

EP.16 So far, there has not been a single person who has been sane with this!

"you… You… !"

Elisha began to feel her instinctive relief and surprise at this unexpected

hand of salvation,

and the warrior holding the black armor and sword, which was bestowed on her by the Demon King,

spoke to Elisa with a voice that felt slightly excited. .

"I will take over here. You have to run away from it."


"Injured is just a hindrance. The road to the east has been cleared for coming here, so if you go that way, you will be able to get out of it easily."

"… "

The hero said that he had already secured an escape route on the way to here.

Elisha didn't answer for a moment, and she kept her silence for a moment.


"Oh, thank you... uh... "

Then, Elisa cut her teeth while trying to say something, and then ran away in the direction the hero had spoken.

So, right after Elisha completely got out of this place because of her purple helmet it was unknown what expression she was making...


The man who, until just a few weeks ago, was called the hero of humans.

Slowly, he said, looking around the people gathered here.

"Now then… who will be the one to deal with me?"


Cassandra Increment.

One of the three leading generals of the Falcon Empire, she had rarely felt fear in her entire life.

In the past, when she accidentally broke into a blood battle with one of her demon cadres, she only wielded her spear and shield, feeling the joy of being her warrior. She had no feelings of fear at all.


at this moment.

For the first time since receiving the title of General Cassandra and holding up a sword...

she began to be gripped by her emotion of fear.

"I… That's... What the heck... what?..."

A jet-black warrior with a black greatsword appeared in front of him.

An ominous yet terrifying presence that seems to have crawled out of the abyss.

Just before killing the demon cadres, the moment she saw what was standing in front of them..

Cassandra felt her whole body freezing, and instinctively began to shake her hands.

A sign of overwhelming power.

It gives a feeling of being squeezed in the heart just by looking at it..

Cassandra's instincts made it clear one thing.


If you try to deal with that... you will

surely die.

Not something in theory, but the fact that the instinct for pure survival is telling us.

In that way, seeing that which made her, one of the most powerful in her empire, feel this kind of feeling... In

Cassandri's head, an image of a being automatically began to come to mind.

'west… I hope it's... That's the Demon King... is it?'

It seemed a little different from what he had heard, but that was the only thing that came to Cassandra's mind at this moment.

She is an absolute strong man who has the power to overwhelm even herself.

The strongest power possessed by the demons, and the person who keeps the current war that is believed to be sure to be won.

Recognizing that the mightiest monster had now appeared before her own,

Cassandra began to do her best to somehow clear her mind.

'Chi.. Let's calm down.. The thing in front of us is definitely a formidable enemy. But... if the opponent is the demon king, maybe this could be a good opportunity...' The

enemy's leader and strongest power was right in front of his eyes.

Although she was being unilaterally weighed down by the force she was feeling right now...

Nevertheless, if she was very lucky at this moment...

Cassandra thought that perhaps she could end this long war with her own hands.

'Certainly... I can't win against him alone. But... if you have the power of that beast warrior, maybe you'll see a possibility.'

A beastly female warrior who just showed her power through the way she drove the demon raiders in an instant.

Of course, she was a fighter with fists and claws, and since she is a paladin who uses sword, shield, and light, it was a bit unreasonable to compare purely, but,

overall, she and a female warrior were roughly equal in skills. Cassandra was judging that she had it.

Nevertheless, the power of that 'Demon King' was terrifying. Cassandra thought it was a gamble well worth taking now that everything would be over if all you had to do was catch the enemy leader.

As a warrior...

and as a general of the Empire.

It's the gamble of a lifetime, risking your life.

'Okay... Then...'

After making up her mind like that, Cassandra slowly infuses his magic power into the ring she is wearing on her finger.

At this moment, a green light began to radiate brightly from her ring.

At the same time

, the shackles on the beast warrior's neck, who was faltering while watching the 'Demon King', also started to shine,

and the feelings of tension and anxiety on the beast warrior's face then turned into hostility and anger towards the demon king in front of him. started to change

'It is natural to feel fear as the opponent is the demon king who killed the hero and defeated them.

The shackles of domination that fill slaves to erase their sanity and turn them into zealots who only kill enemies according to their orders.

Linked to the ring she was wearing on her hand, it was a precious item that even Cassandra could only obtain, but its performance was certain.

"You guys keep your distance and keep the siege. I'll leave that guy to me and the slave."

"Yes, General Cassandra!"

After all, if you're strong like that, just swinging your sword will make ordinary soldiers fly away in vain.

Cassandra is ready to gamble while minimizing damage.

At the same time, as if responding to this, the Demon King also straightened the sword that was overflowing with purple energy, looking at Cassandra and preparing to attack.

At the same time, a heavy feeling of silence began to cover the whole area..

In the midst of it... Cassandra raised her shield forward with a cold expression on her face.

'The longer the fight, the

more disadvantageous it is. Besides, at this moment, that guy is well aware that he is overwhelmingly stronger than me. Even if he cares, he will have no

choice but to be vigilant to some extent. The victory I can aim for is right there.'



The demon king, Cassandra Yi, who rushed forward with his shield in front of him screaming out

his enthusiasm, prepared to strike her attack head-on while holding his great sword.

'God's Shield! So far, there has never been a good guy with this. No matter how much I am a Demon King...!'


- Kwagwagwagwang!!!!!

A huge explosion that resounds in an instant

The shock as if the archmage's attack magic had been used shook the whole area, and the soldiers who made up the siege for a moment lost their balance and began to fall in place.

"This… this…"

"It's just a shock wave like this…"

"Now… General? How is General Cassandra?"

The soldiers who could not come to their senses in the dust that enveloped the area for a moment,

but at this moment, Cassandra, who caused this explosion, could not come to her senses more than the soldiers who were rolling on the floor.


The ultimate blow that she flew with all her might. God's shield. The shield imbued with the divine


and the attack using her divine power had sent many demons to hell until now. The demon executive who was dealing with

this was also hit by this and had no choice but to retreat with fatal wounds.

So Cassandra used the most powerful attack she could use from her first move.


All of her expectations and pride in this one hit now turned into despair and astonishment.

-Putting device profit…

As the metals collide, I hear a terrible plosive sound

The scene in front of her.

that… It was the figure of a demon king who was blocking her attack, which he flew with all his might, with only the great sword held in one hand.

It's like a father who restrains a child's playfulness

. A scene that makes you feel the overwhelming difference in power.

However, at this moment, the feeling of despair on Cassandra's face was not the only reason.

Another move that Cassandra prepared at the same time as delivering the strongest blow to the Demon King.

"Kuh… Whoops... "

It was an attempt to attack from both sides while the demon king's spirit was focused on Cassandra, but

at this moment, the demon king's hand grabbed his neck in an instant and the beast warrior who was groaning in pain. was the look.

The situation in which their surprise attack with all their might was blocked in vain.

Watching the scene that makes it clear that the Demon King is a far stronger person than they thought, Cassandra immediately began to regret her own actions for taking a reckless gamble.


looking at her like that.

The Demon King spoke to them in a calm yet eerie voice.


EP.17 You're going to do something violent to me! Like a dirty talk!

A tingling sensation at your fingertips.

I frowned slightly at the slight pain I felt as I struck something hard, but

apart from that, I had no choice but to raise the corners of my lips slightly automatically at this 'result' that I was faced with.

'I defended this amount of blow, but only did this much damage.

Cassandra, a general who rules Rob here, and a paladin who is well-known in the Empire.

As far as I know, her power is equal to or higher than that of Amelda, the elf paladin of the Brave Party, and I knew that the attack she hurled at me was also not a normal blow.

'A charge attack using a shield.. Was it the name of a god's shield?'

The power used to defeat one of the demon officers in the story.

If it wasn't me who was hit by this, but an executive who had just fled, it would have been quite fatal.

