

Is the EP.85 final full of misunderstandings?

"… uh... "

-"Eh… So… The winner of this match will be Elisa-sama, as Samuel-sama, who was originally a participant in this confrontation, eventually withdrew due to the aftermath of the terrorist incident."-

Without doing anything, all of a sudden, the victory was achieved, and only Elisa.

However, in this regard, Elisha's heart was now boiling over with only a little bit of irritation and confusion, rather than joy.

'What the hell is going on?... Still, because of being a hero, I'm going to die of blushing, so why did that guy, Samuel, abstain...? '

It was a selection battle for Narsil with the title of the Demon Kingdom's strongest warrior.

Declaring renunciation in this match involving a once-in-a-lifetime glory was not an easy task, and Elisha was automatically questioned in this regard.

' Then I saw that guy… You went to catch the terrorists with the hero earlier, didn't you? I wonder if that has anything to do with... ?'

At the time, Elisha was still in shock at the fact that she had put too much of an empty leg in relation to her mother.

Because of that, she was unable to take any action immediately after the terrorist incident, but in the meantime, she succeeded in recognizing only the fact that the hero and Samuel moved together.

Of course, she was well aware of the fact that there was no hasty judgment about this.

Still, as she had a huge misunderstanding by being too arbitrious about her mother's work, she had no choice but to stick to her position that she should be cautious until the situation became clear.

'But it's still something I'm worried about... From that point of view, I'm going to keep it in my memory for now.'

Elisa feels regretful at the fact that the slightly anticipated confrontation ended in a misfire while designating Samuel as a potential danger person.

But immediately after that,

At some point, she became aware of the final finale approaching and the name written on it.

'! yo. this… Warrior? The hero is my next opponent and final opponent?...'

To be honest, she herself had been looking forward to it all along, but, apart from that, Elisa was automatically seized with a deep tension at this moment.

'uh… what if... It's like what I was hoping for has actually happened... This is a bit heartbreaking... '

A rare opportunity to face the sword with the person you love.

In this regard, Elisha began to climb onto the stage before the finals, where the hero was waiting, with a feeling of stiffness that made her feel more flexible when she was in chaos.

To be honest, Elisha was very well aware of the fact that she couldn't be a hero's opponent.

This is a very natural fact, as I have often seen the hero's performance from the sidelines.

But even if there was a defeat in front of him, Elisha was ready to accept it.

No, rather, it could be said that it was a welcome thing from her point of view to be defeated by a hero, who she recognized, rather than by someone else.

'Honestly, Mama's case and Samuel's case have only had matches that are vaguely even called battles... But if your opponent is a hero, you won't have to worry about that.'

With that thought in mind, Elisa stepped forward while wearing a helmet on her face.

At this moment, she drew her dagger towards the hero in front of her with a thought of pouring out her energy with peace of mind.


looking at her like this.

The hero drew his great sword as it was and began to prepare to fight to meet her.

"Then let's go, hero!"

With those words, as it was, assimilated into the shadows, Elisa charged towards the hero at a tremendous speed.

However, unlike Elias, who unwittingly broke the brakes due to psychological burden, the hero was clearly a stronger opponent than himself, so Elisa's actions were not at all hesitant.



A hero who lightly blocks a blow with the power of her whole body.

like that,

As the picture that Elisa herself had predicted came true, a smile began to appear on her lips.

'Also a warrior... I knew that an attack like this was not even worth it!'

With that thought in mind, Elisha immediately pulled herself back and charged again, aiming for a gap.

However, the hero's attack, which was shot like a shooting star, just flowed lightly like water.

At first glance, the situation looked like Elisa was unilaterally pushing the hero, but in reality, all of Elisa's attacks were being blocked by the hero.

It was as if he was facing a huge fortress wall that could not be collapsed.

However, Elisha was never frustrated or disappointed in this regard.


rather now,

Elisha's heart was filled with deep ecstasy.

'The hero is taking my attacks... This is obviously… I mean, I want you to show me my strength in front of you!'

Despite the fact that if the warrior's skill was enough to blow away Elisa with his sword, at this moment he did not counterattack and was only defending like a solid colossus.

And, towards Elisha, who was keeping an eye on that fact, the hero declared his dignity.

"Where are you going? I will accept any attack from you!"


The words of a warrior who can feel his strength and superiority as a warrior.

The moment you hear that,

Elisha began to feel the emotion in her heart pounding without knowing it.

'You're going to accept my everything... "

To put it bluntly, it's a simple provocation level with the meaning of going somewhere.

However, Elisha, who had a crush on the hero, took this in a completely different way.

"what… It's like... It's like confessing to the woman you love... '

The fact that the man he was in love with tells her to pour out everything could be accepted as such.

Elisa feels like she's fading a little without knowing it.

And the agitation of her heart had an adverse effect on her attack speed as it was.




Elisa's attack flew in with a terrifying force like a pouring rain.

Due to the nature of the assassin, she has a stat that is almost indifferent to speed, so her speed was admirable.

But even so, it wasn't that difficult for me to block Elisha's attack, and I had enough time to counterattack like this.

Nevertheless, for a while, she focused only on defending against her attack because she thought that it would be no fun if the result was vainly thrown away as it was the final final.

'Even though I'm not interested in fan service, I have to do this... Right now, I would feel dirty if something like this came out in the finals.'

It showed overwhelming power and definitely appealed my strength.

However, the biggest purpose of participating in this competition was to give the people of the Demon Kingdom a positive impression of the existence of a hero.

As it can have the opposite effect if I finish the final in one shot because it's annoying, I was thinking that it would be better to block Elisa's attack first and then put an end to it in a suitable line.

By the way…

"Where are you going? I will accept any attack from you!"

Provocative words directed at Elisa, a little bit in the mood for the finals, without much meaning.

But right after that...



In the next moment, Elisa's attack suddenly slowed significantly.

I couldn't help but feel deeply perplexed for a moment.

'Uh... why? Why did you suddenly feel so slow while batting with momentum and so on?'

The attack, which was shot like an unstoppable arrow, was weakened as if the bow string had been loosened.

And in this regard…

All of a sudden, an idea started popping up in my head.

'Is the fact that the fact that defeat has been confirmed even though I've been attacking with all my might have broken my mentality? Even though it looked like that, Elisa was secretly weak in that way... '

From her experience so far, she knew well that Elisha was not a hard-hearted person.

Elisa, who used to show that she was easily frustrated and shaken by her young appearance.

From my point of view, I could have accepted it as a cute little brother, but in the current situation, it was not accepted as a very good feeling.

'In my case, it was just a defense as part of a little fan service... From Elisha's point of view, this was considered blasphemy. Severe blasphemy that exposes the pride of a warrior to the very bottom... '

If you put all your energy into a goal, but it doesn't move.

In particular, if he knew that the opponent was stronger than him and had prepared for it, his despair could only be felt even greater.


My act of giving provocative words to such an opponent would have been like giving a final blow to Elisa's mantal, which was still shaking.

'I can't see my face because of the helmet... Surely Elisha must be weeping in there?'

As I am well aware that she has worked really hard for this Narsil so far, for me, this is a fact that has no choice but to touch.

And in this regard.

I made a decision in my mind.

It's like comforting a younger brother who is pounding on his brother while crying.

