
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

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90 Chs

Chapter 87:"Where Exactly are we Going?"

Eu's face is slightly pale from exhaustion. She has overexerted herself once again.

She has continuously been using spells and traveled around to accomplish different matters to help everyone. Eu is involved in the Celeseans evacuation, fortifying defenses, creating restrictions, and giving them support.

Not to mention, she also volunteered to gain the support of the aloof, Trent Civilization. Those tree spirits are stubborn and hard to deal with most of the time.

They hate bothering with everyone's conflict despite being affected by the problem. How can they remain uninvolved, knowing what is at stake?

How can they remain ignorant and blind to the truth?

Meanwhile, thanks to the Tanuki Twins, Fugue, and Canon, the Divine Lord knew everything she has been doing. He tried his best to support her and lessen her load, but she is always a few steps ahead of him.

In the end, he can only silently follow from her shadow and try his best as well.

Earlier, Lord Foeni advised her to rest, but she insisted on coming with them. Eu still hasn't figured out how did Noite manages to slip her restrictions and wanted to discuss it with him.

Not to mention, Eu has been putting effort into finding her answers and rediscover her true self. She is also guiding them to a different path to a more favorable outcome.

Lord Foeni notices her somewhat pale complexion and reaches to her. He checks her pulse and temperature to ensure she is alright.

"You worry too much, Brother Ravi. I am fine. I am just a little tired, that's all." Eu reassures him.

"I told you to rest, yet you won't even consider listening to me. How can I not worry? You should have stayed in the inn..." Ravikanth complaints.

Eu silently leans on him and closes her eyes. Not long, she quickly drifts to a peaceful slumber on his shoulder.

Noite lips curve up as he witnesses Lord Foeni's face went pale and suddenly turned beet red of embarrassment. This is totally new to him, and it is a refreshing sight.

'They really look good together...' Noite thought with a tinge of jealousy.

Meanwhile, Lord Foeni adjusted his position to accommodate Eu and put her on his arms. He helplessly sighs while he tucks Eu's hair behind her ear.

"She is very unusual. I never knew Oracles have guardians, nor they are good in sword arts." Noite commented.

"Yes, she is definitely special. She far exceeds even Grand Elder Eiteilla." Lord Foeni responded.

"So you really do like her, don't you?" Noite said teasingly.

"So what if I do? Don't you even dare think anything appropriate! I will kill you." Lord Foeni warns his friend.

Noite rolls his eyes as he remembers his earlier thoughts. He decided to forgo them until his friend opens it up.

"I wasn't even thinking about anything until you mentioned it. How can an ancient being like yourself end up falling for a little girl? Don't you think that is inappropriate? Then again, this girl even resembles Lady Emilia…" Noite pointed out.

"She is not Lady Emilia." Lord Foeni refuted.

"Yes, I know. Still, their resemblance is truly uncanny. I can only assume this is not a coincidence and something..." Noite started but interrupted by Ravikanth.

"Stop! Don't you dare suspect her. She might have done things behind my back, but she never betrayed me. She has only contributed things that benefit our cause." Lord Foeni defended.

Ravikanth refrain from giving out more information about Eu and didn't disclose the fact he originally met her as someone else. There is a reason why Eu is keeping this fact from everyone and might endanger her life.

Meanwhile, Noite remained silent and didn't say anything else. He is aware he has no right to criticized and question Eu's mysterious origins.

He has done terrible things and supported his brother's madness for years. He can't change these facts and can't throw accusations to Lord Foeni's allies— more notably, against Eu.

The carriage fell on an awkward silence as they continue their journey to Inner Courts.

"I'm sorry. I cross the line." Noite apologized.

He broke his silence as he apologizes. It wasn't his intention to cause a rift between them and just wanted to voice out his observations.

Also, he can feel Eu doesn't have any malice around her. There is no reason to suspects Eu as someone who has evil motives, but he can't help to be curious as well.

"Where exactly are we going?" Noite asked as he changes the subject.

"We decided to let you stay at the abandoned Oracle Village. Your men were escorted there beforehand. Don't worry. We are already close." Lord Foeni responded.

Hearing they will stay at the former Oracle Village, Noite assumes that Eu is also involved in their settlement arrangements.