Its own attack power was strong, and

above all, it was a blow with the same power as the supremacy for the demon of divine power.

But at this moment,

Even though she orthodox defended her fatal blow, the

aftermath that I felt was literally 'a little painful.'

It was just that level.

The armor she was wearing was also excellent, and, crucially, no matter how much demonic equipment she was wearing, her existence was once a human being.

Cassandra expected her body to receive no additional damage due to her compatibility, and

even if I exclude all of that, it was possible to unilaterally press her from her basic specifications right away.

From Cassandra's point of view, it could literally be said that she met her opponent in the wrong way.

'From that point of view, it can be said that they did their best to come up with another trick in this way. There was no particular use.'

At the same time as Cassandra's attack was blocked, the girl who tried to attack me and got her mother-in-law caught...

As a member of the Hero Party, her name is proudly listed on my blacklist.

Beast warrior, Terra.

At this moment, as I watched her suffer her from within her grip of her mine, I began to squeeze her neck more and more strongly as it was.


Terra screams in agony and attacks my arm to escape somehow.

However, when her neck was caught, she was already unable to fully use her powers, and her armor defense was too strong, so her Tera's efforts were nothing but futile efforts.


aside from her pointless efforts, at

this moment I was able to discover one important fact about her thanks to Terra's hard work for her.

'I thought it was a simple ornament... Maybe this...?'

The shackles that were emitting a green light that suddenly began to catch my eye.

As soon as I recognized what it was

, a smile automatically began to appear on my lips.

'The shackles of domination. Are you wearing something very precious?'

An item that blows away the reason of the wearer and makes a berserk warrior who obeys only orders

. It is known that only one can be obtained in the game, and it is very difficult to obtain even in terms of settings.

Then, my gaze turned to Cassandra, who couldn't even take out the shield due to the power of the sword at this moment... To be more precise, her finger.

A ring that serves as a medium for the shackles worn on her hands.

As I watched it, an interesting thought automatically started to come to my mind.

'I was hoping to get revenge anyway, but this wouldn't be bad either. I'll have to try it out to see if it will work according to the actual setting, but... well, even if it fails, there are plenty of other methods.'

immediately after making that conclusion.

I put strength in her hand, which was still holding Tera's neck, for a moment.


- Wooduk!

"Keke! ... Huh ..."

Terra loses her mind as it is.

As long as she controlled her power, her life was not affected.

Immediately after confirming that she had passed out, I took her power out of her hand and dropped her on the floor.

As it is, I turned my gaze away from Terra and moved my gaze to Cassandra, who was next to her.

At the same time, her Cassandra's face began to show a deep, fearful expression of fear...

I began to stretch out one of her arms, her, mine, of her, who had been set free as she was.



"I.. oh my.. Suga.."

The demon king, who in an instant broke the female warrior's neck and passed out.

Watching him destroy a being with the same power as himself at once,

while at the same time recognizing that the gamble she tried had ended in complete failure.

Cassandra's face began to show a deeper fear.

'This... this... this is the power of the demon king...? M.. No way.. This is much stronger than I heard!.. How.. How can my trump count be so empty..'

However, Cassandra thought that there would be a win in a 2:1 situation. The Demon King who shattered into shattered pieces in seconds.

Then he turned his gaze to Cassandra, who was still terrified.

It is hidden by the helmet, so you can't read his expression...

but that's why the demon king looks even more terrifying.

Then, the Demon King began to slowly stretch out his arm, which had just been holding the Beast Female Warrior, towards where Cassandra was.

"ah… Ah..."

Cassandra begins to feel a deep fear of that desperate reality.

At this moment, there were no constructive thoughts in her mind, such as leaving the shield in her hand and running away, or pulling out the sword that was attached to the shield as a sheath to attack the Demon King.

The only thing that fills her head is overwhelming fear.

Captivated by her terrifying sensation, Cassandra could do nothing but shake her body.

And the next moment...


The Demon King who grabbed her wrist, who was still holding the shield, and twisted her teeth.

Cassandra felt deep pain at the chilling yet immense power contained within, and had no choice but to let go of her hand holding her shield.

Then, with her irresistible power as she is, the demon king begins to look as if he is looking at her after strongly grabbing her wrist from Cassandra.

About his terrifying and incomprehensible behavior, Cassandra's mind for a moment began to flash a terrifying knowledge about her own future.


why are you doing this without hitting my neck... !!! Seo... Maybe... Is this something you've only heard of?...

The fate of female warriors who are captured by the Demon King and subjected to all sorts of tough goals.. The fact that they were used as seeds for the Demons and were killed while giving birth to the Demon's children..

' The tragic

fate of those who were taken prisoner by the demons.

A story full of humiliation and despair of being humiliated by low-level demons such as goblins and orcs, and some of them being dragged away as playthings by high-ranking demons and sexually abused until death.

Although nothing concrete has been confirmed so far, this is a story that is believed to be sufficient due to the nature of those wicked and cruel demons.

In that moment, while drawing a more concrete yet hopeless future in her head, Cassandra bowed her head as she held her wrist by the demon king.

'It's over.. Now, the Demon King will kidnap me like this and make me go through all sorts of humiliating things.. He will mock me for serving the gods and humiliate me..' It's the

same for ordinary women, but especially for her as a paladin, it's never going to happen. Cassandra is desperate for an unacceptable future.

That moment…

Suddenly, in Cassandra's head, a story about a demon king whose exact source was unknown began to come to mind.


Come to think of it... I'm not sure , but I think I've heard somewhere that the Demon King is surprisingly proud of being a warrior...'

However, at this moment, Cassandra began to think that even if it was a story that was not certain, she had no choice but to put hope in the pea-sized possibility.

'that… Yeah.. Even if you fail anyway, isn't that the point?... Even if it's not true and you fail, you're still being brutally beaten by the demons anyway. If so...'

Cassandra begins to tremble at the sudden rush of fear and tension, expecting only one possibility.

At that moment...


The Demon King puts down her hand as if throwing it with strong power.

Cassandra felt a deep sense of urgency at his actions as if she had finished something, and knelt in front of the Demon King.

Then one sentence came out of her mouth.

that… At least as a general of the empire and a paladin serving the gods, it was a word derived from the earnest desire to protect even the smallest honor.

"ね! Kill it!"

EP.18 Because it's not an enemy, "Keep

.. Kill me!"

Cassandra, with her face blushing slightly in front of her, uttered a line she had heard a lot somewhere.

Seeing this, I automatically felt a very strange feeling.

I seem to think that I am hiding it from others, but from the point of view of the viewer, it can be said that it is a subtle sexiness that cannot not be recognized...

Anyway, seeing her clearly thinking about something lewd, I had no choice but to bite my tongue inwardly.

'I'm really... This is not some kind of erotic doujinshi. After all, it's a world in an NTR game, so are most of the basic mindsets like this?'

Of course, when she thought about it a little coldly, her reaction like this was simply stung by an obscene devil.

In fact, in this world, it was very common to hear stories of demons attacking humans. Based on this, hostility towards demons was quite deep among other races, including humans.


I have been living with demons for the past few weeks, and I was very well aware that there is actually no such thing, through the hints contained in various places in the original work.

Basically, they were the Demon King and her subordinates who value honor and pride, and the rules within the Demon Lord's Army are quite strict, so such war crimes did not happen often.

In the first place, the aesthetic taste of low-level demons such as goblins and orcs was also a woman of the same kind who looked like them, and a beauty by human standards such as Cassandra was nothing less than ugly to them.

Nevertheless, the reason why these baseless rumors spread.

Regarding this, I personally thought that it was highly likely that it was the work of the so-called high-ranking people who were trying to incite hostility towards the demons and use it as an excuse for war.

'It's a situation where they've been doing this for several years to turn internal dissatisfaction in the first place.. It would be natural for them to put a vicious image on possible demons...