EP.86 Come to me with all your might!

Elisa was captured by a deep sense of happiness while fighting the hero.


It was then that she was sobbing, swayed by emotion.

"!! laugh!"


In the next moment, a hero who suddenly pushes himself back with a strong force.

Elisha, who had been devoted to defending so far, felt a sense of relief to see him strike back for the first time.

'This... oh my, it's been too loose for a moment... No matter how happy the hero's consideration is, if we don't do our best here... '

As a warrior who was only focusing on defense in the sense of practically pouring out all of her power, Elisa's loose behavior could be taken as insulting his favor.

And the next moment…

"Calm down, Elisha!"

A warrior who raises his voice and wins, as if pointing out Elisha's thoughts.

Then he spoke to her, feeling like a teacher pointing out a student's mistakes.

"Your power, the power of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Kingdom, isn't just this! Come to me with all your might!"

"yo. this… Warrior… "

The resolute voice of the hero calling her.

At this, Elisa sincerely reflected on her actions, which had been a little disturbed for a moment.

At the same time, he felt as if his body was heating up at the words of the hero who asked him to come with all his might once again, and he applied force firmly to the hand holding the sword.

'okay… The hero is cheering me on like that, but I can't show my clumsy side here. Do your best, you must live up to the expectations of the hero!'

With that thought in mind, Elisha made up her mind to stop enjoying this strange situation.


As a result of her determination, she began to bring out the attacks of sincerity that she possessed.

- Honey!

The black shadow beneath her feet.

In an instant, it began to ripple like a lake from which rocks had fallen.


- Go oh oh...

Elisha's shadow begins to cover the floor of the arena as black as water flowing out of a bowl with an eerie sound.

Then, it appeared like something huge and alive, and it began to vibrate with a terrifying majesty like a tsunami that seemed to be about to fall at the center of the place where the hero was.

This is Elisa's strongest and worst attack technique, and the power that can be called her power.

although earlier

It was also used when attacking her mother Elias in battle, but unlike at the time when she controlled her strength to some extent, now Elisa is doing the next thing.

Without considering it, he was beating his power as it was.

"Did you say that you will accept all of me? Come on, warrior! Because this is... my heart for you!"

Elisha proudly declares her love as if she were confessing her love.


Seeing her like this, the hero straightened his posture with a small laugh and prepared to swing his sword.

"okay! Come see me! your heart I will do my best to accept it!"

"!! Whoops!..."

A hero's action to throw out a wild answer to her declaration.

Elisha had no choice but to automatically feel her heart flutter, even though she knew that it wasn't like a confession.

However, apart from such feelings, Elisha continued the attack without distracting her attention because of her affection for the warrior.

"I'm going!!!!"

With Elisha's shout, her attack begins to fall towards the hero as it is.

Hundreds of hundreds of black blades made of shadows began to pour towards only the hero.

If interpreted in a normal way, these attacks were nothing more or less than just killing someone in front of them with certainty.


The opponent being attacked was a hero, not an ordinary being.

One of the strongest beings Elisa recognized, and someone she truly trusts.

Even if such a hero would be able to withstand such an attack, Elisha was sure.



As if to meet Elisa's expectations, a warrior who wields his sword towards the waves of shadows rushing towards him as it is with the sound of cheering.

At the same time,

The immense magical power that had been condensed in the warrior's greatsword was spewing out toward the shadow with a single flash of light.


The hero's blow begins to shake the entire stadium with a momentary explosion.

The spectators who were watching the situation and the high-ranking demons present here.

And, immediately after the defeat was confirmed, the face of the Demon King who was sitting in the VIP room swapping seats with the agent automatically lit up with a light of surprise.

And after a while.


"ah… "

A new scene that began to appear in their eyes in the subsequent situation.


The appearance of the arena floor half blown away by the hero's blow, and Elisha sitting in the center of it.

And... it was the figure of a hero standing proudly with his sword straight in front of her.

-"Choi.. the final winner is the black warrior!"-

"Woah Aaaaaaaaa!!!"

The referee's declaration of victory resounds as soon as the situation is grasped.

At the same time, shouts from the crowd congratulating the winner's decision echoed inside the stadium.


At the center of such a cry, there was a warrior who showed strong power until the end, and the first person in the history of the Asmodian tribe to take the place of Narsil.

"thank you for your effort. and… Sorry, Elisa. You worked so hard, but in the end, it ended up like this."

"That… isn't it! There's absolutely no need to be sorry. Because you won by fighting fair and fair to the end. rather… "

"rather… ?"

"Oh, no… Nothing. that… So. Congratulations on becoming Narsil, hero."

Elisa speaks in a trembling voice with her face covered with a helmet blushing at the words of the hero.

so, at a glance

Seeing her like this, she seems to be trying her best to take care of the hero while forcing her resentment under pressure, the hero once again

I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my heart that wasn't very good.

'I guess I'm very discouraged... In general, I say it's okay, but I need to comfort you in some way in the future.'

With that thought, the hero received the cheers of many people, and he grabbed Elisha's hand and lifted her up.

his like this

In action, Elisha grabbed his hand while trembling slightly, and stood up from his seat, and then the hero took the last step in consideration for Elisha.

He went back to the waiting room, holding her wounded in the blow.

In a helmet all the way to the waiting room with his support. With a happy smile on her face, she didn't even notice Elisa's face, which was red like an apple.


The Narsil selection match that ended successfully with the victory of the hero.


The only pure effect on the game itself was that the hero's fame spread throughout the Demon Kingdom, but the aftermath of the event during the game was not so simple.

"therefore… The current internal situation of the racial union is that they are openly pointing their swords at each other, isn't it?"

"According to the words of that warrior MK.2, yes."

As always, to Belze Beauty's question, Samuel answered in a firm tone with one face.

In response, Belze Beauty started to put a smile on her lips, feeling that things were going more interesting than she had thought.

After the de facto defeat in the last war, she was well aware that there was a great division within the Tribal Union.


Even so, until just a few months ago, they were allied with each other to the extent that they would wage an all-out war in one day.

The fact that the relationship had deteriorated was not to be taken lightly in many ways.

'If you do well... Maybe I can use this opportunity to get something bigger.'

Although it succeeded in recovering the entire country, the current national power of the Demon Kingdom was in a situation where it had to be completely devoted to internal affairs.

Restoring the destroyed castles and territories, and the people who fled to the shelters may not be able to establish themselves again, but it will take more than several years.


Apart from the internal circumstances of such a demon kingdom,

In this situation where they are biting and biting each other like now, Beljebeauty was judging that there was a way to minimize the consumption of national power and take advantage of it.

"Good job, Samuel, but… As more detailed information becomes available, we will continue to ask for a report."

"I would like to know."

After saying those words, Samuel left Belze Beauty's office as it is.

Shortly thereafter, Belzebeauty, who was left alone in the room, began to rummage through information about what was going on among the racial unions on the mainland this time.

'But, as it is, there is not enough information. Perhaps in order to proceed with more detailed work, it is necessary to send more useful spies to the enemy's territory.'

With such thoughts in mind, Belze Beauty begins to plan for this priority and organizes it.


The paper placed next to her, who was making fun of her pen, contained a piece of news from a spy who was active on the continent.

