
Journey with Hope Mikaelson

Alex, a 17-year-old has known a lot of tragedy and loss. However, on one of his ordinary nights he has a not so ordinary experience. He is now in a world he has a medium amount of knowledge about. Will the bonds he makes push him past his trauma or will they fuel it? Experience the life of Alex in a world filled with the supernatural as he combats them with otherworldly supernatural powers of his own. P.s. I don't own any originals or legacies character or the world setting, i only own my OC Alex.

honoured_one1 · Televisi
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3 Chs


As Alex kept reading, the words from the book just felt so fictional and surreal. Living in the 2023 era Alex had read one or two fan-fictions but was there ever a case like his before.

Alex truly found it difficult to believe what he was reading, he had watched vampire diaries, originals and legacies. But the only one he ever truly finished was originals, the rest got boring after a while especially vampire diaries.

Even originals was a bit blur in his mind, but can you blame him. It had been a while since he watched it, he liked it alright but he's one of those guys who you meet for the first time and you tell your name then ask him a minute later and he has no answer for you, he would have forgotten. He just can't help it, it's just how he is.

In fact, if not for the magical way of the words appearing he would have thought someone kidnapped him and is trying to play a prank on him.

Anyway, as Alex kept reading, the note below really hit him hard. You could see it all over his face, the sadness, sorrow and pain he was feeling inside.

You can't blame him for trying to wish his family back to live, he really misses them.

Thinking about them for almost 30 seconds now, he got his emotions in check before taking note of something he missed due to his breakdown.

Seeing a timer that he hadn't realized had appeared counting down and was already 37 seconds down from 2 minutes, he quickly turned the next page and started to think of what wishes he can make that would make life a little easier for him here.

Once he flipped the page he realized it was a bit different than the previous one.

It still had the normal dark page, but there was a long deep hole along the inner side of the book. Thinking what purpose it had, a bright golden light shot out of it and materialized in mid air right in front of him.

This time Alex didn't look at it with any awe or surprise but just understanding. He had already gone numb about all the appearing and disappearing magic going on.

Not intending to waste any time whatsoever he quickly took the pen that was magically hovering in the air and started writing his wishes.

He knew this was now a race against time.


"hmmm what wish, yhhh that one"

Not stopping for more than 5 seconds while muttering to himself to think of his next wish, Alex brain was working hundred and one percent.

Every time he drops his pen to write, he fully elaborates his wishes because he doesn't know how or even who would grant them, so he has to be specific enough to not cause any misunderstandings. After all one quality wish is better than ten trash wishes.




Seeing the timer that had some how found its way from the first page to the second turn red with just about 10 seconds to go, Alex increased his speed to the maximum of what it could handle at the moment.

Trying his best to come up with wishes that would make life easier for him here than his past self, he kept writing till the pen he was using started to breakdown into golden particles and returned to where they came, into the deep black hole.

The wishes he had written down glowed in bright gold before the whole book also started to glow and breakdown into golden light particles scattering with the wind.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Alex was excited and filled with expectations when thinking of the wishes he made.

He made a total of 5 wishes, and though he did start writing his 6th wish, he never finished so he's not sure if it will be granted at all.

His first wish was to have a home at his current location. He wanted to mark the first place he set foot on in this new world of his, and he also wanted a home he could call his. After all he needs a base in this world to settle down.

For his second wish he wished for a butler with the appearance and personality of Sebas Tian from the overlord anime with the ability to summon AI robots for house cleaning, the ability to use ki and having the same amount as Goku in his super Saiyan 4 form from dragon ball anime and having full control of the house and its surroundings. Alex watched the first four seasons of overlord and the character he liked the most was Sebas, he just had this gentleman feel to him, and Alex always thought he could truly play the role of a butler to perfection. I mean who wouldn't want his own personal 'Alfred.'

His third wish was the six eyes from the Jujutsu Kaisen anime which runs with ki instead of cursed energy, and Gojo's blind fold and glasses. It looked so cool on Gojo every time he takes of the blind fold.

For his fourth and fifth wishes he wished for Goku's amount of destruction ki that god of destructions use with Goku's techniques and experience. And to be a true alpha werewolf from teenwolf with full transformation.

Some people might say he is too op and all that, but its better to be strong than weak in a world where supernaturals exists and can pluck out your heart anytime right.

Thinking of his sixth wish he didn't get to finish, he could only sigh in resignation.

While all these thoughts where going on in his head, there was a pretty strong earth tremor which pulled away his attention, making it difficult for him to even stand.

Looking around for what could be causing this, he saw something truly mystical and unbelievable.

You could see the shock and surprise on his face, but above that you could see his eyes shining with excitement.

Right in front of him a fair distance away, the ground split into two and a magnificent structure was emerging from these cracks. After the structure fully emerged, the tremors stopped and what lay in front of him was truly just magnificent.

A gate connected to walls that surrounded a plot of land, and looking through the gaps in the gate you can see a road leading to a house in modern style in the middle of the land with beautiful green grasses and trees decorating the surroundings of the house. It really was just magnificent and beautiful.

Still in awe of the sheer size of the place, the gates to the house opened with a middle-aged man having short white hair with finely trimmed beard covering the lower part of his face. Wearing a black British suit with an inner white shirt and standing in front of the opened gate with a hand behind his back and bowing ever so slightly as if to welcome the master of this wonderful home.

"Welcome home Master Alex."

Hearing the British accent from the man, Alex knew who this was. How could he not, he wished for him after all.

Seeing one of his favorite characters here in person he wanted to say something,

"Sebas its goo...."

but he paused midway.

He felt something invade his body and fill up a container he never even realized he had in his body. Feeling the foreign energy around his naval area and the new information that just kept pouring into his head together with the pain and itching of his eyes that felt like tiny ants eating away at them, he knew his other wishes were also starting to appear.

With his eyes closed, he tried to bear the huge influx of information that was just pouring into his brain, but halfway through the process his brain couldn't handle it and he lost consciousness, falling to the ground.

But he fell into thick muscular arms, belonging to none other than Sebas the new butler who sped up to catch Alex as soon as he lost consciousness.

He then carried him in a princess carry and led him into the mansion with the gates closing automatically behind them.