turn to the Demon King, who was sitting on the throne and being greeted by people.

As it is an official event, the figure of the Demon King wearing a veil to cover his face.

By her side, there were a lot of people who could tell that she had a noble status just by looking at her at a glance.

"Congratulations on your victory, Your Majesty. All this comes from Your Majesty's grace."

"You, too, have suffered a lot during that time, Duke Simeon. I hope that you will help us to make this war-torn country prosperous again in the future."

"I wonder if there is, Your Majesty. We will do our best."

"If you ever need anything, just tell me, Your Majesty. God Issachar. As I have always been, I will continue to offer my unwavering loyalty to Your Majesty."

"I will never forget your loyalty. I wish you all the best in the future."

From elderly people to young demons.

The Demon King, a being who has many people bowing their heads and uttering words of loyalty and praise

Even though it was a person who had a relationship with me, nevertheless, at this moment, when I looked at her like this,

I could only vaguely feel that there was a fairly large distance between me and her.

'Even though I am a warrior... After all, for me as an ordinary person, the Demon King might be a bit of an overkill... '

Of course, I had no intention of giving up on the relationship I had with my lover.

The reason I suffered so far was to win the love of the Demon King. I was thinking that I could bear this kind of burden.

However, apart from that determination.

At this moment, I could not help but feel the heaviness of the existence of the Demon King more clearly, and honestly, in this regard, I began to feel a little bit of atrophy.

at that time…

"there… "

"… ?"

In the next moment, I heard a voice that seemed to have been heard somewhere in my ear.

Regarding this, I turned my head to the side of the sound.

Immediately after that, a woman began to appear in my eyes.


The moment I saw her face, I couldn't help but tilt my head automatically.

Standing there

was a female demon with an appearance she had never seen before.

A beautiful woman with blue eyes, golden blonde hair, braided hair,

and a body that is considered perfect similar to that of a demon king.

At this moment, as if something of her was shy, her appearance, her face blushing slightly,

although she was equally beautiful, she felt the opposite of the Demon King, a dignified beauty that felt her solemnity and coldness at the same time. was giving


apart from these feelings that came to mind in an instant.

At this moment, I greeted this first demon woman who spoke to me with a bit of caution.

"hello. Excuse me, but who are you?"

There were a lot of comrades who shed blood together, but it was a position that had no choice but to maintain a certain level of tension in this place full of high-ranking demons.

In particular, as there are some demons who still dislike me as a human being, I needed to pay attention to not get caught up in annoying things that might happen.


looking at me like that, the woman in front of her had an even more embarrassed expression on her face and tried to say something while showing a somewhat impatient appearance.

at that time…

"ah. I was here."

The next moment, a woman appears from behind her and gently grabs her shoulder.

Immediately after that, I looked at her, who was now accustomed to it, and bowed my head politely in a respectful position.

"Hello, Belze Beauty."

"Long time no see. Warrior."

EP.65 I was also aware of it from the beginning. Belze

Beauty, the Prime Minister of the Demon Kingdom, appeared with the first beauty.

At this moment, she said to me with a look on her face that something was interesting about her, unlike her usual impression of being a bit picky.

"I'm sorry, I think her brother was a little nervous and was a little rude..."

Belze Beauty speaks while gently hugging the shoulder of the demon woman who is restless in the front.

Then she continued her speech with a dense expression, as if dripping honey.

"I think he was quite nervous because he met that famous warrior. Could you please forgive me for this child's mistake?"

"it's okay. There is no problem with this kind of thing."

To be honest, it was rude and there was nothing I could do about it, so I simply talked to him, so I lightly passed it on.

Of course, I knew that among the strict aristocrats of the Falcon Empire, there were people who tremble in all kinds of things like this, but there was no reason for that, and I did not have such a personality.

And looking at my reaction like this.

Belgé Beauty, who had been holding her hug, released her from her arms, and then said to me with her smirk.

"This child's name is Esther," she said. He is my relative and younger brother, and he is the first person to appear at the royal party today."

"bar… Nice to meet you... I did. My name is Esther."

The female demon named Esther, who looked at me and spoke in a slightly stiff voice.

To be honest, she has an appearance that makes you feel that Belze Beauty is younger than her appearance, but since there

is a perfect example of Elisa in the first place, among the demons, there are quite a few people who have a fairly large gap between their appearance and their actual age. I knew it well.

So, from the standpoint of being introduced. I politely greeted Esther as it was.

"Warrior… My name is Ellen Savior. It's nice to meet you like this, Miss Esther."

"Ummm… "

Esther nodded her head with a stiff feeling in response to my greeting.

Looking at her like this, I could clearly recognize that she was tense with her at a glance.

She said, 'Are you so nervous just because you met me? Well, there were certainly not many things that I did under the name of a hero, but… '

At that time, seeing Esther's reaction, I was thinking that I might have become quite famous among the demons.

"Oh, come to think of it, the time has already passed like this… Excuse me. From now on, as a member of the former bodyguard, I have to go to escort His Majesty the Demon King, so I think I need to step back right now."

"! Oh no... Come on, wait a minute."