Belze Beauty herself did not show much interest because she had no reason to be concerned.

that… I am a member of the warrior party,

It was news that a person named Shud, who used to be a great witch in the wizarding realm, had suddenly disappeared.

EP.87 Warm current status of the ex-herald party

It was a well-known fact that there is no end to desire, and in particular, it was well-known that the desires of living things called humans are stronger than any other race in the world.


The human race's strong desires, like the elves, have superior magical powers and long vitality.

Despite not possessing superior strength and physical condition like the beasts, it became the driving force that allowed them to stay one step ahead of other races.

As a result,

The organization formed by humans has grown to become the most powerful force on the continent.

These are the two countries that are currently one of the most powerful countries on the continent.

It served as the background for the birth of two powerful powers: the Falcon Empire and the Angrimer Magic Kingdom.


Human desire, which helped to form such a powerful state, was at the same time acting as a factor hindering the harmony between these two forces.

The Falcon Empire, which emphasizes the development of martial arts and technology, and the Andrimer Magic Kingdom, which emphasizes the research of magical powers and magic.

Although they once had a sense of unity in that they were a nation of the same human race, nevertheless, they also had the inherent differences, discomfort, and competitive consciousness.

As a result

Even though they are of the same kind, the two countries are forming their respective spheres of influence without being united into one power.

And the cause of this phenomenon was that it was fundamentally a human desire that was too strong.

In the case of the Falcon Empire, from the position of having a relatively large territory and population, there was a tendency to take it for granted that the mage kingdom bowed its head.

On the other hand, in the case of the Magic Kingdom, despite the difference in weight, based on the strength of the science of magic, they were proud that they were never inferior to the Falcon Empire.

For that reason, the Empire and the Sorcerer State, although they are neighboring countries, have historically always been at odds with each other.

Still, there had not yet been an all-out war between the two countries due to the thought that they were related, but it was clear that relations between the two countries were not very good.


The fierce war between the Falcon Empire and the Elf Kingdom, which took place against this background, was being accepted as a great boon in many ways for the Mage Kingdom, who was naturally observing it from the side.

Even though they didn't do anything special, it was like the Empire, the rival, was making enemies on its own and eroding the nation's power little by little in the process.

Of course, if the war ended like this, the power of the Falcon Empire would be stronger. In this regard, the wizarding country already knew to some extent.

Apart from advancing with momentum based on the initial victory,

The fact that the country of the elven kingdom is not a country that the Falcon Empire can easily eat.

Basically, the elf kingdom has an absolutely advantageous terrain for the defense side due to forests and trees, and mountains and rocks.

The folly of the Falcon Empire, which invaded such a country without fear, would surely bring a painful price.


In spite of this situation, Mage Guk had no intention of sitting quietly here with arms crossed.

Of course, there are pros and cons to each other, but as the empire's national power is so great, it was clear that in the end, the overall situation would lead to an advantage.

And this had enough elements to properly intervene from the point of view of a mage state who wanted to weaken the power of the empire while leading the war as long as possible.


"That means… Disguise yourself as a demon and raid the empire?"

"That's right, Shud. That is the will of His Majesty the Demon King, and that is the will of the Magic Kingdom."

"Hmm… "

A superior totem conveying the will of the monarch to her.

However, while telling this story, a dark shadow of concern was cast on Totem's face.

"To be honest,

For this matter, I wanted to point to someone other than you. Anyway, for you, the Falcon Empire is the country of your fellows.

is not it. However, it was His Majesty's intention that there was nothing to be done to make up for the failure of the last hero's party."

As a member of the Brave Party, Shud is known for having a fairly close relationship with those who belonged to the Falcon Empire.

As such, he thought that the order to secretly raid the Falcon Empire this time would be considered a considerable burden for Shud.

Even if it has the title of making up for the failures of the past.


"It's so… Thank you. How could Your Majesty give the girl a chance to wash away her disgrace so quickly."


the next moment,

A smile of deep joy reflected on Shud's face.

It wasn't a fake or forced smile, but a smile that came from the heart, and totem's face began to show embarrassment.

"ah… no… Are you really okay? Even so, it is not without the order to attack the companions."

"Yes, that's why I'm more than happy with it. Maybe because I thought I might be able to get exactly what I wanted on this occasion."

"I wanted… thing?"

Shud tells a story that cannot be understood from the totem's point of view.

But apart from this fact, once Totem felt a little relief at the fact that she was in front of her eyes and was sincerely willing to obey His Majesty's undeniable command.

'What… In any case, if it's good for you, then it'll be a good thing.'

With that thought in mind, Totem puts his mind at ease knowing that one worry has been alleviated.

Meanwhile, apart from his thoughts, Shud began to feel great joy about this unexpected 'opportunity' that came to him.

'Okay... I haven't had a reason to go to the Falcon Empire in the meantime, but I'm sure there'll be an opportunity like this!'

After Elon's case was over, Shud had no choice but to return to the Magic Kingdom for the sake of post-processing.


Contrary to the idea of ​​Shud, who was planning to finish her work quickly and return to the man she loves, Torare, again.

The war between the Demon Kingdom and the Elf Kingdom that took place immediately after that had tied her feet to the Demon Kingdom.

The general public would not know. As one of the high-ranking witches of the wizarding country, it is not easy for her to visit her warring country in many ways.

In the end, Shud hadn't seen the face of his beloved Torare for the past several months since then, which was enough to cause her to accumulate complaints and desires.

'It's been four months since I haven't seen Torare-sama's face... Still, it was a limitation, but this was really good.'

Although she had met these and other men in the name of replenishing magical power to somehow satisfy this burning desire, in the end, no man appeared to satisfy her.

Due to the nature of the wizarding country that refrains from free sexual intercourse, there were some who were quite good at this, but nonetheless, there was not a single person who followed Torare's superb technique.

At this time, Shud's desire for Torare was growing day by day.

Finally for her... The opportunity I had been waiting for all along came.

'Eileen... I can't let that motherfucker monopolize Torare-sama forever. Good job. Take this opportunity to show that bitch a hot taste and make sure Torare-sama... '

She always gets what she wants.

Now finally... The fact that she alone can become the man's true owner, brushing off all her other troublesome things, made her feel her deep joy.

like that,

Looking forward to the enchanting future that will unfold in the future, Shude's lips began to show a smile full of desire.

'Wait a minute, Torare-sama. my must... I'll make you your own!'


High Priest Eileen.

She was having an incredibly happy time these days.

Due to the failure of the hero's party, her position was narrower than in the past, and she failed to obtain the enormous wealth and wealth she had been longing for since she left her hometown.


Nevertheless, Eileen felt sufficient satisfaction with her present life.

Torare, a porter, has been in a relationship ever since they met at the Brave Party.

At this moment, the fact that he could only monopolize the man was making Eileen feel a sense of superiority and joy at the same time.

'After all, this

The final winner was me. The filthy beast, The Year, and the Year of Amelda, who has no idea where it has gone. and forcibly

Not the year of Shud that was ejected into the wizarding kingdom. This is Eileen-sama!'

Torare's social abilities were incomparable in many ways compared to the hero who possessed strong power and had a clear affinity for her.

However, nevertheless, she is not a capable and loving man,

He chose Torare, who was handsome, caring, and at the same time, had a great technique, and was not feeling any remorse about it.