' As I realized that the image of demons was once again a rip-off through Cassandra, who was talking about the sound,

my thoughts began to return to the question of how to deal with this guy in front of me.

There is no such thing as a hero's party or Glenn.. To be honest, Cassandra, who can be said to be a being with a bit of favoritism, because of her career helping the hero's party for a while in the original work.

But from a strategic point of view, I thought that killing or taking this year as a prisoner might be the answer as it would eliminate one of the greatest powers of the human empire.


'No, wait a minute... If you think about it, isn't that the case?'

A thought suddenly started popping into my head.

In this regard, I automatically started to put a small smile on my lips.


Cassandra asked the Demon King to give her an honorable death.

Although there was nothing certain about whether or not this would be accepted, and depending on the circumstances, it might have only aroused the filthy desires of the Demon King.

However, at this moment, Cassandra believed...

No, she wanted to believe.

I hope that the demon king is a person who possesses the nobleness of a warrior just like the story you hear.

Finally, Cassandra begs the Demon King for mercy in the name of death.


"… ."

"… ?"

For some reason, the demon king shows no reaction no matter how much she waits with her head bowed.

About that fact, Cassandra began to have her deep doubts...

Then she began to question her deep doubts and fear that began to grow even heavier. And she felt an irresistible curiosity beyond that, and she began to raise her head slowly as it was.


At the same time, a short word came out of her mouth.

At this moment,

what she saw was...

the figure of the Demon King slowly turning behind her with only the beast warrior who had fallen in front of her on her shoulders.

The appearance of the Demon King as if he didn't even care about the existence of Cassandra.

About this incomprehensible situation, Cassandra felt deep doubts for a moment, and she shouted at the demon lord who was leaving.

"uh… Why? Why… take him with me and let me live like this?"

"… "

The demon king looked back slowly at her words.

Right after that... The

Demon King turned to Cassandra.

He spoke briefly, in a voice so low that only her ears could hear it.

"Because I am not an enemy."

"What… what?"

In an instant, the demon king brought up a story that Cassandra could not understand.

However, before Cassandra even asked her something about this.

The Demon King disappeared from her sight in an instant along with the beast warrior who was still hanging on his shoulder.

"Now, wait a minute, what… Kwok.."

Cassandra urgently asked the disappearing demon king, but in the end, only silence was answered.

The demon king who attacked Rob like this left Cassandra in deep confusion and suddenly left.

The soldiers who were watching this were captured by their helplessness and deep shock, and had no choice but to stare at it in confusion.


In just a few seconds, the demon king disappeared leaving behind a feeling of surprise, despair, and despair.

In response, Cassandra had to feel deeply confused by the fact that made her forget even the joy and relief of being alive.

'Enemy... not?... as an enemy, it's not even worth recognizing... is it? No.. I don't think that's the case.. Then there's no way the Demon King would have taken a slave from the Hero Party, who has the same power as me.'

The Demon King took the ring from his hand at some point.

Accordingly, Cassandra was able to easily guess that the demon king had taken that beast of slaves for the purpose of strengthening his power... or for other purposes.

But if so, why didn't he take himself?

In this regard, Cassandra began to think about whether he was expressing his concerns about his own fighting power, or that the demon king's taste was a beastman and not a human warrior like himself.

It was at that time when she was so engulfed in thoughts like her deep chaos that she couldn't draw her conclusions about one thing or another.

'..no… Wait a minute... this is probably...'

One fact suddenly crossed her mind.

Cassandra began to come to the conclusion that this might be the closest thing to the correct answer, putting aside all other thoughts that had been there so far.

'Yeah.. it's probably right now.. No matter this or that, the opponent is the Demon King. A monarch who rules a country and a person who has an excellent information network.. If he is such a person, maybe it's about our family...'

Cassandra starts to get goosebumps at the same time as she thinks like that.

Immediately after that, a smile began to bloom on her face, like a wriggling shadow of black desire,

instead of the feelings of anxiety and doubt that had just remained .


A tragic scene that was swept away by fire.

looking at it The soldiers and generals who were guarding the village Rob were to sit on the floor in confusion.

The scene that came into their eyes was the appearance of munitions that were literally turning to ashes.

The soldiers were completely absorbed in the attack by the demon king and his cadres.

Because of this, they failed to protect the most important supplies.

And now the result is a staggering and transforming loss in which more than 80% of the munitions here in Rob are gone.

Although the soldiers were scrambling to pump out water to put out the remaining residual fire, the situation regarding the supply shortage had already reached a point of irreversibility.

The situation in which the food that the countless soldiers who were attacking the Demon Kingdom had to eat and the weapons they had to wield became black smoke and disappeared.

As a result, the generals and soldiers here were caught in deep despair...

At this moment,

Cassandra, who was being reported to him, was also showing a dark expression on his face.

"..Is the damage really that serious?"

"Yes, there is only enough food left for us to eat right now, and the munitions have reached a point where we can't even save anything."

"How do you do it? If I find out about this in my home country..."

"..haha... I'll try to do something about this. You guys should focus on repairing the damage right away."

With a heavy sigh, Cassandra answered with a sense of responsibility.

At this, her men laboredly nodded her head and left Cassandra's room as it was.


seeing them like that

, a smile slowly began to bloom on Cassandra's lips at this moment.

'The dead say nothing.. Thanks to the Demon King, Glenn has been looking for it, so now you just have to use it..'


"Ugh… "

A heavy headache that seems to break.

In the midst of this, the beast warrior Tera began to feel a slow return of consciousness, which had never been so confused.

'What.. what?... this. What the hell... What...'

In the shallow darkness, she struggles to figure out what her situation is.


"I finally woke up."


The next moment, a familiar voice suddenly heard.

At this, her Tera's face immediately began to tinge with astonishment..

Immediately after that, the figure of the person began to enter her eyes.

"yo. this… dragon… buy?"

EP.19 Caution!) There is a 3% chance of failure. Beast Fighter


She, who was known as one of the best warriors among the beasts, participated in the party for the purpose of her sense of duty to serve her people and her personal desire.

In the process, she fell in love with a porter who understood her.

She, along with other women, joined her in using the hero for him, the leader of the warrior party and her strongest warrior she had ever seen.

She showed her mere affection to a warrior she did not love,

Terra did not spare words of support and encouragement so that he could do his best while fighting the battle as much as possible.

Although Tera

herself was not very good at this kind of thing. After all, it was the other colleagues who drew the overall picture and executed it anyway, so all Terra had

to do was to respond appropriately to their actions and put a spoon on it.

In that way, captured by their compliments and false expressions of affection, the hero who wielded his sword diligently without knowing what was lurking behind them.

On the one hand, it seemed a little sad to see the foolish man who was enduring all kinds of hardships while possessed by their will for the world and their fake affection.

However, Tera soon decided to let those feelings go unnoticed.

Her most important thing to her was to protect her most precious thing.

Tora Re, the porter of her party and the owner who gave her pure affection to her, who has been discriminated against as her prisoner.

If it was to protect that man, there was no problem in making that foolish hero unhappy.

Terra prepared thoroughly to shake off the remorse that was in her heart and to strike the hero in the head at the last moment.


Her loyalty and affection for these masters eventually ended.

The betrayal of the owner...

in a way that she never really thought of. No, it was shattered in a way that could never be believed or accepted.

Tora Le and her companions created a way for them to breathe on the condition that one of her creditors, who owed her enormous debt, sold her into her slavery.

As a result of being so betrayed by her companions and her master, Terra was doomed to death fighting as a long-term horse for war, as it was, as a dog of the Union.

However, the despair given to her life did not end there.

Terra is a beast warrior with powerful power that can overwhelm ordinary soldiers.

In order to control her, her manager and her master, En Cassandra, put her Tera's neck an object called the Shackles of Domination.