Belze Beauty suddenly takes out her pocket watch and speaks in an urgent voice.

At the same time, Esther's face, who was next to her, began to feel a moment of embarrassment.

"Then Esther, this older sister is going to work, so have fun with the hero. See you later."

"yes? That.. what is that.."

"That.. there?…"

Belze Beauty entrusts Esther to me in an unexpected way.

I suddenly began to feel as if I had been stabbed in the back of the head by her attitude.

'No, what is this... She came out of nowhere and threw her sister at me like this?'

I'd rather have been close to her than anyone I've ever known, but I can't help but feel suspicious in many ways about her behavior, which has always been wary of me.

So, in a situation where Esther and I were left alone with a slightly subtle feeling, when I was in turmoil…

"… there… "

"b… yes?"

In the next moment, Esther begins to approach me cautiously as it is.

Then she grabbed my hem and gently pulled my teeth, opening her mouth in a small voice.

"for awhile… Could you please follow me? Just a moment."

"… Well... it is."

With her bright red face and her hot face, Esther asks with a voice that feels desperate.

As a result, in a situation where I was feeling suspicious and wary in many ways, I decided to follow her request for the first time.

I don't know, but in order to know exactly what this situation means right now...

To be precise, it was my thought that in order to understand why Belze Beauty made this situation, it was necessary to first go into the tiger's den.

'First of all, there's no way that Belze Beauty could have done this without thinking, so what's the point?'

Feeling suspicious in so many ways, I turned my gaze to Esther, who was walking next to me.

At first glance, a beautiful woman showing a tense attitude.

Seeing her with her charms that, if not for her frankly, her demon lord and her lover, would have to show her quite a bit of interest as her man,

Suddenly, a hypothesis began to come to my mind in relation to this beauty of her and the attitude of Belze Beauty just before.

'no way… is this it By attaching such a beautiful woman to her side, I am trying to make the relationship between me and the Demon King distant... '

Under the circumstances, it is highly likely that the Demon King has spoken of her relationship with me to Belze Beauty, her entourage whom she trusts.

And from the perspective of Belze Beauty, who has always been wary of me as a human being, this must be unwelcome in many ways.

From that point of

view, it was highly likely that Belze Beauty was somehow trying to separate me and the Demon King, and for this, she wondered if she would

bring Esther, a member of her family and quite a beautiful woman, by my side. I thought.

'This shit...

It seems that the demon king was sitting right in front of him, so he was a bit lax.

I'll give you a beautiful woman like this, so you can tell me to break up with the Demon King... '

Of course, the detailed story is going with me to a place less crowded…

Although I am acting timidly.

In fact, there is a high possibility that he has a gore-like aspect to the extent that he is mobilized for this kind of work, so we will hear about it sooner or later.

At that time, when I was thinking about the future with my head down,

Finally, Esther stopped walking and looked back at me slowly.

The place we arrived at at this moment was a small garden located in a remote area of ​​the Demon King's Castle.

It was a quiet place with only the sound of small wild insects resounding without seeing any

other people around .


Esther looked at me as it was and said, radiating a breathtaking beauty in the moonlight.

"… this should be enough There are no eyes around."

Esther speaks in a tone that is quite different from the previous one.

At this, I thought that she was finally starting to reveal her true nature in a place where there was no need for other people to see her anymore, and she said with a deeper sense of caution.

She said, "I'm sure we can talk to each other casually here, then... What is the reason for making such a joke? Where can I get more details?"

"indeed… Did you notice it from the beginning? It's also the insight of a warrior."

Esther begins to show a slightly happy reaction to my words.

So I said with a smile on my lips, feeling like I was seeing a boss praising the player before the match.

"There is nothing great about it. It's because there were a lot of gaps, from the fact that Belze Beauty isn't the kind of person who can entrust my younger sister to me right now."

"Is that so?... Still, I thought that maybe it would shake a little while looking at this figure... "

"It's unfortunate, but even if it looks like this, it's not as self-disciplined enough to be swayed by other people as a body with an owner."

I resolutely responded to Esther's statement that she was trying to become a beauty queen.

It goes without saying, but for me, who hates NTR so much, I had no intention of betraying the Demon King I had a romantic relationship with at this point.

No matter how beautiful the person is, the obscene act of betraying love by falling for it is the same as denying my beliefs and my whole life.

at that time…

Like that, looking at me expressing my intention not to fall for the temptations of four years.

Esther, for some reason, instead of expressing hostility

or displeasure...

"Also… It seems that Jim's worries were just a glitch."

"… yes?"

In the next moment, Esther begins to tell a story that feels strangely different from what she had expected.

I started to feel uncomfortable for a moment about this, but...

Without paying any attention to my reaction, Esther continued speaking with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry

, hero, but it wasn't intentional, but for a while I had the result of deceiving even you. However… This was also necessary for our relationship in the future,

so I hope you don't feel too bad about it."

"No, what… ?!!!"

I started to recognize something through the words that came out of Esther's mouth.

Immediately after that, I spoke to Esther with the feeling of being cautious and floating as it was

, feeling deep confusion and bewilderment about one fact that I realized later .

