
Journey with Hope Mikaelson

Alex, a 17-year-old has known a lot of tragedy and loss. However, on one of his ordinary nights he has a not so ordinary experience. He is now in a world he has a medium amount of knowledge about. Will the bonds he makes push him past his trauma or will they fuel it? Experience the life of Alex in a world filled with the supernatural as he combats them with otherworldly supernatural powers of his own. P.s. I don't own any originals or legacies character or the world setting, i only own my OC Alex.

honoured_one1 · Televisi
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3 Chs

Past life

"Hah Hah no please no, MARY!!!!"

Waking up abruptly from a nightmare, a boy no more than 17 sits up on his bed with his knees to his chest and his hands firmly holding them together while bawling his eyes out. In the dim quiet room in the dark of the night that is no more than a small cubicle, only the quiet sobs of the boy could be heard.

This boy's name is Alexander Pierce, commonly known as Alex by what little friends he has, our little protagonist of this story.

Alex though just 17 has experienced a life of loss and misfortune. At the age of 6, his parents went on a business trip but never came back alive. Their plane malfunctioned causing a huge of number of deaths including his parents too.

News of their deaths really hit him hard, especially with the unending love his parents showered him with. The only one he could lean on for support was his sister, his big sister who loved him just as much as his parents did.

But life is so unpredictable sometimes, 2 years later when his sister turned 20, she developed lung cancer.

Alex P.O.V.

The doctors say she was lucky they caught it early and they could operate on her now without much risk. But my sister kept postponing the surgery..., giving different excuses every time to the doctors, but it wasn't so hard to see she was doing this for my sake. The money we had wasn't enough for the surgery and to make me continue going to school. She didn't want me to drop out of school like her, she wanted me to have the best she could provide. And by the time she agreed to do the surgery things were not looking good, but she had hope. I could see it in her eyes so I also had hope.

Reality however was different because my sister entered that operating room saying I should wait for her, and she would be back soon…but I waited and waited and waited and when that door finally opened, it wasn't my sister who came out instead doctors who kept telling me they are sorry and that some complications arose.

Since then I wasn't the same again, after starting to get over the death of my parents, my sister is also taken away. It broke something in me, something I'm not sure I could ever get back.

Now an orphan, the state found me a foster home and that is where I have been living till now. The people here aren't bad, at least they aren't abusive but provide a room and food for me for which I'm grateful. I mean they have their own kids to take care off so spending the bare minimum on someone Elses kid doesn't seem that bad to me. Though they wouldn't be classified as good people by others, they also weren't bad people in my opinion.




Running out of tears, little by little my sobs decreased till I became too numb to cry anymore. This is usually a common occurrence for me…, crying till the tears come no more has basically been a significant part of my life for 9 years now.

Trying to get back to sleep since tomorrow is my first day of college, I snuggle myself back into my bed sheet hoping for sleep to take me away into anything but another nightmare.

Zzzzzzzztttttt Boooooom

But the second I closed my eyes I felt something hit me and it had so much heat that I felt it deep within my soul, but the surprising thing was that instead of getting reduced to ashes i just felt at peace. Thinking this I lost consciousness immediately.

General P.O.V.

Unbeknownst to Alex, while he was deeply immersed in his thoughts and tears, there was a dark cloud gathering above his foster home, growing darker and darker with signs of lightning breezing through them.

And just when the dark clouds had enough lighting running through them - looking like veins -, a large bolt immediately struck obliterating the roof of the building and heading straight to Alex' room and striking him.

But the expected effect didn't happen. Instead of Alex being scorched black and struggling to live, he instead turned illusory. Turning fainter and fainter the longer he stays connected with that bolt of lightning..., then he was just gone.

Alexander Pierce had disappeared never to be seen in this world anymore.

P. O.V. End

Alex P.O.V.

"Urgh my head hurts" waking up Alex felt a searing headache that kept getting less and less the more his consciousness returned, until the headache was no more.

Pulling himself off the ground Alex took in his surroundings and realized something was wrong.

"This doesn't look right…, have I been kidnapped."

Looking around him and finding only tall green trees instead of his small room with his wornout bed the only conclusion he could come up with was kidnapping.

Still trying to understand how he even got into this situation, he spotted something unusual for a forest environment. Picking the book that was only a few feet away from him out of curiosity, the front cover read; The book of wishes.

"What's a book doing out here in the forest…, looks new."

The book had a pitch-black color with the words written in a bright golden color.

Wanting to see the contents in the book since there isn't much information on the cover, he opened the book and was met with a blank dark page.

"A blank page??? I didn't even know you can print a book on black paper..., it looks too dark to be called black anymore I think..." Alex had a questioning look but that soon changed into awe and surprise.

The words on the page started reaveling themselves in bright golden color like the front cover.

Alex mouth was wide open, completely perplexed. This whole thing was really starting to get absurd, from how he lost consciousness to regaining it to finding this book. Everything just doesn't feel real anymore.

"This is too magical right.... Am I in a dream or something?"

Feeling the weight of the book in his hands and the smell of the forest he ruled out that option, after all everything here feels too real to be a dream.

Taking some time to calm himself down, he decided to read the words that appeared on the first page.

[ Hello Alexander Pierce,

You have been transmigrated to a world very different from yours filled with witches, vampires, werewolves and many other supernatural species.

This world is known to you by many names, Originals, Vampire diaries, Legacies.

This book has been given to you to write your wishes to start your journey.

There is no limit to the amount of wishes, but you have a maximum of 2 minutes from when you are done reading this first page.

P.S. Wishes however can only be personal, and only fictional characters from your world can be brought to life. People from your world dead or alive can't be brought here so be warned.

Have a good new life, hope love finds you.]