An object that seals the target's reason and turns it into a zealot that only obeys orders.

In other words, the moment it hangs around her neck, Terra would lose her control of her body, meaning that her body would simply strategize as a beast that exists for fighting.

The mind is alive, but the body is a puppet, that's

why it's even more terrifying.

At this, Tera tried hard not to wear it, but in the end the terrifying shackles were placed around her neck.

In the end, Terra is forced to live as a battle slave for Cassandra and a submissive beast to her master.

As she chewed on her despair and anger as she lost control of her body,

Tera vowed to get her revenge someday, even if by chance, the day this cursed shackles would be lifted.

She's for Cassandra... and also for Tora Le and others in the Brave Party.


at that moment, she didn't know Terra.

Cassandra's cruel act of her towards herself..

Cassandra's act of trying to use her as a weapon for her simple war against her demons...

her future earns her from her. Compared to Jill's work, the fact that she was rather her paradise.


"You… You… ?"

Tera, who is naturally surprised by the appearance of a man in front of her, without the shackles of reason.

The moment she realized that,

she began to think that Terra had automatically killed herself... and this was the other world.

"… Right… Am I dead?"


The hero reacted slightly absurdly to Terra's words,

but immediately after that,

he immediately shook off those feelings and began to direct a cold gaze towards Terra in front of him.

"Well, it doesn't matter. If you dare to speak with a sore mouth, in the end, nothing will be left."

"… ? What.. what.. sound?"

Terra feels slightly suspicious of the hero's words that are incomprehensible and at the

same time make him feel eerie.

But right after that.

Before Tera could say anything to her,

she saw the warrior slowly raising her fingers in front of her, and her expression began to harden as she was.

"! What… what..? B.. you... why do you..."

At this moment, the warrior's finger began to appear in Terra's eyes.

And, the ring stuck there.

Upon discovering her teeth, Tera felt her whole body froze and hurriedly put her hand on her neck.

A cold feeling in her hands.

Recognizing what it was, an urgent voice automatically began to erupt from Terra's mouth.

"Come on, come on, wait, wait, wait, wait… !!! Kuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

A terrible pang that suddenly began to pierce her head.

At the same time, a shock as if ripping her hair apart with her life wrapped around her.

Tera let out a scream filled with pain as she was, and started rolling on the floor as it was.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "

Terra vomited out a cry reminiscent of the screams of beasts being tortured.

However, in spite of this expression of suffering at this moment, the hero in front of her simply looked down at Terra with her ring shining in green light up.

A hero who sends a baptism of pain to Terra with the power contained in the ring, with a smile that does not contain a single sign of mercy.

But... Despite this terrible suffering, the source of the greatest pain in Terra's mind at this moment was something else.

It is about a cruel future that Terra, who has already experienced it once, has no choice but to perceive clearly.

The shackles of domination fastened around her neck.

It is a tool that takes away the freedom of the body by crushing the reason of the captives, and in the process, it is a terrible thing that has the power to inflict tremendous pain as it is now.

At this, Tera .. Naturally, she began to feel a deep sense of despair in her heart, thinking that the hero in front of her was trying to treat herself as a slave in the future, just like Cassandra did the other day.

'hate! To belong to such a man! To belong to a foolish man with only this strength!'

As her strongest warrior she had ever seen, she certainly had abilities.

However, from her point of view, she did not feel the attraction of a man at all, and the existence she thought of as a simple tool and then throws away.

But at this moment,

it was Terra herself, not the hero she had been ignoring, who became her real tool

. I started to have feelings.

'Let's see, hero... if the opportunity arises. It's right around your neck...'

In such intense pain and anger, her mind was sealed again and Terra lost control of her body.

Her eyes, which had come back to life for a moment, lost focus again and turned into a hazy look...

The face that had been distorted by anger and pain became like a doll with only empty emotions.

As soon as she became like a puppet again, the

sealed reason of Terra began to prepare her heart by seeing the hero staring at her.

In a different way than when she became a slave to Cassandra, a woman, she is prepared for a fact that can only be said to be more terrifying.

It's not just about being a slave for battle, it's something I never wanted to do with that man.

It had to do with the nights of slavery.

As much as she was in a state like a puppet who had lost her physical freedom, now her body was in a state in which she could not lift a finger even if a warrior violated her in front of her.

In this situation, all she can do is endure the time of humiliation and pain to come.

With her resolve, Tera watched her hero's actions, preparing her heart for the terrible future that was to come her.


"… ? uh?"

The next moment, a sense of the name of serenity that suddenly began to feel,

as if she had regained something she had lost. She said that she could easily recognize what had happened to her.

"What..what? Why is this...?"

Looking at the situation, it could be said that he had vainly canceled the magic he had put on at the most.

But... before I even thought about it.

Such a suspicious feeling in Terra's heart

began to turn into a deep despair as it was.


The next moment, the pain pierced her brain again.

At this, a terrible scream began to come out of her mouth,

and seeing Terra like that, her hero just had a cold smile on his face.

In her pain, her mind was forcibly separated from her body and fell apart.

Terra suffered twice in a row, which inflicted a burden expressed in the name of pain just once.

As a result, her spirit, Terra, was tormented in terrible pain, as if salt had been poured over her wounds.

Her feeling as if her whole body was engulfed in fire, and the situation hovering around her without disappearing.

So... In the still pain that didn't go away, Terra couldn't help but feel a deep question as to why the hero was doing this.



In the next moment, Terra regained control of the body again, naturally, again.

Then, looking at her like that, her ring worn on her warrior's hand started to shine again..

'! west… new year… mind?'

It was only then that Terra realized what he was trying to do with the hero's actions.


watching Tera, who had such a face full of shock, fear, and pain,

the following sentence began to come to mind in the hero's mind.

'The probability is 3%... Can I run it about 20 times like this?'

EP.20 Curse of the Shit


A scream pouring out of his throat.

With a sound as if it were scraping the bare floor and forcibly squeezing it, Tera separated her reason from her body again.

Tera fell to the floor with drooling saliva from her mouth and blurry eyes.

There were no more tears coming out of his eyes, and his face was in a state of being crushed and distorted to the point of being hard to see because he had suffered a series of pains that exceeded his limits.

Although there were no other physical traumas,

Her mind is literally tattered into pieces of rags due to a series of forced separations.


In her mind, there was no more room for normal thinking.

Hatred of the hero who made him like this,

The anger at this hell-like reality that she had to face

To her, who is suffering from waves of pain in a row, it just felt like a luxurious feeling.

A sea of ​​despair like the vast sea that tears away the will to live and makes it impossible to think of anything else.

This moment, completely caught up in it,

What she is thinking of is...

There was only one word that came to mind.

-'porridge… Hello... '-

If possible, the words I want to plead with the man in front of me.

The extreme pain forced her to wash away all other emotions,

This caused her to automatically arouse a strong desire to apologize sincerely to the man in front of her.

Being cowardly or being ugly wasn't a problem anymore.

Already, she had no room or reason left to dwell on such trivial matters.

It was the only thing she wanted to end this endless suffering,

For this, licking that man's foot,

Serving as slaves on the battlefield,

who gave up,

I thought that no matter how terrible it was, I would be willing to do it with a sincere smile.

'Give me...

please… Please.. stop..!!! I... I... I did something wrong.

So please... now... now... please don't...!!!'

Tera pours out countless feelings of regret and penance in her heart and repeats her pleas over and over again.

But... this incarnation of pain in front of her eyes was constantly pushing her away without even giving Terra a chance to say these words.

If he loses his mind in pain, before the pain disappears, he attaches his teeth again and then rips them apart again.

In the process, all she could do was let out a scream that emanated from the bottom of her soul and let out a meaningless glow.

Tera twists her body in agony, shed tears of inexpressible regret and pain.

at that time..

"!!! … heh heh heh... heh heh heh... "

The man's baptism of pain suddenly stopped.