"I... there... mind… Devil… your majesty?"

"yes? Why are you doing this, warrior?"

'Hey fuck.. was it real?... .'

EP.66 A secret meeting is clear!

"Why are you doing this, warrior?"

Esther standing in front of me... No, looking at the demon lord,

I felt quite dreadful and asked a question as if nothing had happened to me as much as possible.

"article… Just because I'm a little curious. That look... What did you do? I was able to figure it out with my intuition, but it seems that the current figure is quite different from His Majesty's original figure."

"Oh, you mean this?"

The Demon King lightly caressing his blonde hair with those words.

Although the question itself was hastily, at this moment, I was actually feeling quite suspicious about the appearance of the Demon King.

A female demon with blonde hair and blue eyes, a demon king in the form of Estelle.

It wasn't just that the eyes and hair color had changed, but the shape of the face and skin tone were slightly different, and the voice was also quite different from the usual Demon King.

To be honest, the only thing they have in common is that they are both great beauty, and in fact, they can be called different people who have nothing to do with it.

And in response to these questions, the Demon King spoke to me with a light smile on his lips.

"It's not that great. It's just a magic correction of the ability to transform the body, but it can't change the basic skeleton anyway... With

those words, she was the demon king who returned to her original form for a moment and returned to Estelle's form,

giving the impression that at first glance, a chameleon changes color.


is simple for me to control the skin shape, hair and eye color, and muscle thickness in this way. Of course, not all demons are like this,

and only those who have been trained for emergencies since childhood, like myself, can use this ability.

"okay… "

Listening to the Demon King, I came to understand to some extent that she had acquired such a 'transformation' ability.

Certainly, if the monarch of the Han Dynasty had this kind of ability, it would be much easier to get out of a dangerous situation.

Now, the Demon Kingdom is out of danger to some extent, but if the situation was aggravated by the Allied Forces of the Tribe, it could have been used as a fairly useful hand.

So, that was when I was slowly nodding my head in relation to this current situation.

"I… How are you, warrior?"


A demon king who suddenly asks me a question.

Then she said, blushing a little shyly, placing her hand on her chest slightly.

"This face of me… What do you see? little… Isn't it strange?"

"Ummm… "

The demon king's question seems to contain a little bit of anticipation along with the shame on his face.

As for this ,

I automatically ask this question, 'How am I?' I could recognize the fact that it was similar to asking.

'This kind of question is said to be the type of person whose liking goes up and down if I say the wrong thing... no… Maybe it's a harder type than that... '

I already knew through various experiences and information that a woman's question about her appearance carries a weight beyond her imagination.

Besides, unlike that, you just have to be very good at finding the wrong picture. At this moment, it could be said that the difficulty of the Demon King was very high in that he looked completely different from usual.

Of course, talking about something strange or awkward here with a different appearance is the same as riding the express train to Narak.

But if you say something like that, you are prettier than usual, 'Then, does that mean that I'm usually ugly?' It was an answer that contained a considerable amount of risk as well in that we could think the same way.

In the end, the question is as if there are landmines on both sides, either this way or that one.

In this regard, for a brief moment, I tried my best to come up with the best answer by any means while rolling my head more than when I first knelt before the Demon King the other day.

And as a result…

The answer came out of my mouth.

"It's not strange at all. Although the overall atmosphere has changed, it seems that the beauty of His Majesty the Demon King is still intact."

"that… Is it?... What... If so, good luck... This is it."

In a way, it can be said that it maintains its own neutrality…

My act of turning over the answer while turning the topic to a story like 'fundamental beauty'.

And about this, fortunately, the Demon King started to blush even more with a pretty happy expression on his face... At the same time, I was able to automatically breathe a sigh of relief in my heart.


"Hmm… ?"

Elisa is looking around with a serious expression in the middle of the banquet hall.

At the same time, Rebecca, who was standing next to Elisha, spoke in a cautious voice with a slight questioning.

"It's strange, it seems that the captain is nowhere to be seen."

"So do you? I can't even see it with my eyes."

Elisa had to go around the royal castle from the start of the banquet due to her patrol duties as a bodyguard.

After finishing it, she immediately arrived here in the dress she had brought in advance, but now Elisa's eyes could not see the hero no matter how much she looked at it.

And this was also the case with Rebecca, who arrived late at the nightclub while oversleeping and accidentally met Elisa and was semi-forced to accompany her.

She said, 'I don't think the captain would have overslept like I did... Where the hell have you been?'

No matter how hard you look around, you can't see the hero.

And after a while, a fact automatically associated with this moment began to come to mind in their heads.

"… there… Elisa? May this be... "

"You… Did you think so too? It's a coincidence... Me too... "

A man who disappeared without a reason in a glamorous and noisy banquet hall.

There was only one thing the two could think of about the fact that they hadn't been seen for more than 20 minutes, rather than simply going to the bathroom.

"Secret meeting, maybe?"

"I'm going to get a secret meeting… clearly… "

Under the circumstances, somewhere in this prosperous castle, a hero with a high probability of flirting with the woman who made the confession in question.

