

EP.39 The only choice but to beat you...

It was late at night, and now that most of the troops except the guards were asleep, I was sitting in the barracks and staying up all night.

Fortunately, not sleeping for a day or two after becoming a hero was not a big problem, but

That did not mean that I could completely ignore the feeling of fatigue.

The thought of wanting to lie down right now, if possible, was running endlessly in my head even at this moment.


Even so, I was not in a position where I could fall asleep at all.

He quietly got caught between the army and tried to suck some honey, but somehow he became the vanguard.

And this kind of lightning strike has resulted in me being semi-forced to stay up all night like I am now.

'Fuck... How could I be in a situation like this... '

If I was going to the vanguard by myself, I wouldn't have had to worry about it like this.

The fighting power of a warrior capable of defeating even the Demon King was absolutely not a decoration, and I was the present person who was faithfully equipped with equipment.

The flying magic bombardment and rain of arrows could be lightly ignored, and it was also possible to jump on the wall and slaughter the enemies.

Literally, it is possible to jump into the middle of the enemy line and take unmatched shots.

However, apart from this personal helplessness, the problem I am facing.


Behind me, the 100 demons assigned as my direct subordinates would inevitably catch up with me.

It was never a large number, but it could not be said to be a small number of troops.

If they were to be annihilated or suffered great damage, there was a fear that my evaluation of myself as a human hero would be drastically reduced due to the reason I sacrificed my 'comrades' carelessly, no matter how many enemies I killed.

'Honestly, I just want to keep him in the camp, but... So, if you don't use the troops you've received, that's going to be a problem again...'

No matter what the storyline was, as the troops were given out of favor, they could be scolded for ignoring their favor if they left it alone.

It can't be used so easily, and it can't be left alone.

The 100 demons who have literally become like Gyeryuk.

So, in this and that situation, there was only one conclusion I could draw in the end.

'The only choice is to beat you with your body... '

I don't know if it's a normal warrior,

In fact, in today's country, which can be said to be the strongest in the world, it was also possible to fight while protecting allied demons.

As an added bonus, the abilities I possess as a warrior were not limited to just me.

To me now, the so-called 'buff' skills mentioned in the game also possessed quite a few,

Some of them included a few that could be used not only for myself, but also for allies around me.

Of course, that didn't mean that the power of the buffed demons did not increase exponentially, but at least they didn't get killed by blind arrows.

However, this will be

In this case, I calculate the appropriate skill timing to minimize damage to allies, and I personally block attacks that do not cover the attack, and in the meantime

You have to show them how to intercept enemies in a timely manner.

There was a very high possibility that a battle that would literally take one's breath away would be hectic and hectic, and in this regard, thorough preliminary preparations like now were also absolutely necessary.


Despite these difficulties, at this moment, I did not stop trying to make a plan that was as perfect as possible.

For personal gain and survival...


More than that.

To fulfill my due duty to the fact that the lives of others are in my hands.

'If you wiggle, dozens of people can die with just one judgment. In order to prevent that from happening, I must...'


A morning with a cloudless blue sky.

under it,

In total, close to 30,000 lives, including allies and enemies, were lined up with weapons in their arms to kill each other at this moment.

20,000 demons preparing to advance outside the castle.

And, the 7000 Tribal Union soldiers doing their best to prevent this from inside the castle.

In this way, the armies of both sides began to feel a deep tension in the increasingly heated atmosphere, foreseeing the bloody apocalypse that would follow.


"Advance all troops! Wipe out all those weak humans!"

The one who definitely cut off this tense atmosphere was Samson, the commander of the demon corps and the commander-in-chief of the army.



"Restore Antioch!"

"Death to the dogs of the Confederacy!"

The demon soldiers begin to march without hesitation according to Samson's orders.


Watching them come crashing down like waves, Parisect, who was on the wall of Antioch, stared at the battlefield with cold eyes.

"Who is the vanguard of the enemies? Can you find out?"

"I'm sorry, I honestly don't know."

Parisect asks a question to one of the soldiers with exceptionally bright eyesight.

However, to his question, the soldier answered with a puzzled expression on his face, and Parisect felt a little skeptical about this and asked him.

"Why? You can't recognize the Vanguard from this distance, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. However… I really don't know. I have never seen such a general on the vanguard, with such a suit and with such a weapon."

A figure of a warrior holding a great sword with his whole body covered in black armor.

Behind him, about 100 demons who seemed to be his direct subordinates were chasing after him, but even through this, the soldier failed to recognize who the enemy's vanguard was.

The vanguard of enemies who are considered to be newcomers they see for the first time under the circumstances.

And in response to this, Parisect's face, who was preparing for a difficult battle, began to show a slight sense of relief.

'Fortunately, I am not a famous general like Samson, and the fact that such people like bison did not come out as spearheads might be the key to bringing victory.'

If the enemy's vanguard could be handled lightly, the enemy's momentum would also be easily broken.

In that respect, the fact that he was a newcomer who did not know where the enemy's vanguard came from could be said to be a very positive thing from Parisect's point of view.

'If you're a guy with little war experience, it's bound to be easy to fall into a panic. Then the enemies will fall by themselves.'

As soon as he made that decision, Parisect immediately gave orders to the soldiers as the commander-in-chief.

"Initiate the attack! Drop those filthy demons into Hell!"

Parisect's command finally fell

As a result, the soldiers immediately began to launch ready-made attacks on the demons running in front of them.


The goal is, of course, the vanguard of the enemy who is running from the front.

Countless arrows from the castle began to fly towards them almost precisely.

That deathly heavy rain, reminiscent of rain.

A rain of sharp arrows made of steel and imbued with magical powers would strike the enemy's vanguard and inflict serious damage.

By the way…



In an instant, the scene that started to come into the eyes of the Antioch soldiers.

Despite the distance,

At this moment, in their eyes, the black energy standing on the greatsword of the one who saw the vanguard was clearly visible.

Even though we are so far apart, we feel an unknown sense of intimidation.

While exuding such a ferocious look, the vanguard swung his bayonet towards the rain of arrows that flew towards them.


- Pot!

A flash of black flashing in an instant.

The blow that stretched out with a force that seemed to rip through the sky struck the rain of arrows that were pouring down on the demons as it was.

"What.. what..?"

"Uh… how could that… "

A blow that erases countless deadly stems in an instant.

In that shocking scene, the soldiers of Antioch…

And their captain, Parisect

In an instant, I began to feel the sensation of freezing my whole body.

The shock that the attack that I thought would have worked was vanished in vain.

It placed a heavy fear upon their minds, which began to paralyze the reason that enabled them to act quickly.


"ね! Everyone calm down! If the arrow doesn't work, prepare your magic! As soon as they come into range, I will bombard them!"

"Ah… b… yes!"

"Okay, General!"

The soldiers managed to recover their minds and prepare to attack again.

Although the magic corps, which was made up of wizards and priests, could not completely escape from the shock caused by the scene just before, they began to move their bodies forcibly and prepare for magic.

A colorful magic circle drawn in front of their hands,

fire and ice, Spheres of wind and divine power.

Although the range was shorter than that of an arrow, it contained tremendous firepower that was incomparable to that of an arrow.


The magic pours out straight ahead along with Parisect's orders.

And at this moment, even though I didn't say anything about it,

The target of these countless magical attacks is the vanguard who just threw down the arrows.

There was only one person.

A focused attack triggered by fear of the target.

Their instinctive fear of destroying them as quickly as possible forced them to unleash a single attack capable of wiping out dozens or even a hundred or more.

By the way…


"What… what?"

The vanguard who jumps straight up into the sky and runs towards the magic that flies towards him.

At this incomprehensible action, the faces of the soldiers in Antioch began to be gripped with questions and unknown intimidation.

Instead of avoiding the flying magic bombardment, rather than avoiding the flying magic bombardment, anyone rushing towards it would be considered crazy.


In an instant, a word popped into their heads.

'no way… '

An accident caused by the shock of a scene that has already been seen.