At this, Tera... finally recognizes that her speech, which had been forcibly blocked, is being opened.

He rested and began to plead earnestly with a broken voice towards the man in front of him.

"My… please… maah... My... I... I... I didn't... well... So... please... Now... stop... kill... give..."

Terra expresses her apology with all her might, with urgency and longing.


Seeing her like this,

that man..

In the past, he was called a hero, but to Terra, he is now regarded as a demon who has climbed up from the bottom of hell.

I said to her in a voice filled with cold chills.

"You want me to kill you? I'm sorry, but I don't have any more reason to show you such mercy, do you?"

"please… . Boo...tak...that...but we... colleague...was... Khhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

- Kwajik!

The next moment, the warrior's foot fell on the back of her hand.

Wearing boots made of black steel, it broke the bones of Terra's hand in an instant and crushed muscles and flesh to burst.

At the same time, a cry of pain erupted from Terra's mouth.

As she tasted the vivid pain of her body, which felt different from the mental one, she could not speak any more.


Towards Terra, who was crying in pain like that.

The hero spoke in a voice that did not contain a single point of mercy.

"Seeing you talking about something like a colleague, it seems that you are still out of your mind. You don't think I still didn't know what the four-year-old was thinking about me?"

"!! that… that… "

Terra is literally choked up by the hero's words.


towards her,

The hero declared in a calm yet eerie voice.

"Are you going to run away to the other world after playing with people's hearts? I'm sorry, but I can't do that.. You have a lot of work to do with that body in the future."

"radish… what.."

The words of a warrior that only felt ominous and fearful.

Hearing those words, Tera began to tremble.

Towards her, the hero began to talk about her future fate in a calm voice.

That's right.

"!.. ah… not… ..be!!.. that.. that..! That..but..!"

A story so terrifying that it made Terra, who had given up everything, express his dissent.


Seeing her reacting like that,

The hero began to show a smile as if he liked it rather.

"Yeah, I knew you were going to say that. So I'm going to do it. To give your bitch the worst pain I could ever give!"

The voice of a warrior with a terrible euphoria

Then he slowly rose from his seat and lifted the ring on his finger again.

"Oh, no… not… okay... "

Seeing him like this, Terra tried to move her body that she could no longer lift a finger, and began to vomit in a voice tinged with despair.

"No way!! please just do it... .


To be honest, to be honest...

I'm not very lucky with the game.

In the past, there was a time when an item that succeeded in strengthening with a 30% chance failed 20 times in a row.

I've rotated the Gacha Box countless times in the game, but I've never seen a so-called rare item float.

Literally, an existence that is like a symbol of the word 'poof hand' who is very vulnerable to the game of probability.

And at this moment...

Really sorry...

I was once again becoming very aware of the fact that I was a really bad luck guy.


As a result of screaming countless times, Terra automatically vomited blood from her mouth just by making a sound.

Seeing her like this, I couldn't help but smile a little bitterly, realizing that my luck wasn't really bad.

'No. If you think about it the other way around, can you say that you are rather lucky? To be honest, if it had been attached so simply, it might have left me with regrets."

I tried so hard to think positively, but...

To be honest, I thought that even that would be impossible under the current circumstances.

3% chance

It looked like it was frozen, but the probability was quite salty, but in fact, at this level, it could be said that the reinforcement probability was not that bad.

The probability of success once is not very high, but it means that if you try about 30 times, there is a 60% chance that you will get stuck once.


Nevertheless, the number of times I have done this so far was already over 40.

In terms of the probability, it is about 70%, and in the general case, it should have been successful at least once. There was still no sign of success at all.

'No.. maybe this isn't me, isn't this bitch unlucky? To be honest, I think it's time to get past this.'

Feeling a little annoyed like that, when I energized the ring again...



A strange sensation suddenly felt in the next moment.

At the same time, Tera, who was convulsing on the floor and expressing pain, began to writhe in pain while clutching her head like crazy.

Tera begins to forcibly twist her body in an extreme pain that is different from before.

Seeing her like this...

I automatically recognized what had happened, and at the same time I automatically put a bitter smile on my face.

'Finally succeeded. Episode 46.. After all, a guy called me doesn't have bad luck on this side.'

With that thought in mind, I saw Terra screaming horribly in front of my eyes…


To be precise...

The name is no longer available...

Looking at the image of a single beast that had crossed the river from which it was impossible to return, he quietly said goodbye.

'Then... From now on, I want you to stay locked up in it and keep an eye on it. What kind of consequences the betrayal of four years will bring...'

EP.21 Oh!? The status of the heroine...!

Terra suffered from extreme pain while repeatedly welding and separating the soul.

But at this moment...

She began to feel an automatic shudder in her soul at the sudden, terrifying sensation that came upon her.

Something that transcends the terrifying pain so far.

As soon as it happened, Terra's mind, which had already become rags, began to be seized with a sense as if it were drifting somewhere.

It feels like a boat that is swept away by the waves as the anchor line breaks.

In the midst of it, Tera began to scream a devastating scream, caught in a scream, but there was no more sound in her ear.


To be precise...

not that there is no sound.

It would be more accurate to say that there was no sound, but...


'… .ah..'

In the chaos of a spirit like hell, Terra barely woke up.

Shortly thereafter, she began to feel that the shackles of domination that had bound her were gone.

The restraints that had been holding her back no longer were gone, and the sensations that had caused her pain were also gone.

'End… Am I?... But... Why...?'

The action of the hero presumed to have freed himself.

At this, Tera got up from her seat and looked at the hero still in front of her and wondered what happened.

He said he would definitely use himself to 'do the job', but he tried to ask why he released him.


'… uh?'

The moment I tried to move my body in doubt...

Tera realizes that something is strange...

I began to realize that something was seriously wrong.

'What… what? this… This is... What is this?...'

Terra tried to raise her head and look straight at the hero.

However, at this moment her body no longer speaks her.

Terrara was a person and would not listen to the consciousness.

'Uh... why? Boo... obviously the shackles don't exist anymore...there's nothing holding me back anymore. That... but... this is...'

Unlike before, there was no feeling of being constrained by something and unable to move.

But... Despite this sense of freedom, she could no longer stand up or raise her head.

It wasn't just about the limbs.

She couldn't open her mouth, breathe, squint, or do anything on her own accord.

all she can do is

It's just unilaterally accepting the sensations coming from outside.

Seeing, hearing, feeling and feeling with the skin.

She was aware of it all, but she had no control over it.


It was then that Terra's mind was feeling a sense of fear, recognizing what it meant.

"Are you awake?"

"Shut up?"


The next moment, the hero's voice echoed in her ears.

At the same time, Terra's body rose from her seat so naturally, without any interference from her, which is her reason and her original consciousness.

"bruise! bruise! bruise!"

Her body oozing out of her mouth sounds like a dog's cry.

Completely detached from the end of the name of consciousness and reason.

Only her instinct as a dog that blindly obeys the 'master' in front of her remains.

about this...

Terra's reason, which has now become no longer a beast, but literally no different than an animal, was buried in deep and deep despair as it was.

However, despite these feelings, at this moment she could not do anything about it.

even shedding tears

Crying out in pain...

Nothing was allowed for her now.

All she can do is watch and accept the sensations coming from outside.

Because there were only these two.



Tera wags her tail in front of my eyes, showing her literally like a dog.

Watching that, I was sure what I was aiming for...

I was able to recognize the fact that the 'failure' that was triggered with a 3% probability was successfully triggered.

'It took a little too long... Well, anyway, it was successful, so this is probably why.'

shackles of domination.

Sealing the target's sanity for a while, turning it into a puppet that obeys orders.

In the original story, it was the last anomalous tool that Torare, who failed to capture all 4 heroines, could use to satisfy the ending conditions.