In this regard, Elisha said in a bloody voice, automatically feeling as if her eyes were on fire.

"Let's go find it. Rebecca. And Amelda."

"yes? ah… all right."

"I will take orders. master."

Rebecca and Rebecca are slightly embarrassed by Elisha's words, but then obey. Amelda, the dark elf, answered with a voice of loyalty.

That was when the three were just about to leave the banquet hall.

"! ah… Nyathan."


A person caught the eye of Elisha as she was about to leave the banquet hall.

Unlike most of the people in the room, who were wearing dresses, she was wearing a striking golden armor and even a helmet, and she immediately responded to Elisa's words.

"Elisa, what's going on?"

"It's over there. Didn't the hero come to today's banquet?"

"I'm here. I saw you talking to Belize earlier."

"that… I see So, do you know where you are now?"

"do not know."

"Ummm… "

She answered Elisa's words in a voice that felt a little dry and subtle. Nyathan.

It would be nice to know at least where the hero went with whom he went, but looking at it, it seemed like Nyathan didn't know about this matter.

At that time, when Elisha began to feel even more anxious about this...

"… There it is, Nyathan. Then maybe... "

The name that suddenly came to mind in the next moment…

Likewise, Elisa carefully asks for the name of the person who is not showing up in this place.

In response to this, Nyathan gave Elisha her answer with a little mechanical feeling without much thought.

"same here. He was seen at first, but not now."

"ね… "

Elisha frowned slightly at Nyathan's words for a moment.

But shortly thereafter, she put on the mask of the road expression as quickly as possible, erasing this expression from her face.

"okay. Thanks Nyathan. Good job escort."


So, immediately after acquiring additional information through her 'friend', she feels even more impatient and Elisa immediately begins to look inside her royal castle.

On the other hand, Rebecca, who was following her and listening to a series of stories next to her, was making a complex expression that she could not describe.

"I… That's it, Elisha. Or does Elisha really think he is the man who has become the captain's lover?"

"… I'm not sure. But I think the chances are pretty high."

"under… But if that's the case, no matter how much Elisha-sama... "

"I don't know, I'm just looking for it for now. This is just a suspicion. Because I can't be sure of anything yet."

Elisa speaks while forcibly suppressing her complicated feelings.

Seeing her like this, Rebecca couldn't say anything more than she could, and she couldn't help but keep her mouth shut.

at that time…


"ah… "

The next moment, Elisa and Rebecca suddenly stopped in place. and Amelda.

Before their eyes, the figure of the man Elisha had just been looking for was clearly visible.

For some reason, she had a slightly disheveled appearance unlike usual, and her appearance with a slight redness on her face.

I don't know, but she gives the impression that something must have happened just before...

The moment she saw Elisa, she said in a voice that felt a little embarrassed.

"uh… Oh… My daughter, what are you doing here?"

"mama… "

EP.67 Clearly visible marks on the nape of the neck

"Okay… For that reason...":

"Yes, I don't know if it's been a while. Apparently, it is burdensome in many ways to announce the fact that you and the human being are lovers at the same time."

Immediately after hearing the demon king explain the overall situation, I slowly nodded as it was.

Certainly, despite the fact that he was a hero who made great strides in the position that the war had just ended, the fact that I, as a human, went out as a lover with the Demon King, was highly likely to face troublesome problems from the position of the Demon King who rules the country.

I don't know if it'll happen later, at least for a while, it was advantageous to me and her to stay like this.

Rather, from my point of view, I could say that the current situation is more comfortable in that I can get along with her without having to look around.

"thank you. Thank you for being so considerate of me."

"What… Anyway, isn't it a lover for the first time? I am just doing what I ought to do."

The Demon King who slightly blushed her face with those words.

Seeing her unexpectedly, her cute face, her naan, with her blank expression on her face for a moment, was taken away from her as it was.

Even though her appearance may be different, in the present situation, knowing who this person in front of her eyes is.

As I looked at her of her in front of her, I automatically felt her heart pounding, unlike when I had her before her, when I was wary of her.

So, the two of us sitting side by side with her blushing in the awkward silence for a while.

And after a while,

it was the Demon King who broke this silence first.

"Well then… I will do that in the future, and for now I will go back. Even though my sub is taking over, it is also difficult for me to be absent for too long in a situation like this."

The Demon King slowly rose from his seat with those words.

Seeing her like this, I said to her in her polite voice, with her deep euphoria that still lingers in her mind.

"Your Majesty your Majesty. Then, in a little while, I will follow you in."

"Yeah, next time we meet… Let's meet at a more comfortable place where there is no disturbance.'

After those words, the two of us looked at each other for a moment and parted for a while with a gentle smile on our lips.

Although it was a disguised body, nevertheless, I thought that it was not good to show the two of us hanging out together as much as possible in a place with a lot of snow.

After a while, the demon king disappeared from view.

Feeling a little relaxed, I slowly started going back to the banquet hall.

at that time…




Elias, his mother, who shows a clearly disorganized appearance,

about this, Elisha felt the anxiety that was in the corner of her heart growing even more, and she began to open her mouth cautiously.