As if responding to their thoughts, the vanguard swung the sword he was holding and swung it towards the magic that was flying towards him.



A loud explosion that resounds in an instant.

Immediately after that, the soldiers' eyes began to see the black-armored monster descending to the ground again without a single wound and continuing to take its dreadful steps towards this side.

A scene incomparable to the black flash of arrows just before.

This gave the soldiers a chilling sensation as if cold daggers were being pierced into their chests.

A single person neutralizes a bombardment that can inflict effective blows on an army unit.

As a result, the soldiers instantly felt their whole heart shrink, and at the same time, they automatically began to recall one fact.

"I… Maybe that's... "

"ah… no no sure Although the color of the armor is different... That's obviously… "

A scene that will never disappear from the minds of those who have fought countless wars until now.

The only existence that can show that kind of power just by swinging a sword...

They knew only one.

"mind… Devil… ?"

EP.40 I have no luck these days.

Asmodian female warrior Rebecca.

She has purple hair and small freckles on her face,

She wasn't ugly, but

A person with a modest appearance that cannot be called a beauty because of that.


Apart from this ordinary appearance,

Rebecca has been thinking lately that her being has been born with a truly unfortunate fate.

Rebecca was assigned to the regular army of demons in recognition of her outstanding skills as a warrior.


Rebecca confirmed the unit she belonged to with high expectations.

A sentence came to mind automatically.

'It's fucked up..'

The commander of the unit to which she belongs.

He was not the famous demon general like Samson or Saul that she expected.

human warrior

Ellen Saver.

A person who originally belonged to a warrior party that attempted to assassinate His Majesty the Demon King, but succumbed to the Demon King's overwhelming force and became his subordinate.

Rebecca was one of the soldiers recruited as a subordinate of such a hero in this war.

In addition, as an added bonus, he was the only one among his 100 colleagues to be instructed to work as a lieutenant of the hero.

A hero who is not a trusted commander, but a character who may literally have a dragon inside him.

hear the rumors

According to the report, there was a story that although he has considerable combat power, he is quite greedy for his major, and depending on the situation, he has to hire his own soldiers to do this.

An existence that has been circulating that it may annihilate them all.

The fact that a person who can't have any trust like that became his boss...

Even the fact that he has become a lieutenant who has to assist such a person right next to him,

He was making Rebecca automatically print out the words of lament in her head.

'I didn't do anything wrong.. How did my life turn out to be so crazy...? '

He is from a different race, and even the rumors that follow are not very good.

In addition, through yesterday's meeting, he even assumed the position of the most honorable and most dangerous vanguard of the vanguard.

As a result, Rebecca is at the forefront of the front line with an unbelievable boss in front of her.

In this shitty situation,

From the beginning of the march, Rebecca was, in effect, half-resigned, making up her mind to accept her fate as it was...

As a result,

this moment right now,

She was naturally coming up with the idea that she would die with a 100% chance.

A rain of countless arrows in front of my eyes.

As she watched the torrential rain falling down this way across the sky, Rebecca began to think that this might be her grave.

'This is it... Fuck. It's a situation where it's okay to say.'

Feeling deeply regretful that she fell without being able to swing her sword like that, Rebecca tried to accept death as it was with an expression that she knew this would happen.

By the way…

"Everyone, bow your head."


The calm voice of the hero suddenly heard.

Rebecca and her colleagues felt the question of what would make a difference if they did, but at first, they bowed their heads in accordance with the command.

right after that...

- Pot!


A sudden flash of black flash.

The intense black light that was recognizable even when she turned her head down, gave Rebecca and her colleagues a sudden and shocking feeling.

And right after that...

As the black flash disappeared, their eyes raised their heads to see the figure of a warrior who had erased the countless arrows that had just flew in an instant.

The figure of the hero showing off his fighting power beyond what he had imagined, and moving forward as if nothing had happened.

At that time, Rebecca and others were feeling embarrassed and surprised by that fact.


"Damn it, this time it's magic!"

The attack of enemies rushing towards this side again.

Watching the magic attack with more power than the rain of arrows fly away,

Rebekke and others began to think of a definite death that would only lead to this time.

By the way…


"Yo.. Hero!?"

In the next moment, the figure of the hero leaping lightly towards the magic that was flying this way.

At this, Rebecca's face still had a deep expression of surprise.

For a moment, Rebekke began to even think that the hero was about to commit suicide.

But in the circumstances that followed.

The hero swung his sword towards the pouring magic storm, as if ridiculing her prediction.



A loud explosion sound is heard.

The enormous wave of magical power pouring out from the warrior's sword literally erased the magic attack that had fallen on this side.

"this… what... "

"I knew I was strong. Hopefully it will be like this... "

Rebecca and the soldiers look blankly at the hero's shocking blow.

At that time, looking at them like that, the hero spoke in a calm voice as if nothing had happened.

"What are you standing blank for? Come on, let's advance. We can't keep the troops behind us waiting."

"you… Yeah? ah… you… yes!"

The soldiers, who had a blank expression on their faces at the hero's resolute instruction, began to march again.

The fact that they can recognize that now is an opportunity when the enemy's attacks are lessened thanks to the hero's activity.

So, for some reason, the demons advanced to Antioch with all their might, leading a body that felt lighter than usual.

Meanwhile, while traveling with colleagues like that.

Rebecca suddenly began to realize one thing.

'no way… Did the hero just protect us?'

A hero who quickly blew away the enormous offensive that was flying towards this side by simply swinging his sword.

It didn't seem like a person with that kind of power would risk their life from arrows or magic.

If you use defensive magic or use evasion techniques, you can definitely ignore that much attack.



He dared to attack by swinging his sword.

The countless attacks that were flying towards Rebecca and the soldiers were erased even by using enormous power.

He didn't know how much power the hero possessed, but the power contained in the last blow was not normal at first glance.

A power that might blow even the gates away if you aim well.

But he…

A warrior of human origin,

To protect themselves rather than to build such a splendid achievement with this power,

It was used for the demon soldiers who became his subordinates.

while recognizing that fact.

Rebecca began to think that the evaluation of the hero she had so far was wrong.

'perhaps… He may be a better person than I thought... '


beings running towards them.

The appearance of that 'Demon King' wearing black armor and holding a great sword started to lower the morale of the Antioch soldiers to the bottom.

"mind… Devil… I mean.."

"The monster is here… "

"right… we're done There is no way that we can defeat the Demon King who has easily defeated even the brave!"

Soldiers who vomit their lamentations in despair without filtering

Seeing them like this, General Parisect himself also began to be gripped with a heavy fear.

'The Demon King... After all, the strongest enemy of the Tribal Union has appeared before us, isn't it? shit… Why is this unfortunate thing happening to me... '

I don't know if it's another enemy. Regarding the appearance of the Demon King, even Parisect had no choice but to feel a sense of despair.

The strongest monster that even the 3 generals of the Empire, who are said to be able to produce corps-level power alone, cannot answer 1:1.

I heard that only a hero can fight against such a demon king 1:1, but even such a hero has long since passed away to the other world at the hands of the demon king.

The fact that such a being is now running towards you with a weapon was terrifying in itself...

Nevertheless, after trying to somehow regain consciousness, Parisect began to shout in an urgent voice.

"What… what are you doing! Come on shoot! Keep attacking until he's down!"

His voice resounded, his throat ripped open, barely swallowing fear.

At this, the soldiers somehow tried to grab the bowstring and the magic staff again.


"eww… uh... "

At this moment, they could hardly use the weapon in their hand normally.

The overwhelming fear that grips their hearts.

The fear that even if they tried their best to launch an attack, it wouldn't work for that demon lord anyway,

And at the same time, the fear of 'death' coming towards them.

It was arousing the feeling that the soldiers wanted to turn around and run away at any moment.


Seeing the soldiers stiffened due to such extreme despair,

General Parisect came to the conclusion that he had no choice but to resort to extreme means.


"Heh heh heh!!!!



In the next moment, a single soldier whose neck escaped from the sword wielded by General Parisect.