'It's a thousand times better to live with Torare-sama than a man with no charm like a hero. Even more so if you're in a situation where you've brushed off all the other scumbags like now.'

Eileen goes to work today as she is seen off by Torare again, thinking that she has made the right choice once again.


So, right after Eileen left the house.

After confirming once again that she had left, Torare slowly opened the back door of Eileen's house.

Then, a woman began to appear in his eyes.

Although she was wearing plain clothes, Torare said with a deep smile on her lips as she looked at her pretty face.

"I'm here? Hurry up and come in because our saint has gone to work. Let's have some fun today."

EP.88 Attack of Evil Demons

Thebes, a city located in the northern part of the Falcon Empire.

Its size was not that large with a population of 10,000, but it is still one of the places with a lot of floating population as it is located in a key point of the empire.

And now.

A group of dark shadows appeared on the outskirts of this city, which was covered in deep darkness, and was watching carefully.

"What are the boundaries of the city?"

"It is as expected. Currently, the boundaries of the city are too loose."

"It seems that most of the troops went out to be mobilized in the war against the elves, as Shud-sama said."

"That's right.. As expected, everything is as expected."

At the words of his subordinates, Shud began to show a satisfied smile.

This plan was carried out by the order of the Demon King.

As the protagonist of the plan to raid the Falcon Empire in the form of demons, Shud chose Thebes, excluding other cities.

The reason is that as it is located in the northern part of the empire, it is located in a position where it is easy to withdraw troops in response to the war in the southeast,

In addition, as the basic floating population was large, the defense was usually weak compared to other areas.

However, these parts are only additional reasons to the last.

Truly, there was another reason why she chose Thebes as a point of attack.

A residential area currently located in the heart of the city.

There used to be the house where High Priest Eileen and her lover, Torare, currently reside.

As a high priest who has to travel to various regions, Eileen had to be relatively advantageous to settle in Thebes rather than any other place.

And, as an ex-colleague, I am well aware of these facts.

Shud set this as the target point to abduct the man he was longing for while carrying out his mission.

So, using magic tools and disguised as a demon, Shud finished perfectly preparing to start an attack with about 100 witches including himself.

Then, in her eyes, she began to see the figure of a subordinate rushing to this side.

"The eastern wall is also said to be ready."

"Now start."

"Okay, let's jump right in."


After finishing the last inspection, Shud and his subordinates began to act immediately.

In the dark darkness where even the moon was not floating, they used magic and jumped up the wall with ease.

Then, the witches of the wizarding realm begin to move properly with the sound of footsteps completely silenced with soundproofing magic.

Although they could see the soldiers standing on the guard negligently, lax in their eyes, they didn't bother to touch it.

Now, their purpose was not to fight the guards who only caused a fuss, but something bigger.

"after… "

"Fortunately, you haven't been caught up to here."

The witches arrived at the warehouse area located quite a distance from the city walls.

Shortly thereafter, they sighed in relief at the fact that if they had been here, their work would have been half-successful.

And immediately after looking around the appearance of such subordinates,

The squad leader, who was entrusted with Shud's instructions, immediately gave them instructions with a firm voice.



As soon as her permission is dropped, the witches immediately begin to raise their magical powers.

Then they immediately pointed the staff in their hand towards the warehouse buildings in front of them.



A huge explosion that occurred with the detonation of 100 witches at once.

The noise caused by the aftermath left the whole city engulfed.

Residents, who had been sleeping soundly in the dark, got up from their seats in a hurry and started running out of the house to find out what was causing the noise.


"big… What the hell is this?"

"I… there! Look over there!"

"what? I… What the hell... ?"

A shocking scene that began to appear in the eyes of the citizens.

It was the appearance of the warehouse area, engulfed in bright red flames at this moment, emitting black smoke that was clearly visible even at night.

A warehouse area engulfed in eerily bright flames.

Recognizing that their property stored there is now turning to ashes every moment, the citizens have begun to move urgently to rectify the situation by any means.

"damn! Hurry up! If we continue like this, our wealth will turn to a handful of ashes!"

"Come on, put out the lights! If that doesn't work, you'll have to rescue whatever you can!"

Residents rushed to the warehouse area, some with buckets and others with carts.

But right after that.

They had no choice but to stand still at the unexpected scene they began to see.

Somehow, the beings who stopped them from running to reduce the damage...

It was a group of demons with black wings and horns.

"this… what is this... "

"How…how are the demons here?"

Citizens began to be caught up in confusion and fear at the appearance of unexpected beings.

Looking at them like this, the demons straightened the staff and sword they were holding in their hands and began to release their magical power.



"stomach… danger… !"


Attacks of demons pouring down on defenseless citizens.

A mass of flames emitting a terrifying light in the dark as they were, took the lives of the citizens who were at the forefront in an instant.


"Run away! It's an attack by demons!"

"The demons of hell have invaded this far!"

In the aftermath of the tribal wars that continued for many years, the existence of demons among ordinary people was nothing more or less than a demon that unconditionally opposes humans.

And now, according to their common sense, the demons were pouring out indiscriminate attacks against ordinary civilians.

Immediately after the horrific massacre of those who were not even armed, let alone combat doctors.

The demons no longer pursued the fleeing citizens and began to hide in the darkness as they were.

And after a while.

When the soldiers arrived late after grasping the situation, there were already no demons or anyone else left.

There is only one thing left.

There were only sergeants of the Demon Kingdom lying on the floor and some tokens indicating their identity as Demons,

The lords and generals managing Thebes naturally came to the conclusion that this incident was revenge carried out by the demons who had crossed the sea.

And so, they did not come to the truth about this.

What is the identity of those who have done this?

And even what ancillary things happened in the process.

In their own strength, nothing has been achieved precisely.


'It's a little breathtaking.'

A shud that moves secretly alone in the dark.

At this moment, she was on the move, discharging her maximum magical power to reach her destination as quickly as possible.

Although she had succeeded in escaping from her subordinates with a suitable excuse, she did not have much time left for now.

Soon her men will be making a fuss in the warehouse area according to plan.

If that were the case, obviously a significant number of the citizens of the city would have to move out of their homes to determine the cause of the explosion.

And maybe among them the man she's going to find... Torare may have been included as well.

'In that case, finding Torare-sama in this city becomes like finding a needle in the desert. I have to get there anyway... '

Feeling so impatient, Shud quickly flew towards Eileen's house, which was finally visible.

But then.

- Kwagwagwang!!!

"! ね… "

The next moment, a loud explosion sounded in her ears.

At this, Shud concentrated all his nerves toward Eileen's house as he was, worried that a woman or Torare might come out of the house.

If Torare comes out there, I am determined not to miss it from then on.

However, there was no sign of the door being opened in spite of her worries, and Shud automatically sighed in relief and succeeded in arriving there.

'Are you already asleep and can't wake up? If that's the case, that'd be a really good thing for me... '

With that thought in mind, Shud cautiously approached the house.

But right after that.

Her eyes began to see light coming from behind the thick curtains, which automatically made her question it.

'what? If the light is on, it means you're still awake... '

Depending on what you think, it could be that Torare is reluctant to get involved in this and just stays inside the house.

However, considering the nature of Torare, who usually reacts quite sensitively to risks, it was a part that could be considered strange enough.