"mama… Where have you been now?"

"yes? ah… that… just a little... I was a little drunk and wanted to get some air."

Elias speaks in a rigid voice as if making an excuse.

clearly different from usual,

Hearing her words as if she was hiding something,

Elisha felt the anxiety she had been holding in her heart writhe fiercely and spoke to her as if arguing.

"She was already drunk how long after the banquet started," she said. Mama, you don't usually drink like that."

"That… that…

Elias begins to show a clear look of embarrassment at Elisa's words.

However, she soon corrected the expression on her face for a moment, then looked at her daughter in front of her and said,

"Of course it is, but… After all, shouldn't I drink a little on a day like today? The war is over and the lost territories have been completely recovered."

"… that… Certainly, though."

Although she still had many things to say about her mother's words, Elisa chose to keep her mouth shut.

Seeing her like that, Elias walked over to her daughter as she was, with the usual smile on her lips, and gently stroked her hair.

"Our daughter… Guess her mom was very worried? Thank you so much for coming to look for me like this. My daughter is all grown up now."

"… uhm... "

Elisa blushes slightly at her mother's warm touch.

The atmosphere, which had been momentarily disturbed, seemed to have subsided quickly at first glance, and Rebecca, who was standing behind her, sighed in relief in her heart.

'thank god… To be honest, I was terrified that something was going to happen... '

Knowing that there is nothing more terrifying than a political fight, Rebecca was relieved to know that this had not turned into a serious one.


At this moment, unlike Rebecca like that.

Elisa, who is gently cradled in her mother Elias' arms, is still very confused...

No, she was, in a way, caught up in a whirlwind of emotions that was more serious than she had just been, and she was keeping her senses sharp.

'This body odor...

It's not usually Mama's. Another guy's stuff is mixed in. And judging by this heartbeat, Mama is still quite nervous...

Plus, I didn't know it from afar, but what I'm seeing now... That's obviously… '

At this moment, Elisha's neck is visible right in front of him.

There, there were 'marks' that were not recognizable until recently, but are now clearly visible in her eyes...

The pale lips that someone left behind... Or something like tooth marks remained.

And, as to what that means...

Although she had no practical experience, Elisha knew well what she had seen and heard in books.


At this moment, Elisha was unable to openly point out the fact.

The moment

she asks it, what words will come out of her beloved mother's mouth, and what

her mother's secret is that she is hiding even from her daughter.

Because it felt so frightening.

'Mama... no... ji? That's what I'm thinking... isn't it? Please... Please tell me no... Please...'

Elisa does her best to deny the picture that is glimmering in front of her eyes.


at that moment.



A small voice suddenly came from the side.

At this moment, she heard the very voice that Elisa had never wanted to hear.

She slowly turned to look at her side.


then, the figure of a person who started to come into her eyes.

The moment you realize what it is.

Elisha could no longer maintain her normal facial expression.

"Yo… dragon… buy?"

"uh… Well… "

At this moment, looking at Elisha, the figure of the hero showing a slightly perplexed expression in many ways.

Immediately after that, the hero slowly took a look at this side and quickly left this place as it was and disappeared somewhere.

At first glance, the attitude of the hero seems to have something to hide.

As soon as she recognized it,

Elisha suddenly began to feel something in her heart shake violently.

'really… Was it?... Really... Is Mama really brave?... That... Then, this mark on Mama's neck right now is the one left by the hero... '

The cold reality that makes Elisa's head dizzy just by thinking about it.

As soon as she recognized it,

her tears began to drip from Elisha's eyes and her eyes as they were.

"… .Ellie..sa?"

"Huh… . After eh... ."

A picture of her daughter beginning to weep in her own arms.

A bit of embarrassment began to appear on Elias' face, and soon after, she asked Rebecca and Amelda, who were watching the situation right in front of her.

"this child… Why are you doing this now?"

"uh… Well… that is… So… "

Rebecca is hesitant to answer a question that is difficult to answer in many ways.

At that time, on behalf of her, Amelda, who was standing next to her, spoke in her calm voice.

"Excuse me, madam, I think the master was a little drunk."

They also saw the fact that the hero had been here for a while and then returned after seeing Elias and Elisa together.

I was automatically aware of what it meant, but that didn't mean I couldn't tell the truth about it.

It was because there was a possibility that if they misrepresented the fact that Elisha had a crush on the person who had had an affair with Elias, they would be faced with a situation that they could not afford.

And fortunately,

at Amelda's words, Elias slowly nodded her head as if he understood it, and seemed to agree.

"but… Because this child often cries when drunk. it's okay now... mama is here Don't cry, my baby."

"Hib... uh eh eh... "

With those words, Elias begins to comfort her daughter with her mother's touch.

Elisha just received her hand, and she only wept more sadly.


The people who are here at this moment.

Not only Elias, but also Rebecca and Amelda, who were watching, were unaware.

She knew that the tears flowing from her eyes were never tears of resignation or despair...

that… The fact that they are tears of determination and sadness for the fact that she has to fight a blood battle with her beloved mother.