The soldiers began to be engulfed in shock as if they were pouring cold water on their comrades who had died, spilling blood next to them.

To them, General Parisect said in a cold voice.


If we step back, we will all die in a way worse than this. So, choose. Will you die here at my hands? if not

Will you fight for justice in the name of the Tribal Union until the end?"

Parisect shouting out with a face covered in blood.

Due to his actions, the soldiers, who were in chaos, had no choice but to forcibly recover their minds.

"I have to stop the enemies!"

"After all, we have nowhere to retreat!"

"I'm sorry, but it's late."



Suddenly someone's cold voice is heard.

Therefore… The faces of Parisect and the soldiers who were there began to be colored with contemplation.

A being standing between them in a certain gap.

A symbol of fear wearing black armor and holding a black bayonet...

The Demon King was there.

EP.41 The captivating story of giving the world everything

"mind… It's the Demon King!"

"The Demon King has appeared here!"

The soldiers reacted violently when they saw me leaping over the fortress wall taking advantage of the chaos.

However, I couldn't help but feel a strange feeling when I heard the name 'Demon King' coming out of their mouths.

'You're the Demon King... This is a little unexpected reaction.'

It certainly shows great fighting power, but the fact that I was listening to the demon lord with the body of a former hero was starting to feel a bit awkward.

But apart from this fact, there is no need to talk about that I am not the Demon King here.

And at the same time…

A good idea began to come to my mind in relation to the fact that they considered me a demon lord.

'It wasn't planned, but since I'm hearing what the Demon King is saying, should I give it a little more oil?'


The figure of the Demon King wearing black armor in front of him.

The appearance of a monster that made their heart shudder just by looking at it, the soldiers were engulfed in deep panic.

despair and despair,

And the soldiers struggling with the fear of death.

at that time,

in their ears

Even in this situation, the voice of the only person who has not yet been broken began to be heard.

"Everyone's mind

Dress up! No matter how powerful I am, there is only one! He can become a hero of the continent by simply taking that bastard's head, and with him

Families will be given wealth and high posts to feed from generation to generation! You can get everything you want in this world

That is!"

the greatest desire a person has

Wealth, fame, power.

Parisect's impulse to hold everything in one hand.

In the hearts of the soldiers, who were drowning in fear and confusion, they began to feel a huge desire rising to cover these emotions in an instant.

'that… okay… No matter how powerful I am, he is alone anyway.'

'If you die this way, die that way, if you die before the devil's head, it will be of great help to the family in your hometown.'

'In a way, this is an opportunity. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!'

In fact, during the siege, the first soldiers to arrive at the wall were to be given generous prizes and rewards.

It was because there was such a lustful background that the soldiers could run madly toward the fortress wall in the midst of flying arrows and fireballs.

and at this moment,

Parisect succeeded in setting a fire in the name of desire by inducing a similar method to the psychology of the soldiers who were gripped by fear.

"You evil demon lord! Kill you and get the prize money... No, I will achieve peace on the continent!"

"Careful! I will show you the power of the Allied Forces of our race!"

The soldiers overcame their fears through bathing in water, pointed their spears at the demon king, and shouted proudly.

Driven by that momentum, Parisect said while looking at the demon king in front of him with his spear drawn out.

"You don't even need an honorable battle! According to the will of God, I will put an end to this place, Demon King!"

There was no room for even considering a fair 1:1 match between the warriors.

The important thing is that if you take the demon king's head by any means in this place, everything will be over.

If that happens, Parisect was well aware that he could become the best hero who saved the continent, not just the three knights of the Empire.

'If it's 1:1, of course there's no chance of winning. But, if me and the other soldiers, who are very slightly short of the 3 knights, join forces, maybe... '

I didn't know if that would actually be possible.

However, at this moment, Parisect was in a situation in which even himself was half deceived by the words he had told his soldiers.

Wealth, fame, power.

He decided to roll the dice on the gamble of a lifetime where he could get everything he wanted in this world.

"Kill him!"


At the same time as Parisect's orders, the soldiers rushed in with their weapons.

Only the elite troops who served as escorts were concentrated around the parisect, the head of this place.

use magic

There were dozens, if not all, of warriors who had reached a point where they could enhance their weapons and improve their physical abilities.

He tried to wield a sword attack that could split rocks and crush steel against the demon king.

at that time.

"Ha ha… "

The next moment, the Demon King begins to condense enormous magical power into the jet-black great sword he was holding.

in one moment

The strange presence felt the soldiers instinctively started to be seized with something eerie sensation, but nevertheless, they

Parisect began to rush towards the Demon King, ignoring those feelings.



The Demon King who thrusts a sword like a pillar of black light with condensed magical power down to the ground.

At the same time,

In the area around the place where the Demon King was standing, a huge wave of magical power began to erupt in an instant along with a huge vortex.

"this… This!"

"Oh shit… !"

A blow from the Demon King that contains immense power that cannot be resisted like a tidal wave.

The storm of tremendous energy began to strike Parisect and his soldiers as it was.



In the next moment, a wave of terrifying pain begins to wrap around their entire body.

In the sensation of slashing through their entire body with a blade, Parisect managed to radiate magical energy and begin to protect himself.

"damn! You filthy demon lord, oh my gosh!!"

In the waves of pain, the Parisect moves forward with her teeth clenched.

Even in a storm of winds that seemed to be four times stronger than the worst pain he had ever experienced, he managed to straighten his spear and stood up.

"To this extent… me like this!! Don't think you can knock it down!!!"

With those words, the parisect kicks off the ground with all its might and moves forward

The pain that gets stronger with every step I take

Even in the midst of it, he did not stop walking, staring straight at the demon king in front of him.

'Never fall here! never! I'm going to knock you down here! Wealth, fame and power! For everything I want!!'

The figure of General Parisect, who shows off his transcendent will while burning his purely snobbish desires.

Seeing this, the faces of the soldiers, who were unable to stand up, let alone advance in extreme pain, automatically began to show a deep sense of respect.

'Really, General Parisect! For the sake of peace on the continent, even like that... '

'You're fundamentally different from guys like us! That steel will... It must have come from a sense of mission that surpasses worldly desires!'

That's when the soldiers began to feel the nobility of a warrior from the figure of Parisect who spared no effort to advance his body like that...


"… ."

At last, through the storm, Parisect arrived at the place where the Demon King was.

Then, with all his might, he swung his spear towards the place where the demon king was, and the demon king quickly pulled out the sword embedded in the ground and lifted it up.



The sword of the demon king that blocks the spear of the parisect with a sharp sound.

At the same time, the storm that the demon king was emitting disappeared in an instant,

At this, Parisect shouted with a sharp voice, even in the pain that did not go away.

"Now! Get it done!"

"ah… yes! General!"

Soldiers rushing to the Demon King as if they were covered in cold water at Parisect's command.

This moment, when their captain is holding the demon king, was seen as a golden opportunity for the soldiers as well.

"You dirty demon! This will be your grave!"

"For unity!!!"

Swords and spears pouring down towards the Demon King from all directions.

Although each one of those blows containing magical power was not very strong, as many people gathered their strength to launch the attack, their destructive power was at a level that could never be underestimated.

'Good! Got it!'

'This is the end of the Demon King!'

The soldiers were confident of victory, believing that they would be able to defeat the defenseless demon king with certainty.

By the way…

-Put it in!

"!? uh?"

In the next moment, the power of the demon king, which suddenly began to increase rapidly, and the face of Parisect, who was holding his sword with all his might, began to be colored with contemplation as it was.



As it is, while pushing back the spear of the Parisect, the great sword that is swung with a terrifying force.

The enormous wave of power emanating from there futilely bounced off Parisect's body, which was barely holding on to the demon king, and fell to the floor.

At the same time, the soldiers rushing towards the Demon King were also swept away by the shock wave and collapsed like a group.

"Heh heh heh!"

"Ugh… "

The soldiers were thrown on the floor in an instant.

Without paying any attention to them,

The Demon King began to slowly approach the place where the Parisect was lying on the floor.