'What the hell is going on?... Are you doing something inside?'

With that in mind, Shud carefully opened the door with magic and entered the house.

Immediately afterward, all she saw was a dark hallway and a dimly lit room at the end.

"Torare… sir?"

A strange ominous feeling for a moment.

Recognizing that, Shud carefully called out Torare's name as it was and arrived at the place where the light was flowing.

Then Shud slowly opened the door.

And right after that.

In the scene she began to see with her own eyes,

As it was, Jinhadi received a deep shock.

What appeared in front of them was the appearance of the two of them.

One she knew well… No, she's familiar with Torrera's look she's been thinking about.

And the other one she's never seen before.

It was the figure of a certain woman who had a relationship with Torare without wearing a single thread.

EP.89 I did nothing wrong!

Porter Torare.

With his graceful speech that shakes women's hearts, his appearance that can easily win people's attention, and his energy superior to others, he began to show off his talents in earnest after entering the hero's party.

start is simply

It was to make acquaintances with women with superior status and abilities, but as time goes by, they began to fall in love with them.

As he watched, a desire began to sprout in Torare's heart.

Using them to achieve the long-awaited film of wealth and wealth.

As the easiest way to do this, he came up with a plan to intercept his achievements right after the hero subdue the demon king, and for this, Torare devoted himself to winning the hearts of women more actively than before.

In the end, he succeeded in taking full control of the hero's party.


Through this series of processes, Torare made a pact with the women who belonged to the warrior party.

that… You should never have a relationship with any other women other than them.

Even though they were the ones who didn't like the three other women right now.

Nevertheless, all four people who were there once were recognized as the most talented people in each country in common.

A relationship is

However, at first, they were in a relationship where they had no choice but to acknowledge each other to some extent, so the four of them are now in this relationship.

They agreed on the idea of ​​shutting out new competitors who might be associated with attractive men.

This also has the meaning of blocking other women who will inevitably become entangled if all plans are successful and Torare rises to a high position.

As a result,

Torare did not like it very much, but in order to achieve his goal, he made a promise to only have relationships with the four women there.

In fact, while we were working on the plan, I really had the intention of keeping that promise.

Although it was frustrating in many ways for him to be satisfied with only four women, who has the 'ability to seduce women', who has awakened his talent in earnest after entering the hero's party.

Nevertheless, Torare was well aware that it would be much more beneficial for his life to give up a little greed and enjoy the wealth and glory.


Torare's determination, which he had firmly built up in his own way, was severely shattered as unexpected events occurred one after another.

It started when the plan to enjoy wealth and glory by intercepting his achievements was broken due to the hero's failure to subdue the Demon King.

Fortunately, thanks to the cooperation of the women of the Brave Party since then, no life rot in prison has occurred, but the damage was far more serious than Torare had thought.

First of all, in the process of taking care of things, I had no choice but to give up on the beast female warrior Terra.

After that, the whereabouts of the elf paladin Amelda became obscure after betraying them.

As the two women in the harem that he painstakingly created disappeared, Torare gradually began to shake his will to keep his promise not to have more women.

there, elf

As the war with the kingdom broke out, even the witch Shud left her home country and showed no sign of returning.

Eileen, who had made an appointment, was away from home more often than expected for Daesungnyeo's work.

Although Torare was no longer required to do vulgar things like a porter thanks to her efforts, the life he had entered into the so-called 'zone of stability' was not the picture that Torare had hoped for.

Life itself was on the good side, but the wealth and wealth he had hoped for did not exist here, and the harem he thought he could enjoy with four women did not remain.

And, the unsatisfactory situation.

Naturally, it made Torare lose the will to keep his promise.

'Aren't those guys the ones who didn't get the job done right anyway? Even if those guys just killed the Demon King using a hero, I wouldn't have thought of breaking my promise like this!'

In the end, Torare concludes that everything is the result of their fault, not hers, and that she is doing this out of necessity.

After rationalizing himself for such an unsatisfactory situation, Torare finally decided to forsake the promise he had made with the women of the Hero Party.

But no matter what, Torare couldn't openly break his promise in front of Eileen who brought him money and food.

It's not because he's thankful for her for taking care of him until the end, but because he fears that this will end the rich life he's enjoying.

In that way, Torare avoided the eyes of Eileen, who often travels far away on business trips, and began to have a relationship with the women in the village that he had been keeping an eye on.

They ranged from the daughters of lowly peasants to noble girls of noble status.

All of them were obsessed with Torare's sweet speech, good looks, and impeccable sleeping technique, and they came to a situation where they had a relationship with him on a regular basis.

Of course, it is essential to take the contraceptive pill periodically in order not to leave any evidence in the process.

So Torare

Here in Thebes alone, she secretly had relationships with more than 10 women, but Eileen did not know much about this situation and just went home.

He only continued to live a happy life day by day, watching Torare greet her with a bright smile.

He couldn't even imagine what was going on in her house while she was away.


Torare's secret actions, which had been thoroughly maintained in their own way, were exposed in a way that he could not have imagined.

The return of Shud the witch, who had left without a promise of any time during that time.

it must be

It was done in such a way that he appeared on the scene exactly at the very moment he was having an intimate relationship with another woman, and thus Torare's

A deep sense of astonishment could only be found on his face automatically.



Torare clearly shows that he is breaking promises in front of his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Shud felt as if his faucet was spinning for a moment, and began to radiate terrifying magical power as it is.

at that time…

"Now, wait a minute, Shud. This... This is a misunderstanding. I was just doing nothing and this woman broke in and started a relationship with me… "

"hair… what? hey! What are you talking about now? You were the one who seduced me in the first place and brought me this far!"

"my… when did i Don't talk nonsense to the subject of a whore who is trying to eat someone who's standing still!"


Unlike the time when they were making love with a strange groan just before, the two quickly looked at each other and started shooting arrows of blame and responsibility.

But at this moment,

Torare's excuses were not heard in Shud's ears, who was looking at them like this.

If the person standing here had been Eileen or Amelda with a softer personality, Sang Hwa-ing might have been a little different.

However, it was Shud who was present here, not anyone else.

He has the dirtiest personality among the humans in the Brave Party, and his affection for Torare is similar to that of Eileen, and it can be said that he is tainted with madness.

To her, who is so cold-hearted that she insists most aggressively on abandoning her colleague, Terra because of her competitive spirit.

What was happening right before my eyes was absolutely unacceptable.

And, as a result, the action that Shud committed without hesitation.

"It's crazy! Don't even think that you'll end up like this! How dare you know who I am and blaspheme like this…"

That's right...



In the next moment, the woman's body exploded on the spot, splattering blood and organs as if a tomato had burst.

No matter how much I was in a crisis, I used it as an excuse, but watching the scene where the woman I was holding in my arms was brutally murdered between the ceremony.

Torare, with a slight shock,

He realized that the current situation was taking more seriously than he had thought.

"choux… Shud... . sir?"

"ha… Really... I really didn't expect you to break your promise with us so quickly."

"ah… no... i... I… "

Torare speaks in a very rigid voice at Shud's words, which feels intense anger.

However, at this moment, because of the aftermath of so much fear, he couldn't even make excuses out of his mouth.

A matter that his instinct is giving a cold warning.