As a result of really roughing up the settings during the production of EP.68,

Elisa and the two of them are watching it in Elias' arms.

Watching them,

I automatically thought that it would be better to avoid sitting here for now.

'I don't know the details... First of all, I don't think I'm in an atmosphere where I can fit in.'

In the case of Amelda, who became a dark elf, it was clearly Elisa's property and belonged to her family.

Rebecca's case was a little ambiguous, but since she's been seeing each other often lately, she's probably like a friend.

In front of such people, I was deeply concerned about Elisha's affairs in my mother's arms, as it is in many ways.

At the last moment, somehow, Elisa's eyes looking at me seemed a little subtle, but there's no need to pay much attention to it.

So, I went back to the banquet hall as it was, leaving Elisha and others behind.

To finish the meal that was temporarily interrupted due to the conversation with the Demon King.

at that time…

"Oh, here you are, warrior! I was still looking for where you went!"

The next moment, a muscular man approached me with a slightly sullen feeling and wrapped his arms around me.

I replied with a smile on my lips at Samson's actions.

"I went out to get some air. Probably because I'm not used to eating like this. Above all else, no matter this or that, I am still a human being."

"Haha, there's no need to be so burdened, hero. Honestly, what's so important about that? Make it easy for you and us as comrades who fought together in blood, generals and colleagues in the same demon kingdom!"

"Haha, what… Thank you for saying that."

"Okay then, take my cup too, isn't today a good day! Where are you going to get drunk tonight?"

"All right. If not, I'll drink a little bit sooner rather than later."

So, following Samson's suggestion, I took the glass that was placed in front of me and drank it all the way.

A refreshing yet sweet taste felt immediately afterward.

Through this, I was able to clearly recognize that what was going down my throat was not just alcohol, but sake that was brewed and aged with considerable effort

. It tastes good."

"After all, drinking is not so refreshing! ruler! Give me another drink, this is a high-quality drink captured by the Allied Forces."

With those words, golden sake poured into the glass placed in front of me.

After picking up a drink reminiscent of high-end liquor, I drank it without hesitation.

For me, who originally liked alcohol quite a bit in the world, being able to enjoy these good drinks to my heart's content was a good feeling in itself.

So, at the time when Samson and Samson were drinking a drink that was actually high-quality and was sweeter than usual in that it was Seungri's wine...

Suddenly, in my eyes, the image of the Demon King, still sitting on the throne, contemplating the endless stream of people began to come into my eyes.

'Under the circumstances, it is probably the Demon King himself who is sitting in that seat right now, isn't it? Yes, but honestly, it seems difficult in many ways... I couldn't even enjoy it in a seat like this, and I was just sitting there saying hello... '

If you think about it, it's probably natural for her to disguise herself and set up her agent, not just because of the political part, but because of the Demon King's personal time and fatigue.

In that way, as I exchanged greetings with the various demons, watching the demon king seem to be getting more tired in real time, I had no choice but to feel very sad inside.

'It's not easy to be a king at a banquet like this, I can't even enjoy it comfortably and have to be like that... '

With that thought in mind, I thought that I would do my best to make sure she had a happy time in the future, if possible, while she was disguising herself as her Esther.

I don't know if it was in the past, but now I am definitely her lover.

As a lover, giving happiness to the other person is like a kind of duty, so I made up my own mind to do my best for this job.

With that thought in mind, when I was sipping my drink again…

"Hunya… ."


"Oh, are you here?"

The demon general who sits opposite us while making a strange sound.

The man, who was wearing a silver-white gauze all over her body, couldn't see the exact figure in the barrel that covered her face with a helmet.

But shortly thereafter,

Samson gave him a welcome look, as if he had recognized him, and then he responded with a little tiredness and continued his speech.

"It was hard… Obviously, escort work is unacceptable."

A demon in silver-white armor who speaks with a voice that feels genuinely tired.

Perhaps it was because he had turned off voice modulation, and at this moment, the woman's voice could be heard relatively accurately from his mouth.

"Anyway, you work too hard, but you're serious about it. If you give your whole body strength at every moment like that, you won't be able to last long."

"It is to be noted. By the way, who is this person?"

As soon as I answered Samson's words, the demon looked at me and questioned.

In response, Samson answered her with a smile on her lips.

"Have you heard the news? This friend is Ellen, the hero who made a significant contribution in this war. I also benefited from this friend in the last war."

"Warrior? Right… It is unusual for a force to be felt for sure."

She looks at me and speaks in a slightly unusual tone, but with a voice full of clarity and seriousness.

Shortly thereafter, she slowly took off her helmet as it was and attempted to formally introduce herself.

But at that moment...


"Nice to meet you, warrior. My name is Samuel. One of the demon corps commanders. I wish you all the best in the future."

She looks at me and speaks in a slightly unusual tone, Samuel.

But at this moment...

As soon as I saw her face, I had no choice but to receive a heavy shock.

'this… This face... how… '


In the original, the demon corps commanders did not even appear except for Elias, and existed only as a setting.

Although it was possible to roughly infer their appearance through the game introduction illustration, it was clear that the exact setting did not officially exist.