"ね… Do you want to sit down like this... like this?"

Seeing such a demonic figure, Parisect gets up from his seat with difficulty even in pain.

Even in this situation, Parisect stared at the demon king standing in front of him with his eyes burning with desire.

He was already well aware that his odds were hopelessly small.

However, as a body that had already decided to gamble, Parisect was ready to confide in even the last remaining fairy tale.

'I have no choice but to gather all my remaining strength and launch a blow. Yes, it's no use, but... Even then, you can never give up until the very end!'

With such determination, Parisect gathers all the remaining magical power to the tip of the spear.

Despite the fact that he was already in an abnormal physical state, he was captured by the sensation of being unconscious for an instant as he used force forcibly.

However, in the midst of that, Parisect kept his concentration until the end and aimed his spear at the demon king in front of him.

It contains the iron-like final will achieved through a strong desire for power, fame, and wealth.

"Die, Demon King!!"

With a sharp cry, the spear left Parisect's hand and flew to the Demon King.


Although it contains considerable power,

Despite the strong will in it,

Parisect's instinct was already known.

That the blow he flew would only bounce off the Demon King in vain.

It means that no matter what you do with your own power, you cannot defeat the author.

I definitely thought it would be...


"… .?! uh?"

EP.42 Defeated the Demon King... Me?

scene in front of your eyes

The first emotion that it brought to Parisect was embarrassment.

The Demon King who was stabbed by the spear he threw out by squeezing his last power.

The blow that I thought would be easily deflected was...

It succeeded in breaking the parisect's expectations and stabbing the demon king's side as it was.

"ね! Yes... you dare... !"

The Demon King speaks in a voice that feels pain.

As soon as he heard his voice, Parisect was relieved of his embarrassment and began to be captured by the emotion of deep ecstasy.

'Sur... Did I really do it? My blow... Did you really injure the Demon King?'

It was still unbelievable even after he had committed it.

However, despite this, Parisect began to raise his voice involuntarily in the deep joy that was immediately rushing in.

"Ma.. the Demon King is injured!!! This parisect-nim put a spear into the demon king's body!!!"

A parisect that didn't even have the energy to lift a finger with the blow from the other day.

However, the intense emotion of joy was enough to make him utter the loudest cheers he had ever uttered.

And immediately after hearing his voice

The soldiers who were there felt a deep thrill and began to get up from their seats hurriedly.

"Pa.. General Parisect, the Demon King?"

"Now is your chance! Kill him right now!"

A momentary gap revealed by the Demon King, who was demonstrating his overwhelming power.

At this, the soldiers showed their eyes turned over and immediately began to run towards the Demon King with their swords drawn.

Thinking that if it were now, he would be able to take that demon king's head.

With the expectation that if that happens, they will be able to obtain everything they have dreamed of.

By the way...



In the next moment, a sharp roar erupted from the demon king's mouth.

At the same time, the waves of power that erupted from his body as if exploding, and the soldiers who rushed towards the Demon King with their eyes turned overturned were unable to advance for a moment.



However, in the midst of this, the soldiers burn with a tremendous desire and attempt to attack the Demon King as it is.

Fortunately, perhaps because of their reduced fighting power due to injuries, the Demon King didn't seem to be able to completely block their movements, unlike before.

The soldiers who arrived at the place where the demon king was with the theft that could be reached by swinging the sword like that.

At the same time, their faces began to show a deep emotion of greed for a moment,

Then, they tried to wield their swords at the demon king in front of them with their intense desire.

But then...

"Kuh uh ahhhhhh!!"


Sudden screams of pain from behind.

The soldiers' eyes were reflexively focused on that direction, and soon their faces began to harden as they are.

"Uh… how did the demons get here?!"

"ね! Are you the Demon King's bodyguard? These guys are pretty strong!"

A group of demons suddenly intruded.

Although the number was not so large, about 100 people,

For a moment, the soldiers were unable to respond to the subsequent raid in a situation where they were preoccupied with the demon king and began to suffer great damage.

That's when the eyes of the soldiers moved to the demons who attacked as they were.

"Kuh uh ahhhhhh!!"

"!! mind… The Demon King is running away!"

A demon king who wields a sword wildly with a spear stuck in his side.

After mercilessly chopping down the soldiers blocking the way, he immediately joined the guards running to rescue him and started to escape.

"Oh, no!!"

"Stop him! Whether you shoot arrows or throw magic, block them unconditionally!"

The soldiers and General Parisect shouted urgently for a moment.

However, before they could take any action, the Demon King and his men quickly jumped over the walls of Antioch and escaped as the ebb was flowing.

Although arrows and magic flew towards him belatedly, it was impossible to catch them who had already left the castle.

In the end, the Demon King and his subordinates disappeared from the sight of Parisect as they were, and he and the soldiers began to feel like they had lost all the fish they caught in front of their eyes, and they began to be captivated by deep regret.

By the way…

"Come on, General!! Look over there!"

"! this… this!"

Immediately thereafter,

Parisect and his men began to be gripped with a deep shock by their belated discoveries.

A scene that gave a heavy shock enough to push away the regret of missing the Demon King.


Somehow, it was the appearance of the demon legions reaching the front of the fortress wall and attacking from all directions.

A large army of demons that quickly narrowed the distance while Parisect and the commanders were fascinated by the appearance of the demon king.

As a result of the brief paralysis of the chain of command, the demons who reached the wall without any significant damage jumped up the wall with a terrifying force and began to attack.

"damn! That dirty demon lord! How dare you use such a trick!"

Instead of climbing a ladder, demons who can fly a short distance by spreading their hidden wings.

Seeing the demons coming over the fortress from all over the place, Parisect began to issue orders urgently, even though it felt a bit late.

"Immediately, activate the fire barrier that the wizards have prepared for you! We must stop their offensive even for a moment!"

"yes! General!"

"Go and get all the reserve forces out! I can't afford to worry about this or that now! Either way, we have to stop the enemies for just one day!"

"Oh, I see, General!"

Parisect conducts the best he can even in the midst of extreme fatigue.

Although the Demon King's tactics put him in a position where he had to pour out his trump card, nevertheless, he did not give up on the current situation.

As he did not gamble on the position of protecting the most important base of Antioch, Parisect continues to issue orders while calculating the war situation in his head even in unfavorable circumstances.

It was difficult for him to even keep his mind, let alone a direct battle, due to the previous battle, but nevertheless, he did his best to operate the troops without failing to fulfill his duty as the commander of this place until the end.

It dispatches reinforcements immediately to the necessary places, and in case of an emergency, it activates the prepared magic to block the intrusion of enemies.

Although he was united with desire, his skills were genuine, and, moreover, the enormous will that came from that desire in question was never at a level to be taken lightly.

In that way, Parisect and his soldiers are continuing a fierce battle while rectifying the messy front.

But at this moment,

In Parisect's head, along with the situation of dynamism, the calculations were running fast as the battle of today was over and the situation that would continue in the future.

'Right now, the

I got caught up in a ruse and was blown away, but hope hasn't completely disappeared yet. He took damage, but anyway, I gave my hand to the Demon King.

He seriously wounded him and made him run away. then… Even if Antioch falls tomorrow, the means to turn the situation around


The Demon King, the enemy's most important power.

If it were known that he had appeared here and was injured at the same time, there must have been a lot of people who would move after this situation.

Based on that fact, Parisect sent some of his men out of the castle to tell the news even in the midst of the battle.

In order to attract as many hunters as possible, using a prey that is difficult to refuse, the injured demon king, as bait.


"Get out of here! Here are the wounded!"

The hero and his direct subordinates returned to the camp with a spear stuck in his side.

At the forefront of this was Rebecca, who was calling the army with an urgent voice while supporting the hero who had passed out.

A warrior who perfectly defended himself from the enemy's offensive and then jumped right into the middle of the enemy base and caused extreme confusion.

As a result of the hero taking care of both defense and aggro, Rebecca and the vanguard were able to easily jump up the fortress wall without taking any damage, raid the enemies and collect their achievements.