It was... If I mistreated my tongue here, I could be the same as that woman who was shredded as it is.

And, looking down at Torare, who was so terrified.

Shud was left with one decision.

'I can't... After all, as my mother said, a creature called a man should not be left unattended. more than this. I think the correct answer would be to drag this man away and train him thoroughly according to my will.'

EP.90 I'll definitely save you!

It is said that the world turns upside down in a moment.

She originally did not believe this, but there were no better words to describe her situation now.

High Minister Eileen returned home after a week-long business trip.

But at this moment...

Without any sense of her usual composure or relief that she had returned, she hurriedly started running towards the house.

A sudden attack by demons in Thebes while she was on a business trip.

In the aftermath, the warehouse area where the Thebes were stored was utterly ashes, and at the same time thousands of people were killed in the process.

From the point of view of Eileen, who has spent a happy time with her beloved Torare here in Thebes, this is like lightning from the dry sky.

So, with a fear of what might have happened to the man who was involved in this matter, Eileen finally arrived home, pushing people to check the man's well-being as soon as possible.

But right after that…

"!....ah… .iced coffee… "

At the scene that began to come into her eyes, Eileen began to be seized with feelings of despair.

that… It was the appearance of her nest that had completely disappeared after being burned cleanly.

More than half of the walls had been blown away, and not a single piece of furniture that had been burned and shattered remained intact.

At the same time, what is visible on the floor is someone's blood and remnants of what is believed to be intestines.

Looking at those terrible things,

It was so natural in Eileen's mind.

A cruel reality that she never wanted to think about began to come to mind.

"ah… no… I will… I can't... how… How could such an absurd thing... '

Eileen tries her best to find hope while denying this situation with her mouth.

However, in spite of this earnest wish, the more she proceeded with the investigation, the more she felt as if she was facing a harsher reality rather than hope, rather than hope.

Her house, like other places in this area, has been thoroughly destroyed.

In addition, the remains of a corpse on the floor clearly showed that someone had been killed here.

There is no need to talk about who the owner of this corpse is, as no one other than Torare had ever entered this place until she came.

Despite the repeated efforts, in the depths of despair, Eileen sat down in the same place and began to cry with a feeling as if her heart was falling apart.

"Ah… Torare-sama… Torare... How... how did this happen... How could this be unfortunate for you... "

The tragic death of a lover who truly loved each other.

Falling into the swamp of the terrible sorrow that it brings, Eileen lost all hope and motivation as it was.

at that time…

"Dirty demons… Where the hell did you come from to do this?"

"I don't know, but you saw it too. They used magic to set fires and kill or kidnap people."

"yes? kidnap? Is there anyone like that?"

"Oh, you didn't know? A lot of people died in the commotion last night, but some were kidnapped. Am I the only one who clearly saw the owner of the house here being arrested?"


Two people chatting from behind.

However, as soon as she heard this, Eileen's head began to feel like a light was turned on automatically.

'kidnap… got hit? Are you Torare? Aren't you dead?"

To be honest, it was hard to believe the whole situation.

But, nevertheless, she hurriedly got up from her seat and hurriedly asked questions to those who were talking behind her.

"I… there. Can you tell me more about what you just said?"

"yes? ah… yes."

Residents explain the situation while feeling a little embarrassed by her question, the high minister.

According to their testimonies, last night, when the fire was burning here, they saw a person who did not know whether they were demons or not, carrying the owner of the house, Torare, on their shoulders and disappearing.

"that… is that really that… If that's okay with you, could you tell me what that person is wearing?"

"ah… Okay, so... "

People who respond to Eileen's earnest request with as much memory as possible.

About this.

Her face, who had started asking questions with the hope that she might be, gradually began to turn a darker color.

'No doubt... If what these people are saying is true, it must have been Torare-sama who was captured. It's still alive, it's alive!'

Eileen begins to rejoice with her heart as she regains the hope she had lost.

At the same time, the feeling of despair that was in her heart was still the same, and somehow she was... It began to change into a desire to bring back the person who had been captured by her demons.

'These dirty demons... I didn't know that you would interfere with my love in this way again. But wait a little bit, because Eileen-sama will punish you right away.'

Immediately after making that decision, Eileen begins to release divine power.

Then, she uses her powers as it is, and the current Torare...

To be precise, he began to detect people with powerful magical powers in this area.

'If you can produce this kind of firepower, your opponent is definitely not a formidable person. It's not that difficult for me to find such a person!'

A being with powerful magical power that started to be caught in her detection net.

Recognizing the presence of him who was still for a moment at a point about two days north of here, Eileen began to shine as it was.

'Okay, I found it... Fortunately, this is enough to keep track of!'

Immediately after specifying the opponent's location with magic, Eileen began to prepare to move towards the place where the 'Demons' were staying.

In my mind, I wanted to move as quickly as possible, even if I was alone, but it would be foolish to move alone when it was confirmed that the number of demons was not one or two.

In response, Eileen hurriedly gathered her direct subordinates and the soldiers who were investigating the situation and began to form a subjugation squad as soon as possible.

In order to get revenge on the demons who nominally committed this kind of thing.

But actually, from Eileen's point of view, for something more important than revenge...

The subjugation squad to rescue Torare safely anyway.

'Wait a minute, Torare-sama... This Eileen will... surely rescue you!'


"eww… .Ugh... ."

Torare slowly opened his eyes in a feeling that his head was about to break.

Immediately after that, in his eyes, she immediately looked down at her face…

Shud's face began to show clearly.

"You finally woke up… Torare-sama."

"Oop! Oop! Oop!"

Shud looked at him and spoke in a cold voice.

At this, Torare looked at her and tried to speak quickly, but at this moment, he couldn't get the words he wanted.

Zhuge gripped tightly in his mouth.

In addition, the present situation in which not only the mouth but also the limbs are tightly tied,

It was in the process of making Torare feel the seriousness of the current situation even more strongly.

"Be quiet… As long as you don't run too hard, you'll be fine."

Shud speaks calmly in a voice full of anger.

After that, she put down the magic book she was holding in her hand, and slowly began to approach Torare with magical energy at the tip of her hand.

"So so

Don't run rampant. This is all your own fault. You dare break our promise and have an affair with that woman? no no no no

no… of course don't It's difficult for something like that to happen again in the future... As long as I hold another man, yes

Guy can't do that. I can't forgive what I'm sharing with Eileen, another bug getting tangled up in a raging situation."

Shud speaks in a voice full of madness.

At this moment, seeing her half-savored expression with her eyes disappearing, Torare had no choice but to feel the most extreme fear since she was born.


"!!! Oops! Oops! Whoops!"

In the next moment, Shud puts his finger filled with magical powers on Torare's precious 'there'.

Immediately after that, he felt a tremendous pain, and Torrere began to let out harsh screams with the gag in his mouth.

A terrible yet painful sensation, as if burning a man's place with fire.

Looking at Torare twisting inside, Shud said with a cold smile.

"What do you think?

A chastity table created by magic. With this, Torare-sama will feel the same pain every time he holds another woman in his arms. ah

Of course, apart from the pain, there is actually nothing wrong with the body. Even though it looks like this, I have a very benevolent personality, no matter how angry I am

I do not do anything that directly harms Torare-sama's life."


Shud tells a terrifying story with a terrifyingly bright smile.