But at this moment...

Looking at this corps commander named Samuel, I was able to infer one fact automatically.

The fact that she was in front of her eyes, although she did not appear in the original, clearly existed in a certain setting.

That too… It is a setting that was built without predicting the current situation.

The commander of the corps, Samuel, was looking at me with the helmet off in front of me.

With her translucent skin, and her striking long, pale pink, ponytail, she was small and unassuming, and from her side, she had a rather beautiful appearance.


The moment I saw her face, I couldn't help but feel a kind of emotion that was completely different from that charm.

It will be...

The face of her drinking a glass in front of me at this moment...

'no. what kind of face... emoticon… ?'

At this moment, if I had to describe her face, it was just ●△●.

She literally looks like she has her features studded with her emoticons.

Although the demons around her

did not seem to care at all about this, and did not feel any discomfort, from my point of view, her

face like this had no choice but to give me complex and subtle feelings in many ways.

She said, 'She doesn't appear at all, so it seems like she came up with a rough setting... Anyway, how can a person's face be ●△●?'

So, feeling again and again that the world is based on games,

I said to her with a smile on her lips as much as possible.

"Nice to meet you, Commander Samuel. My name is Hero Ellen Savior. Although I am human, I wish you all the best in the future."

"I have heard a lot of your stories. Shake off Rob, Shake off Antioch, and fish with it, often sweeping the Confederacy. I think they did a great job."

"ah… Yes. thank you."

Although I was praising her seriously, I answered with a little awkwardness to her story, which made it difficult to concentrate because of her face in many ways.

At that time, watching my reaction, Samson, who was sitting next to me, said with a loud laugh.

"haha! Hero

, don't be so shy. Of course, I know how happy it is to be praised by the best beauties of the Asmodian tribe, but there is

no need to be so restless with this amount!"

"ah… "

For a moment, Samson's remarks shake my aesthetic standards.

However, about this, Samuel sips his drink and speaks in a calm voice.

"Don't say that. In any case, I was lucky enough to win the contest. There is no need to fuss."

Samuel speaks in a humble voice.

Maybe she

felt like she wasn't paying much attention to it. Even so, the fact that these emoticon faces are used as official beauties made

me have some doubts about the aesthetic sense of the demons.

at that time…

"Anyway, it went well, and I have a story I want to tell you at this place, as Samuel also came."


"What is?"

In the next moment, Samson started to open his mouth seriously, wiping away the drunkenness he had on his face.

In this regard, I could instinctively recognize that something important was going to come out of his mouth.

EP.69 A chance to change image

Samson begins to show a very serious expression.

Then he lowered his voice slightly and came out with this emoticon… No, he cautiously started talking to a woman named Shamuel.

"Listen to both of us, this is information I got from a fairly reliable source… Perhaps sooner or later, there will be a selection for Narsil hosted by His Majesty the Demon King."

"Selection for Narsil?"

"that is… What is it?"

With me, Samuel tilted his head slightly.

Regarding this, Samson made a slightly blank expression for a moment and then spoke to us with a bit of embarrassment.

"ah… no… Do you really not know? Hero, even if that's the case, are you too, Samuel?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of it. What the hell is that?"

"Ummm… "

Samson showed a slightly frustrated expression at Samuel's reaction.

Then he let out a small sigh from his mouth and spoke in a calm voice.

"ha… What,

If you don't know, there's nothing you can do... To give a simple explanation, Narsil is a term that refers to the best warriors in our demon kingdom


"It's a competition… Is it some kind of duel? It's like the battles of gladiators that humans often fight in an arena..."

"Well, it can be said that it is similar,

but the nature of it will be slightly different from that.

This is because this selection is for the purpose of selecting talented people from the Demon Kingdom regardless of their status, not just for entertainment purposes like that of humans ."

In other words, this selection of narsil can be said to be equivalent to the past examination of radish in the Joseon Dynasty.

Of course

, as there will inevitably be a battle between skilled warriors, it cannot be said that there is not much entertainment in it.

In it , it can be said that it is quite a motivator in that it identifies people as a test and gives certain rewards such as fame, wealth, and public office as a result.

After answering my question like that, Samson continued to speak after drinking the glass he was holding in his hand.

"Even though

the tournament has been suspended due to the war with the Tribe Union, it seems that the war is over now, so we decided to hold the tournament sooner or later. Especially

In this case, as the hiatus has been so long, there is a high possibility that the scale will be the largest ever."

Samson speaks in a rather excited voice.

However, I showed a slightly sarcastic attitude, thinking that the story was not as appealing as I had thought.

"Well, it's quite interesting, but… If so, wouldn't it be just a spectacle from my point of view? After all, I'm a human, so I won't be able to participate."

"Similarly, even though it's only been 3 years now, there is absolutely no way that someone like me will be allowed to participate in the position of recruiting the corps commander and new recruits."

Of course, it wouldn't be a bad story if it was simply a spectacle, but that's all.

I didn't even know why Samson was talking about this seriously.

But right after that…

As if expecting such a reaction from us, Samson smiled naturally and shook his head slowly.