However, as a result of such an unreasonable move, the hero suffered such serious injuries from the attacks of his enemies.

A warrior who burned himself to protect his subordinates and even gave them a chance to set the ball.

The soldiers, including Rebecca, were shocked by the devotion of the captain, who originally had only doubts and anxiety.

This led them to a situation where they brought the wounded warrior to the infirmary and urgently looked for a surgeon, even though no one ordered it.

and after a while,

The surgeon, who arrived at the scene in a hurry, began to examine the condition of the hero as it was.

A surgeon who removes the spear from his side and heals his wounds with magic.

Rebecca couldn't help but watch the situation, restless as she watched his work progressing with a rather serious expression.

Contrary to my initial suspicion,

A warrior who literally showed devotion to them as a true leader.

The thought that she might have to leave without even saying an apology to such a person was burning her heart.

'Never... You must never go back like this. We've always doubted you... If you fall like this without even making an apology for that... '

In such an anxious mood, Rebecca and the demon soldiers are desperately waiting for their captain to wake up.


That moment…

The hero who kept his eyes closed while receiving treatment from the military...

Actually, he wasn't seriously injured.

The hero who was not even losing his mind,

He was sweating a little and feeling a bit uncomfortable.

'damn… what to do I pretended to be moderately injured, tricked my enemies, fell back, and tried to get up, but I missed the right time to get up.'

EP.43 Now... let's start harvesting

After treatment and examination of the warrior,

Coming out of the barracks where he was lying, Rebecca and the men began to listen to the military's words with mixed expressions of concern.


As a result, the spear puncture wasn't much of a problem. Nevertheless, the unconscious is probably all at once.

It is most likely due to the use of too much magical power. Don't worry, you'll wake up soon enough."

"That… is it?"

"Whoa… "

Fortunately, Rebecca and her colleagues express relief at the level of diagnosis that says they will get better with a little rest.

However, apart from this fact, at this moment, their feelings of regret for the hero were already deeply ingrained in their hearts.

'Til we were overworked like that... '

'There have been many longevity so far, but no one has thrown himself up to protect his subordinates so thoroughly.'

'I heard that one day people will meet someone who will serve as their master... But is that really a hero?'

So, instead of worrying and feeling bad about the hero, the demon soldiers began to re-evaluate him.

Of course, as it is the first battle, it is still too early to make a decision, but at least it was a fact that a lot of the prejudice that I had in terms of being human was diluted.


After all the people who were guarding me finally left, I slowly opened my eyes and looked around.

'Fortunately, I didn't wake up all of a sudden and make the atmosphere awkward.'

Of course, technically speaking, such awkwardness could be overcome moderately, but because of the urgency of the subordinate demons, I was swept away by the atmosphere without realizing it.

But apart from this difficult part,

Anyway, with this, I started to feel a deep sense of accomplishment as I remembered that I had successfully accomplished all the goals I was supposed to work on.

'Unexpectedly, thanks to them recognizing me as the Demon King, things have become easier. If this happens, they will surely start to glow more excitedly to catch this Demon Lord.'

To be honest, I was able to take Antioch sufficiently through the recent raid.

Of the over 7,000 troops of Antioch, there were only a few hundred who were there.

Through his exceptional fighting power, I could tell that the guy who threw the spear was the commander who guarded this place.

If he and his subordinates were completely eliminated, it was clear that the defenders whose command system had collapsed would crumble to pieces.

'If that were the case, perhaps by the hardline generals including Samson, the banners of demons would have been hung on the walls of Antioch within today... '

A battle that was expected to take about two to three days in just one day… A situation that could have been completed in half a day.


Such a cool and refreshing result.

I knew very well that it was something I had to avoid as much as possible in my current position.

'It would be troublesome if Antioch had already fallen off. It's hard to drag for too long, but at least today... No matter how late, you have to endure until tomorrow to achieve your goal with certainty.'

At first glance, the army of demons seems to be doing their best to occupy Antioch.

This was the part that Samson and his generals who were actually here thought so too, and that was the conclusion reached at the previous meeting.


At this moment, among all the people belonging to the Demon King's Army,

Only I knew the secrets contained within.

Even in this and that way, the role of the troops here is only a bait to the last.

My role is to give 'hope' to the enemies...

As an added bonus, it was enough to infuse the emotion of 'desire'.

After all, the 'real' is not me.

Because Elias and our 'real' will be in charge.

'Now then, come quickly, come quickly, because here this Demon King is injured and collapsed. I want you to go all-in here by robbing even the last person you can.'


Timothy, the territory of demons occupied by the Tribal Union.

The general, Memnon, who is in charge of the temporary lord there, could not hide his excitement when he heard the report of the messenger of Antioch running in front of him.

"What… what? Did that demon really appear in Antioch?"

"yes! General, according to the news I heard just before I left, the Demon King was even seriously injured by General Parisect's spear."

"Oh oh… General Parisect?"

Memnon couldn't hide his excitement at the messenger's words.

Regarding this, the manager standing next to him spoke in a voice filled with urgency.

"General Memnon, then, wouldn't it be impossible for us to be like this too? If that is true, now is the best chance to end this damn war."

"Well! I think so too. As the supply situation worsened, it was just an ice sheet to live on every day, but I didn't expect an opportunity like this to arise."

After Rob was attacked, Memnon's troops were barely poking around while procuring food from Antioch.

To them, the news that the demon king, the leader of the enemies, had appeared and was even wounded, felt like a strand of gold that came down from a dangerous situation.

"Isn't this a war that will end if we just cut off the enemies' heads anyway?"

"As long as we do our best to subdue the Demon King, there is no reason to worry about food anymore."

"General, give the order, the warden will go and take the demon king's head!"

At an opportunity that started to show up in the car, whose nerves had been sharpened due to hunger and tighter living conditions, those who were there began to cry in an urgent voice with their eyes half-turned.

And so was Memnon, who had the responsibility to lead them.

"You don't have to! I will go out on my own. Now that this is the case, there is no reason to waste time by sending only a few troops, I will lead the entire army from Timothy to Antioch!"

"yes! General!"

"I will obey the will of the general!"

General Memnon declares with a resolute will and the greed underlying it.

The soldiers who were there also burned with desire and obeyed his orders.

"It is only a one-day drive from here to Antioch. If you run all night, you will be able to get there by tomorrow."

"First of all, lead the fast-moving horse cavalry and move. In the meantime, if Antioch is occupied, it will be in trouble."

"Good idea. Anyway, as long as the Demon King personally participated, they wouldn't even care about areas other than Antioch. We will arrive as soon as possible and focus on killing the Demon King!"

Memnon and his men immediately started moving with all available troops.

Although the castle defense and the finishing touches were not neat because the movement started so quickly, nevertheless, Memnon and his soldiers could not afford to pay attention to this fact.

If you catch the Demon King anyway, the war will end.

Their idea was to focus on the tangible goal for now.

And this moment...

Many lords from all over the occupied territory of the Demon Kingdom began to lead their entire army and go on an expedition, thinking similar to Memnon's corps.

The desire to become a hero of the continent by beating the head of the injured demon king.

In addition, the idea that this golden opportunity should not be missed has captured the hearts of many people now that it is difficult to hold on for long due to the worsening supply situation anyway...

This results in total

A huge army of 40,000 troops and a force large enough to be the main force of the tribal union in fact, the occupied territory

Leaving it empty resulted in heading to Antioch.

Of course, there were also prudent people who carefully observed the situation and decided to silently defend their territory.

However, at a time when it was difficult to even stand quietly due to the worsening supply situation, the reality was that there were not many people who made such a promising choice.

and this moment.

She was watching all these situations with falcon eyes in the dark.

Elisha, one of the 4 Heavenly Kings of the Demon King's Guard,

Everything is going according to plan...

No, for some reason, they started to feel very excited about the current situation, which is progressing so hotly than they expected.

'I thought that it would definitely be successful as it was a strategy that the hero came up with and Mama materialized it... Anyway, didn't this draw aggro too well?'