At this, Torare began to cry out in despair as he realized how terrible the situation was.

at that time…

"!...Ch... "


The next moment, a loud explosion suddenly begins to be heard.

At this, Shud just clicked on his tongue and began to gather magic power all over his body.

And right after that, a man comes in rough breaking the door where she was.

As soon as he checked his face, Shud said in a cold voice.

"Eileen… "

"I hope I did… It's been four years... Shud."

EP.91 Well done Torare-sama...

The scene clearly visible in front of her eyes

Seeing Shud holding the man she loved captive, Eileen automatically began to feel a deep emotion of anger.

"Shud… Do you dare to kidnap my Torare-sama? Even disguised as a demon?"

"A kidnapping. Isn't that too harsh? I'm just trying to enjoy what I haven't been able to enjoy as one of those who have the right to Torare-sama."

"volume… lee?"

Shud showed an attitude that was too imposing.

At this, Eileen started to frown a little, and Shud put a deep smile on her lips and continued talking to her.

"Yeah right.

I hope you haven't already forgotten it, have you? The day he betrayed the hero and decided to strike him in the head. The four of us and Torare-sama to each other

what you swore. It means that there are only four of us who have the right to receive Torare-sama's love in this world."

"ね… "

Eileen appears to be speechless for a moment at Shud's words about the theory of truth.

Then, Shud continued the story clearly without missing out on her gaps.


Despite this, you have monopolized Torare-sama by yourself for the past few months. On the other hand, for professional reasons, I have no relationship with Torare-sama.

didn't see At this point, wouldn't it be possible to say that I have the right to spend time with Torare-sama for at least a similar period of time?"

"that… that… . uh... "

From Eileen's point of view, Shud talks with reasons that can't be refuted.

However, right after that, Eileen quickly recalled other reasons in her own way and said as she looked at Shud, who had a triumphant expression in front of her eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I can just put it that way for now. However… Even so, what four years old did in Thebes was clearly hostile to our empire! You and your four-year-old men attacked... "

"Oh my, what does that mean? As far as I know, those who attacked were demons. Why are you bringing it up all of a sudden here?"

"What… what?"

Shud speaks naturally without blinking his eyes.

At this, Eileen reacted as if she was going crazy and spoke in a ferocious voice to the brazen woman in front of her.

"Stop making excuses! We already know that the four years and his men disguised themselves as demons and attacked them. The fact that Torare-sama was brought along was also in the middle of the attack!"

"Oh my gosh… I'm sorry, but that's a misunderstanding, Eileen. There is no way I, the same human being from the warrior party, would attack humans who are not of a different race."

In such a situation, Shud's appearance to the end.

Eileen thought that there was no need to listen to this year's story anymore, and began to prepare an attacking posture towards her in front of her.

But her attitude was not partly because of the innocent victims.

Whatever the reason, Eileen wanted to stop sending Torare at any cost.

For her, Shud's moral flaws acted as a kind of pretext to shake up the contract between the two.

Eileen is trying to push Shud away wildly with such a calculation laid out.

at that time…

"ah… no… hey.. something like that."

"… yes?"

In the next moment, Torare's voice echoed in her ear.

At this, Eileen looked at his face with a questioning expression for a moment.

At some point, Torare stood there with his body tied with a rope loose.

He continued talking while looking at Eileen with a stiff expression on his face.

"It's like… no. Shud just came to see me and saved me from being attacked by demons. It has nothing to do with the demons who attacked the village."

"that… then… "


Torare-sama is saying that too, right? You're a demon... The witches here only accompanied me as my escort who came to see Torare-sama.

As you know, the situation is not very good because of the wartime situation these days."

"That… that means… You just came here to meet Torare-sama, and it has nothing to do with the attack of demons?"

"Well, let's sort it out. To add to that, is it like saving Torare-sama, who almost died because four years had not cared about it, with my own hands?"

"ね… ."

Eileen can no longer find an excuse to break the situation due to Torare's cooperation and Shude's additional blow.

In fact, she only came here after chasing someone with strong powers. She said she couldn't be certain that she was a demon.

Even after arriving here right away, the fact that the people here were witches and not demons, Eileen was thinking that something strange was going on.

Perhaps, the demons may have left before she returned to Thebes.

To the extent that Torare had even guaranteed the situation, she had no choice but to give up without saying anything more.

"… okay… then. Make sure you keep your appointment time and return it... "

"Yeah, that's how it should be. Don't worry about that. Torare-sama, after I have made a lot of love, I will return it to you without a single wound."


So, Eileen leaves the place with Shud behind the screaming sound of promotion until the end.

Then she went straight past the witches who were staring coldly at her and headed towards the waiting soldiers.

"Sir. What happened?"

"sorry. It seems I've probably misunderstood. These are simply people passing by, and I don't think it has anything to do with this incident."

"Yeah… are you?"

"Yes, it seems that the demons have already escaped to another place. We need to get back to that point and come up with a solution."

As for Torare, Eileen has been unable to control her for a while.


Aside from this fact, she had no intention of neglecting the duties given to her as High Priest of the Falcon Empire here.

'Anyway, it is clear that demon soldiers are currently infiltrating somewhere in the Empire. They don't know where and what they're going to do, so I'll have to prepare for it first.'

Depending on the circumstances, what happened in Thebes might happen again somewhere else.

Immediately after making that judgment, Eileen immediately left there with his men and headed for the Imperial Palace.

In order to inform the emperor of this fact, and to take countermeasures as soon as possible.


"Ugh… "

Shoud caressing his chin with his toes in front of his eyes.

At her actions, Torare had no choice but to look up at her face with a trembling gaze while lying on the floor.

"Good job, Torare. Thanks to that, the work was completed so that there was no trouble."

"go… Thank you.. Shud."


Fortunately, if Torare-sama made fun of his tongue there, he told Eileen that Torare-sama had been having an affair with him.

I would have had no choice but to let it go... In that case, Torare-sama would have no choice but to be in a lot of trouble, right?"

"ね… ."

"Huh… Anyway, I brushed off the troublesome blockers with this... Mr. Torare. Where are we going to have some fun?"

With those words, Shud lay down on the bed where he had been sitting quietly.

In response, Torare slowly got up from his seat and looked at her, who was lying defenseless while looking at himself.

Even in such a situation, her body is feeling a dense lewdness.

To this, Torare was captured by the male instinct as it was, and started doing the same thing he had been doing until now…

Seeing him like that, a deep smile began to appear on Shud's lips.


A long stretch of sandy beach on the shore.

There, a group of demons carefully got off the boat.

Demons hiding their identities by pressing their robes deeply.

At the forefront of them is a demon who appears to be the captain, and the only human male with his face exposed next to him... He said looking at the incumbent warrior Hector.

"Are you sure it's safe here?"

"safe. From time immemorial, this area has been poorly defended. There are some that are difficult to approach in terms of topography, and it is because it is quite far from the village."

"But you know this place very well. Something is suspicious."

A demon who looks at Hector with unfiltered suspicious eyes on one face.

At this, Hector blushed slightly and spoke to him in a slightly rigid voice.

"It's because it's a secret place I've been to often since I was a kid. Now that even hostages are being held in the first place, there is no way I can do my best!"

"Ummm… i get it. First, you have to believe it."

