

After his dream had come true, he found himself in love with a girl in the pub after his mother had warned him against falling in love with any girl from a pub. At the long run, Bayo discovers the one he had fallen in love with was a goddess whose mission had been to destroy his life. Now, he was addicted to her and couldn't let go of her.

Senior_Boy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


I woke up from that dream with fear running down my veins. I looked around and then I realised that Joygiver was not sleeping. 

"You aren't sleeping, Joy. What happened?" I asked. 

"Did you believe her? Joygiver asked.

"Who are you talking about?" I replied to her question with a question.

"That lady in your dream." She replied.

I was extremely shocked. According to science, when a wonder happens before a man his brain gets into a state of saturation for ten seconds, which means he mouth might be left agaped for those seconds. But that was not the situation in my case. My brain got into a state of saturation for more than ten minutes. I started having a doubt and I kept asking myself;

"Am I still dreaming?" But it is not possible to wake up from a dream into another dream. I kept looking at Joygiver with my mouth wide opened.

"Did you believe everything she told you?" Joygiver asked again after realising that I was deep in thought.

"Actually....." I was short of words and couldn't find the right word to blabber at that moment. Later on I managed to say something. 

"A dream should be known by the dreamer only." I said. "How did you know about my dream."

"Even I have the ability to come into your dream and make you do what you've refused to do in real life." Joygiver said. "Knowing about your dream is nothing to me, forget about it."

We don't use to pay attention to how our heart beats but that night I could clearly hear each and every sound made by heart. I was scared and was secretly shivering in fear. I now realised that the one I was staying with was not only a goddess but a demon. 

"You have no problem getting to know about my dream?" I wanted to be sure I heard her well.

"Are you scared?" She asked.

"N.... n... n.... no... no... not at all." I stammered in fear. Even though I tried to hide my fear, it kept showing itself voluntarily to the opponent in the hide and seek game.

"But your look says you are scared." She said with a smile. To hell with that smile anyway.

"Actually... erm." I didn't know what to say. Even at that moment, I had forgotten my name.

"Come on, Bayo." She said, and then I remembered that Bayo is my name. "I didn't mean to scare you, I was just asking a question. Bit if the question is scary to you, don't mind me; you can go back to your sleep."

How could I go back to my sleep. What if I have another silly dream? I lied my back down on the bed and started staring at the ceiling.

After a while, she moved closer to me and lied her head on my chest. I'm do sure she closed her eyes. 

"Joy..." I called.

"Yes, dear." She answered. 

"I hope you don't feel offended with this question I want to ask you." I said.

"Go on." She said casually. 

"Do you sleep?" I asked. 

"What do you mean?" She said as she raised her head up to look at me. She then lied her down on my chest again. "When I'm not God, and I'm not an angel. It is only God that does not sleep or slumber."

"You use to sleep too?" I asked. 

"Of course." She said. "Why am I lying my head on your chest? I use to sleep too. And besides, why did you ask that question?"

"Because I was surprised to see you were awake when I woke up from that terrible dream." I replied as I fondled her.

"Where are you going tomorrow?" Joygiver asked as she yawn silently, covering her mouth her right backhand.

"I have no plan for today." I replied. "I may be around from morning till dusk if no one invites me to a show."

"And where are you going tomorrow?" She asked again. 

"Actually, I have no plan for tomorrow too." I replied. 

"Are you not going to Pastor Oluwashola's place to recieve the ointment he wants to give you?" She asked.

Now I knew where she was heading to. Normally, a woman will think she is smarter but a guy that thinks logically will let her know that he is smarter than she is. I knew she was stylishly going back to the question she asked me about the dream. She wanted to know if I believed that woman or not.

At this point, I wasn't scared anymore. A man dies once so why does he need to be scared?

"But..." I paused. "Why do you keep comparing my emotion with my situation instead of understanding my frustration?"

"I'm sorry, darling." She apologised. "I just wanted to know if you will be free tomorrow."

"Well, Joy." I started. "I didn't believe the woman in my dream because I trust you. I know you can not harm me."

She jumped on me happily and kissed me deeply. I circled my hands around her and brought her closely to me. I hugged her more tightly as if I wanted her to enter me. We exchanged saliva for what seemed like eternity. We were in that state till we slept off.

I woke up in the morning and couldn't find Joygiver beside me. I stood up and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

"She must have gone home." I said to myself as I sprinkle some water on my face. I then poured enough water on my face and washed it. I picked up my toothbrush, applied some toothpaste and brushed my teeth befor going back to my bedroom. 

"But, Pastor Oluwashola has never told a lie before." I said to myself as I sat on my bed. "Of she actually poisoned me, she will die too because we ate those food together."

I was still in this deep thought when Joygiver entered the room with tray that contains a big loaf of bread, two glass cups and a jug.

"We are not taking our breakfast in the dining room today." She said with a smile on her face as she dropped the tray on the small stool in my room. She sat beside me on the bed and kissed my forehead. "Instead, it will be a breakfast in bed."

I gave her a smile and then looked at her suspiciously. I knew she didn't went to prepare the food since all this while. Her cooking used to take only forty five seconds or less and I've woken up since an hour ago.

"Where were you?" I asked. "I couldn't find you beside me when I woke up."

"But sure enough you've brushed your teeth, am I right?" She asked, and as usual with a smile.

"Why not." I replied. 

"Well, I just went to exercise my body outside there." She said as she fiddled with my ear. "Come on, serve me."

"Queen Joygiver." I teased. 

* * *

After the breakfast, we decided to drive round the city in a romantic way. So we set out in my car and moved out of my compound and out of the estate where I stay.

After fifteen minutes of driving, laughing, cuddling and kissing, I couldn't concern well on the driving and was not able to see the trap that has been laid on the road for me. It was too late when I noticed the mat of thorns that was laid on the road for me. With all me energy, I rolled the steering wheel to the left side and accidentally hit the divider, the car tumbled and was about to fall to the other side when Joygiver shouted. 

"Go back to your normal position!" Joygiver shouted and before I could know what was happening, the car went back to the position it was before I jammed the divider. I couldn't close my mouths I was shocked. My heart started pounding after I'd witnessed what has happened. I felt like running away from Joygiver at that moment.

"I command you people that set this trap to come and take it away from the road now." I heard her say but I didn't know who she was talking too.

Soon, the four guys that were thrashed by me two days ago in the pub came out of their hiding spot and carried the mat of thorns off the road.

"I command you people to run mad for three days." Joygiver said. And immediately, this guys guys started tearing off their clothes. 

"Do you know them?" She asked. 

"Two days ago, they were chasing a girl at night in the pub." I said in fear. "So I thrashed them and saved the girl. You were there that day, you were hiding behind a car as you watched the scene."

"I know." She said with a smile and then lean forward for a kiss.