
Journey with Hope Mikaelson

Alex, a 17-year-old has known a lot of tragedy and loss. However, on one of his ordinary nights he has a not so ordinary experience. He is now in a world he has a medium amount of knowledge about. Will the bonds he makes push him past his trauma or will they fuel it? Experience the life of Alex in a world filled with the supernatural as he combats them with otherworldly supernatural powers of his own. P.s. I don't own any originals or legacies character or the world setting, i only own my OC Alex.

honoured_one1 · Televisi
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3 Chs

Sealed Power.

"Urgh…. my head hurts, heck my whole body hurts."

Waking up to a headache and body ache at the same time was very unusual for Alex.

The only time he ever felt even remotely close to how he's feeling now was when he tried going to the gym for 2 days straight. Alex never was the fat type in fact he never had any muscles on his body making him look lean and malnourished a little. 2 days was the limit he could endure in one of his neighbor's gyms.

Trying to get a hold of his head to make it steady enough to at least reduce the headache, Alex realized there was something wrong. He had a cover over his eyes.

Alex P.O.V.

"Sleep mask???"

As far as i can remember, I don't think I fell asleep with a sleep mask on, I don't even think I have any to begin with.

Speaking of remembering, it feels like there's something I keep forgetting, something important…

Okay lets back track first to what I can remember.

I remember having a nightmare about my sister, then crying myself to sleep. But I think something happened after, I don't know it just feels a bit hazy when I try to recall whatever that was and my headache also spikes up.

Well, no use wasting energy on this, I better get freshened up for school. Today is my first day after all, can't be late.

Taking of the 'sleep mask', I tried to open my eyes but halfway through I heard a voice which prompted me to stop in my tracks.

"Master Alex please don't"

Hearing the unfamiliar but familiar voice broke whatever gates that kept my memory locked. Memories of how I got transported to a different world, made my wishes, to how they all suddenly came true.

"Sebas is that you?"

I asked immediately after digesting my memories with excitement oozing out of me.

I quickly tried taking off the sleep mask that was already halfway completely off to see my dream butler, but it didn't come of no matter how much strength I put in.

Feeling something or more like someone holding my hand, I instinctively knew it was Sebas. He was the only one here after all.

"Why what's wrong Sebas, take your hands off I want to see you."

"Sir you shouldn't take off the eye cover, it's for your own protection."

"What do you mean my own protection…, why is there something I shouldn't see or what."

What is Sebas saying right now, how can this mask be protecting me. Is this his idea of a prank, because I didn't know he had such poor taste.

"Sir do you remember the wish you made about having the six eyes."




"How stupid of me, how could I even forget my other wishes" I reprimanded myself while having a depreciating smile. I just wanted to hide under my bed right now, it's really embarrassing.

"But I should be able to see fine without the blind fold though. I understand the whole thing about too much information which would cause headache or something, but it should be okay for a few minutes right?"

"Don't you think your exaggerating too much." I chuckled while explaining things to my oh so overprotective butler.

"Sir it's not an exaggeration, the mask on your face is the only thing that can help you to see now without losing consciousness or something even worse.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a confused look.

"Sir can you feel your ki inside you?"


"Now that you mention it, I haven't really tried it out after all I just woke up."

"But what does this have to do with what you're talking about."

I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this.

"Sir your wish was for the six eyes and Goku's god of destruction ki."

"Among many other things, yes. Why?"

"There were some complications Sir."

"The ki that gods of destruction use are special, much special than god ki. That specific ki is meant for destruction, it's the reason why even those with god ki need to train to condition their mind and body to handle such power."

"The problem here though is Master Alex, you're a mortal. Your body can't bear the use of such a destructive form of energy, it would just breakdown."

Hearing such an explanation from my new butler my mind went blank for a while.


So is he saying that I won't be able to use the power I wished for, and that I'll be powerless in this new world of mine.

What the hell…, does he really expect me to believe him just like that. In all the fanfictions I have read, whenever someone makes a wish, it comes with the whole package. Why can't mine be the same.

How does he even know all this.

I mean since the beginning he has been talking like he knows more about my wishes than even I do.

"Okay Sebas, let's say I do believe you. So, tell me how you know all this."

I asked Sebas, cause things were really getting confusing for me.

I wanted to be extra specific with my wishes, because I didn't know what shit I might be getting myself into otherwise. But I guess things got even more complicated huh…

"Sir, as a butler I need to be prepared for whatever you might need."

"So, the book deemed it a necessity as your butler to understand your thought process and experience."

Before he even got the chance to move forward, I cut him off there.

"What the hell do you mean by that, this whole thing is getting really absurd."

"Sir please let me finish."

"To answer your question sir, I was given access to every event that took place in your life, from your birth till now."

"To me it felt like I was there with you, but you couldn't see me. I watched all the movies and anime you watched, all the novels and fanfictions you read I read too.

I know it sounds strange but that's what truly happened."



There was a short pause before Sebas spoke again.

"Coupled with my knowledge about ki from my original world, I was able to come to the conclusions I just gave."




This time, there was a really long pause with neither Sebas nor I speaking.

I mean what else do you expect me to say, I just found out someone knows all the secrets in my life.


Taking a deep breath to calm down my emotions, I came to terms with the fact that I now have a butler who knows everything about me and probably knows me better than I know myself.

"Sebas, you can let my hand go now. You have a really firm grip; my hands are going a little numb." I said with a chuckle at the end.

I felt the grip around my hand loosen, but it still wasn't letting go.

"Sir if I do let your hand go, I hope you heed my warning and not take off the eye cover."

Feeling the concern Sebas was showing for me I couldn't help but feel a little warm inside. It was a weird feeling for me, weird but familiar. My family used to….

I pulled my self away from such depressing thoughts as fast as they came. This is a new world and I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can. Get yourself back together Alex, no more sulking.

"I promise you I won't take it off until your done with your explanation."

"So tell me what the actual problem is with my ki and six eyes."

"You said my body is not strong enough to handle the destruction ki, so does that mean I didn't get it."

"No sir, you did get it. The ki is inside you right now, that, I am sure of."

"Then what's the problem?" I asked Sebas with confusion laced in my voice.

"Sir, you have the ki but it's in a sealed state."


"At the moment all your ki points have been blocked so you can't use any ki, sealing it in your dantian."

"The six eyes according to your wish also needs ki to work correctly, so without that ki to fuel it, it can't be used correctly without using what little you have in your body."

"That is the danger I was talking about sir, right now the only way for you to use your six eyes and not endanger your life is by limiting it, that's why you need the eye cover."