Using this, it was possible to forcibly subdue one heroine who had not completed the capture and execute the ending branch.

However, in this powerful item that can reverse the flow of the game, as a kind of penalty for that, the probability of failure existed.

A phrase that says that the power of the shackles, which is activated with a 3% chance, has run wild.

the moment it pops up,

The heroine with shackles is said that the bond between reason and body is completely cut off as it is, and the intelligence stat is degraded to the level of a beast rather than a human being.

If this happens, Eileen and Amelda's combat power will be cut in half, and the witch Shud will almost turn into garbage.

However, due to the nature of Terra, who was originally a Himmcane, there was no significant change in combat power.

What was important was not the change in combat power, but a more serious problem.

The point is that the heroine is no longer a normal heroine, but is classified as a 'pet' that can be bred systematically.

This change was permanent and could not be dismantled even by using the Elixir of the God Potion.

The game over does not appear, but in reality all means to see the ending are blocked, so it can be said to be a semi-compulsory game over.


Consequences of these 'failures'

Terra was gasping her tongue in front of me, literally like a pet.

However, I could tell through the description of the original even while looking at her as if she had literally lost her mind.

I will never be able to go out again, but

The fact that Terra's 'reason' still remains in that animal in front of me even now.

'Do you remember the movie you saw before? It was a movie in which a black brain was transplanted into a white person's body. Maybe... The condition of the white person who became the original there was exactly that... No. Was it the other way around?'

With that thought, I gently stroked Tera's hair, who was looking up at me with dazzling eyes, and Tera started to show a happy expression while whining about it as if it was a good feeling.

At this moment, her reason, perfectly confined inside her, is screaming out, apart from...

Expressing such pure joy to me as the owner.


"That's right… a warrior."

"Yes, yes, His Majesty the Demon King."

Kneeling in front of the demon king sitting at the desk in the office,

Elisha began to report the outcome of this operation in a voice filled with admiration.

In addition to blocking the supply procession from Rob, the military base,

They even burned all the supplies stored there for several months.

In addition, as an added bonus, the heroic performance of the hero who defeated the general who was in charge of the defense and captured the female warrior who was originally in the hero's party.

As she reported these facts as they were, without filtration, Elisa spoke in an excited voice with a slightly recalled expression that was not her usual.


It was great. Start by slicing humans without hesitation, and use a ruse to trick foolish humans and break in.

Isn't it... And that dignified figure that saved his convictions from danger..."

"Elisa, if you say that, can I take it as a sign that there is no need to have any doubts about the hero any more?"

The demon king spoke in a calm voice while cutting off Elisa's speech, who seemed to be slightly overheated.

Recognizing that she was a little excited, she calmed her emotions and spoke in a calmer voice.

"Ah... um... um... yes! As His Majesty said, with such outstanding abilities of a hero and hatred towards humans, I think we can trust and entrust you with our missions in the future."

"Yeah... I'm glad you think so."

"… ?

The Demon King answered her words with a slightly dark expression on his face.

At this, Elisha asked her owner in a voice filled with some doubts and concerns, delaying the excitement she had just had before.

"I... Your Majesty? Do you have any discomfort somewhere? The complexion does not look good."

"… No, it is not. I was just a little surprised. The fact that the hero did such a great job for me... for the sake of our demons... It was something that even Jim didn't expect."

A demon king who reassures her by putting a smile on her face in response to Elisa's question.

After that, the demon king corrected his expression again, and asked Elisa in front of him in a calm, yet majestic voice, as always.

"Then, where is the hero now?"

"Yes, as far as I know, he went back to his room. With that beast, the female warrior."

"I get it."

The Demon King immediately rose from his seat immediately after he had finished saying those words.

Elisha felt some doubts about this and carefully asked her master.

"Where are you going, Your Majesty?"

"I am going to the warrior. Since you have successfully fulfilled the orders given by Jim, shouldn't we be rewarded for that?"

A Demon King who speaks in a quiet, but slightly subdued voice.

In response, Elisha bowed her head to see off the master, and the demon king quietly walked out of the office.

I can't easily express myself to others...

With uncomplicated emotions in her heart.

EP.22 The hero's secret hobby?

The Demon King who arrived at the place where he was to celebrate the hero's achievements.

For some reason, she rushed all the way to this place in a remarkably urgent appearance, and tried to enter the room as it was.

In response to this, the servants opened the door without any hesitation and let their monarch, the Demon King, go inside.


As soon as he enters the room, the demon lord screams urgently.

By the way..


"ah… "

next moment

The Demon King stood still for a moment with a blank expression on his face.

On the other hand, the hero who was in the room looking at such a demon king stopped his movements as if time had stopped with a hardened expression for a moment.

The scene in front of the demon king at this moment.


It was the figure of the warrior, the beast of the hero party that I had seen the other day, lying down like a dog and eating with his mouth the rice from the dog food bowl.

At the same time, the behavior of the hero who caressed the head of such a beastly female warrior while treating him as a dog is a bonus.

Seeing this... The Demon King was in deep confusion about what to do and did not say anything for a while.

And after a while.

The words that barely came out of her mouth...

"This… this… has a fairly unique hobby… Goa. Warrior."

"Ah.. no.. me.. this.. this isn't like that.."

The demon king's reaction is so awkward that it really makes the mark that he is pretending to be calm.

In response, the hero was caught in a deep sense of embarrassment and began to try his best to somehow explain this situation...

"It's okay… it's okay! no need to be shy Jim is well aware that everyone has different tastes. And as the monarch of this country, I am ready to understand all of that."

"… "

A demon king who does his best to convince him of this situation.

For some reason, the hero had no choice but to remain silent for a while, captured by a feeling that felt like his heart was aching more than being sold off.


The sudden visit of the Demon King at an unexpected timing.

I was put in a difficult position in many ways due to this situation, which was reminiscent of Umk.

Of course, with a bit of adaptation, the process of destroying this guy's mind and making him like a dog was not 45 consecutive failures, but just neatly loosened the shackles.

"Um… well… I'm sorry, warrior. Jim made a strange misunderstanding."

"Oh no, Your Majesty. Rather, I am sorry for showing you an unsightly side."

The Demon King apologizes in an awkward voice to me after having managed to explain the situation like that.

Regarding this, I breathed a deep sigh of relief and looked at Terra, who was just waving her tail in front of me.

"Then… Does this person have no way to return to the way they used to be?"

"Perhaps it is. Judging from what happened as a result of breaking the chains that held him, it seems hopeless."

With those words, I held out a broken piece of iron in front of the Demon King.

With 'failure', all magical powers were blown away and the chains of domination became a simple piece of scrap metal.

The Demon King, who picked it up, slowly nodded his head as if he was convinced.

"It seems to contain some powerful magic. Nowadays, it is an object that literally cannot find anything more than a piece of iron."

With those words, the demon king who returned the fragments of the shackles back to me.

Then I spoke to her in a voice full of bitterness.


To be honest, I wonder if things are better now. Anyway, she already betrayed me. if the mind

If I had been fine, I would have been in my rage by now and beating her harshly."

In reality, I had already caused more than enough pain for Terra due to 45 consecutive failures to avoid the eyes of others, but there was no need to mention that fact here.

The Demon King, the monarch of this country, needed to show the best possible appearance as he could be said to be my superior.

And even if that's not necessarily the case,

It is natural for a man to not want to make a bad impression on the ideal beauty in front of him.

The reason for achieving overclearance in this mission in the first place included not only the fact of gaining trust from the demons, but also the desire to look good to the demon king who gave this task to him.

"I'm sorry… That someone like you has to go through these things."

"Well, if you say this is fate in its own way, it would be fate. A warrior... No, it was the fate that was borne by me."


The Demon King who speaks in a voice that feels a little heavy while looking at me like that.

Through her reaction like this, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief inwardly, realizing that the situation that could have led to a decrease in favorability had been moderately rectified.