"Not like that.

Of course, people like me who have already been selected as Narsil are not allowed to participate, but if you are not

, anyone can participate as long as you are a citizen of the Demon Kingdom, regardless of race or position."

"Is that really true?"

"Hmm… If that were true, it would be a different story."

Samson said that anyone can participate in the selection of Narsil, except for those with a history of winning.

In response, I automatically began to show a strong interest in this matter.

A Narcil selection contest where you can hold great wealth, fame, and even power in one hand.

However, in this regard, what I wanted was not such grandiose things.

'… perhaps… If I win this competition, my thoughts about the world might change a lot.'

Although it wasn't like Samson's arrogant character,

the prejudice based on the fact that I was still a human was making me receive a very bad look from the demons around me.

Right now, even here today

, there were quite a few people who seemed to be unwilling to see me, and, crucially, the Demon King was in

a situation where he could not see me comfortably because he looked around me even though he was dating because of my situation.

'If I was selected as Narsil at a time like this... Wouldn't the demons' reaction to me soften a little too? Of course, that prejudice is difficult to completely disappear, but to some extent… '

Due to the nature of demons who revered power, it was highly likely that this would be quite effective.

Of course, the achievements I made in the last war were definitely great, and thanks to this, there were quite a few demons who showed a positive attitude toward me, but most of them were not accepting it as it is.

Except for those who fought with me on the battlefield, it is a situation that cannot but resonate with me as I have only heard stories passing by.

In addition, from the point of view of demons who do not know the exact story, I had to feel somewhat like a parachute that was suddenly recruited.

In that respect,

I saw this Narsil selection battle, where most demons focused on one place, as an opportunity to definitely improve the negative image of me.

"Then I would like to participate. Even though it looks like this, I am also a warrior who worships power. As a warrior, I cannot fall into a position where I can prove my strength."

"Haha, yes, I thought you would say that! I'm looking forward to seeing a good one."

"I want to participate too. Although he is the commander of the corps, in the last war, he only fought boringly while defending the rear. I want to fight as much as I can with strong guys after a while."

Shamuel, with a ●w●-shaped face, expresses his intention to participate while muttering meat.

Although she was a gag just looking at her face, aside from that, at this moment, her body was emanating a subtle speculation.

It seems to clearly show that he has confidence in his own abilities.

Looking at this,

I was able to recognize the fact that, regardless of her roughly made face, she was also a formidable person who was like a corps commander.

She said, 'In terms of her fighting power, is she at least more than Elisa... Well, you'll know more about it once you've attached it.'

Even so, I never thought that I would lose, but she is something that should never be taken lightly.

So, remembering the part about this emoticon right in front of me, I drank the glass in front of me.


After breaking up with Elias, Elisa is walking alone in the backyard of the Demon King.

Now that Rebecca and Amelda were separated,

she was thinking about her future with a serious expression on her face.

She said, 'There's no doubt that Mama's relationship with the hero is like that... So, here's my choice... '

Her mother, Elias, who loved her more than anyone else in the world.

Although it was Elisa who lost her father in her childhood, her devotion to Elias nevertheless had allowed her to grow up with enough affection.

In that respect, she said that Elisa had always loved and respected her mother with all her heart as her daughter, and this was the case even now.


Aside from such mother-daughter affection, Elisha had no intention of giving up her love, no matter how much she was with her mother.

A sincere affection for a man he felt for the first time.

Elisha could never choose the option of giving up that pounding yet sweet feeling.

'I won't miss it. No matter how much I am a Mama, do you think I will give up on the hero like this? That sweet and sweet touch will never be taken away. certainly… I will definitely win the heart of a hero.'

Elisa begins to set fire to a fighting spirit that she has never had and never thought she would ever have for Elias.


despite her resolve, she was also very well aware that Elisha was not going to be really easy this time around.

The relationship between Elias and the hero seems to have already crossed the line to some extent under the circumstances.

Even so, I wouldn't have even slept. Judging from the scars on the nape of the neck and body odor, it seemed to be a clear fact that they were deeply in touch with each other.

Elias, who can already say that from the start she is incomparably ahead of Elisa.

Even more serious was the fact that, to be honest, Elisa was a step behind Elias in many ways.

Although the positions of the Four Heavenly Guards and the commander of the corps were externally equivalent, the position of the commander of the corps was higher in the world because he had the authority to command a large corps.

In addition, not only such

a position, but also the individual strength that Elias actually possesses was superior to Elias, and the charm of a woman is also

superior to Elisa, who has a mature beauty, unlike Elisa, who has such a childish appearance. there was.

'At least, her breasts

aren't that big of a difference, but in front of Mama's rich charm, my side has no choice but to be buried... damn… How

are you supposed to do it? How can I defeat Mama?'

Elisa begins to feel even more gloomy at the fact that even if she tries to start a fight like that, only disadvantages come to her right away.

at that time…

She began to give her a sneak peek at a fact that had just started popping into her own mind.

'okay… Come to think of it, she said she had a pre-selection before she could sooner or later? If you use it well, maybe... '