It was a situation that raised concerns that Samson and the hero would be in danger if things happened like this.

However, in any case, the fact that things are progressing smoothly as planned was a very good thing from the Demon Kingdom's point of view.

Immediately after grasping the situation, Elisa quickly returned to the 'main camp' to which she belonged, and immediately started posting a report on the current situation.

"okay? Does this mean that the Tribal Allied Forces have started moving as planned?"

"yes! That's right!"

"It looks like our scheme is working. If not, let me start working right away."

Elias spoke with a cold smile on his lips.

About this,

She spoke to her subordinates in a calm, yet unconcealable voice.

"okay… That would be it. The fruit must have been ripe... Let's start harvesting in earnest."

She pulls out the sword she was wearing along with the horse...

Looking at the deep purple sword standing in it,

She is…

I left hoping for everyone to take the head.

The 'real' demon king

Slowly, she began to show a lively smile on the corner of her beautiful and terrifying lips.

EP.44 In a situation like this, there's no way the demons can stand up.


About two days north of Antioch, this place was caught up in a rather serene atmosphere, unlike before.

"Hey Kane, how are you?"

"Anyway, of course, it was empty here as well, and all those who could mobilize were taken away, leaving only one or two lucky enough to be like me."

"Actually, you've always been lucky enough to get into something like this because it's amazing."

Soldiers sitting leisurely by the bonfire.

They were currently tasked with defending the eastern and western sides of Philemon's city, respectively, but now they put that task down and were sitting leisurely, sipping a glass of wine.

"By the way, Lost, are we okay with this? Anyway, I'm at work for now, but sitting around drinking like this is a bit... "

"How are you? After all, there is no reason for demons to appear here in this kind of situation."

"It is, but… "

"Hey, don't worry. If I worry about it uselessly, it will only taste worse. And even if the demons really come, there is nothing we can do alone, right?"

"Ummm… "

Soldier Kane is finally forced to agree to the words of a cowardly cowardly pecking comrade.

So he ate the little bird that was being roasted over the bonfire, trying to shake off this still unsatisfying feeling.

Generals who led the entire army and set out under the pretext of capturing the Demon King and ending the war.

Now that most of the troops that were originally guarding this place have left.

In fact, the few soldiers who remained formally were in this relaxed atmosphere.

In the process, he carried most of his food, but he did not bring a barrel of wine because it would unnecessarily interfere with the march and battle.

In the end, these were the circumstances that belonged to the soldiers who remained intact.

In fact, the soldiers are filling the shortage of food with alcohol.

In any case, while rejoicing at the fact that I was able to put something in my mouth in such a short amount of time, as an added bonus, while enjoying the relaxation in a situation where the tension that had been maintained for a long time was relieved to the fullest,

Even so, the number of soldiers who were too small to do so had completely thrown away the security work.


Watching them like this,

At some point, I entered the castle,

Now they are slowly appearing in the dark

I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of emptiness in this current situation, which was more bland than I had expected.

"I kind of expected it, but… It's a little too vain, isn't it?'

"That's right. How much blood we spilled to defend this way. I don't think I'll ever get it back in vain... "

In the past, as a result of the battle here in Philemon, the demons lost 2,000 troops and had to retreat.

But at this moment.

The demons literally took over this place without spilling a single drop of blood.

Humans who are drunk and sleeping in front of their eyes.

Since these were virtually all of the troops here, all that was left was to properly seize them and take them as prisoners of war.

"Anyway, things aren't over yet, so don't be vigilant and get things done. As soon as the work here is finished, we move on to the next location, leaving only a few troops behind."

"Yes, Commander."

"All right."

At Elias' words, the subordinates did not relax until the very end and grabbed the human soldiers who were still far away.

Immediately after confirming the fact that even the thought that they might suddenly rise up and strike back was meaningless.

Aside from the futility, Elias was delighted that he had captured another castle without any damage to his allies, but he began to wonder why things were going so well.

'I knew that General Samson's troops in Antioch would be the bait, but even so, isn't this a bit harsh? I can't believe that the castles are left unattended while squeezing the troops to this extent... '

The Allied Forces forces are showing an aggressive response that is too aggressive to be considered simply to defeat the invading enemy.

As they swarmed away like a swarm of honey bees, Elias began to wonder if the cunning warrior had done something else.

'We need to find out more about it later, but for now, we don't have time to worry about that. The only thing that matters now is to recover as many territories as possible while the enemies are absent.'

With the doubts in his mind set aside for a while, Elias proceeded with the utmost speed, feeling like a glutton in a quick-eating showdown.

This is because, apart from the doubts in her heart, she has always made the best choice for the Demon Kingdom as an iron rule.




The soldiers vomit a short flurry and die.

Just a few minutes ago, they were grunting saying that demons could not come in. At this moment, they turned into cold corpses with desperate expressions on their faces.

Like a scarecrow being cut down like that, the soldiers die mercilessly without any resistance.

Seeing this, the general Guiltier, who ruled this small town of Enmao, fell to his feet in fear.

"this… Unbelievable… uh… how… how do you... "

A demon warrior wearing purple armor.

Guiltier knew all too well who it was that was holding a sword with a purple energy fluttering in it.

The person who gave him bitter defeat in the past

An existence that can be called a symbol of despair.


The fact that the man who should be fighting the war in the south of Antioch is here now,

Giving up the battle with the Demon King and deciding to protect this place, Guiltier was caught in deep confusion and despair.

The Demon Lord slowly approaching Guiltier.

looking at that

Guiltier didn't even think of having to counterattack with a chama weapon.

I couldn't do anything but tremble and cry.

It wasn't like a simple dread out of fear.

It was because he already knew so well through his experiences so far that he got sick of it.

His attacks do not reach the Demon King.

Meaningless resistance is just a foolish act that adds despair to despair.


looking at him like this.

As if there was no need to use a sword, the Demon King stretched out his finger towards Guiltier.


Immediately after that, I felt a burning pain.

At the same time, seeing the world turned upside down for a moment, Guiltier could see what had happened to him.

Its own head, separated from the body, is flying in the sky.

In his dying consciousness, he once again had one last glimpse of that horrific symbol of horror.

The figure of that monster I never wanted to see even in my dreams...


Strategies and tactics are practically a dignified expression of defrauding the enemy.

However, if you don't risk your life and defeat the enemy in front of you, you'll lose yourself right away...

Furthermore, to the extent that one's family, society, and, in the end, the country collapses,

It could be said that it was one of the characteristics of war that such fraud was taken for granted.

And, depending on the nature of such a war.

At this moment, the Demon King and Elias the corps commander.


To be precise, the 15,000 troops with them.

He succeeded in deceiving not only the tribal union, but also his ally, General Samson, and his troops, and now began to 'harvest' the results at a frightening speed.

The territories they originally occupied, but after a bloody bloody battle, fell into the hands of the Tribal Union.

However, unlike the time when they were so difficultly stolen now, the Demon King and Elias were recovering the lost territories in a very simple and easy way, as if they were literally picking up fruits that had fallen on the floor.

Colossae, a small castle located three days away from Antioch, at the center of the occupied territory of the Tribal Union.

Starting there, the demon king army began to occupy the cities of Timothy, Thessalones, and Corinth one after another without much damage.

Although there were not many battles along the way, nonetheless, compared to the territory occupied, the damage suffered by the Demon Kings was almost at a level.

and… While going through such tremendous things that are extremely vain but the real value is terrifying,

The Demon King began to seriously consider his life until now.

'I hope we can reclaim the territory of our Demon Kingdom in such a simple way, but what about the efforts Jim has made so far... '

Of course, the Demon King's activity was the biggest thing that the Demon Kingdom, which had been swaying in the relentless ramblings of the racial union, was able to withstand it so far.

However, this

In this way, his 'dream', which he had longed for all this time, but thought would never come true, was succeeding too vainly.

While watching, the Demon King naturally had to feel a little emptiness.

But at the same time,

Apart from this feeling of discomfort, it was a bonus that the affinity towards the existence of the hero who actually made all of this possible increased a little more.