With the intention of congratulating the warrior...

No, to be precise, the Demon King who visited him to examine the state of the hero, who is thought to be complicated in many ways.

But at this moment, meeting the hero and talking to him,

Rather, the Demon King was feeling that his thoughts and emotions were getting more complicated.

Acceptance... No, in fact, a warrior who is trying to accept the current situation with an appearance that is close to resignation.


Watching him like this, talking with such a hero.

At this moment, the Demon King was feeling confused by the heterogeneous yet contradictory emotions that were blooming in his heart.

'What a strange thing it is... In the current situation, why is Jim feeling so uncomfortable?'

when you say it soberly.

If it were her, there would be no reason to feel uncomfortable about the current situation.

Rob, a village that plays a key role in the supply line of the Tribal Alliance.

The supplies from there, like blood supplied to the limbs of a monster, have been the source of the power of their offensive, which continues endlessly.

If the supply line was given a certain amount of damage, it would be possible to improve the situation on several urgent front lines immediately, so the Demon King ordered the hero to attack there.

However... the achievements brought by the hero are

It was not at the level of simply cutting off the blood vessels of the monster, but it was as if a knife had been inserted into the heart that the blood was gushing out of.

No matter how powerful a monster is, if a blade gets stuck in his heart, he will not be able to hold on for long and will fall.

And the same was true of the Allied Tribes, which were beating the Demon Kingdom like a single gigantic creature.

Although their total force was still three times that of the Demon King's army, no matter how strong they were, in the end, it was impossible to survive long without food and weapons.

It will take several months for the goods to arrive from their home country right away.

If you take advantage of this opportunity, you will not only overturn the unfavorable charter,

Hopefully, he might be able to completely drive out those abominable enemies that have entered the depths of the Demon Kingdom.

A hero who brought not only the level of slowing down the enemy's advance, but also the opportunity of a large-scale counterattack.


Despite these great victories,

At this moment, the Demon King was in the process of not being able to accept the current situation purely.

As a body seated in the position of a monarch, the Demon King is a public entity that rules over all demons.

From her point of view, the actions of the hero who brought great benefits to the nation were of course something to be proud of.

But at this moment,

In the mind of the Demon King, it did not originate from such a public point of view...

The deep sadness that came from the gaze of a woman named 'she' was taking hold.

A hero who mercilessly slaughtered his fellow human beings without any hesitation, and who betrayed him, but captured a former colleague and made them slaves.

Such a thorough and complete change of heart of a noble being who once risked his life and wielded a sword to protect his people and colleagues.

It was in the process of strongly evoking a feeling of regret in the demon lord who was walking the path with the same noble mission as he once walked at this moment.

'I sympathized with the situation of the warrior. But, what is the reason why Jim feels so uncomfortable after winning the battle...'

A situation that cannot be understood from her point of view, but at the same time makes you feel that something important is about to come out as you follow this end.


In this regard, the Demon King has decided to give up on thinking more deeply than this for now.

Although there was an uneasy feeling in her heart, now was not the time for her to be swayed by these incomprehensible emotions.

The most important thing right now is to deal with 'work' as a demon king.

After putting all the emotions that were blooming in his heart to one side, the Demon King spoke in a calm voice to the hero in front of him.

"Anyway... Champion, I would like to thank you once again for admirably carrying out my orders."

The Demon King once again speaks in a voice full of dignity as a monarch.

The hero removed the shadow from his face and spoke again in a polite voice.

"I was just following the orders of my Majesty the Majesty, my lord. Rather, I am grateful for the opportunity to prove the loyalty of my beliefs in this way."


Thank you for telling me, Hero, but your achievements have definitely exceeded Jim's expectations and will bring great benefits to our Demon Kingdom. a ball like this

Those who set it up should be given a proper reward. Tell me what you want."

"Oh no, Your Majesty! My belief is simply the grace of His Majesty, who saved lives and gave us faith."

A hero who shows embarrassment at the words of the Demon King.

However, regarding his reaction, the Demon King spoke in a calm and determined voice.

"That means

Don't do it, punishment is the law of the world. On the contrary, if you do not give a proper reward to a person who has made a great achievement like you, it will damage the morale of the generals.

will be adversely affected. Anything is fine, so tell me what you want."

"Ummm… "

The demon king's words do not leave a hole through which to escape

The hero began to think seriously about this for a while...

Then, carefully, looking straight at the demon king in front of him, he said:

"… in fact. There is one thing Cheongi wants..."

"Something? Tell me."

The Demon King begins to feel a deep interest in the words of the hero.

At this, the hero showed a sign of concern, and then began to open his mouth carefully.

"His Majesty the Demon King. If it's okay with you..."

EP.23 Demon King! Please join me!

The Demon King who ordered the hero to say whatever he wants.

In response, the hero showed deep hesitation and began to open his mouth with a trembling voice.

"That's… so… Or, if it's not rude, Your Majesty. Please believe and... s... ."

The words of the warrior with deep tension.

At this, the Demon King began to feel a little concerned about how he wanted something so great that he was showing this appearance.

'It is Jim who said he would do anything, but I hope it will not cause too much damage to the national finances anyway.'

With such thoughts in mind, the Demon King waits for the words of the hero in a slightly impatient mood.

And after a while...

Toward her like that, the hero said in a serious voice, even though he was a little trembling as if he had finally made up his mind.

"To Soshin... Your Majesty, alone... cow… Si... the honor to dine... Would you mind giving it to me?"

"… yes?"

A warrior who makes unexpected requests.

In response, the Demon King began to feel more embarrassed than she was afraid of being asked for a financially troubled request.

"G.. with Jim. Meals?"

"yes! That... yes, my lord. that's the… That's what your convictions want from your Majesty."

"… "

A hero who speaks with a visibly blushing face.

At this moment, his face was showing feelings of shame and deep vitality, not the emptiness he had just seen before.

It feels as if a withered flower was hit by rainwater and regained vigor.

Seeing this, the Demon King remained silent for a while without answering anything.

"Can't you…?"

A warrior who carefully asks questions in a voice filled with anxiety while watching the demon king's eyes.

Seeing him like this...

The Demon King began to be possessed by a strange feeling he had never experienced since he was born.

'Meal... you say? It's just me and Jim... you mean?'

A request I've never received in my entire life

There was a deep awkwardness in the Demon King's heart, but on the other hand, it didn't feel too bad.

'What… All.. If you think about it simply, isn't it just asking for a meal together? This... to this extent... If you think of it as giving a banquet to the warriors who returned from victory...'

There was neither a burden on the government nor a legal problem.

It wasn't that she put a lot of pressure on herself.


Despite this fact,

For some reason, the Demon King went through a process of subtle rationalization in his mind, and after convincing himself.

To that man with a tone that contains a little awkwardness as it is...

I said to the warrior in front of me.

"Wh..well.. there is nothing that can't be done… such a small thing... Are you okay with that?"

"B..Yes! That's enough for you!"

A hero who answers the demon king's words with a sparkling expression on his face.

Looking at him with a bright expression on his face as if the gloomy shadow from before was a lie,

The Demon King felt a strange feeling as if something was wriggling in his heart. Unknowingly, he said, averting his gaze slightly from the hero.

"..yes, let me do it if you want it."

"Ah, thank you! your majesty!"


The demon king asks you to say whatever you want as a reward for setting up a ball.

In response, I began to seriously think about what to ask of her proposal in that brief moment, apart from the one uttering of humility.

There were countless things that could answer the demon king's promise to listen to anything.

Not to mention huge wealth or territories.

Or a subordinate that you can personally serve...

Otherwise, the so-called 'slave' wouldn't be bad either.

Unlike modern times, this world was a medieval fantasy world that was more than four steps away from my common sense in various ethical views.