After saying that, the demon immediately beckoned to the subordinates sitting in the back.

At the same time as the instructions were given, about 30 demons got off the boat as it was.

Their destination...

Towards Ullympus, the capital of the Falcon Empire...

EP.92 Dirty Sorcerer's Guys!

Eileen and her men are moving towards the ecliptic.

But at this moment, their footsteps were incomparably heavier than when they had just left Thebes.

They were the ones who left the city with a burning will to avenge the resentment suffered by the demons.

However, the people in the target area were not demons, and the whereabouts of the demons they were looking for were rather obscure.

In a situation where their momentum has been broken once like this, it's probably natural that they can't show their spirit.

And, among those who were caught in such a subdued atmosphere, Eileen, who was leading the group, was also included.

Although the underlying reason is different, she is not very motivated like everyone else.

Even until she set her foot on the yellow road, she had a sense of duty to work diligently to some extent.

However, a little time has passed since then, and now I am able to cool my head calmly.

She was in the midst of a sharp downturn from the more pronounced sense of loss.

'Torare-sama has left... Shude, that damn bitch is Torare-sama... '

In fact, Eileen actively participated in the battle to save Torare from the hands of demons.

However, in reality, the Torare was not in the hands of a demon, but in the hands of Shud, who had a proper right to him.

of course love

That's much better than having a man in danger, but nevertheless you won't be able to see him and sleep with him at least for a while.

The fact that she was gone was enough to make her depressed.

at that time…

"I… Eileen?"


A group of men are cautiously approaching where she is.

At this, she, who is the de facto leader of the group, looked at them as if they had something to say to her and asked in a calm voice.

"What happened? Is there anything important to you?"

"Oh I… that is… That is."

"Ummm… "

The soldiers seemed to hesitate for a moment at Eileen's question.

Regarding this, Eileen said to them, putting a benevolent smile on her lips as part of her work.

"it's okay. If you have something you want to say, feel free to say it. Even though I am in the position of a high priest, as a servant of God, I also have an obligation to listen to you."

Eileen talks while thinking that maybe she is trying to do some kind of confession.

The soldiers looked at her as if the burden had been relieved a little, and began to open their mouths in a calm voice.

"Actually, sir. We've been thinking about it all the way here... It must be something strange."

"It's strange… what do you mean?"

"The witches we met the other day. Although it was dark around that time, I couldn't see it well, but somehow, it seems that there was a person among them who looked similar to the demons I saw in Thebes before."

"yes? what is that... "

"I... me too. Of course, it did not have demon-like horns, but I clearly remember it. There was a witch with the same face as the guy who killed my friend."

"!...that means… no way?"

Eileen began to think of something while listening to the testimonies of her subordinates.

It was about the racial camouflage magic that she was familiar with.

This is done by applying illusion magic, and by attaching horns to the head or extending the ears, it is a magic that disguises itself as a demon or an elf.

It takes quite a bit of advanced magic to even change the shape of the face, but it was surprisingly not that difficult to disguise a race by changing only these small features.

Especially for highly trained witches in the wizarding world, this kind of racial camouflage magic was almost essential.

"that… And this one. It was found at the site of the demonic attack this time, and I remember that the witches were also wearing a brooch similar to this one."

With a nervous voice, the priestess carefully pulls out a brooch.

Eileen, who had accepted it, began to feel as if all the puzzles had been put together.

"I see… I also thought it was a bit suspicious. No matter how late I arrived, there was no way the demons could have escaped my detection network so quickly... '

Eileen speaks in a tone that feels soft anger.

In the end, the fact that all of this was the result of playing with Shud Gza from the beginning started to make her feel genuine anger.

'That guy...

I thought it was just a plan to take Torare-sama, but in fact, it wasn't. Another purpose of the year was to chaos… of demons

It was meant to confuse our empire with a smoke screen of raids.'

The Falcon Empire, which has already ended one expedition in great failure, is even waging a war with the Elf Kingdom.

In this situation, if the demons provoke here, the Empire will be in a difficult situation in many ways.

No matter how the continent's strongest country, the Falcon Empire, it would be unreasonable to build an expeditionary force across the sea again at this point.

Provocations by enemies located in such untouchable places would inevitably aggravate the chaos of the empire, and this would surely be the beginning of aggravating the unstable political situation.

"Magicians… I can't believe they're doing this dirty trick behind the scenes."

"ね… "

"I wonder if he would do such a thing to a human who is not even a demon... "

Eileen, who confirms the situation, and the soldiers expressing deep anger at her words.

Eileen then looked at the soldiers in front of her and spoke in a voice filled with deep anger.

"This is probably… Looks like we'll have to hurry on our way. I must inform His Majesty as soon as possible of the fact that such a filthy operation was carried out in the Magic Kingdom."

"I agree. We will have to inform the whole empire of their atrocities and take appropriate action."

"Dirty mages… How dare you do anything like this to deceive our empire."

In that way, the soldiers began to turn their anger towards the demons they had just had toward the wizarding kingdom.

But at this moment,

Unlike the soldiers who were purely possessed by anger.

In Eileen's heart, not only feelings of anger but also feelings of joy began to grow together.

'This… In a way... It might be a good day. If Shud did such a dirty thing, he might get a chance to formally punish him with this as an excuse.'

After the other two have evaporated, she is the only one who remains as the last matchmaker.

Thinking that there was an opportunity to finally erase her, who had been unable to touch her for no reason,

A deep smile began to bloom in Eileen's heart.


Warrior Hector.

At this moment, leading the demons to the imperial capital, he knew very well what he was doing right now.

Just a few weeks ago, the demon kingdom and demons he thought must be destroyed.

But now Hector was doing his best to help those very people.

"Are you sure this is the right way?"

"Of course. If you go beyond that hill, you will be in the ecliptic."

"Ummm… "

The demon corps commander, Samuel, is still looking at him without raising his suspicions.

However, regardless of how much credit she had in her, at this moment, Hector was just steadfastly guiding the path of the Sacred Heart.

At the same time, from the standpoint of Samuel, there was no doubt about the contingency, but nevertheless, she did have some loose trust in Hector's actions themselves.

If you look at his deeds so far, he loved his colleagues terribly, and for that purpose, he was at a level where he could even lay down his life.

Those fellows are being held hostage in the Demon Kingdom, and it was a credible fact that he wouldn't be able to act recklessly, as he was supposed to be executed immediately if he made a fool's errand.


Apart from this cool calculation of Samuel.

There was another reason why Hector was doing his best at this moment.

'I don't think the day will come when I will try to help the demons with all my heart... '

If he had seen it a few weeks ago, he would have lost his mind.

Although the lives of precious companions were important, Hector had a strong sense of pride as a warrior before that.

If the authors had given such an order with the lives of their colleagues as hostages, they would probably have tried to protect their honor by committing suicide on the run.


Hector now had no more honor for such a hero.

The memory of that moment that does not leave Hector's head even now.

Just before receiving a request for this mission.

The shocking scene that appeared in front of him and his companions who were imprisoned in the Demon Kingdom's prison.

It made Hector to realize clearly that the cause of the racial union was nothing but an illusion, and that demons were more reliable than humans.

'The words of a warrior... From that point of view, maybe a guy called me might be really lucky.'