Thinking about it, she is also the one monitoring around Mystic Spirit Bordertown.

He then suspects the monitoring spell is also her doing. She probably sent the Divine Lord to his aid and save him, as well.

Why is she doing all these things?

Noite looks at the sleeping girl and smiles. He must be overreacting, suspecting that she has evil intentions.

Then again, he is more suspicious by suddenly switching sides and coming to their aid. It is quite a blessing they trusted him despite these facts.

He knew that Eu is the reason they were giving him a chance to redeem himself. She is an Oracle after all and foresees his good intentions.

They remained silent during the rest of their journey. Eu used a spell to shorten the distance they have to travel back to the Inner Courts.

Not long, the self-driving carriage finally comes to a stop. They can only assume they finally arrived at their destination.

Lord Foeni, pats Eu and gently woke her up. He didn't want to disturb her, but he doesn't want to leave her either.

"Eu, we are here." Lord Foeni whispered.


Instead of waking up, Eu snuggles closer to Lord Foeni. He helplessly sighs, despite enjoying the intimacy.

"I can tell, she really adores you, Ravikanth. You must be really flattered, finding yourself such an adorable girl." Noite teases.

Lord Foeni ignored his teasing and gently stroke her hair. Even though he enjoys her snuggling closer to him, he still tried to wake her up again.

"Eu, please wake up. We are here..." he said as he lightly nudges her.


Not long, the doors open, and Di'Anon peaks at the door. He quickly saw Lord Foeni holding Eu and trying to wake her up.

"Divine Lord, may I?" Di'Anon offered.

Divine Lord Foeni sighs and accepted his offer. Despite the fact, he doesn't like him. He has to reconsider and ask for his help.

"Thank you. She seems very exhausted. We are about to go down, but she doesn't want to wake up..." Lord Foeni responded.

"Little Eu is only like this, around people she trusts. This only means she trust you the most, Divine Lord." Di'Anon candidly responded.

Noite came down as Di'Anon entered the carriage. He leans closer to Eu and whispered something inaudible to everyone else but her.

"Hmmm~ Brother Di...?" Eu murmurs.

Eu's eyes slowly opened and blinked a few times to adjust to her surroundings. She gently rubs her eyes as she slowly breaks from Lord Foeni's embrace.

Meanwhile, Lord Foeni reluctantly let go but continue to support her back. Eu's warmth continues to linger on his arms as he starts to regret and lets her go.

"How did you do that?" he asked.

Di'Anon flashes a gentle smile without giving him explanations. The handsome nine-tailed fox left him and Eu as he escorted Noite to his men.

He knits his brows and wonders, what is he even thinking? How did he wake Eu?

"I am sorry. I must have dozed off too long. Hope I didn't inconvenience you..." Eu mumbled.

"Don't think about it. On the contrary, I am glad..." he bashfully responded as he continues, "Let's go. Everyone is waiting."

Eu nodded her head and followed the Divine Lord Foeni with a small smile forming on her lips. Her face is slightly flushed as she can't contain her happiness bubbling on her chest.

Meanwhile, the others are waiting for them at the Oracle Village entrance while Noite's Shadows army has settled down. For some reason, they felt calm around this place and quickly felt at home.

"How is everyone?" Noite asked.

"They are inside." Di'Anon responded and explained, "As you are aware, this place restricts your powers. It is an Oracle formation. Your movements will also be limited..."

"You don't have to explain. I understand. It is normal to be cautious, and it is alright." Noite interrupted.

Noite looks around and smiles as he recalls his brother attempted to destroy this simple village and annihilate the Oracles. He is convinced they will pose a more significant threat than anyone if left underestimated.

He was never wrong. Eu is a powerful young Oracle who surpassed everyone before her.

Eu has done exemplar feats to oppose anyone. She defeated his brother, Meness, and even foreseen his movements. He never met anyone like her who can outmatch them.

She is indeed a miracle worker who guided everyone on this path. He can only assume to expect something extraordinary as days continue to pass by with them.

He understood Ravikanth's trust and admiration towards Eu. She truly has contributed so much to earn it.

Still, he can't forgo the fact this girl resembles Lady Emilia.

Who exactly is Eu?