Differences in status existed strictly, and hiring slaves was as natural as buying goods for those with money.

In that respect, it was also possible to legally compose a harem of so-called men's romance if I wanted to, and for a moment, I became greedy for that.

In such a way as to ask the Demon King to have beautiful demon women as his subordinates, or to ask the human female warriors to be slaves.


Apart from being swayed by such animal desires for a while, I slowly began to shake my head at that thought.

'..because it's a harem.. Well, it's a little bit attractive from a sexual point of view...but it's not right for my view of love.'

Obviously, a harem was a man's romance, but he could instinctively want it.

However, Nara wasn't the type to prefer digging wells like that, nor did he like stories of unresponsible pleasures.

Perhaps it was because he was deeply influenced by modern ethics.

Or maybe it's because of an overly savvy view of love, I don't know.

I was the one who always developed love step by step and had the envy and longing for a healthy heterosexual relationship that eventually bore fruit.

And above all...

this moment right now,

Sitting in front of my eyes was a person who was more beautiful than any woman I had ever seen and whose personality was exactly my taste.

The person who captured my heart from the first time I saw that face...

A person like the benefactor who made my life in this world not end with a tragic bad ending.

and at this moment.

The woman in question was talking while looking at me sitting in front of her.

tell me what you want

I'll listen to anything.

about her words,

I do it my way,

I told her to get what I wanted.

A request that is neither too excessive nor too soft.

As a result, what I asked for was...

He had asked the Demon King on a date in a way that could be done in this world.


In this regard, the Demon King looked a little perplexed, but soon accepted my proposal.

tomorrow evening. With the words that you will set aside time for me...


The Demon King returned to his office after ending the story of the 'reward' for the hero.

There, as always, the person she trusted the most was sitting in the car sitting there.

A demon woman with an intelligent appearance wearing glasses, and small antlers of a young deer on her temporal head.

A purple-eyed beauty with neatly tied blue ponytail hair in a blue maid outfit.

One of the four major executives and a person who serves as the Demon King's secretary and Prime Minister of the Demon Kingdom.

Belze Beauty Jeremiah

She spoke to the demon king who had entered the room in a calm yet polite voice.

"Are you here, Your Majesty?"

"Yeah.. I went.."

With those words, the Demon King sat down with a troubled expression on his face.

In front of her, Belzebeauty poured the tea she had prepared, and the Demon King drank it straight away without any hesitation.


Seeing the demon king trying to calm complicated emotions for some reason,

Belzebeauty asked her monarch in a voice of deep concern.

"So... how did you go, Your Majesty? What the hell did the hero demand for this work?"

The appearance of a demon king that is not unusual just by looking at it.

Seeing this, Belzebeauty, who was already aware of the circumstances, was able to recognize at once the fact that the hero demanded something unusual from the Demon King.

And these facts...

this moment.

Belze Beauty, who oversees the internal affairs of the Demon King's army,

Apart from the calm facial expression,

with very complex thoughts in my head

It was in the process of creating a feeling of deep tension.

'no way

I did... After all, what kind of unreasonable request was made to His Majesty the author? He asks for a huge amount of wealth or for a huge estate.

Or... Maybe it's because we demanded dozens of our demons or human women captured as sex slaves. this way

Even so, even the warriors are males!'

I haven't heard the exact story yet.

The warrior's request was enough to shake their monarch, who did not show any signs of shaking, to this extent.

Belze Beauty was judging that the fact alone would have obviously requested something huge...

In this regard, she has already begun to feel the emotions of deep anger as well as the feeling of confusion in her head.


After all, that hero was betrayed on the outside, but in reality he was just like a robber with a knife. Obviously, after thorough calculations,

It's clear that you came here with the intention of stripping away our demon kingdom. Even if it takes a long time, rather than the often-federation that will win later anyway

Anxious and anxious, we have a lot more to eat, right? And in such a crowded situation, we can't refuse the warrior's request.

there won't be any Then later, when our financial resources are exhausted, we immediately grab the knife upside down and cut our backs... '

In the beginning, as a thorough strategist and analyst, Belzebeauty was a unique entity that understood the combat power of the hero almost accurately along with the Demon King.

For her like that,

no matter how loyal

He made an oath, but the hero who has the power to fight the demon king more than a whistle is always something to be wary of

It was a dangerous existence that had to pluck the branches right away if it was seen.

In addition, the current position of Belze Beauty was that her owner, the Demon King, was too soft on the boundaries of that side, and that he had to step forward and keep an eye on the hero.

In fact, it was Belzebeauty's work that included Elisa in the job of asking the Demon King to attack Rob.

It was Belze Beauty that had a negative gaze on the hero from the basic base.

For her, the figure of the Demon King showing unusual emotions at the 'request of a hero' was making it output as complex and long thoughts as before in 0.5 seconds.


Towards Belze Beauty, who is chewing on the hero at an unbelievable speed in his head with a poker face for a moment like this.

The demon king spoke of the 'request of the hero' in question with a slightly trembling voice.

"meal… "

"… yes?"

"I asked for a meal. The hero... alone with me... That was the reward... the hero requested from me."


A demon king who tells stories you never really thought of.

In response, Belze Beauty started to feel as if the accident had stopped for a few seconds, with a blank expression on her face for a moment.

And after a while.

The conclusion she came to was...

'Young hero, you bastard.. He's more terrifying than I thought..'

EP.24 That Hero is a Dangerous Hero

Prime Minister of the Demon Kingdom Belze Beauty

As a servant of her monarch, the Demon King, and her throne…

At the same time, as her friend who has grown up together since childhood,

He has always put the safety of his master and country first and devoted himself to this.

and at this moment.

Belze Beauty is her..

No, she was in the process of judging that a very great crisis had come to her master, the Demon King and this Demon Kingdom.

The hero's action of asking the demon king to have a meal for the two of them alone, and the demon king accepting it.

It may be possible to say that she is overreacting to something simply about to eat a meal, but from her point of view, the current situation was not something to be taken lightly.

'The brave guy asked the Demon King to have a meal. He also rejected all other rich and noble films and chose this one. That is… '

The monarch is the state, and therefore it can be said that the fall of the monarch is the fall of the state.

of course the race

Among the countries belonging to the coalition, there were those who led the government through the parliament rather than the monarch, but even they

They could not escape from the basic principle that what the leaders suffered would directly lead to the collapse of the country.

But even so, the chance of a hero trying to assassinate the Demon King using this opportunity was quite low.

Naturally, it was forbidden to carry weapons while eating with the Demon King.

Although it was just the two of them, the probability of success was too low considering the servants who came in and out for the attendant and the armed guards who were always waiting at the entrance.

The term "defeat" here refers to a fall in a different sense.

In other words, it was related to the hero gaining the favor of the Demon King.

The hero's act of choosing to spend time with the Demon King over something else,

This could be said to mean that the hero might be aiming for the country itself, even further, depending on the thoughts of the demon king.

'Your hero, this guy... After all, he's a guy with a tremendous desire to have as much power as he does. He's also a smarter guy than I thought.'

It was a fact that Belze Beauty knew through the circumstances so far that the hero was a guy who could use his hair to some extent.

But... even for such Belze Beauty, this event became an opportunity to completely revise her evaluation of the hero.

Not a level human who simply moves for his own benefit..

Based on immense power and ability, he is a dangerous being who knows how to pursue what he wants with greed and certainty.

'The devil's

Does it mean that you want to take over this country by winning your heart? Well.. I have such a goal, so in a human body, that is also human beings.

He must have stood on the side of our demons with the body of the strongest hero among them. He seems like a scary guy.

We have to protect the Demon Lord and this country.'

As I began to feel a deeper sense of caution and concern for the existence of a hero,

After making up her mind, Belze Beauty told the story of this fact.

I made up my mind to warn the demon king sitting in front of her about the hero's evil plot.