'If I come back this time, I'll have to give you a bigger present. It would be better to ask the hero for specifics, but... '

The Demon King who promised to give a reward in response to a big ball.

In this regard, she began to unwittingly blush her face, which no one could see, veiled by her helmet.

For some reason, while feeling doubtful about the fact that he seems to have higher expectations in relation to the reward given to the hero...

EP.45 You worked hard all this time


"damn! Stop the enemies! You must not step back!"

Screams from all directions.

On the battlefield where the voices of the dying soldiers and the soldiers killing their enemies roar,

Parisect and his men were doing everything in their power to stop the enemy's offensive.

Second day of opening.

The battle that started while looking at the morning sun continues until the sun goes down.

Parisect was slowly realizing that their limitations were being shown.

"General… The archer tower located on the outer fortress eventually collapsed."

"The Third Knights have been annihilated. With this, the last knights who remained in the castle were annihilated."

"The enemies are almost breaking down the inner gate. They send the remaining troops to block them, but how long will they last? "

In fact, a desperate situation in which most of the available troops were annihilated.


Nevertheless, at this moment Parisect was still maintaining his composure.

"Gather all the remaining soldiers, and by any means you have to stop the enemies from invading the inner city."

"Yes, I understand, General."

"And you guys follow me. I will go and face the enemies myself."

"Are you okay, General? The wounds sustained in the battle with the Demon King have not yet healed."

"Then, if the injury gets worse…"

"Now, what are you talking about? If we can't stop the enemies anyway, we're all dead. In a situation like this, what is so important about injuries like this?"

"ruler… General... "

Parisect speaks with a firm voice.

Seeing him like this, the soldiers once again felt what a true soldier's posture was, and their eyes began to shine in an instant.

"Now, the enemies are near. Who will be with me?"

"The general will also be with the general."

"I will help you, too."

"I'll add even a small amount of strength, General."

In that way, the soldiers seemed to be prepared for the final battle, and were reinforcing their will.

But this moment.

Contrary to the thoughts of the subordinates,

In Parisect's head, there was no resolution for a glorious end.

Currently, he encouraged the soldiers to prepare for battle, not by sentimentality or romance, but by meticulous calculations to the last.

The last force that gathered and pulled up until here, while retreating the front line and giving up some troops.

Recognizing that the time to explode at the optimal timing has finally arrived,

Parisect held up the spear and began to move forward.


Finally, the demons broke through the inner gate and entered.

Looking at them, Parisect raised his voice with his spear crossed.

"For racial unity!"

The defenders of Antioch rushing forward with his dignified declaration.

With the thought that this was the last time, the demons had no choice but to pause for a moment as they exploded their final momentum.

Leaving herself in such an atmosphere, Parisect decisively cuts down demons at the forefront.

Like the heroes in the legend, the soldiers began to move forward with a feeling of being supremely inspired by his dignified appearance.

'okay! Even though he was wounded, he is General Parisect, who kneeled even the demon lord!'

'Follow him, today we are legends!'

The soldiers advancing decisively with the boiling blood of a strong warrior.

Although they were disadvantaged in numbers, their valiant advance, ready to die, succeeded in pushing the demons' forces out of the castle in a moment.

Of course, this is only a flash of a moment to the last.

From an objective point of view, there would be no significant impact on the overall war situation.

By the way…

- Boo woo woo woong!!!!!


At that moment, a huge trumpet sound suddenly came from the north.

At the same time, the demons, who had been showing signs of faltering for a while at the counterattack of the Antioch defense force, began to be gripped by a deep sense of embarrassment.

At this moment, the scene they began to see,

that… It was the appearance of a huge army that filled the northern plains.

"I… that… !"

"damn! After all, the enemy's savior at a time like this!"

Rescue forces of the enemies who arrived at the last minute.

As a result, the demons who had entered the castle began to be engulfed in confusion for a moment.

Seeing this, a deep smile began to appear on the lips of Parisect and his subordinates.

"great! finally!"

"The Salvation Army has arrived! Now we live!"

An enormous force fills the horizon where the sun is setting in the distance.

At this moment, the morale of the soldiers who were ready to die at the appearance of a large force comparable to the demons who entered this place began to skyrocket as if it were the sky.

On the other hand, as he recognized the fact that everything was done according to his own account, a deep smile that could not be hidden began to appear on Parisect's lips.


Fortunately, he showed up just in time, as expected. Now that the rescuers have arrived, all that remains is to come here with them.

It's just killing all the demons. And if you just kill the Demon King who was injured in the process... '

In that way, Parisect begins to be seized by the joy of flying, confident of the brilliant future that will unfold in front of him.

at that time.

"Oh dear… If you like it that much already, it won't be a problem."


In the next moment, a terrifying voice suddenly reached his ear.

He had only heard it briefly once, but nevertheless, at the sound that was firmly engraved in his mind, Parisect turned to the side with a cold expression on his face.

Immediately after that, a familiar existence began to appear in his eyes.

A person with black armor and a black bayonet.

While recognizing who he is,

Parisect began to be seized with the feeling of the spine becoming cold as it is.

"you… You… mind… Devil? Oh no, you must be... He must have been seriously injured... "

The re-appearance of the Demon King, who has never been seen since he retreated the other day.

Parisect and the soldiers who followed him began to be caught in confusion for a moment, but soon after, he recovered his mind as quickly as possible and shouted with a firm voice.

"thing… Don't be scared! Anyway, he's injured anyway! If we are now, we can catch this guy!"

Parisect encourages the soldiers, recalling the memories of barely losing the Demon King the other day.

The soldiers, who were agitated for a while by the appearance of the Demon King, quickly regained their minds and began to burn their will to fight.

"That… yes! He's already been defeated by us once!"

"This time, I will stop you from breathing, Demon King!"

"As long as the reinforcements have arrived anyway, you are the end! Die at our hands right here!"

Soldiers trying to take the Demon King's head with a kind attitude.

Recognizing that the atmosphere had moved here again, Parisect resolutely gave orders to the soldiers.

"I command the entire army! Behead the Demon King right now!"


As his name fell, the soldiers rushed towards the Demon King with their weapons.

Originally, he wanted to come forward, but Parisect needed to take a breather for a while because he had to fight an injury that still did not recover.

'No matter how much he was injured, he wouldn't be able to defeat the Demon King with their skills anyway. It's enough if you deal with the Demon King in moderation and lose your strength.'

Having made that decision, Parisect prepares to attack right after he has regained his body.

By the way…




A demon king who lightly swings his sword at the soldiers who rush towards him.

At the same time, a black flash of something different from the previous one flashed from the Demon King's sword, and Parisect began to get caught up in a creepy feeling for a moment.

And after a while...

Immediately after the black light that had barely blocked the view disappeared.

The parisect felt intense pain as if it were burning all over her body.

At the same time, watching the scene in front of me that gave me a shock that surpassed the pain, I couldn't think for a moment.

"this… this… what the hell is this... "

His soldiers who had just rushed towards the Demon King.

The number reached a whopping 200, including those who remained in the vicinity of Parisect.

In terms of pure power, it was more powerful than the power that put him in a corner when the Demon King attacked the other day.


this moment right now.

In Parisect's eyes

There was no longer any sight of the soldiers still holding their breath.

just once.

The Demon King who killed 200 soldiers under his command with one swing of his sword.

Fortunately, in the case of Parisect, the other soldiers provided a shield and he was still alive thanks to the mana defense at the last moment.

Nevertheless, his physical condition was already ruined to the point that he could not proceed with the battle.

"Uh... how... this... this... "

A blow from the Demon King that was different from before.

The fact that the demon lord, who must have been wounded and dying, used such an attack was something that Parisect could not understand at all.

But the next moment.

So incomprehensible... About a terrifying situation that you don't want to understand.

Parisect suddenly began to notice a fact that was skimming through his mind.

'west… new year… mind? this… this is… All of this… ?'

A terrifying reality that I remembered too late.

As a result, Parisect's face was stained with fear and despair...

