
Journey towards the ORIGIN

The_TRUE_ONE · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Beauty is Annoyed

Sarine {POV}

As I walk through the top gate of the rooftop ,I see a young man with jet-black hair and black eyes sleeping peacefully. I am annoyed, truly annoyed because of the man in front of me .

Why you ask? Because I once again only placed second place in this semester. Yeah, today is the day where result of the semesters final exam is announced

And I once again placed in second and again he took the first place .This time I truly work hard to get first place but reality hit her hard. And you know what even more annoying is that the supposed first place even didn't care about the ranking , when result is announced this man is sleeping peacefully without any care in the world.

Though I have to admit that this man is the most intriguing person I have ever seen in my life . He is good in theoretical subject, he is good at physical training and he even good at combat .He can defeat his pears without using any awakeners skills. That's the reason everyone called him commener because everyone assumes he does not have any special awakened skills ,which only accessed by novel families. But she always feels that there is more that meet the eye.

As I walk to him he tilted his head and look at me with his cold indifferent eyes. Those eyes , whenever I look at them I always mesmerized by the mystery they held in. 

What do you want - He asked.

That cold voice again . I am considered as one of the most beautiful girl in this whole academy, anyone who sees me get attracted to me . Truth be told I am very beautiful but my beauty always fails to get any reaction from him. He always acts distant with everyone. He seems lazy and does not pay any attention to anyone. he always goes to acedemy rooftop and starts reading that stupid book which I not able to read anyway I tries .

I walk to him and ask him about today's day . 

 He ignored me and asked in his lazy voice what did I want from him.

Bastard, he ignored my question (she thought inward). I told him today was the day when there result is announced.

He just say ok and again start reading that stupid book. 


At this moment I got truely angry 💢

How dare he ignored me so I asked him 'do you not cared about the result'.

Asher { POV }

As I closed my book and look at the girl I can feel that she is annoyed by something. As I recalled again what her name was and asked what she want. 

She look at me angrilly and ask me about the results.

I am confused at first then recalled today is the day result is going to be announced . I really don't care about the result because I can anyway at the first place and thruthfully I didn't care about result that much.


She looks at me for a few seconds, not getting a proper response she stomped her foot and told him that the professor call him to get his result card .

I nodded at her and thanked her and starting walking towards the magic lift to get down .

Sarine {POV}


As I sees the boy walking away I stomp my foot and start following him from behind. As I felt really angry feeling ignored .

Sometimes I feels like I have to do something to get his attention . He always act as he did not care about her but she want him to talk, talk to her about himself , she want to know about him . She want to know what is he like and his nature. 

She not know what it is but she feels really attracted to him , as something is telling her that he is the only person who deserves to have her . But the problem is he always ignores her and did not pay any attention to her.

As I following him and lost in my thought I hit into something and awakened from my thought.

I looks upwards and saw we already arrived infront of the magic lift and he is waiting the lifts door to open .

As I lost in my own thoughts I suddenly hit his back.

He turned around and look at me .

The way he looks at me feels like he could see through all the secrets I held . As I look up and meet his eyes , for a moment I am mesmerized in looking in those black eyes.

You have to say something to me - He asked me.

n..noo - I replied abit glumply.

Then why that look . You can tell me I am not eating you or anything.

Well ,I will tell you later when we are done with your talk with professor.