Looking down at him like that,

The demon king threw a word like dog food in a cold voice.

"You worked hard during that time. Well then, let's go."

A cruel word that cannot accurately certify Parisect's thoughts than this.

At the same time as feeling the words pierce the heart like a dagger.

In Parisect's eyes, the image of the demon king's greatsword falling over his head began to come into view.

"This dog… "


EP.46 There's no way these guys will follow me

Immediately after splitting Parisect's head, I had no choice but to frown at the tingling sensation in one hand.

'After all, this attack puts a lot of pressure on the body... '

A blow that draws in the maximum amount of magical power that can be used in an instant and blows it away.

As I used it only once before as a test,

Its power was at a level that could annihilate 200 soldiers in a single blow, and as an added bonus, it showed the result of ignoring the mother of flying to a part of the fortress located in front.

However, no matter how much the body of a hero and the current country wearing hard armor, sending a blow like this had to be prepared for a certain amount of stamina consumption and a little pain.

If I had to use an analogy, it felt like I was lifting and lowering a barbell that had no limits at the gym.

It was at a level that could be recovered after a little rest, but it was a technique that was too difficult to use continuously.

'Well, to be honest, I wonder if there is any need to do something like that, but... Anyway, with this, the occupation of Antioch is completed.'

Antioch did a great job as a bait to attract enemies.

it's over

Now, the fact that this place continues to hold out could have the worst outcome on our side, and the enemy over the horizon

As soon as he saw the crowd, he immediately annihilated the troops of the Parisect that had been guarding the castle until the very end.

And right after that.

"… ..gulp."

I immediately gave instructions to Rebecca, who had a face in deep shock as she looked at me.

"Hey, don't be dazed, go quickly and hang the flag."

"you… Yeah? ah… . yes! Oh, I see!"

Rebecca immediately starts to move, not knowing for a moment at my words.

Immediately after I had my men tell the enemies that we were actually taking possession of this place, I kept my tension intact and began to keep an eye on the approaching enemies.

Please pray earnestly that there are no crazy bastards out there.


"this… Unbelievable… "

"Are we one step late? "

The scene in front of your eyes.

Watching the scene where the flag of the Demon Kingdom was hung over the fortress of Antioch, a dark shadow automatically began to appear on the face of the Allied Forces of the Tribes, who had been running non-stop for a long distance.

"damn! How did General Parisect fail so poorly... "

"I did my best to run, but I can't stand it and it will collapse…"

A flag waving from the spire located at the very center of the fortress.

This could be said to be the most decisive sign indicating that Parisect, who had been fighting to the last in the castle, was ultimately defeated.

Although they fought a desperate fight in their own way, such as injuring the Demon King, the defenders of Parisect and Antioch were ultimately defeated.

The generals who had come a long way to this place began to express their condolences outwardly, but

In fact, their minds were not filled with sadness over the death of a colleague, but only cold calculations about the future development.

'Parisect was killed... It's not good strategically, but from a different point of view, it's a good thing.

'It's a pity that Antioch passed, but it's not over yet. After all, our number is almost double their number. If you form a line and start a siege, you have a good chance of winning.'


I was planning to fight with the soldiers of Antioch to wipe out the demons at once... The plan went a little wrong, but I can't do it. little damage

Even if it occurs, it should first be aimed at killing the Demon King... '

So, apart from the fall of Antioch, the generals of the Allied Tribes decided to focus on the 'Demon King's neck' that eventually brought them here.

To this end, they quickly set up a military base, formed a line, and began to prepare for a full-scale siege.

To be honest, I felt like a chimney to occupy the castle and attack the exhausted enemies.

However, it is unreasonable to conduct a siege rather than a rotation in a situation where they have also been running for a long distance without a break.

In addition to that, I was rushing on horseback, so now that most cavalry are cavalry, it took some time to wait for the infantry that was following me.

In that way, the Allied Forces took a breath and started preparing for a full-scale battle when Antioch was captured and there was no rush.

In order to fight more advantageously for multiple reasons

And through this, in order to more reliably pluck the Demon King's head.


'after… It was a little breathtaking.'

Seeing the flag of the Demon Kingdom hanging in Antioch, the tribal coalition forces immediately stopped advancing and began to build a fortress.

Looking at them, I sighed in relief, realizing that the slightly dangerous moment had passed.

'I'm glad, I was worried that they might pretend to be crazy and push in like this... After all, it seems that Antioch is not reckless at the time it was occupied.'

Apart from setting up the flag in a hurry before they caught the eye of the enemy, the demons are exhausted from succeeding in occupying Antioch.

Since the public war had just ended, the formation was a mess, and in this situation where the equipment needed to be urgently checked,

If the enemies immediately started a battle and induced a melee, it was impossible to know what the situation would be like.

In the worst case, he might have had to throw away the painstakingly recovered Antioch and be defeated in a miserable way.

But… In this regard, I had the belief that my enemies wouldn't do that, and in reality, that's how things worked out.

If you are a commonsensical commander, the correct answer is to gather up your troops immediately after running a long distance before starting a siege.


Nevertheless, as there are so many crazy people in the world, I can't help but feel insecure about this, so they can't breathe.

Watching the selection being made, I too could breathe a deep sigh of relief.

'Well then, the dangerous hurdle has passed, and all that's left is to decide how to clean those guys... '

Currently, both our side and our enemies were exhausted and it was not easy to wage a battle.

Even if even my direct subordinates didn't die right away, it was a situation in which some fell with bubbles.

However, even at this time, I had my own method, and the preparations for implementing it were also in a state of disrepair.

By the way…



Rebecca's voice suddenly came in the next moment.

So I turned my gaze to that direction, and there stood a lieutenant whom I had seen once before.

A messenger carried by the lieutenant at the time.

If my memory is correct, it must be...

"Are you going to have a meeting?"

"Yes, yes, warrior."

"Yeah, okay, let's go right away."

The déjà vu of the situation I saw before…

However, at the same time, I felt an uneasy feeling that it might not be a dog trying to do something like the vanguard that was beaten up again like it was then.

I headed to the conference hall where I had left it on one side of the castle, feeling really reluctant.

'Well, if these guys decide to follow me well, things could be solved very easily...but it won't happen.'

They were ignorant yet proud of them, and at the same time they hated me enough to put me at the vanguard as a pick for arrows.

Since those guys couldn't hear me, I went straight to the conference room without expecting a performance.


Samson, the commander of the demon corps.

At this moment, he and the generals were feeling quite uncomfortable.

"You mean the enemies are that big?"

"Yes, from a quick check, there are more than 20,000 at the most, and if you include additional enemies, it seems that it will reach nearly 40,000."

"ね… "

"Damn, why is this… "

Antioch Castle, which succeeded in narrowly occupied.


Before they could even enjoy the joy of victory, enemies of an unexpected size were gathered before their eyes.

No matter how ignorant they were, they knew that reinforcements would come to save Antioch, but the current situation far exceeded their expectations.

If he stayed like this, he might be defeated and lost again the Antioch he had gained.

"Everyone, don't just lament and come up with something good! What would you like us to do in this situation?"

"Ummm… "

"… "

Samson's words of urgency

Naturally, he knew very well that in the current situation, an ignorant frontal charge would only mean rushing towards the grave.

The number of enemies is large and the allies are exhausted

Even if they tried to launch a siege, the defense of Antioch Castle was not very helpful.

Both offense and defense are not feeling very well.

However, the demons only looked at each other for this. I was not able to come up with a good alternative.

Needless to say, the generals in this position, including Samson, were all well-known for their so-called stone heads.

There is a saying that something comes out when the three get together, but that's only possible when people with some brains gather together.

at that time,

Suddenly, in Samson's eyes, he saw the man who had been silent since he entered the conference hall.

The figure of a warrior began to come in.

The figure of a hero who is the only person in this position who is thought to have a good brain, and who made a remarkable contribution in this battle as well.

'… uh... Yeah maybe that's better... Perhaps a hero who showed some deception would be better than the ten of us who were ignorant.'